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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

None of us are actually responsible drug users.

Do you consider yourself a responsible drug user?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 34.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 36.8%
  • Shut up Spade

    Votes: 27 28.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 15, 2005
Agree or disagree?


My point of view is that despite us liking to think we are and even though we are knowledgable about harm reduction and know the risks compared to your average drug user that most if not all of us are actually pretty reckless with our drug use. Poly drug use, drug abuse, combos of drugs that we shouldn't mix, drinking and taking drugs, pushing things a bit too far to the point of addiction, health problems, psychosis, being sectioned and worse of all death in some cases.

We're well educated, we know the score but very few us actually seem to follow the advice we like to give on here. The evidence is all over EADD, stories of people taking things a little too far and as we've seen all too often recently it doesn't always work out OK.

I include myself in all of this, despite knowing all about harm reduction on more occassions than I can count I've fucked up, taken too much, freaked out due to poor set or setting, made a cunt of myself and pissed people off and acted recklessly. :|
I am pretty wreckless at times. Polydrug use and all that. But i know the risks. I know somethings should not mixed. I know my limits both physically and physiologically. I look after myself in recovery and take steps to replenish my body. I also am very selective about what i will buy and what i will consume. I would rather go without than consumer shite quality drugs. So, i disagree essentially
Nope, I disagree with this statement when it comes to my intake. Whenever I'm loading up, I make a concious choice not to drink alcohol for that night and I stick to it. Poly-drug use is very, very rare for me and it generally only extends as far as smoking weed on a comedown. Recklessness doesn't really enter into it for me. Sorry.
I am pretty wreckless at times. Polydrug use and all that. But i know the risks. I know somethings should not mixed. I know my limits both physically and physiologically. I look after myself in recovery and take steps to replenish my body. I also am very selective about what i will buy and what i will consume. I would rather go without than consumer shite quality drugs. So, i disagree essentially

"Posts: 666"
You are the Devil. Your argument is invalid. :p

Nah in all seriousness though, I've always thought that none of us were exactly brilliant at harm reduction. Amongst my circle of friends I admit I am the "token druggie" and at some points I've even had my partygoer reputation precede me. I think some of it has to do with the UK's binge culture. We aren't responsible compared to what we should be, but we're that little bit more responsible than all the people who do drugs whilst not having a clue what they are.

A lot of people also only truly learn from experience and experience alone, no matter what Shulgin or this bit of research or that website said.
while I'm not a responsible drug user I do think Bluelight has made me far more knowledgeable about drugs which is a good thing

didn't stop me eating 10 hits of acid in a mad setting but I have learned my lesson, the internet can't influence usage, you have to learn to be 'responsible' yourself
I agree with you on the point if shite drugs were on offer (i.e. dodgy pipz pills) I'd rather go without, always did even when mates would buy anyway and then regret it.

I like to think I know my limits but often push things a bit further either because I'm actually a bit too fucked to think straight and common sense has gone out the window. Happened all the time when i was pished, drugs suddenly become a great idea. And happens all the time just with booze, I know I'm mortal drunk and have had enough but I never stop drinking until there's no more to be had.

I know downers shouldn't really be mixed but i do it all the time with the old booze and blues combo, sometimes in quite large quantities. :|
At least we're making an informed choice though, we're responsible enough to want to know about harm reduction. I don't think I'm wreckless, but sometimes you make a misjudgement and pay for it. As for poly drug use, I think you can do that without it being mad wreckless. At the end of the day drugs alter your state of mind and this can make you do more than you anticipated because your sensible side is being trampled over :D
At the end of the day drugs alter your state of mind and this can make you do more than you anticipated because your sensible side is being trampled over

Exactly, this is what happens to me all too often with drink, drugs and combos of both.
First, there may be some selection bias here:

People who did something spectacularly unwise are likely to post about it. Not everyone will post that they had a small toke/drink/line/pill and had a cozy evening with no incidents...

That being said, you do have a point, some people take it too far.

I admit it can be fun to consciously defy some of your stricter self-imposed rules such as "no redosing today". But even if you do that, you should nevertheless keep an eye on the less forgiving rules of harm reduction, which when transgressed are likely to result in irreversible harm.

Edit: So being educated about what behaviours are merely somewhat risky vs. which are really, really risky seems useful after all. Lack of teaching these fine distinctions is one reason why abstinence-only education is a horrible idea.
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Some of us are more responsible than others Spade.

