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Only fans site?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Anyone gonna own upto paying for this service? I don't care what stuff you watch as I know it goes from women wearing a fancy bra to people eating poop but what's new huh? Humanity is really fucked up in the head imho. I'm quite sure @mal3volent is into some weird stuff I learned of yesterday for the gays called "Piggie" which was an eye opening watch on the telly even for me.

Anyway my 2nd point, I wanted to see first off if anyone hands over cash for the stuff on this site?
I really don't care what porn it is, I'm wondering if it's legit people pay.


It came to my attention via a TV show this woman is earning £10,000 per MONTH for Puppy Play stuff, she wears a dog collar & barks, takes a piss on the floor, sometimes eats dog treats, makes custom videos for her fans etc, the one that made me spit my coffee out was when she said she got paid over £200 to make a video where she "barked" a fans name & message, imagine just saying some dumb shit in a weird dog voice, I'd eat dog food for less than that.
I know in the gay community this Puppy stuff is huge, I've seen a "special members club" in the city in the gay area by the Chinese section they have a special building for this stuff, a whole fucking building!!!!

Personally I have no issue is getting my dick out for anyone, I've done it many times when drunk, done "porn" on webcam several times with my ex as my moral level is way down low & personally I see nothing embarrasing about getting your dick out & I really don't care if some gay bloke or weirdo couple would pay me loads of cash to bark as a dog shaking my cock around, you pay me good cash & damn I will consider nearly anything.

Would anyone pay me to be naked & bark for them? I'm NOT joking here btw I am VERY legit in this post.
Making fetish porn or even "real" porn, being naked, fucking on webcam etc is nothing to me, I personally find working in a call centre or shop way more foul than making some weird couple/pervert/gay porn for them to get their kicks off.
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My logic is on more than one occasion I've come round on the floor, covered in own filth (piss btw folks NOT shit) literally soaked into my jeans with my head in the dogs bed, I've eaten dog choclate & dog snacks before, they ain't the best taste but what you expect huh? It's for bloody dogs. I found that way more shameful than making out I'm a dog for some weird kinky idiot & "bark" some dumb shit message for them while they jack off & they are gonna pay me loads of cash for it!!!!! <3

Sure beats working on a till in a fucking supermarket dealing with idiots all day imho.

HONESTLY here @mal3volent is this stuff so big in the gay community?
The city by me has a whole building for this stuff, how much of the building is used I don't know as I've not gone in but it must be a big thing. I'm NOT saying you get off on it but you must know stuff about this subject I don't know about.
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I don't understand this shit at all tbh. I was reading about some bird that earns 34k a month from displaying her bits on Only Fans. But what sad fuck actually pays for this when you can get extreme porn for free? (To be fair, she was fit as fuck, but so are many porn stars).

Some people have just got more money than sense and if I wasn't such an ugly fuck, I'd seriously consider shitting in my underpants online to give sad wankers an expensive thrill..
I don't understand this shit at all tbh. I was reading about some bird that earns 34k a month from displaying her bits on Only Fans. But what sad fuck actually pays for this when you can get extreme porn for free?
Amen Brother

if I wasn't such an ugly fuck, I'd seriously consider shitting in my underpants online to give sad wankers an expensive thrill..
TBH from what I know of weird freaks online the more ugly you are it's more of a "niche" & you will for some reason draw in more weird folks who can't get their kink filled any other way. I know several females who sell their FILTHY underwear, the one woman has a Japanese customer who wanted her to wear them NONE STOP for a week, wank into them & even piss in them then send them to him which she did, she paid her rent from doing that 3 times.

A few cans of Karpackie the night before my arse barks in my experience, it's a win all round the way I see it.
You keep to shitting your pants for freaks & I will keep to pissing on the floor & barking, we can take over the Internet in a few months then move far away to our own private island just off Thailand or some other nice place where the weed is cheap & the sun mercury never drops below 15*C.

Hell we could even market each others filth to our own clients for each other.
I wanna see what you look like naked before I consider paying for anything.
Should have known you are from Wales, you prefer me as a gimp / latex Mari Lwyd?
I'll even come to your door, knock then piss all over the floor for you while barking.

