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Nice Codeine Megathread

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I know the ones you're talking of, about 3mm wide, pure white and taste like... well, pure codeine.
Had some fun times when my tolerance was lower, these days 20 of them wouldn't make me a bit itchy.
This is what started my downward road. I was a straight computer programmer, I got migraines, they gave me codeine. Anyway I took 3 and not 2, and my god I felt slightly sick and I was high as a kite. I ended up getting 50 pills from my doctor every 6 days for over 2 years, when i told her i was addicted she did nothing. So I buy over the counter and DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT DISTRACTING CODINE FROM PARACETAMOL. I then found nurofen plus, and no I did not know you only had to bite it , the binder, and you got 2 pieces, 1 codeine, 1 ibuprofen. When I found out about that I had to go to old stores and buy old boxes. My gut blew to the ibuprofen, they gave me codeine in hospital for withdrawal, I discharged, went to my gp, he was different, he saved my hyde. He one day asked me if i was still buying over the counter, I responded no, and something then made me say yes. He turned stern and said if you continue to take those tablets, you will die. He prescribed withdrawal codeine 8/day, he told me to phone substance misuse team, and he said he wasn't happy he had to prescribe the codeine, he said if i dont go to the appointment, no more prescriptions ever from this work place. I have big respect for him. The substance worker wanted me on methadone, i said no thats for the other drug people. I ended up scoring 30 pills/day and they started reducing. The codeine then triggered panic attacks each time I took any so i came off them fast but I did try methadone, it did give me my life back. Some use it recreational, some use it normal. I cut my own down, and now and then id retake it. Its different. Definately good treatment. I tried the subutex before it got converted over, didnt work.

Just remember the kill range is from 500-700. I really think its 700 but females are different. Oh and thats including tolerance. If you are new to it, use your head, increase slowly and don't get addicted!
This is what started my downward road. I was a straight computer programmer, I got migraines, they gave me codeine. Anyway I took 3 and not 2, and my god I felt slightly sick and I was high as a kite. I ended up getting 50 pills from my doctor every 6 days for over 2 years, when i told her i was addicted she did nothing. So I buy over the counter and DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT DISTRACTING CODINE FROM PARACETAMOL. I then found nurofen plus, and no I did not know you only had to bite it , the binder, and you got 2 pieces, 1 codeine, 1 ibuprofen. When I found out about that I had to go to old stores and buy old boxes. My gut blew to the ibuprofen, they gave me codeine in hospital for withdrawal, I discharged, went to my gp, he was different, he saved my hyde. He one day asked me if i was still buying over the counter, I responded no, and something then made me say yes. He turned stern and said if you continue to take those tablets, you will die. He prescribed withdrawal codeine 8/day, he told me to phone substance misuse team, and he said he wasn't happy he had to prescribe the codeine, he said if i dont go to the appointment, no more prescriptions ever from this work place. I have big respect for him. The substance worker wanted me on methadone, i said no thats for the other drug people. I ended up scoring 30 pills/day and they started reducing. The codeine then triggered panic attacks each time I took any so i came off them fast but I did try methadone, it did give me my life back. Some use it recreational, some use it normal. I cut my own down, and now and then id retake it. Its different. Definately good treatment. I tried the subutex before it got converted over, didnt work.

Just remember the kill range is from 500-700 for someone who isnt tolerated. Size also comes into it. I really think its 700 but females are different. Oh and thats including tolerance. If you are new to it, use your head, increase slowly and don't get addicted! 1000mg stale codeine tolerant guy here almost died. I stopped breathing.

Taking 30/day because I was taking 62 nurofen plus tablets per day. Thats pretty bad for anyone. I'll look for these filter things just in case i need real pain relief. I'm uneducated on that stuff. 62 nfp = death/stomache issues.
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Most people prefer DHC as it is somewhat stronger than codeine itself and tends to give less of a histamine reaction. There's really not a huge difference though, to be honest. But DHC for preference in my case cos it's so much less itchy. YMMV.

Taking 30/day because I was taking 62 nurofen plus tablets per day. Thats pretty bad for anyone. I'll look for these filter things just in case i need real pain relief. I'm uneducated on that stuff. 62 nfp = death/stomache issues.

Please do so. Taking that many OTC mixed pills is just plain stupid. An ibuprofen OD may not be fatal (often) but it is deeply unpleasant - you'll wreck your stomach at the very least. For the sake of waiting five minutes and the cost of a roll of kitchen roll or a pack of coffee filters there really is no reason not to filter and extract.