There is no such thing as safe but evidence would suggest many of us are quite reponsible. It's a self-preservation thing.
I push things that can be pushed, I mix drugs often (ones I've decided are relatively safe to mix, in the right doses) I don't do hard drugs often at all. I always try and not stay up for more than 2 nights at the very most, and try to recover lots. I've stopped taking MDMA (because I can't find it and also because i've lost the magic), coke (well because it's shit, but it would be a rare treat anyway) heroin (because I can't get it)

I did inject ket a fair few times, and once heroin (very stupid) never again... (well maybe IM ket again) but ket is rather rubbish for me anyway, used it to much...

Not sure where I'm going with this actually... I guess in the past I have been stupid (dabbing fingers in lots of alprazolam powder) forgetting weeks, getting angry and mixing it with booze etc. But I've calmed down a lot, and I was never someone who would buy or take any old crap, without testing it, researching it online, talking to people about it, working out a safe dose etc. (err, guess the xanax powder again, contradicts this, but apart from that!)

I'd like to think I'm fairly safe with my drug use, and I know I am a lot safer than I used to be... mainly because I don't use as much I suppose, but also I've grown up and respect my body more now.
I'm wreckless at times and have been outright stupid at times aswell. I think a large part of it is people still have to learn for themselves in all honestly. A few bad comedowns last year kind of taught me a lesson that there is a point where more is just not worth it. So far this year I don't think I've been too bad. Alot of it is knowing your limits aswell, you have to have gone a bit mad to know what they are.

Britain does have a binge culture aswell. Everyone goes through phases of hammering it a bit at one point or another. Some people take longer than others to learn. Some people already have fairly good self control built in from other aspects of their life.

Not all poly drug use is that dangerous. Some combinations of some drugs might not be as dangerous as just taking another drug on its own. I do try not to drink too much if I'm already on drugs, but then if I'm drinking and end up on drugs it doesn't work the same way...

I definately think I'm better informed and getting better with the self control aspect, alot of that comes from things I've read on HR websites like this.
Well no shit SHM, some are more responsible than others, how very insightful. :p

Evidence would suggest to me otherwise, I'd say the majority on here are pretty reckless because so many cain it, mix drugs, take dodgy RCs they've ordered online and know nothing of their safety, bosh psycs at innaporpriate times and places, take ket in the cinema (lets be fair drugs that have effects like ket are not to be taken in public places), get pissed then bosh drugs and the list goes on.
People have always and will always continue to do stupid things and make mistakes Spade. Its part of human nature, we're definately not perfect. And at least for when we are concidering something stupid or have done something stupid it is possible for others to help and give their thoughts.

And if you do choose to try something, your making a more informed choice than the average drug user does.
Depends on what you class as responsible really. Taking RC's could be considered wreckless as they are untested? Surely as bluelighters though we are sharing our experiences to make a more informed decision as to whether we should continue to take these things? i guess we are guinea pigs, but at least we share our knowledge and most people act upon that.
Well no shit SHM, some are more responsible than others, how very insightful. :p

Evidence would suggest to me otherwise, I'd say the majority on here are pretty reckless because so many cain it, mix drugs, take dodgy RCs they've ordered online and know nothing of their safety, bosh psycs at innaporpriate times and places, take ket in the cinema (lets be fair drugs that have effects like ket are not to be taken in public places), get pissed then bosh drugs and the list goes on.

There is nothing on this forum to back up your 'majority' claim. All you are doing is taking a time when someone has died and catastrophizing it (like it needs to be 8) ).

And yeah, some are more responsible than others, sorry if the facts are a bit boring for you. You seem to want to take the worst of BL and somehow apply it to 'the majority'. Empirical evidence (we're not all dying and being sectioned) suggests otherwise.

EDIT - You're in SE Asia man. Are you really this bored????
my friend always says, your a drug user and im a drug abuser, i dont kno what he trying to get at, other than i will look a little better than him when im in my 30's,

i agree i can take things on a whole new level, my addiction too pv in 2006, my addiction to aMT that lasted a good 6 months, my constant taking of mdma from 2005 onwards..

good drugs do get too me, shit ones dont really bother me that much
In answer to the thread, I think this site has a broad spectrum of drug users. There are those who are clearly reckless all the time and simply don't care or haven't had a nasty wake up call like some of us have. But then there are many who are the total opposite, I'd say most of us are somewhere between the two and vary a lot. I started off very irresponsible when I was young then as I got older and had a few seriously bad comedowns/trips I learned that I wasn't invincible and had to slow down a bit.
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I'd like to think I was responsible in some respects because I know when to call it quits, especially if there's work on Monday. If I was irresponsible I guess the drugs would take over and they'd be having a negative impact on my life. Health I guess is slightly different.