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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

New Lysergamides....

I though this thread was for discussion of new lysergamides but it appears to have become some bastard offspring of the peev thread :?
You did ask 'where best is it for me to obtain from', which leaves myself, or any other mods no choice but to leave my/our oats about. Dem the rules... Google is your friend... :)
The propionyl analogue is seeming very promising, don't think I've seen a bad report yet.
Happy days. =D
You did ask 'where best is it for me to obtain from', which leaves myself, or any other mods no choice but to leave my/our oats about. Dem the rules... Google is your friend... :)

ha yeah youre right. didnt mean to be curt, id fallen asleep watchin that scotch mist episode of darkplace and woke up to your edit.. shit me up geez.

iv not toyed with these legal high thingymajigs yet so i was hoping to pick up a batch down woolworths insteaduv throwin some numbers at a plug socket.
I'm afraid Woolworths have stopped their 'Novel Lysergamide' product line. :(
Have you tried ASDA?
Having read this people will be surprised to learn that I actually did some Google, not necessarily on "Lysergamides," but I typed in "Designer Drugs." Looked at the wikipedia page which discusses history n actually lists the many different research chemicals into drug-groups. It's interesting n draws light when I hear certain members mentioning different RCs they're taking.

Nom de Plum I see you're on a temp-ban. Sigh---I was concerned that would happen seeing some of your threads n wanted to somehow try n prevent that but unfortunately, I was on a temp-ban myself. I can relate to you, in a way. I'm not Aspie---although it could be argued that my daughter n myself have traits of AS, my only two partners had Asperger's Syndrome n they were as different as chalk n cheese.

I know that you're not trying to look superior n try to be argumentative (although I could be completely n utterly wrong, but I don't think I am in this case).

If I remember rightly, there's a few others Aspies in EADD so if I get any of this wrong please don't be offended but could you help me out here?

I'm writing this here rather than PMing you because I want to try to help you n hope you're able to repair things here as EADD is full of friendly people, whom are both informative n like to have a laugh, as well as showing one another support if it's other needed.

People with Asperger's Syndrome often struggle with jokes, especially if they are aimed against them. So Whereas saying "you what mate," would be taken as a light-hearted joke n gentle encouragement to simplify their explanation, to someone with AS, it gets taken in an offensive way "I spent time making that post if you are going to poke fun, you're wasting my time, my aim here is find the answers / form a discussion around my question," so to speak.

So NDM is not trying to pick arguments with any of you or is he trying to be awakwsrd. The majority of Aspies cannot understand sarcasm n thus, unless a person knows this will often think them troublesome, aegumentative or confusion in their replies to most things sarcastic. They take stuff literally. So thus NDM's aim was (I can only assume as I cannot think / speak for another's subjectivity). I can imagine that he was incredibly frustrated n that's why you received the reactions that you receive from him.

Asperger's syndrome, unlike many conditions, is not as easily grouped into a small amount of symptoms. One Aspie maybe completely different to another.

NDp cannot help his condition no other than someone in a wheelchair cannot help not being able to walk or a blind man being unable to see. There's a lot of dispute as to whether AS is or similar to high-functioning autism so for the sake of this post, I'll say it's similar. Aspies have high IQs n some of them do struggle with NTs (neuro typical) due to this. They do not mean to be rude or egotistical but find it difficult. Again not everyone with AS is like this.

As I've stated,, my two exes with AS as chalk n cheese. The first was very quiet n passive-aggressive, the 2nd was very competitive n would cause dranma with the bloody lamp post if he could. I'd be here all day if I stated their differences n it's not the point of this post.

So can we all not wipe the slate clean here n start again, give NDP a chance???? NDP can you try n give EADD a chance? I'm sure that people did not mean to offend you, and the people here are friendly n do have a lot of knowledge on various substance, if you'll give them a chance?

Anyway welcone to EADD n I hope you're back from Banville (my joke name for being temp-banned / i fracted) soon.

To everyone else, I'm sorry for invading the thread. I'll gently slip out now..... ;)


PS: sorry for any spelling / grammar error. IPhone n a nagging lilvibe make for interesting grammatical errors.
im aspie and im probably so different to my brother u wouldnt think i am but after 26/7 years i get diagnosed
im aspie and im probably so different to my brother u wouldnt think i am but after 26/7 years i get diagnosed

My first ex was dx at 22 n my second ex was dx AS at 33. Things are getting better though. An old friend of mine has four kids; 3 AS n the other autistic. They're getting help now thank goodness. They're in schools to help them. My second ex was sent to a "special" school n ended up abused by the teachers n had a terrible up-bringing due to lack of understanding. Had it been fifferent, he may have led a different path.

Hope I didn't say anything offensive in any way with my post. Just wanted to try n help NDP.

I think it's nice you support NDP Evey. I will chip in too for the fellow oddball on the forum. ;)

I don't know if NDP has AS or not, but he was clearly a bit frustrated and in the context of him being attacked on this wording and the contrast I could understand him not getting / appreciating the u wot m8..

I don't get the impression it has to do with any motive other than him having a passion for grammar that perhaps is applied rather rigid or has become so his own and/or that he simply dislikes not using his standards of writing.

Isn't it a strange thing sometimes.. how people get offended by other peoples elaborate use of grammar or other things like if someone also dresses smart or is confident, people tend to find them pedant or arrogant? I do get it, I do... (and I don't..)

Up until now I have found Nom De Plumes vocabulary a pleasant curiosity and have learned some new words I might (or might not) use, but not annoying. It would be a shame not to see some people stand out of the crowd even if it can be a bit verbose to some.. It would be a sad if NDP would drop his enthousiasm for words altogether, just to blend in, but it would be nice too, if he were able to mingle more 'fluently'.
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Will read tomorrow I'm bolloxed at mo I'm pleading to the mods to let me display my BL pray so we can cleanse our sins ;)

Ha me too just glanced over your post and read 'display my BL prey' and thought: you do what ya gotta do to get it outta ya system but hose down the porch when yer done..

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1-p LSD taken tonight. Dosage is very much on a par with LSD potency wise, posssibly slightly lower. Euphoric and minor visuals off one 100ug blot followed by another 2 hours later which made me extremly 'happy' and more intense LSD visuals. Lacked the mind thoughts/fuck of LSD but more like the real deal than AL-LAD and LSZ. Great little gem. Snap it up while u can :)
Nice ferret, that sounds good! Think I will be getting some of this too. How long is it duration wise?
so i figure '1p-lsd' is the best name for a drug that i've heard since 'al-lad'. ah novel lysergamides <3 stockpile we stockpile!
Yeah nice right? But I will probably have to wait with the 1P piling untill it is more available to EU, as the only listings I've seen are a bit expensive and for 3 tabs only. :)
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im in no rush, but it seems these things are in ready supply for us UK folk. only got round to finally ordering some al-lad because the ban was approaching! got enough to do me for a good while ;)