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New Lysergamides....

NDP: I certainly appreciate your acrobatic use of linguistics, and do not struggle at all to comprehend (so the 'grab a dictionary' rhetoric fails, and was unnecessary in the first place) you. I think the problem lies in that it is so verbose it borders on ridiculous. As though you believe it somehow implies your superiority. It does not.
While it would be enjoyable to express myself in a similar way, I am aware it is completely pointless and I would seem like a pretentious, egocentric narcissist using vocabulary to overcome a dearth of actual knowledge.
You seem far more intent on pointing out perceived mistakes in others than on learning the information you claim to want, and that other posters have kindly offered you.
The racism, aggression and arrogance are unnecessary. Your I.Q. is of little value, as a concept itself and in that nobody fucking cares. If you feel the need to assert your supposed intellectual superiority, find somewhere else. Maybe become the mythical 'genius researcher with a P.h.D' who creates an array of psychoactive lysergamides. Maybe use your mental capacity to pick up a book and actually learn about the subject. You may realise that offending random people over the Internet, using a ridiculous lexicon in the hopes of hiding your lack of actual knowledge, whilst arrogantly assuming superiority is a waste of time.

You ever tried getting funding for research into psychedelics? Especially the class containing LSD-25, a drug with more myths, lies and fear written on it than actual pharmaceutical knowledge.

Many Lysergamides require feedstock and reagents that are controlled tightly, or downright illegal themselves (LSD-25 would be a great reactant...).

Take a look at the Lysergamide molecular backbone. A little more complex than PEA or Tryptamine, the backbone of many psychedelics, right?

The receptors themselves limit too many permutations, whilst hypothetical Chemistry allows infinite.
It reaches a point where too many alterations render it inactive.
Complexity is not a guarantee of value, and can actually lower said value.
The same applies to language.

And 'u wot m8' is an intentional, self deprecating piece used to imply, in this case, your 'intellect' was extensive, and the poster failed to understand, based on their idiocy.
In this light; a compliment.

Instead, you remark on the 'lower' class and poor state of British education - potentially offensive to the poster, and to myself given I am a product of both.

To summarise: fuck off with the arrogance, you are not superior, Lysergamide chemistry is complex and unpopular, receptor binding is not assured by altering a structure, stop offending people without a sufficient reason and learn to appreciate the time taken, by others, to help you.
Also, pick up a book.
NDP: I certainly appreciate your acrobatic use of linguistics, and do not struggle at all to comprehend (so the 'grab a dictionary' rhetoric fails, and was unnecessary in the first place) you.

That remark was addressed to Ceres amd his comment of:

I just can't be fucked unpicking your absurd and pathetic writing style.

I think the problem lies in that it is so verbose it borders on ridiculous. As though you believe it somehow implies your superiority. It does not.

And why mustn't I not care what or what not you think is ridiculous? Apparently, using a large vocabulary is an earmark of delusions of superiority. Yet thinking your own idea of how people should write is superior to my own is not a grandiose sense of superiority. You think my writing style is inferior to your subjective ideal writing style. That is a sign of a superiority complex.

And since you're so averse to and perturbed by delusions of superiority, perhaps you shouldn't believe your own textual preferences are of greater import and significance than mine.

While it would be enjoyable to express myself in a similar way, I am aware it is completely pointless and I would seem like a pretentious, egocentric narcissist

Why sacrifice fun for popularity? Are your priorities superior to my own? Who is really the egocentric narcissist?

Normative social influence and herd behavior have never been convincing to me, because I have no desire to be apart of a bovine herd. And everything is as pointless as anything. The point of an activity, like writing a particular way, is not embedded into the fabric of the universe itself. It is simply the actors imputation that is of any demonstrable significance. The observers' beliefs about the point or lack of point of the actor's act is inconsequential and is tantamount to an audience's boos or applause. It is either fanfare or criticism. Both of which are of no substance to me.

For me, the performance of an act is all that matters, and the value of the reaction it inspires or provokes is naught.

You're all not apart of some captive audience. If you dislike my behavior, my writing, or my opinions then move on. There's, though I sometimes wish it otherwise, no gun to your head.

