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Opiate and opioid withdrawal: Coping strategies and medication

Codeine linctus is getting more tricky to get - It's on the shelf & they make SUCH a fuss.

I can offer only 1 bit of advice. Ibuprofen is 100% insoluble in water. If you throw a bunch of Vicoprofen or codeine+ibuprofen into a pint mug & then pour, say, 250ml of boiling water (so that all pills dissolve fast) then after evertything has dissolved, top up with could water - the bottom 1/4 if the pint glass is filled with titanium white ibuprofen with a slightly foggy (binders, nothing nasty) large top layer. Decant and drink. You don't believe all the ibuprofen has gone? Wash it around your mouth for a few minutes (Ibuprofen would make gums and tongue numb).

A nurse friend was doing 56 a day (!!!) of N+ and the drug-help place told her to reduce 1 per week (so just a 12 month detox!). 1 Per day is good because you DO wake in withdrawal so those smaller & smaller doses produce a bigger margin between sick & well... so the relief it a high (with 99% of opioid addiction, the high IS the relief).

Just my 2$
I conquered a 12 year methadone script on PV for a while then bare knuckled it
Nuff luv n inspiration were given n I have a .5/8 of gear a day habit ATM but I will knock dat piss easy .

I am so tolerant to PV that I can do 150 mg hits n not sweat or get para ?!

I used it for about 3 weeks the hard bit whilst I came down from 50ml to nothing.

Then I had another 2 weeks on it but less n wiv gear .

Flushed 2 gs at end . I bought 10 grams in all did 8 . No psychosis I was mad as Fuk from clucking so same ting init ?

I. Am know appx 44 days meth free .

I will never get another script I am well chuffed .

Couldn't have done it with this place :)

Bl kept me in my addiction n stifled my social life to an extent that I feel Fukin Brand New

Back on the Party line Holcombe quarry 2000 on sat night Dj vandal

France for Frenchtek wit another Dunk n a Poppy n a Tt n a dog in 10 days no script to worry bout well vallies n oxy but dat cool .

Yeah I was inspired by someone as we'll that helped see last post in this thread.<3
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How's everyone getting on? :)

After close to 8 months of tapering and constant WD, I am close to opiate free.
Not reached the final hurdle yet, but I can now get by on just 12-24mg of Loperamide every 36 hours, cut the benzos out 10 days ago. I haven't had a 'solid' dose, as in above comfort dose levels, of PT in 25 days! :D
I've always done a short-term Bupe taper when I had high tolerance and withdrawal issues, you'd be surprised how much you can lower your tolerance with Bupe *if* you don't dose too high or too often and continually lower your dosage on a very fast schedule.

For example I got my tolerance to the point that I was smoking 20-25mg Butyr-Fentanyl at a time to get high (0.5mg is a strong dose with no tolerance for example) and I jumped straight onto 2mg Bupe, then down to 1.5mg 1-2 days later, then 1mg, then 0.5mg, then 0. Then clean with no withdrawals.

A lot of people don't believe me when I talk about such experiences but I've done it multiple times now, I think people just expect it won't work because they're used to hearing about *long term* Bupe use i.e. months of maintenance, not a 5-10 day taper schedule.

As for dealing with withdrawals temporarily and lessening the symptoms, I found Diclazepam was really good - and legal in most/all places :D - it's not the *best* benzo in the world but I found it was one of the better ones for withdrawal symptoms, really helped with those aches and pains and made sleep a lot easier, provided I dosed enough.

