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Harm Reduction OD SOCIAL THREAD----Info. Support. Good times.

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LSDMDMA&10197955 said:
Anybody here smoke meth much?
i coulda sworn that the sack i just finished today, the cut wasn't evenly spread out AT ALL...thats possible right

um sometimes. the shit i get is always straight shards tho. IDK nothin about cuts being evenly spread out..

What's up bitches?!

27 pages already!!? Really? Waowww

@Left: "I can do anything for love but i won't do that" Meat Afoaf is saying Happy Holidays.

Checking the progress thread and i found it closed and came to here. The posts i had time to read in here are short and brief.

I'v been 2 months clean for the 1st time since 2000. Yeah, imagine? That last year i was on low doses of Subutex and was adapting
to the "normal" life without daily scoring. Until i quit altogether, it took 1 month with sleeping aids and ending it with 2 weeks of 1/2 pill of diphenhydramine
per night and i'm good as new. With more time passing, i realize how this normality is a life joy. Sleeping, eating and just being without having to be charged
by a pill or by some powder is a bliss.

My head is very clear and my thinking is sharper than ever, last time i felt like that i was in my LSD stage at 22 years of age. Then i probably didn't want to
handle my too awake and too aware mind which was constantly thinking and wondering so i decided to try Heroin and cooled off my mind with its addiction.
You're too slow on opiates i must say, words are now coming out of my mouth smoothly and wisely again, only that now i'm older and feel wiser. I don't have
to think before i talk, my mind does the job and i get wonderful reactions and smiles in return from whoever is involved in my spontaneous humorous interactions.

Will check on this place again soon. I hope everyone is progressing great and enjoying the holidays season.

"If you fight your biology, you'll never win"
-Lord Of War
I'v been 2 months clean for the 1st time since 2000. Yeah, imagine? That last year i was on low doses of Subutex and was adapting
to the "normal" life without daily scoring. Until i quit altogether, it took 1 month with sleeping aids and ending it with 2 weeks of 1/2 pill of diphenhydramine
per night and i'm good as new. With more time passing, i realize how this normality is a life joy. Sleeping, eating and just being without having to be charged
by a pill or by some powder is a bliss.

My head is very clear and my thinking is sharper than ever, last time i felt like that i was in my LSD stage at 22 years of age. Then i probably didn't want to
handle my too awake and too aware mind which was constantly thinking and wondering so i decided to try Heroin and cooled off my mind with its addiction.
You're too slow on opiates i must say, words are now coming out of my mouth smoothly and wisely again, only that now i'm older and feel wiser. I don't have
to think before i talk, my mind does the job and i get wonderful reactions and smiles in return from whoever is involved in my spontaneous humorous interactions.

Will check on this place again soon. I hope everyone is progressing great and enjoying the holidays season.

"If you fight your biology, you'll never win"
-Lord Of War

This made me happy to read :) I too am trying to recover, shit is hard tho. I will make it tho :)

This social died

Its not dead, its just sleeping, poke it with a stick or something.
Could just be under heavy sedation, it is "Other Drugs" after all. Who knows whats in here?
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The Other Drugs posters are doing something else. What does seasonal depression have to do with it?
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The Other Drugs posters are doing something else. What does seasonal depression have to do with it?

I dunno, just my 2 cents, but if BL'ers were actually w/ their families opening presents, I'd be posting live what I was opening with every gift. I get the sense many BL'ers are not with their families, or have many gifts under the tree.

A lot of my Bluelight friends are less happy about the holidays than I am (I am actually happy because I started to feel better after being sick for the last few days today, just in time for Xmas morning to be enjoyable and not hellish like the last 2 days were) so I figured that there is a possibility there's a higher percentage of Bluelighters who have seasonal depression. Of course, I may be wrong, as hard drugs tend to make one chronically happy year round, but who knows. Just a prediction.

To get this thread back on track: I just cleaned out my bong and it hits good as new, and it does taste better to smoke out of now. %)
In response to what ZAP said...

I think after I started taking sertraline I never had seasonal depression again! %)

Come on I know someone else is awake on Christmas....

Has Christmas been good to you all this year? Gotta say highlight of my day was watching It's all Gone Pete Tong. The WTF look my dad shot me after the first coke badger scene was fucking priceless!

For those of you who don't know what I'm on about...Link
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Has Christmas been good to you all this year? Gotta say highlight of my day was watching It's all Gone Pete Tong. The WTF look my dad shot me after the first coke badger scene was fucking priceless!

For those of you who don't know what I'm on about...Link

It's been good to me this year. :)

We're awake. We're just not spending Christmas on Bluelight...

well, at least not all of Christmas ;)

I'm considering hitting up the needle exchange to see if they're open. %)
Merry Christmas, OD.

back to the family thing, I'll be on a little later. ;p
My guess is that seasonal depression is common among Other Drugs frequenters. I wonder if I'm accurate?

The percentage of SAD-prone individuals within any demographic of society probably stays the same, alcoholics through to zoo-keepers. We're all operated by the same core mechanics...I mean...it's basically the same straight fact that dictates that all computers under the same windows OS are subject to the same crashes, whether they're an overexploited hub of filthy videos or an OAP's expensive solitaire machine....If you get my drift.

Besides I've spent Christmas at home with the family but I wouldn't necessarily post photos of the occasion on a public internet forum. And fuck requesting their permission...Best case it ends badly or worst case it's a total disaster, resulting in my sudden disappearance from bluelight. Well at least as JSPete.
The percentage of SAD-prone individuals within any demographic of society probably stays the same, alcoholics through to zoo-keepers. We're all operated by the same core mechanics...I mean...it's basically the same straight fact that dictates that all computers under the same windows OS are subject to the same crashes, whether they're an overexploited hub of filthy videos or an OAP's expensive solitaire machine....If you get my drift.

Besides I've spent Christmas at home with the family but I wouldn't necessarily post photos of the occasion on a public internet forum. And fuck requesting their permission...Best case it ends badly or worst case it's a total disaster, resulting in my sudden disappearance from bluelight. Well at least as JSPete.
Thanks for sharing your input Pete!

Merry Christmas, OD.

back to the family thing, I'll be on a little later. ;p

Enjoy the "family thing" I don't get to do that this year because I moved to LA and I don't have any direct nuclear family members here, and I'm not making a long drive up to NorCal to see a close relative.
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