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Opiate heads!!!! Stop dribbling whats the scariest (overdose) you have had with opiates I wanna taste your fear!

Let's see, there's just too many for me to choose from... 10 years ago harm reduction was the last thing on my mind and. I overdosed on everything from DXM to cocaine a minimum of 6 times that year... the scariest one was my last o.d. But that was from angel trumpet tea (shits fucking highly toxic btw prolly should've looked it up first) - 10 days in ICU and 3 of those in a coma finally gave me some perspective.

Strictly speaking opiates though... a few months before the angel trumpet I had quite the tolerance to my Roxies (roa- IV) and lived with my bf and his mother who also had scripts. So come script time, the bf and I would usually kick the night off with a 90-120 mg shot with more to follow later. On this particular day, mom's OC 80's were in and the bf decided he was gonna do 2 at once. I know that's a bit past our tolerance (practically double) so I try to talk him out of it- no luck. Finally, I tell him that if he's doing 2, I'm doing 2... he calls my bluff. Me being young and obviously dumb af say, fine- thinking/ hoping he'd back out before it actually came down to it- of course he didn't....

So i sit on the bed, take a deep breath and go for it.. I remember taking off the tourniquet and him asking how it was. I nodded and asked him to get me some water (not my typical response when all is well). He asked if I was ok. I nodded...

I was not ok, but I'd be damned if I admitted that after the bs debate/pissing match....
So he goes to get the water but left the door open. Me, not realizing he did that on purpose, got nervous that his mom is going to come by and see we were shooting up. So what do I do? I stand up, took two steps toward the door and LOCK it as my vision is going black....

The next thing I remember is my bf crying at me asking if I'm ok. I give him what had to be the shittiest look, and whith the nastiest attitude say, "yeah, are you o fucking k?" He looks at me and yells to his mom, nvm on the ambulance she's fine. Then tells me, " baby, you were just having a fucking seizure".... apparently when he came back to the room he found the door locked, I was unresponsive and all he could hear was the sound of my foot hitting the door...luckily I had passed out before closing it completely, but my body was blocking it from opening.

So that's my opiate o.d. there's more where that came from too but ain't nobody got time for all that. And I guess all's well that ends well- I'm still alive and kicking despite my very best efforts back in the day. but I guess that's what it took to straighten my ass out and hey, at least I got a bunch of fucked up stories I (barely) got to live to tell.
I think I may be overdosing. How do I know? I have narcan but in scared to use it
You know when all you can think is you feel numb and can barely breathe, narcan is a nasty beast tho that scares me aswell as the thought of instant 100% withdrawal eep
You know when all you can think is you feel numb and can barely breathe, narcan is a nasty beast tho that scares me aswell as the thought of instant 100% withdrawal eep
I'd be the same tbh plus if you don't overdose and have a really nice nod only to get interrupted by narcan would lose anyone off
Let's see, there's just too many for me to choose from... 10 years ago harm reduction was the last thing on my mind and. I overdosed on everything from DXM to cocaine a minimum of 6 times that year... the scariest one was my last o.d. But that was from angel trumpet tea (shits fucking highly toxic btw prolly should've looked it up first) - 10 days in ICU and 3 of those in a coma finally gave me some perspective.

Strictly speaking opiates though... a few months before the angel trumpet I had quite the tolerance to my Roxies (roa- IV) and lived with my bf and his mother who also had scripts. So come script time, the bf and I would usually kick the night off with a 90-120 mg shot with more to follow later. On this particular day, mom's OC 80's were in and the bf decided he was gonna do 2 at once. I know that's a bit past our tolerance (practically double) so I try to talk him out of it- no luck. Finally, I tell him that if he's doing 2, I'm doing 2... he calls my bluff. Me being young and obviously dumb af say, fine- thinking/ hoping he'd back out before it actually came down to it- of course he didn't....

So i sit on the bed, take a deep breath and go for it.. I remember taking off the tourniquet and him asking how it was. I nodded and asked him to get me some water (not my typical response when all is well). He asked if I was ok. I nodded...

