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Harm Reduction OD SOCIAL THREAD----Info. Support. Good times.

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What's up OD? Don't eat anything off of fucking taco trucks. Food poisoning is no fun.
Lol i giggled when you said you got food poisoning from a taco truck...

A taco truck...

What did you expect?

What's up everybody? Does anyone remember me? I was VERY active in OD during 2007 and 2008. I remember captain.heroin and his signiture blue/green large font. anyone here remember me? is jasoncrest still alive?
What's up everybody? Does anyone remember me? I was VERY active in OD during 2007 and 2008. I remember captain.heroin and his signiture blue/green large font. anyone here remember me? is jasoncrest still alive?

I remember you

@CH exactly is wax and how is it produced? Is it just vaporized/dried hash water/oil?
I have no clue how they make hash or oil or edibles.
O2 - that's pretty much like when I was eating street tacos in colombia and drinking tap water and was surprised I got deathly ill. Go figure.

I think most hash is now made with butane or iso alcohol. I greatly prefer bubble hash or moraccan style hash which is just pressed trichomes pretty much.
@CH exactly is wax and how is it produced? Is it just vaporized/dried hash water/oil?
I have no clue how they make hash or oil or edibles.

Making edibles is relatively easy.

Wax is whipped butane hash oil. BHO is made by extracting cannabinoids out of really good weed using butane.

BHO is extremely sticky, and wax is just a play-doh type quality of BHO. Wax is the best. %)
I'm jealous.. i wanna go to cali and get a card for legal MJ because the only way you can get it here is if you have cancer pain or AIDS from what i've read.
So im stuck with legal alternatives.. Blue lotus, Wild Dagga, and of course those legal "buds" like Krypto and Fake Dro shit.. You do get a little buz from them but it only lasts like 15-20min and it's only a relaxed feeling not a "high" but all i want weed for is to relax me anyways i don't want it too trippy so maybe i should stick with alternatives.

EDIT: sorry to jump in like that, i've been lurking lol. CH thanks for sticking up for me when that person called me lesser of a person for being banned a couple times. I appreciate it.
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been clean 2.5 years... feels good. weaning off suboxone now... gonna be 100% clean soon.

Way to go, man! :D I remember reading a bunch of posts from your older threads, that's no small feat. Do you feel better without the drugs, now that you can feel the highs of life as well as the lows? Do you feel more... human?

On a side note, laCster is back in action! Glad to see him alive and well ;)
what's upp druggies, any good drugs/plans for today??

im chillen on some synthetic buds, and kava/valerian root tea, very nice...i like
^ no good drugs for today, only a Dr appt. Maybe i can get some benzos or ambien or some shit off him. But i doubt it, he detoxed me off 20mg clonazepam/day so i don't think that he will wanna give me benzos, so my best shot is ambein or lunesta.

Wut up OD?
Hopefully getting some acid in soon...And I'm psyched since acid is and always has been my #1 drug to try. Any advice for an acid first timer? I've plenty of experience with MXE and have dabbled in shrooms, so I'm not a novice to intense psychedelic experiences, but is there I should particularly look out for with LSD?
ive only done lsd once and never done anything else that would make me trip since im not a fan of trippyness but despite that i enjoyed lsd but that was 10 years ago when i was 13.. i pretty much listened to music and talked to people on the computer.. i made sure i had a (sober) friend with me to make it more interesting and to keep it safe.. kinda lol.
Hopefully getting some acid in soon...And I'm psyched since acid is and always has been my #1 drug to try. Any advice for an acid first timer? I've plenty of experience with MXE and have dabbled in shrooms, so I'm not a novice to intense psychedelic experiences, but is there I should particularly look out for with LSD?

I've done it many times but it's been awhile. Make sure you're in a good state of mind and try to get in an environment your like when you not using. And... as Double says, have someone you trust with you... just be be safe try to get some Thorazine in case you don't like it. I've had good ones and bad ones but back then a person couldn't always rely on the quality or dosage. My guess is you'll have no problems and like it but I tend to think it's an individual type of thing. Some love it after trying and others wouldn't touch it with a ten' pole. Have a good one.
hey guys

wanted to introduce myself to OD social. most of my help initiallly will be offered in OD, and , well, i'm gonna be social tooo. you all seem like good people and will be fun to learn from and get along with. beyond drug knowledge, i have degrees in nutrition and exercis science and am happy to help with any questions through pm or whatevr.
Welcome to the frontline timlearyspegleg.

Are you really Tim Leary's peg leg?
lsd's a special lady, but like your mushroom experience, you set and setting will have a comperable affect on the trip quality and dosage will. i suggest at least to hits to get a goood feel for what youre dealing with. possibly more if you have huumble confidence regarding your set/setting.

look out for the way in which your lsd was stored, if you can, it can degrade into isomers (which som suggest effect trip--jury's out imo). airtight with low light is prime.

and since you've been able to grasp the idea of an altereed conciousness, just be ready for the legs on the drug...depending on dose personal metabolism you might be loooking and 10ish hours of tripping, of course, i;m sure you knew this.

excited for you, have fun and learn about yourself, others, and the things around you are my best advice.

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