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Harm Reduction OD Social v11 ~ Pour your 40 on the ground for the homies that aint around

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it is *gigglz*

ergic said:
^ It's so lame that Kratom is illegal in Australia... yeah, the plain leaf's quite weak to a seasoned opiate user, but it's a great adjunct that has very little non-opioid side effects relative to taking mega doses of tramadol/codeine to relieve w/d

What's up OD?

Congrats to tentram...

i'm a decent metaboliser of codeine so i can escape reasonably well with it as i'm withdrawing from morphine anyway. the tram is just to ease some symptoms and a bit of a mood lift. but, yeah, it does suck. anything with a hint of recreational use behind it (apart from mulungu) and it's bound to be restricted by the TGA someway or another.

loperamide actually costs a pretty little penny OTC as well which sucks. all i really keep in my arsenal atm is codeine/tramadol, promethazine and especially need my beta blocker (hypertension overload) and usually a bit of weed.

congrats to me? it's been a good while since i moderated here, you must mean shredded.
Nah just getting my mind off my cheating girlfriend.

I guess I should call up my friend down the street. Too bad I don't have any beer.

Tricomb do you have some beer left over?
OMG... You can get an extraction just from the shots they give you, they can put a topical so you don't feel the needle stick, the shot is a local anesthetics which numbs that general area. Unless of course you have serious anxiety to needles in your mouth and the pressure you will feel. No dentist will immediately give Nitrous unless you have extreme issues I stated, and at that point they will RX you a xanax. I have anxiety and had my wisdom teeth pulled out wide awake only by the shots they give. If you tell the dentist you have extreme anxiety he will rx you 1 tab to take when you get there...

DO NOT take meds that the Dentist does not know about, you can seriously f yourself up and what he injects with the other meds like benzo's could really be detrimental and may not mix appropriately. Talk to your dentist not random people on here...

Also if you are feeling the extraction other than pressure tell him, he will numb you up until you can't feel it! Don't be shy tell him!
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evening feinds

im ganna shoot some dope 10 min before my shift starts. Enough to get "fucked up" but not nodding at all. I work a factory job and im on my feet for 8 hours a day so nodding really isnt an option . My friend at work will have some meth and hell smoke some with me on our 1st break ( 2 hours after I did the dope ). I tryed meth for the first time monday. I took to TINY hits. All it did was make me very calm and made the 8 1/2 hour shift litterly feel like a 2 hour shift. No problem eating or falling asleep or anything. my stim tolerance is non existent btw.

now my question is would it be possible to achieve those same effects while on dope ? And would the meth take away from the dope euphoria ? Would I have to do more because im on dope ?

Im not looking to speedball or tweak at all. I HATE tweaking with a passion.

ROA will be vapeing off foil btw.
Dudes...a little help if you will....I have completely quit all opiates but I still have pretty severe chronic pain, so I have turned to MJ to help. I have never ever been a regular user of weed. It fucking knocks me out...at night it is awesome, it has removed my insomnia issues, but if I have to do it during the day, instant sleepy time. It has been over a month...do you build up a tolerance, or do some people just react this way? It has REALLY helped with my nausea, like unbelievably. Thanks friends.
Dudes...a little help if you will....I have completely quit all opiates but I still have pretty severe chronic pain, so I have turned to MJ to help. I have never ever been a regular user of weed. It fucking knocks me out...at night it is awesome, it has removed my insomnia issues, but if I have to do it during the day, instant sleepy time. It has been over a month...do you build up a tolerance, or do some people just react this way? It has REALLY helped with my nausea, like unbelievably. Thanks friends.

Everyone is unique, but yes, most people develop a cannabinoid tolerance so that they don't get tired every time they blaze.

evening feinds

im ganna shoot some dope 10 min before my shift starts. Enough to get "fucked up" but not nodding at all. I work a factory job and im on my feet for 8 hours a day so nodding really isnt an option . My friend at work will have some meth and hell smoke some with me on our 1st break ( 2 hours after I did the dope ). I tryed meth for the first time monday. I took to TINY hits. All it did was make me very calm and made the 8 1/2 hour shift litterly feel like a 2 hour shift. No problem eating or falling asleep or anything. my stim tolerance is non existent btw.

now my question is would it be possible to achieve those same effects while on dope ? And would the meth take away from the dope euphoria ? Would I have to do more because im on dope ?

Im not looking to speedball or tweak at all. I HATE tweaking with a passion.

ROA will be vapeing off foil btw.

It varies among users, there's no way to predict your natural reaction.

Just a protip: Don't smoke methamphetamine. If you're going to smoke methamphetamine, don't share a pipe. If you have to share a pipe, get a mouth piece (the needle exchange I go to hands out two different sizes, so that people who share a crack/meth pipe will have their own rubber mouth piece). Why? You can contract hep C from sharing a pipe.
Thanks, captain, I guess I'll keep on going, then. Need to get a vape ASAP.
sorry to burst in here, but could someone experienced in opiates and benzos PM me? i've got a question.
Oh great, haven't even read page 29 yet but shit, page 30 was gay as fuck.

The Dope Man, heroin addict --> meth addict? really?

why the fuck is EVERYONE trying meth this time of year?
Meth.. it's just the gift that keeps on giving.. :\

I am noticing a serious upward trend in meth use right now on BL. Crazy meth induced posting, lots of how to questions, etc. Not a promising change...


Santa here, boys and girls!
This year I've decided to give ALL the children who've been good, a brand new Justin Beiber CD!
Now Don't stop listening yet!



All you naughty kids out there know who I'm talking about. Yes, you, the one who gets coal every year. Instead of a dirty black piece of carbon, you'll be getting CRYSTAL METH.

Hohoho! Merry Christmas

-Satan Claws
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