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Neversick November - Getting/Staying Clean Thread

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Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2009
This thread is for anyone who is trying to stay sober/get sober. Lets use this as a means to encourage each other each step of the way.


Please adhere to forum guidelines and the Bluelight User Agreement.

Find the old OctSOBER - Getting/Staying Clean Thread here, for anyone wishing to look back at their progress.

Going strong for two whole months now. Been a long time since I could say that.
I like the title :D

Almost 8 months free of (IV) opiate addiction for me-- yay!
And I'm getting through day 2!

TWICE as many days as yesterday!

Stuck with the Neversick November name, eh? I like it! I was playing with stuff all week and nothing came up to me until last night.
Congratulations on everyone who made it through October, Sober. And Welcome to anyone whose just starting out!!!

TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! 22 years old.
No way.. you guys I got a thread named after me=D... or wait was that always the name.. I dont care I'm going to pretend belive that it was after me. =D

Ahhh.. Im doing great today and hope you all are too<3<3<3

<3:)I'm to sexy for my self:D=D

Bring on Neversick November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Screw the whole "no shave november" thing - (i can't grow facial hair anyway) It's all about the NO(dope)SICK NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!
Personally, I'm looking forward to turning 24 this month, it will be the first birthday I've experienced without my worst enemy in years. Assuming I don't do anything stupid in the next 20 days. I gotta say, joining this forum has made a huge difference for me. I like to check in every day, especially when I'm craving. Always takes my mind off of it and motivates me to continue to stay clean. Unfortunately my old supplier has been messaging me/calling me to ask if I need anything, very hard to ignore those phone calls and messages but I'm proud to say I did.
Going strong for two whole months now. Been a long time since I could say that.

Nice! :) Keep it up!! Feels great to say, right?

I like the title :D

Almost 8 months free of (IV) opiate addiction for me-- yay!

JAG gets credit for the title. 8 months. whoooooooooew!! <3

And I'm getting through day 2!

TWICE as many days as yesterday!

Stuck with the Neversick November name, eh? I like it! I was playing with stuff all week and nothing came up to me until last night.

;) <3 Your perseverance is amazing <3. JAG gets official credit for the title =D!

I feel good going into this month... 4 days clean for me.

Good luck to all!

Nice :) 4 days is fantastic work! It's great to come into a month with some speed and a number or 2, or 4 =D!!

No way.. you guys I got a thread named after me=D... or wait was that always the name.. I dont care I'm going to pretend belive that it was after me. =D

Ahhh.. Im doing great today and hope you all are too<3<3<3

Bring on Neversick November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah totally named after you ;) <3.

Personally, I'm looking forward to turning 24 this month, it will be the first birthday I've experienced without my worst enemy in years. Assuming I don't do anything stupid in the next 20 days. I gotta say, joining this forum has made a huge difference for me. I like to check in every day, especially when I'm craving. Always takes my mind off of it and motivates me to continue to stay clean. Unfortunately my old supplier has been messaging me/calling me to ask if I need anything, very hard to ignore those phone calls and messages but I'm proud to say I did.

Looking forward to turning anything older than 21!!! WOW! I mean, that is true though, you'll be spending it sober for the first time so that's pretty serious. It will make things so much more memorable and fun I bet =D! Exactly, don't do anything stupid to mess that up, lets have a nice memorable birthday and stay on track ;). <3 keep on staying strong!!!

Day 74 for me =D!
I'm STILL getting calls and messages from her. It's like she knows I have a weakness for that stuff and figures if she keeps prodding I'll crack and go back to buying suboxone and kolonpins from her every week. Has anyone else ever had to deal with a problem like this? If you did, what did you do to get them off your back? I don't want to be mean but I will if I have to be.
just message / ask them politely to stop contacting you about drugs, and that if you want drugs you will contact them? surely they would respect that...

day 17 no weed, its been a long time since i pulled that off
I'm STILL getting calls and messages from her. It's like she knows I have a weakness for that stuff and figures if she keeps prodding I'll crack and go back to buying suboxone and kolonpins from her every week. Has anyone else ever had to deal with a problem like this? If you did, what did you do to get them off your back? I don't want to be mean but I will if I have to be.

