NASADD social v. My moneh big so it's HoL and Skillz and The Rock Monster's birthday

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pissed clean for EVERYTHING for the 1st time in 10+ years, i had been not smoking weed for awhile but it would only be like 3-4 weeks n then i would smoke once n shit n i couldnt seem to completely pass for weed, got court coming up Oct4th n i gotta piss for the judge so i took a UA last night

guess who's completely clean

<--------this guy


been takin azo's so this bright orange piss seems to be clearin my system out well

holy shit! congratulations brotha.
pissed clean for EVERYTHING for the 1st time in 10+ years, i had been not smoking weed for awhile but it would only be like 3-4 weeks n then i would smoke once n shit n i couldnt seem to completely pass for weed, got court coming up Oct4th n i gotta piss for the judge so i took a UA last night

guess who's completely clean

<--------this guy


been takin azo's so this bright orange piss seems to be clearin my system out well

Well done mang.

Rocky it's about time you got an avatar. Rocky? RM? I don't know but, you do need a nickname
"the rock monster" is a nickname i was given, when i rocks like it was going out of style. but its really just a term used to describe people passionate about crack cocaine

and yes it is about time i got an avatar. i just had to think long and hard about it. it had to be something that represents me.
"the rock monster" is a nickname i was given, when i rocks like it was going out of style. but its really just a term used to describe people passionate about crack cocaine

and yes it is about time i got an avatar. i just had to think long and hard about it. it had to be something that represents me.

i can't believe i let someone affect me so much, even though they're my biological parent.

i may be drunk but i wish my tears turned into bullets or IEDs and fucked their shit up just as they have mine.

i can't believe i let someone affect me so much, even though they're my biological parent.

i may be drunk but i wish my tears turned into bullets or IEDs and fucked their shit up just as they have mine.

damn that sucks. i hope you get over that shit and not dwell on it.

and if you wana fuck their shit up good, you could pour sugar in their car's gas tank. if they have a car.
i had such a strange dream last night

i am also sick as fuck (human sick not dope sick)
my biological mother and father kicked me out at 15 and 20, respectively (devoirced).

Apparently I was not a model child. I had my reasons. Anyway I've been "independent" for a little while now, and honestly, shit ain't been better since I stopped talking to either of them.

Hope your situation goes out alright. I know you don't needa hear it, but I learned the hard way revenge isn't the solution to all problems... wishing for revenge is fine though.

Sup suckas? Just got an oz of UK Cheese... dayum this stuff smells funky.

you mother fuckers are boring these days

probably cause i stopped shooting plutonium into my neck. really cut down on the bouncy emotions
itt i post funny gifs until someone says something

edit: or no i wont because whoever updated BL is a fucking moron....
Oh man. Is anyone watching the shore right now? Snooki's whining is so fucking bad I want her to walk out in front of a bus.
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