Moreover, it's called 'expression' for a reason. If one doesn't express themselves in their expressions, they are simply spewing prosaic platitudes and trite stereotypy of speech, as if they have Tourettes of the tongue.

... vocabulary to overcome a dearth of actual knowledge.

Knowledge in text cannot be communicated without a vocabulary. And vocabulary is a form of knowledge. Thus, words cannot conceal knowledge (though clever rhetoric can), yet they are a form of knowledge and a vehicle of communicating knowledge. What is knowledge not encoded in a linguistic format, precisely? In reality, there are no such things as things, only facts. It is not possible to know a fact without language.

Therefore, your point is influenced by no understanding of theoretical linguistics or the philosophy of language. Therefore, it is not appreciable.

You seem far more intent on pointing out perceived mistakes in others than on learning the information you claim to want, and that other posters have kindly offered you.

What seems the case to you is not necessarily the case in reality. You place too much faith in your own judgement: a further earmark of delusions of grandeur and self-importance.

Rather than nitpicking, fastidiously identifying and assailing anyone's foibles or mistakes, I was expressing my lack of apprehension and satisfaction with the proffered answer to my inquiry. If one does not understand—either because they're a layman, like myself, or for some other reason—an answer, one must make known their difficulties or concerns with that foregoing answer. If they do not, then the answerer will never rephrase or revise their initial answer such that the questioner is able to comprehend it and expand their knowledge.

The racism, aggression and arrogance are unnecessary.

The racism, aggression, and arrogance are imaginary. Unless and until you provide an example of this, it is little more than libel.

Your I.Q. is of little value

Complete balderdash. Intelligence is of incalculable value. We are using language via writing with a keyboard , using the Internet to access this message board wherein we were discussing lysergamides and their chemistry . All the underlined text are products of the intellect. Surely, we'd be doodling on the interior walls of a cave still, if not for people with intelligence greater than the mean.

as a concept itself and in that nobody fucking cares

This is either weasel words or you're superciliously conflating your own sentiments with those of everybody else. You do not care, therefore nobody could possibly care. If they did, you wouldn't be superior. Therefore, they don't. Your opinions are revelation, and they are a reflection of everyone else's opinions.

If you feel the need to assert your supposed intellectual superiority, find somewhere else.

No. Why don't you?

The rest of your comment is unalloyed twaddle and I can't find the motivation nor justification to dignify it with a response.
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Well... I tried to help you.
On both the Lysergamide Chem. knowledge you claim to desire, and the reasons that you fucking suck at human communication. You claim many have told you so, but never why - I tried to, out of sympathy.

I spent a good while of my time typing a post to help you not appear such a cunt.

You are so arrogant, immature and deluded that it's beyond ridiculous.

So go ahead; cherry-pick my post and pretend you know enough to please Daddy in Dhaka.

Autism would not be an excuse.
You are a cunt on a personal level.
I like how you completely avoided the bits of basic Pharm. Chem. in my post though, instead attacking me personally.
Good job.

Out of curiosity; how old are you?
Or do I have to brag about being multi-lingual, an I.Q. of 156 at 13 and scholarship offers from Oxbridge?

No. I do not.
I am confident in my own intellect, I don't need to brag about it.

(This post will soon be deleted).

You're a lier or trying to be funny. I can't tell which. It's not you, it's my aloofness to subtle comedy that's to blame.
I like how you completely avoided the bits of basic Pharm. Chem. in my post though, instead attacking me personally.
Good job.

Out of curiosity; how old are you?

I turned 21 yesterday, actually. I avoided the bits about pharmacology and chemistry because they're not within my domain of expertise. I have a major in astronomy and a double minor in mathematics and linguistics from UC Berkeley. I did not bother to respond to your technical points because I did not feel they adequately alleviated my concerns nor satisfied my curiosity. And therefore, I was afraid I'd be lambasted and critisized further if I were to probe deeper by stating what I don't apprehend and requesting further dilation upon the topic.

Why? Well, because that's what you seem to think was my intention with my dialogue with Ceres, when I was only giving an explication of what I found confusing and thence requesting him to elaborate in more depth.