It's because she needs the money to purchase drugs to feed her own habit. Just tell her you're trying to get your shit together, and not to contact you. That you'll call her if you need anything. (then delete her phone number...)

And if being nice doesn't work, then be a dick. Honestly who cares, what matters is that she stops messing with your recovery.
It's because she needs the money to purchase drugs to feed her own habit. Just tell her you're trying to get your shit together, and not to contact you. That you'll call her if you need anything. (then delete her phone number...)

And if being nice doesn't work, then be a dick. Honestly who cares, what matters is that she stops messing with your recovery.

That's definitely the case, I don't even want to think about how much money she got from my problem. The thing is, I have told her on several occasions that I don't want to do that stuff anymore, seems like she doesn't want to accept that. I think I'll just have to be a prick about it next time she bothers me.
Hey all I had a great weekend. I guess I have to get honest with myself as I have relapsed on tobacco and will have to re evaluate my approach to this fucking lame ass drug.. But my life is progressing for sure and I am working my way through allot of things. Nice work buy every one. =D
November is starting off nicely for me, which I'm grateful for. I sank into a pretty deep depression when I relapsed, and it went on for weeks... it sucked, but it also made me realize what I have to do (and NOT do lol) if I want to stay at peace with recovery and be successful at it, so I'm choosing to just look at it as a learning experience.

Oh yeah!! I've been wanting to go back to school, so I decided to take a page out of the book of CaseFace and check out that Khan website. It's a pretty legit lil site!! I love learning and the idea of having college-level courses available for free whenever you want them is one I can definitely roll with :D So I'm using that to study for my math placement exam. Math has never been my strong point, although I have gotten better at it as I've grown to appreciate it more, and last time I tested (about 5 years ago) I was placed in pre-algebra, which means I would have had to take 5 consecutive semesters of math in order to meet the graduation requirement, which is annoying because to me those are just time slots that could be put to better use. So I'm using this website to brush up on my math skills so I can hopefully turn 5 semesters into 2 or so instead, I think I'll be ready to take the test within the next couple of weeks!! :)

Anyway I've been having trouble keeping up my momentum getting clean this time around, but now that I've managed to get motivated again and my mood has brightened, plus having an actual goal to work toward again, I'm feeling a lot more hopeful about all of this <3
November is starting off nicely for me, which I'm grateful for. I sank into a pretty deep depression when I relapsed, and it went on for weeks... it sucked, but it also made me realize what I have to do (and NOT do lol) if I want to stay at peace with recovery and be successful at it, so I'm choosing to just look at it as a learning experience.

Oh yeah!! I've been wanting to go back to school, so I decided to take a page out of the book of CaseFace and check out that Khan website. It's a pretty legit lil site!! I love learning and the idea of having college-level courses available for free whenever you want them is one I can definitely roll with :D So I'm using that to study for my math placement exam. Math has never been my strong point, although I have gotten better at it as I've grown to appreciate it more, and last time I tested (about 5 years ago) I was placed in pre-algebra, which means I would have had to take 5 consecutive semesters of math in order to meet the graduation requirement, which is annoying because to me those are just time slots that could be put to better use. So I'm using this website to brush up on my math skills so I can hopefully turn 5 semesters into 2 or so instead, I think I'll be ready to take the test within the next couple of weeks!! :)

Anyway I've been having trouble keeping up my momentum getting clean this time around, but now that I've managed to get motivated again and my mood has brightened, plus having an actual goal to work toward again, I'm feeling a lot more hopeful about all of this <3

I'm thrilled you decided to go back to school too!! Are you taking a placement exam for the spring 2014 semester??

KhanAcademy really is awesome isn't it! :)
One thing I realized though, because my placement exam is so soon there's no way I was going to cover everything before my test, So While I'm still spending some time reviewing the basics on khan academy, I'm devoting more time now to going through the example test questions, and studying the specific topics that will be covered. So hopefully I'll test into a college level of math, and then can continue to review the basics on my own.

I'm glad having a goal to work towards has been helping you stay motivated! I feel the same way, At time's it's stressful, especially with my test coming up in a few days now, but it's been good to have something to work towards instead of days and days with nothing to do and no purpose.
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