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NCAA Football 2006 Thread

yeah but they scored less than 20 points against a team who nearly allowed 1/2 a hundred to freaking msu. i wouldnt write home about the way michigan has played the last 2 weeks bruv. they're winning ugly, and they're not getting better from week to week.
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^ yet the Maize and Blue only scored 17 points against Northwestern. their defense is mean but their offense needs a lot of work. of course Mike Hart is a weapon, but I'm not sold on their QB as of yet.
Why USC Will Not Lose Again

Although conventional wisdom suggests that the Trojan's unreliable backfield and sporadic defensive malaise will force them into coughing up at least one more loss to Cal, Oregon, Notre Dame orpossibly UCLA, I believe this humiliating defeat to one of the lower-tier PAC-10 teams will galvanize them into some positive action.

This team has been pretty apathetic all season long, which is, ironically, a drawback of the culture of winning which Pete Carroll brought to the school. They've been such a juggernaut these last few seasons that the team started to take its own superiority for granted. Well, you can't do that, especially since every other team comes gunning for the top dog.

USC is loaded, possibly the deepest team in the country in terms of raw talent. They plunder the top recruits in the country every year and their passing game is lethal. Steve Smith, who is the second best receiver on the team, had almost 300 yards receiving last week. Emanuel Moody is a serious phenom, but lacks experience. Chauncey Washington reminds me of Kwame Brown with his little girl hands and long record of underachieving. The secondary is hit and miss, but it's not exactly like teams can score at will on them.

The biggest problem I see is the offensive play calling which fails to utilize Moody properly and poorly implements the passing game. Those receivers are going to carve up defenses, there's no reason Smith and Jarrett can't both have 100 yard games every week. Now that they've been snapped back into reality I expect the team to respond to the challenge and still be in the running for a national title at the end of the year. This team is just too good, talent-wise.
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I expect the team to respond to the challenge and still be in the running for a national title at the end of the year.

even the village idiot hasn't made me laugh that hard in this thread;)
wake up bruv, this isn't last year's squad. the current trojansmay be tallent-rich, but they've not found a way to put all the pieces together. cal and notre dame are going to be big problems for usc.
Actually I'm just trying to be one of those people that makes a crazy but not completely impossible prediction so that if things pan out the way I said I'll look like a genius, and if they don't, I can pretend I was just kidding.
in that case let me follow suit.

no one in the country is playing better football than the arkansas razor backs right now and they'll be in the national title hunt @ the end of the year.

Ok buckeyes, I promise to say nothing about this weekend if you promise to say nothing about Michigan. Deal?

Is Louisville that impressive? I mean they dont have much of a defense, and they PLAY NOBODY!!!

Auburn, Texas, or Florida shoud be number three, not Louisville

Florida definately, and I know how much you guys hate florida!
huntmich said:
Ok buckeyes, I promise to say nothing about this weekend if you promise to say nothing about Michigan. Deal?


ohio state is gonna have an actual test next week. illinois played wisconsin really tough and i'd consider wisconsin to be the 3rd best team in the conference. im sure they'll handle their business but i'll def be watching that game intently

kinda saw that one coming im afraid. illinois' defense completely took the second half over and osu failed to respond. smith, for once, didnt rise to the occasion and feed off of the defensive pressure. he hung in the pocket too long when he was hurried, and mis-fired on a few longer passes. thankfully their flat performance was still enough to beat a young illinois team who looked like they wanted to win more.
Illinois played tough against a Wisconsin team that, all things considered, is not terribly good. OSU fell victim to the same problem that Michigan did: apathy. They both were expected to blow out their opponent, and each played the games as though their opponents were going to turn over and take it in the ass. Of course, neither did.

Michigan was actually LOSING to Ball State for a couple minutes at the end of the first; I can only imagine what kind of reaction that got around the country when the scores were being read off.

Manningham was in there today for a couple plays. Its obvious that he is rusty; but hopefully he and Henne will be able to reestablish their chemistry next week at a (dear God I hope) gimme game next week against Indiana. Indiana is having their best season in years, but I think this week instilled the fear of the spoiler in the Wolverines. I can guarantee they will take this next game much more seriously.

But Lord I can't wait for two weeks from now. To quote John Stewart (or at least paraphrase): "That whole Sunni and Shia rivalry ain't SHIT on Michigan-Ohio State."
Yah, the Bucks fell apart yesterday in the second half. I just can't understand why they kept running Pittman up the middle every other play when he wasn't getting shit each time? Smith hardly went to Gonzo OR Robiskie. But thank god Michigan stumbled with Ball State (*snicker*) because us OSU fans would never hear the end of it from those confused, disoriented, insanity plagued Michigan fans all over central Ohio. ;)
Anyone see that LSU - UT game yesterday?

The game staerted out almost exactly like the UF - LSU game where LSU was moving the ball at will but started turning over the ball like crazy....

But this time they were able to over come all of that w/ a beautiful final drive....

LSU has a very slight chance to get into the SEC champ....We need to win out (of course) and Arky to drop at least 1 before we play them and Auburn to drop one as well....That will make a 3 way tie in the division...

However...How does the tie breaker work? BCS ranking? Anyone remember when the same scenario happened a few years ago in the SEC East?
Yeah it is the BCS ranking that is the tie breaker now. I think Arkansas has a tough schedule ahead, I cant see the winning put. Auburn is not I dont believe. The SEC championship is gonna be Auburn and Florida.

But seriously Louisville sucks, they should be right where Rutgers is now. They have only played 2 ranked opponents and one is not even ranked right now (Miami).
Its so fucked up, It doesnt make any sense how they got to the top ten when Rutgers is like 15th, let alone number 3??
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^^if arkansas goes undefeated will they play florida in the title game? dunno how you southerners sort out your bloated conference;)

people need to give louisville some credit. they beat the undefeated # 3 team in the country.... respect. they also beat a kentucky team who just knocked off georgia. whats the deal with comparing them to rutgers? is rutgers more desrving? we'll find out for sure this thursday i suppose, but i feel like their schedules are kinda simliar. i dont think they're the 3rd best team in the country but that's all moot imo. they are where they are bc of preseason rankings and an undefeated schedule. untill they lose, which is unlikely, they shouldnt drop in the polls.

i think all this 1 loss team business is going to amount to fuck-all. i look for the sec powerhouses that everyone is ballwashing (myself included) to drop another game to one another. while we're talking crazy, if we're voting 1 loss teams to the front of the line id take cal or texas over an sec team
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Arkansas would play florida, but I doubt they can beat tennessee and georgia.
Im just saying rutgers is undefeated, same conference same schedule, but ranked 15th.

I guess Im a little bitter because florida dropped the ball when they had the chance
cravNbeets said:
did rutgers just blow out the # 3 team in the country on national televison?

No they didnt but Louisville was ranked way above Rutgers all season. I do understand your point but they pretty much have the same schedule. Rutgers - W. Virginia will be a very good game. Also, the only two ranked teams West Virginia play are Louisville and Rutgers. West Virginia never deserved to be there either... Michigan and Ohio State on the other hand deserve to be there, because they play much much better teams.
Oh and by the way, I didn't see the Michigan game last week because it was only on ESPNU, and I was out of town, but the reason it was so close was because Lloyd Carr put his bench on the field towards the end of the second quarter and only decided to put starters in when Michigan needed the goal line stop at the very end of the game. So try not to look too deeply into that game.