GBL/GHB/BDO or any such analogues are wonderful for withdrawals if you can get your hands on them, in even some of the worst withdrawals I've experienced, a full dose of GBL eliminated 80% of the symptoms and made me feel pretty damn good :)

Simple home remedies:
- DXM, Codeine and Loperamide (Imodium) can all be bought OTC in most places and can really help with withdrawals, the latter two however are opiates/opioids in themselves and will lessen the reduction in tolerance you normally experience during time off, so for some people might best be avoided or kept to the bare minimum dosages. DXM on the other hand will actually lower tolerance, but bear in mind it has its own side-effects if used too often.
- Ibuprofen is better than Aspirin or Paracetamol for the pain.
- Green tea is better than Coffee for the malaise. (Coffee helps initially but the side effects that you might not normally notice Coffee having are very noticeable during withdrawals and can make things feel much worse)
- Smoothies, yoghurt, protein shakes, and plain bread and butter are a good way to get some calories in you when you have no appetite.
- If there's anything you find can get you to sleep during withdrawals it might be a good idea, sleep is essentially a nice fast forward button you have handy to help you get closer to either your withdrawals ceasing or if you're choosing to continue using - your next dose. It won't always be easy/possible to sleep so you might want to try medication like Z-drugs/Benzos, but be careful as they're also addictive.
- Wear warm clothing, although you'll go from hot to cold and vice versa constantly, in my experience the "too hot" feelings aren't as bad as the "too cold" ones.
- Have a hot shower or bath, seriously, they're AMAZING at helping withdrawals, while you're in the shower you might almost feel withdrawal free for a short time, I've actually managed to get myself a good half hour free of any symptoms before during some of my worst bouts of withdrawals. You'll feel better than before your shower once you get out and wrap up warm too :)
- Sit your ass down in front of the TV, laying in bed just thinking will drive you nuts, it's better to have something to focus your attention on, and something that requires low/no action on your part like TV/movies work even better.

Hope this helps <3
I am on day 16 clean. But I'm still having major anxiety in my head. How long does that last?
I have a question. Last night was the first time I have used gabapentin in waiting to take sub after heroin. It's been 20 hours since my last small dose of heroin. Usually after 12 hours I can't sleep but amazingly the gabapentin helped so much. I generally wait 16 hours or so to start the sub, but last time didn't feel right for a whole day. Will the gabapentin affect the sub at all? I know its not an opiate but still afraid of precipitated wd
Been using kratom daily for about 4 or 5 weeks was going to stop this week but read about withdrawals in a few comments above and id rather not feel like shite over xmas. Iv previously went 2 or 3 weeks on it with very little negative after effects but maybe thats because I'v never abused any other form of opiate before. I understand everyone is different but what should I expect if I used for another couple of weeks reducing like 0.3g a day?
I think you will be alright headfuck just stop taking for a few days and see what happens, i could cold turkey codeine and i the physical wd's wouldn't be that bad but the mental side to it is what would make me fk up. People always think about the Physical wd's and forget its your mind where 90 percent of an addiction lies and just as much as with opiates. So dont expect to use them like a russian roulette where one day you might end up sick. reality is your an addict way before that point.
I have a question. Last night was the first time I have used gabapentin in waiting to take sub after heroin. It's been 20 hours since my last small dose of heroin. Usually after 12 hours I can't sleep but amazingly the gabapentin helped so much. I generally wait 16 hours or so to start the sub, but last time didn't feel right for a whole day. Will the gabapentin affect the sub at all? I know its not an opiate but still afraid of precipitated wd

Gabapentin (or pregabalin) won't lead to precipitated withdrawl . They are completely different drugs to opiates and work on different receptors (mainly - if you exclude NMDA agonism of drugs like methadone).

The (main) reason they help in WDs is their ability to block certain neurotransmitters (glutamate, substance-P and most importantly noradrenaline)

When using opiates noradrenaline is blocked to some degree and when you stop it rushes into the brain in waves creating that horrible anxious, can't sit still, hot flush feeling that is all too common). Drigs like gabapentin and pregabalin help control those noradrenalin surges that are now free to saturate the brains receptors and cause those unpleasant feelings.