I was not ok, but I'd be damned if I admitted that after the bs debate/pissing match....
So he goes to get the water but left the door open. Me, not realizing he did that on purpose, got nervous that his mom is going to come by and see we were shooting up. So what do I do? I stand up, took two steps toward the door and LOCK it as my vision is going black....

The next thing I remember is my bf crying at me asking if I'm ok. I give him what had to be the shittiest look, and whith the nastiest attitude say, "yeah, are you o fucking k?" He looks at me and yells to his mom, nvm on the ambulance she's fine. Then tells me, " baby, you were just having a fucking seizure".... apparently when he came back to the room he found the door locked, I was unresponsive and all he could hear was the sound of my foot hitting the door...luckily I had passed out before closing it completely, but my body was blocking it from opening.

So that's my opiate o.d. there's more where that came from too but ain't nobody got time for all that. And I guess all's well that ends well- I'm still alive and kicking despite my very best efforts back in the day. but I guess that's what it took to straighten my ass out and hey, at least I got a bunch of fucked up stories I (barely) got to live to tell.
Wow I'm glad your ok
overdosing feels good as fuck. not really scary.

its scary when a friend overdoses. I was giving my friend CPR while he was vomitting and pissing on me and his dog was attacking me and his girlfriend crying and screaming. Then the cops showed up at the door and i had to run away to hide the drugs. crazy day.
The first was definitely the scariest. I remember doing the shot and thinking "eehhhh", so I put the car in drive and started going my merry way home, when all of a sudden I'm coming out of this dark tunnel into the bright shining sun as shadow figures stood over me. "Sir, Sir what did you take? What did you take?".... "Oh shit, cops! Where am I? What happened?" I thought to myself..... "Oh yeah, I did dope. Oh my God! I was driving. I have crashed and killed somebody!" A sudden chill went up my spine. I am lying on the hot pavement and my shirt is torn open. "Why am I soaking wet? Where the fuck is my car?"

Turns out I started coasting through the parking lot I was in, when my friend said "hey you gotta turn." Apparently I was staring forward, Hands still on the wheel with my eyes wide open.... except I wasn't there... I was Vacant and barely breathing. My friend had jumped out of the passenger seat, run around opened the door to jerk me out as he jumped in the car to put it into park. Then he started pouring water all over me before a crowd arrived and the cops and paramedics were called. My shirt was torn as the paramedics were about to apply the paddles.

Creeps me out to think about it to this day.
overdosing feels good as fuck. not really scary.

its scary when a friend overdoses. I was giving my friend CPR while he was vomitting and pissing on me and his dog was attacking me and his girlfriend crying and screaming. Then the cops showed up at the door and i had to run away to hide the drugs. crazy day.
sounds like somethind youd see on a comedy lol the dog must have thought you wasnt helping
About 10 years ago I had a stroke from takings 80's bars, and somas. Had to do physical therapy, and speech therapy afterwards that sucked. Had to be brought back to life couple times with the defib and narcan. Another time they induced me into a coma that lasted 7 days. Ya know looking back all of that was fucking stupid, and Im lucky and grateful to be alive. No one should glorify their OD. Its dumb and lame. Seriously people quit shooting dope.
About 10 years ago I had a stroke from takings 80's bars, and somas. Had to do physical therapy, and speech therapy afterwards that sucked. Had to be brought back to life couple times with the defib and narcan. Another time they induced me into a coma that lasted 7 days. Ya know looking back all of that was fucking stupid, and Im lucky and grateful to be alive. No one should glorify their OD. Its dumb and lame. Seriously people quit shooting dope.
Im just off almost 10 years of methadone cold turkey. All things are possible with God and Jesus. There is a way out. I never imagined it.
Almost OD'd off oxy and benzos before, could see my face as white as a fucking ghost. Was using Toroxycon "40mg" instead of the Longtec 80mg's I was used to but the Toroxycon batches that get diverted are ones that failed QC so the dose varies between pills. So this genius over here was taking what was essentially unknown doses of oxycodone. With benzos on top.

I had been doing MDMA and 4-MMC over the weekend so was just seshing on downers for the comedown, didn't expect it to come to this. I only found out later the pills I had were not correctly dosed. I had them tested at WEDINOS and they came back as oxycodone but they don't test dosage. I just figured since they were oxy they must be legit, didn't think to question the dose.