Other than that, good luck with the tapering and I'm glad you found a doctor you can work with. People tend to look down there nose at codeine addiction as it's a "weak" opioid. That's really not the point at all. It is an opioid and it does cause dependence and withdrawal. Actually a rather nasty w/d - especially in the gut region :!
Aye, even if you've no filters a couple pieces of kitchen roll or an old shirt will do in a pinch, as long as you make sure the end product is fairly clear. The coffee filters tho are brilliant for it and less than two quid. Just wet em a bit with plain water first to see if there's any tiny rips in, fucked up extractions once or twice cos of that and had to start again. Definitely worth it over a fuckeded stomach/general death
Well i get acute WD's been getting them for ages, but its just mostly a runny nose in my case (goes away when im on pain killers). Anyway DHC is def better then codeine IMO but other people think different though. I just bought some Paramol

The place i get my filters from is Co op, just at the coffee section they got home brand ones for 99p for 40 of em they only sell these in the bigger co op's though. Other then that Kitchen roll works.
I've never tried DHC tbh, wouldn't mind but dunno what equivalent dosage is with codeine, or at least how much I'd need to get anything off it given my tolerance to codeine. A bottle of linctus tends to get me high enough that I'll be sort of drifting off and itchy and snuggly as fuck, if that's a decent yardstick cos fuck knows how much is in the CWEs I do. No more but definitely a fair bit less than 500mg if you factor in losing stuff in the extraction.
Chairs <3 Should be alright with just the one pack then I think. Will give it a go when got a wee bit more cash spare.
I'd love to try Paramol CWE, but I already get liver pains and with the titanium dioxide there's no way of telling if you've got all the paracetamol out.
I don't do them often for some reason i just hate asking for the stuff at pharmacies, especially when every pharmacy round here knows my face :D and exactly what i'm gonna ask for.

But yeah Paramol extractions are always cloudy as fuck, i know what you meen curious its probably not the best idea really.

I posted this somewhere else, but don't think I'm going to get a reply.

I'm in a place where I can get pure codeine phosphate, and I've been taking it every night v
For 3 - 4 weeks. It gives a subtle but nice clean warm buzz. Nothing too intense, although some nights I've got nothing and once I took it before a plane and had a panic attack on theplane. So it hit me hard stangely, when I got off the plane I felt way messed up and nearly spewed. The only time it's hit me like that, And the same dosage as always, around 4-450mg.

What I'd like to know, in this case, how long does it take to get addicted and suffer physical withdrawal symptoms?

I don't want to get addicted, I've been feeling sick here and there, I hope its not withdrawal symptoms.

Also, I won't have access to it soon, so I thought it s safe to keep going as I am until then. Few weeks or so.

One more thing: there are so many conflicting ideas of how to do a safe cwe. Sme say coffee filters are bad,tissue paper is better. Some say t-shirts th coffee filter, some say hot water then cold water. Can anyone with good experience provide a link to the safest known method? (I don't have lab equipment)

Cheers !
Firstly, CWE - Dos and Don'ts - is an excellent guide and should tell you all you ever wanted to know about codeine CWEs. There's no need for lab equipment and all the things you mentioned work to one extent or another (except hot water - that's a really bad idea (unless I'm imagining it wrongly) as paracetamol is soluble in warm water). Coffee filters (and certain brands of kitchen roll) seem to be generally seen as the best option but feel free to ask any questions in either the CWE thread linked or this one :)

As for how long it takes to get addicted to codeine... how long is a piece of string? It varies wildly from one person to the next but taking any opioid daily is gonna cause dependence and ultimately addiction. If you've been using 400-450mg of codeine phosphate daily for a month or so you're most likely to be borderline dependent as it is probably. It's easy to find out: skip a day and see how you feel. If you get sniffly, runny nose, watery eyes, stomach ache, shivery - general "flu-like symptoms" - however mild or not so mild they may be - that is a sign of withdrawal. Even if you're not currently addicted it's really not a good idea to take any opioids daily cos it really is tempting fate. Plus you'll just push your tolerance up and up and get less and less effect without upping and upping the dose. Seems you've avoided that so far which is a good sign. I'd maybe make the most of that and ease up on the daily dosing cos codeine withdrawal is not pleasant however "weak" and opioid it is :|
Sanx shambles,

Great, good to have that info. Just one more thing: if I've become dependent, would weening down be a good idea? If I take say 300mg I feel nowt. So maybe if I take 300 tomorrow, 250 the next etc, or even a more stable decline say 10mg or 20 mg per day decrease would this be better than cold turkey?

Also, what is codeine withdrawal like? Like having flu.? I've heard it takes 5 days(cold turkey?)

Do benzos help for sleep during this period? (therapeutic dose for sleep.)

I don't feel as addicted to this shit as say something like speed or meth, which gives an intense warm fuzzy dopamine high,
Codeine is like just a subtle nice warmth, cleaner than alcohol. I know, know. But I'm not super scared of it, that's my point.

Thanks, all the best.
It depends on how painless you want it to be.

4-5 years ago when I had to get off prescribed codeine I dropped 30mg every 3 or 4 days. When I got to 60mg I dropped 15mg every 3-4 days.

But at some point you have to hit cold turkey! But with a slow and effective taper its a lot easier.