That's the general consensus of how they work anyway (from my own readings and experience - YMMV)
Thanks for your reply. I knew they weren't an opiate and have taken them several times before as "johnny's" with no noticeable result. I guess I was mostly thinking affecting my induction in terms of not accurately scoring myself on the cows scale. I am literally amazed at the results I got from them though. I have never been able to sleep after 12 hours or so from using, not even on high doses of benzos. I don't imagine it would work the same way farther into withdrawal. I don't know what was different this time taking them compared to other times but the effect was very helpful. I had also mixed them with 20 mg's of baclofen which definitely helped as well. I have heard your tolerance to gabapentin can grow quickly, much in the same way tramadol tolerance happens (for me anyways) and so I plan on staggering my use of these but wanting to use them more often in terms of pain relief while on suboxone.
Sooo here it goes....this is my first post and it seems as though this thread is an appropriate thread to begin. My gf and i have been using opiates for about 4 years. Started just playing around with perks, vic, ect. Gradually we got in to more of a schedule of taking pks. While i saw many friends have theirs lives ripped from them. Some now clean some now dead. We maintained a tight mental and physical clarity. We both worked and were honors students in college. All was fairly well. I did t even think of us as addicted because we only dosed on 25-30 mg oxy maybe 2 a week and that was a party week! But then i got introducded to methadone. My gf does have terrible neck problems and at her young age no MD would write here anything for pain. Maybe once she got 20 perc or so....anyway she began get dons from this person for her own pain mgmt. This indivdual has similar if not worse issues and also much experince with pks and he was the one that recommended it to her. Ive heard bad things about dons but man i loved it! Gave me that awesome stoned all day feeling i used to achieve years ago. The rush is subtle. Nothing like oxys or heroin but i enjoyed it. We played with the don occasionally for about 5 months. Never exceding 30mg. I noticed my oxy tolerance was through roof after dons even after waiting up to 2 weeks! Well one day i began feeling terrible. Hot/cold,sweating,sickly,sleepless. I didntwanna to believe i had finally succumb to a withdrawal. I honestly never had one before which leads me to believe that dons caused the whole thing. My gf told me they were bad news and insist we stop. So we did. We both went through a pretty tough week. Both in advanced college courses and work 30+hours a week. I literally started my WD the first day of my senior semester in college. Talk abouy hellish. Whats crazy is to think we really didnt do all that much don...the guy shes gets them is on like 200mg!!! Wtf! Anyway we used thomas recipe. B6 , l tyrosine, mulitvitamin, l dopa. These supplements really did seem to have a positive effect on mood and energy. Ofcourse for me the insomia was the fucking worst! Rls and the whole gamit. Lucky my gf is prescribed somas and gabapentin. This combo is a fucking miracle for wd. Helps with sleep,anxiety,rls and mood. But tolerance builds at an exponetial rate. I was up to 2400mg of gab and 4-5 350mg somas! Anyway we got throughthe week. The residual mental affects linger and suck. Anxiety and depression. We still use oxys from time to time but swore of the don! Good luck to all!
Yeah no kidding! From what i've read. Its probably the strongest synthetic opiate out there due to its wicked bond on your receptors.
^ yeh, piece of piss mate.. :)

Edit: I've pretty much given up the fight against the don.. I just can't hack it anymore and would be quite happy to be on it for the rest of my life.,
Don't say that mate...your stronger than that...I believe in you :) <3
So I ran out of gear 2 days ago, naughty Mist.. addicts can't be trusted with stashs... luckily I'm home tomorrow, had me a swig of meth for all the good it's done me - just doesn't agree with me - and a 2mg Xanax, just about to finish me a bottle of wine. Hopefully I won't throw up all over the place and I'll just pass out...

Just the 7-8 hour travel home now 8)
Yeah no kidding! From what i've read. Its probably the strongest synthetic opiate out there due to its wicked bond on your receptors.

I'd equate vaped Fent with 'Done, IME.
It's the eternity of M'Done detox that makes it infamous, whereas Fent is brutal and condensed.