I could literally feel myself stop breathing, like I had to make a conscious effort to breathe or it just wouldn't happen, and I had to fight the urge to nod out because I knew if I did I'd just die.

Didn't have any naloxone and was alone, no one I know locally had naloxone either, couldn't call an ambulance because I couldn't have that on my medical record, so I just took a load of speed to wake me back up again until the oxy started to wear off. Which thankfully worked. Bless the speed.

After that I quit oxy for good and haven't done it since. So probably a good thing in the long-run. I still use weaker opiates but I no longer fuck with oxy.

If I ever decide to fuck with it again I definitely am making sure someone is with me and there's naloxone about.
About 10 years ago I had a stroke from takings 80's bars, and somas. Had to do physical therapy, and speech therapy afterwards that sucked. Had to be brought back to life couple times with the defib and narcan. Another time they induced me into a coma that lasted 7 days. Ya know looking back all of that was fucking stupid, and Im lucky and grateful to be alive. No one should glorify their OD. Its dumb and lame. Seriously people quit shooting dope.

This!! If you want a gruesome overdose story Pete than I got a real gem for ya......
This was 2005 and I was at the methadone clinic and dating this Mexican girl, with an amazing soul, who was also an addict. She was in active addiction but had a relatively small habit. I was purchasing extra methadone bottles on the side to double dose sometimes and she wanted to start detoxing, maintaining with the methadone. I told her I would purchase the methadone for her and help her dose, as the bottles I was purchasing were 200mgs and way to much for a small habit. Also anybody, who has been on methadone knows that 200mgs in liquid form is an extremely small volume of fluid that would be very easy to overdose on if one weren't to measure it out precisely. As fate would have it she met the girl I purchased the bottles from and got her number the day before I was to purchase the methadone.

So I'm at work when I get a call saying she had the bottle. I begged her to wait for me to get home, as she didn't know what she was doing. Sure enough I get home and she opens the door, droopy eyed, slurring speech and stumbling around.

"Fuck Flores" "I told you to wait."
"I just took an incy wincy tiny sip."
"A sip could be 50mgs or more."
"Well you can see I'm fine."

She was obviously not fine. She was stumbling around everywhere and falling asleep in the closet standing up. I babysat her for hours as the methadone just kept getting progressively stronger and she started to fall over. I kept walking her around and getting her to talk but it was getting increasingly more difficult. Then sometime around bedtime she came out of it and started conversing and maintaining lucidity without me having to force it upon her. Reluctantly I decided I needed to go to sleep and Implored her not to take her nightly dose of klonopin.

I awoke in the still of the 3am dark to a gurgling sound coming from next to me. I jumped up in a panic and realized that she was cold to the touch. I grabbed the phone without even turning on the lights to call 911. The operator came on the phone and started telling me to scoop the fluid that was obstructing her airway out of her throat, while I waited for the paramedics. In a desperate panic I shoved my hand down her throat pulling out the throw up that was slowly choking the life out of my girlfriend. The smell was absolutely horrendous, the rising mix of aromatic vomit and shit, as she had crapped herself, rose up to sting my nose as tears flowed from my eyes. Soon I saw the strobing red lights illuminating the dark walls of the house. I raced to the door, letting the paramedics in, as her sister came out of her room, wide eyed, and yelling. She ran in the bedroom and let out a piercing scream that still rattles about in my head, haunting me to this very day. The paramedics started the narcan..... nothing. They lift her up and put her on the stretcher to wheel her out into the cold night.... More narcan.... nothing...... cpr to no avail....... out come the paddles, as her sister climbs in the the ambulance screaming obscenities at me and telling me that she never wanted to see me again..... "Get the fuck out of here now!!" The ambulance pulls off and I'm left in the silent, dark, lonely, predawn, drizzle, with tear stained cheeks. It wasn't long before I found out she had died at the hospital.

I couldn't even go to her funeral because her family hated me and the police were investigating me for her death. I was eventually absolved of the crime but it was years later before I absolved myself and the reverberations from that night still affect my life today because a deep seeded fear of intimacy took over my life and that coupled with a lack of sex drive led to me not having a real relationship or having sex for the next 14yrs..... and I must say I am a very good looking guy that gets interest from girls but I am kinda fucked to the core.