Benzos will help, so get some! But if you follow the taper then that won't be needed for a few weeks.
Opiates/opioids in general tend to sneak up on you. It's only when you try to go without you notice that you can't physically, mentally and emotionally function without it any more. If this is the first period of opi use for you then any withdrawals you may get will be pretty mild. Don't be fooled cos they get worse and worse each time a person ends up with a dependence. As for how w/d feels? Yeah the "flu-like symptoms" thing (usually lasting up to a week or so) mostly covers the physical aspect. That and RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome (ie "Kicking the Habit")) which is the physical symptom I personally find most difficult to stand. It's the mental and emotional aspects of w/d which are the difficult bits. Anybody can do the physical w/d - that's not hard - it's the weeks and months following that that are a nightmare :\

But, again, that's not gonna be a huge problem if this is your first flirtation with extended use of opies. And, again, don't be fooled cos however "easy" it feels first time out I can promise you it does not stay that way :|

Benzos can help but there's always a risk of just switching addictions. Don't expect to sleep much for a week (there aren't enough benzos in the world to get you to sleep during a full-on w/d anyway) but they do help a lot with the anxiety and general edginess of w/d.

Tapering is always a good idea if the habit is deeply ingrained. You've only had a few weeks of daily use so probably won't be necessary but if you are struggling to deal with any w/d symptoms you do get then tapering will help. Dropping 30mg a day should be fine - you can probably drop more than that initially. It's the last stages of a taper which are difficult. The rest is just a bit of a slog as you are in permanent low-level w/d the whole time. Some people prefer the more drawn-out, but milder, w/d from tapering and some prefer to just get it all out the way at once and go straight CT. If I were you I'd go with CT if you possibly can cos you really shouldn't be anywhere near dependent enough to be getting any really severe w/d effects - especially so early on.

And good luck with whichever option you choose - do feel free to make use of the facilities here as there are plenty of people in similar situation. At least one of whom is also currently quitting a period of extended codeine use.
Thanks w cote, and thank you again shambles.

I kinda feel like I'm up to it. I was clean off all things for two years, alcohol was my big thing. I found it took over a year to feel ok again, and even then it was hard, so I know about withdrawing from things. Recently since I moved over seas I started up again, and now I find the perfect end to a day is just a few beers, just enough to relax a bit, then some codeine. I can see as I writ this down how bad it sounds already.

If I was going to die in a few years, it wouldn't matter and this kinda thIng would not be that important, but I know how it works and how it just gets worse.

I feel like I got one more chance at life, to become a teetotaler again or at one point it will be too late.

Believe me I've tried everything: alcohol med trials, aa (messed me up), years of counseling and psychotherapy, antidepressant meds and medication. I like most addicted types have some trauma, which substances actually help in the short term (and worsen in the long term).

I suppose that's why harm minimization is such a good thing cause there is no easy solution for this trauma shit.

I think I'm at the stage where I can't be the victim, I have to find some peace and somehow let the past go(sounds so easy!) but it's the only life I have so why waste it... :/

Anyway sorry for the monologue, excellent advice and once again thank you.

I'm sure many of us here can relate to much of that, Only. I know I can. There does seem to be a certain group of folk who will tend to drift from one addictive behaviour to the next and the next and the next then back again - I'm most assuredly in that camp, unfortunately. I'm still undecided on how relevant any "causes" may be (in terms of trauma and such issues) as it's clearly not everybody who has experienced that kinda thing that ends up bouncing around from one addiction to the next. It can't be a simple if/then situation. However, I have no doubts at all that it's a big part of it all for many. Coping strategies, eh? I'm sure there are effective ones for everybody out there somewhere. Just a case of finding the buggers :!

I'm not big on the whole teetotal thing personally, but that may be more of a hope than anything else. I do seem to be getting better at dealing with my addictive/compulsive/self-destructive tendencies but is a long, slow process and have needed plenty help from anywhere and everywhere I can get it along the way. Addiction is not really a viable option for "dealing" with whatever baggage a person may have either though. It only ends up making problems multiply and grow however much it seems to make it all go away for a while. Unfortunately, solutions don't appear to come in baggies 'n' blister packs :(

If you have addictive tendencies then you should be a bit cautious with codeine. Yes it is a "weak" and often OTC opioid but it's also the one that many people cite as being the thing that started them off on the path to heavy opiate addiction. It's a sneaky bugger is codeine cos it's so subtle and mild. The w/d symptoms can get surprisingly nasty though and once you've gotten a taste for that nice, floaty, dreamy, relaxed, chilled kinda feeling it ain't half tempting to start upping the ante. Like anything, it's fine used in moderation. Daily use is not gonna go anywhere you want to go or be though :|

Letting go of the past is surely a difficult thing but it has to be better than the alternatives. Finding ways to do that healthily is definitely the way forward... if you can find a way that suits you and I'm sure there must be a way for each of us out there somewhere.
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