Chemistry is my hobby. I use it to quench my thirst for anxiolytics and somnifacients (fancy talk for sedative/hypnotics) and sympathomimetics. But chemistry is not my metiér or profession. Outside the orbit of syntheses of barbiturates, quinazolinones, other GABAergics and CNS depressants, and psychostimulants, the only knowledge I have I about chemistry is with laboratory accoutrements and safety procedures and other ancillary, basal desiderata.

Addendum: I'm no Renaissance man or polymath. But I like to learn new, interesting, and potentially useful things (like the chemistry and pharmacology of lysergamides, which I may one day like to explore chemically, up close and personal, if you get the tenor). But I do apologise if my innocuous inquisition seemed more like a noxious interrogation or tedious catechism. I'm ignorant about this stuff and just wanted to know more.

I'll just refer to the web to satiate my curiosity, from here on, seeing as how everybody becomes so greatly bothered and upset with my queries (assuming I can find a journal that's not pay-per-view or replete with impenetrable and recondite jargon, I should be better off that way).
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fuk me lots of words

reyt neweigh, i tried acid before and it went south, wasnt acid. ive been spiked ish substances few times yet pretty sure not lsd yet, these sound similar and im finkin legal yis?

im after some gear to shear some wear off, 1P-LSD loox reit similar * snip *
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christ what a bellend.

christ what a bellend.


Ah, so you prefer pictures to words. Now I see the reason for your malfunction and precipitous declination into shouting a cacophony of curses, comtumely, and tried-but-failed-and-futile offensive opprobrium. I'm a bell-end, yeah? I'd return the favor and call you the same, but from the strident sound of you, you do have a bell—one appropriately sized for a jiggling tocsin to signal tea time—for a shlong. The high note tintinnabulation must be maddening more than musical, when you wiggle, waddle, or walk—let alone wank. Is your major malfunction something of that kind, presumably? A case of bell-sized dicklette syndrome?

But a bell is no fair descriptor for my dong. If the noise of an instrument is commensurate with its size, I think an adequate phrase for me would incorporate something that sounds off with a deafening peal, not a high-pitched ping. But if your penis is clit-sized, and your petulance is a result of your diminutive penile dimensions, don't sublimate your wrath and indignation about your pint-sized pecker with me. Blame your genes for the teeny thing in your jeans. Or supplicate to God for your risible runt of a rod. But, hey, if the engorgement of your snake is more like an unfortunate mistake, then what fault or concern is it of mine?

Edit: Ceres' nub was not the nub of the discussion. Lysergamides were. That was the tenor not your penor. So, shall we get back on track now and quick, and desist from discussing Ceres' thumb tack-sized dick? Lysergamides....let's pick up where we left off (before that prick got irate and pissed off).
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Wait: so this all degenerated into 'my willy's bigger than yours'?

Do I get to join in?
My dick, and I don't mean to brag or nothin', but it's pretty massive. I guarantee none of you, notwithstanding your years of experience, could throat it balls deep. Wanna give it a try?

Edit: Goddamn! I feel phenomenal! Unreal, man. Like I could chat with you feigning-funny-to-conceal-my-true-feelings clowns all damned day. I think I'll do a few more rails of this fine cocaína, see myself to another handful of mandies, and laugh at you guys some more whilst I allow this exorbitantly-priced escort (codename for debauched and venal camp-following sperm receptacle) to do what I tell her. Now, go on so I may laugh more.
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Yeah Ceres look how you've derailed this thread ffs. If only you'd stop getting so irate and posting these ridiculously weird and immature posts...oh yeah, wait :D

U mad, bro? I'm having a blast. I'm euphoric as ever, and feel more mirth than I thought I could. You guys need to reeelaaaax. Come to my place. I've got methaqualone and a lot of coke. One bump of either will send that broomstick lodged up your shitter shooting straight out your ass at light speed.
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Thought I would come on here and read up on what this interesting new chemical 1P-LSD is like. Seems that's not possible......
ye sorry mr mist, no need to leave your oats about i just wanted to know how much to spend cause im so skint. i guess when its not the first couple weeks of business price'll drop but these fresh sauces are unclear as to how long im waiting. all i wanted to know was how cheap anyone's had it.. if that aint cool thats fair n ill go fuck myself