There..... Was that gruesome enough for you. I hope it helps but I doubt it will.

I leave you with this song about a heroin overdose, that was was one of my favorite songs circa 1997. I was at the concert, moshing with excitement as they came out and played this song as an encore.... little did I know I would be living out this living horror years later..... It just so happened she had two pierced nipples and a black tattoo.

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Correction.... It was actually seven years. I was being a bit dramatic... All though the several times with my hot best friend, one of which she passed out in the middle because she was so drunk and high on heroin, Xanax. Another being a girl, who picked me up at a bar and then threw up on my chest during sex.... So yeah not exactly positive reinforcement for someone with my problem. Simply sparked another many years. Admittedly I was afraid of getting close to and hurting someone else.
Damn, some of these stories are downright horrendous and scary as shit! Being a many decades long pain patient, I have a pretty high tolerance and so far, have never OD'ed. I have definitely nodded on occasion but since my doses are regular and consistent it would be pretty hard for me to OD. However, after reading this stuff it makes me want to be extra careful nonetheless.

Thanks for the food for thought and as they used to say on a police show many years ago, "Let's be safe out there everyone"!
Damn, some of these stories are downright horrendous and scary as shit! Being a many decades long pain patient, I have a pretty high tolerance and so far, have never OD'ed. I have definitely nodded on occasion but since my doses are regular and consistent it would be pretty hard for me to OD. However, after reading this stuff it makes me want to be extra careful nonetheless.

Thanks for the food for thought and as they used to say on a police show many years ago, "Let's be safe out there everyone"!

There is a very big difference between therapeutic use and recreational abuse. Assuming your doctor is sensible with your prescriptions, there's no reason using your pain meds as directed would cause an overdose. The risk of dependence is certainly still there, in fact with daily use yes of course you will be dependent, but if you stick to using it as prescribed you ain't gonna OD especially with a tolerance. Dependence is also a different thing from addiction.

Keep in mind with oxy for example the biggest dose pill they make is 80mg time released. Addicts will use hundreds of milligrams a day instant released. Clearly the difference in risk between medical use and recreational use is huge.

But yes it is always good to remember that opiates are to be respected.
OD’s are usually scarier for the person witnessing the OD-
And I think that’s what a lot of people don’t understand when they hear someone almost had a fatal OD and then used directly afterwards.... because the person OD’ing comes to and is like, wtf just happened... ? Because to them it just feels like they took a nap and just woke up.
They were barely living through the “holy fuck this dude is blue as the sky and he’s not breathing and what the fuck is coming out of his nose and mouth and holy fuck someone needs to do something now, ::hey what was the name of that stamp ?:: “
...if that makes any sense.
OD’s are usually scarier for the person witnessing the OD-
And I think that’s what a lot of people don’t understand when they hear someone almost had a fatal OD and then used directly afterwards.... because the person OD’ing comes to and is like, wtf just happened... ? Because to them it just feels like they took a nap and just woke up.
They were barely living through the “holy fuck this dude is blue as the sky and he’s not breathing and what the fuck is coming out of his nose and mouth and holy fuck someone needs to do something now, ::hey what was the name of that stamp ?:: “
...if that makes any sense.

Not only that but if you are given naloxone you go straight into full on withdrawals when you wake up.
OD-ing never felt "scary" to me; but I was a kid then, so....
Always felt pretty relaxed and cool with everything. 8)
Not promoting just my experience.
Not recommended.
I went on the nod and then further when I was getting a monthly massage for my back &c -- they were ready to throw water on me as I just kept laying for a half-hour after she was done and there with cold skin and Cheyne-Stokes Respiration and other such things. What had happened is that I mixed too much hyoscine/scopolamine into my shot of morphine, and the amnestic effects of hyoscine contributed to what I have heard being called Depressant Drug Automatonism -- the same thing Marilyn Monroe had on her last night on earth. I go get my 35 day pill organiser and see that I had gobbled a considerable amount of MST Continus and fumbled with my Scophedal phial trying to draw up some, but since Scophedal already has hyoscine in it, it would have made this somewhat worse.