Honestly if I felt you were legit you would damn well see it, make no mistake on it.
I've whipped my dick out & put it between two pieces of bread then taken photos & sent them to people before when drunk.
My logic is on more than one occasion I've come round on the floor, covered in own filth (piss btw folks NOT shit) literally soaked into my jeans with my head in the dogs bed, I've eaten dog choclate & dog snacks before, they ain't the best taste but what you expect huh? It's for bloody dogs. I found that way more shameful than making out I'm a dog for some weird kinky idiot & "bark" some dumb shit message for them while they jack off & they are gonna pay me loads of cash for it!!!!! <3

Sure beats working on a till in a fucking supermarket dealing with idiots all day imho.

HONESTLY here @mal3volent is this stuff so big in the gay community?
The city by me has a whole building for this stuff, how much of the building is used I don't know as I've not gone in but it must be a big thing. I'm NOT saying you get off on it but you must know stuff about this subject I don't know about.

Yeah there are definitely some fucked up gay guys out there. I honestly don't watch much porn anymore and one of the reasons why is because theres so much shit out there that turns my stomach. It's really not worth it. I don't want to see people taking a dump in someones mouth, or fisting someone until they bleed, or crawling around in leather acting like a dog. That shit is fucking gross and honestly...well I'd better not say.

As for OF...I remember reading that they don't allow depraved shit like I mentioned above. The people who want that go other places. I don't understand it personally. Consenting adults and all that I suppose. As long as they aren't hurting anyone besides themselves.
or crawling around in leather acting like a dog.
How about naked apart from this on their face?

What's wrong with just settling on a nice cup of tea and biscuits between friends? None of this getting naked nonsense, there's enough horror in the world as it is.
I came to Crypto way too late to ride the upward wave, the way cash is going in 3 years I honestly think as it's Fiat & has nothing backing it actual UK Sterling & "The Green Back" will be equal to what Germany saw after the World War, gotta make cash somehow while it's still worth spending & not using as wallpaper.

I'm legit too here, I'm NOT joking.
I'm NOT looking for people to pay me from here I'm doing "Market Research" & it's legit the woman made £10,000 each month, I would do it for a year maybe 18 months & quit then go do something nice with the cash.
The issue is when I went to do porn & saw what the "model" looked like I was truly horrified, I'm NO Gucci model myself but this woman had really bad tattoo work, her fake blonde hair was in real bad need of a top-up, she had what I call "Sausage roll" arms where the fat hangs under her armpits & where the bra strap is cuts into the flesh so it looks like the slits on a sausage roll which is something I've always found vomit endusing, it wasn't possible to do.
Sorry I'd prefer to be stone ass broke or "out on road" as we say over here in England (4 white & 2 b.........) & deal with all the B.S. that comes with it, so I can't do "normal" porn & I simply would refuse to fuck something like that, add on top my VERY REAL dislike for most of humanity it won't work for me. I'm quite happy to do "special taste" clips though, that's no issue for me.
I was actually thinking of paying im 51 hours in a wd on pregabalin but then you said get your dick out just have to settle for bubble butt mom on xhamster probably 3 tugs and im done
Seriously i was feeling so horny the heroin is leaving my body you start feeling horny again wife gone out to get me some packets of lope she piossed of any way and all would have made you do is some pussy play and show some tit then i saw the dick part not for me i dont judge we each have our thing good luck to you . If i could just get my dick out have a wank i would but who wants to see a 45-year-olds uncircumcised dick born in UK so not cut.Also had a wank now feel worse for but it lessened the pressure. Wife back with only 6 lope fucking Poundland they restricting it to one pack of six per person
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Seriously i was feeling so horny the heroin is leaving my body you start feeling horny again wife gone out to get me some packets of lope she piossed of any way and all would have made you do is some pussy play and show some tit then i saw the dick part not for me i dont judge we each have our thing good luck to you . If i could just get my dick out have a wank i would but who wants to see a 45-year-olds uncircumcised dick born in UK so not cut.Also had a wank now feel worse for but it lessened the pressure. Wife back with only 6 lope fucking Poundland they restricting it to one pack of six per person
I know the feeling, I've been using heroin for 20 years.
I know the feeling, I've been using heroin for 20 years.
You know what i know every step 15 years now the sneezing started 54 hours in I will go through all this i get through it. But the paws will get me back on it at first ill try to control it but be back on hate the slavery to the drug hate normal life . I