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Nice Codeine Megathread

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Equivalence between codeine and DHC is highly debatable. Some rate DHC as twice as potent as codeine whilst others put them about equal. For me DHC is noticably stronger than the same dose of codeine but not even close to being double.
Oh good, another opinion! 8( ;)

WB Shambles, hadn't seen you around in a while.
I would take 600/700mg of codeine for a high yet itchy high, I would take round 450/500mg of dhc for a comparable yet different buzz.
ahh ye, i forgot the beginner bit..

well that's what get's me off anyway bottle n a bit of linctus or a strip n a half of dhc 30mg's
I could be a lady!

Crickey 600mg of codeine for a novice.... That could end badly!

Imagine if no antihistamine was taken! 8(

DHC for me lasts MUCH longer, if be high for 8+ hours of high doses of 800mg
It's been said before but low-end opiates affect people very differently. Even now after 6+ years of three times daily abuse, drinking a while bottle of linctus in one go would make me extremely ill. I can still get very mild recreational effects from 75mg if it's the first dose of the day!
Same here, I'm very sensitive to codeine, even though I had a large habit using morphine and (later) buprenorphine daily for long periods.

60-100mg of regular codeine phosphate is enough to make my face red 'n itchy and my pupils constricted. 40mg is the threshold dose for me actually.

And to think that only a few years ago I reckoned that my opi-tolerance would never go down anymore.

Somehow it's possible to get pure codeine tabs (10mg) OTC here, only in a few select pharmacies though. Not cheap, at 4 euro for 100mg (but still cheaper than the codeine in linctus/syrup).
Only when I'm at the pharmacy I'll bother with buying codeine; usually I prefer kratom. Codeine frustrates me with the unreal constipation and the ultra-short duration of effects.
Yeah, I hate the fact that the euphoria lasts about half an hour. Perhaps 45 minutes on a good day :(
Fucking hell I didn't realise it was such a brief event. Kratom must be cheaper per hour, poppies too. And better! And, I suppose, worse in the long run :\
I'm sticking to codeine.... Tried DXM last night, never again. Couldn't leave the toilet and I feel like a zombie this morning. Fuck that.
You tried DXM. Ah yes that stuff really doesn't appeal to me!

How much did you have!?!

I thought you got mixed up, and were vomiting all night off 150mg of DHC, and were still fucked the next morning. Well I hope when you try DHC you enjoy it. Just remember you can redose after your first 150mg. So with a 32 pack of paramol you will have 100mg to top up.

So 19 tablets is 152mg, then the other 13 is 100mg. Do two CWE at the same time, one for 152mg and one for the other 100mg. You don't want to a CWE to redose after your first dose. For redose you could sip half to get 50mg, if you wanna be careful.

Sorry if that's confusing!
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I only managed to get 12 tablets at the local boots. Will that be enough just for a sample and how long will it last ?
Hey chaos I have a question. I done a CWE last night and was gunna do the dose today but I have come down with a terrible cold. How long will the solution last in the bottle ?
If it's been kept in a coolish and dark place, it should last a while. But as to exact numbers I've no idea: It's always been a crush, extract, drink, say "urwwg!" and then drink some juice affair with me.

12 x 8 = 96.. yes..? **Checks calculator** Wheyyyy I got my math on %)

Erm, for someone with no tolerance it would be just feelable, so I would get some more and atleast get yer dose up to 150mg.
Thanks again. I'm just wandering weather to take it anyway. I feel like shit so maybe it will dull it. Lol
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