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Dissociatives [Methoxetamine Subthread] Adverse Effects / Side-effects


I must say after reading all 3 pages, there isnt THAT many side effects.
Ill take my allergy test, then hit for perhaps 10mg starting point, and not exceed 25mg.
Things seem quite safe in the MXE department.
Confusion and mania are the only real side effects ive noticed from this stuff
*chimes back in after some experience with this shizzle*

On its own, at 20mg doses ,
MXE seems pretty sound to me, nice wonky fun, music euphoria. Like doing a big bump of k and feeling it for hours really. Good for a rave. Can mix on it too :) blast ze trance!

Mixed with ketamine,
Oh my that was a disaster....
Had the worst comedown of my life from mixing the two, maybe it made a bad chemical reaction occur in my brain i simply do not know. The major depression lasted for 6 days
Just a heads up
actually wait, wtf am i on about

Confusion and mania, plus if mixed with some other drugs it can put people into a very self loathing depressive state. ive experienced this from doing too much MXE with alcohol and Mephedrone, the days after were horrible. very depressed and feeling "off". one of the worse come downs ever

ive also noticed a mild amount of paranoia, but nothing compared the likes of stimulant come down paranoid thought patterns
mine went from a manic episode , bang straight into the feeling of everything and all hope is lost, a sinking feeling throughout my body mind and soul, Like the titanic sinking inside me....
ever again.
I think I've gotten hppd from mxe. I stayed clean for like a week or more and still had mild cev's. hopefully it will go away completely if i stay 100% clean for a long time.

I found plugging lasted really short and even with higher doses I couldn't fully hole out like I can with snorting.

Any one else experienced this?

Also got pins and needles in my toes towards the end, after a miny little binge. 200mg or so

Nope, i think it's quite the opposite, way to long. But that's mostly because i want to go to sleep afterwards. And what's really short for you? I mean almost always plug it and im tripping balls for hours and then it start getting weaker but i will still be very high for several hours more just not peaking. and if i want more i can just redose.

I also experienced tinnitus while on MXE for the first time a few days ago.

I had plugged an eyeballed 20-30mg and the effects were astronomically potent, given the fact 20/30mg sublingual is what I'd call a sedative, calming, only mildly trippy dose.

Plugging it though, I was shot to the peak of the strongest MXE experience I've had yet (on par with 70mg sublingual + weed) within 5 minutes. Caution is advised to those trying out that ROA.

Regarding adverse effects I too complain of the lack of sleep after a session, but this only applies when I've done upwards of 30/40mg. If I keep it low I have no trouble falling asleep afterwards.

Somebody asked what works in aborting a trip. I use xanax and opium; works a treat. I would recommend GHB too but with the suspected DARI properties of MXE I don't think that'd be too good for those who are prone to sketchiness.

yeah, plugging is the way to go unless you want to IM.
Is anyone else tired and sweaty during the MXE afterglow (1-3 days after their last dose)? I've noticed I always sweat a ton even when I'm just sitting down doing nothing if I dosed MXE the night before. I've also noticed I get tired very easily, feeling quite drowsy - despite the fact that the afterglow also stimulates me.

Also, regarding HPPD. A week is definitely not long enough to tell. I've had lasting visuals from psychedelic trips for almost 2 months before they finally faded.
yeah ive noticed myself waking up sweaty in bed in the middle of the night sometimes. could be coincidence, or maybe not
This shit really jacks up your blood pressure. Could be dangerous.

I agree with this. I stopped taking mxe about a month ago for this reason, and my bp went back to normal. As of now, I consider my mxe days over. Also the last time I took it (45mg's I believe), I was feeling good and tipsy, a friend came and picked me up to go to another friends apartment. I had the worst nauseous/car sickness I can imagine, and I never get car sick. I was also very irritable, and anti-social when we arrived at our destination, which is abnormal for me.
High blood pressure, difficulties urinating and tinnitus. These are the one's I've experienced.

Edit: Are beta blockers dangerous when combined with MXE? They are very dangerous when taken together with stimulants, but MXE is a not a stimulant in a strict sense. Could beta blockers be taken together with MXE? They would reduce the blood pressure, but as we know in the case of stimulants it can be very dangerous.
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High blood pressure, difficulties urinating and tinnitus. These are the one's I've experienced.

Edit: Are beta blockers dangerous when combined with MXE? They are very dangerous when taken together with stimulants, but MXE is a not a stimulant in a strict sense. Could beta blockers be taken together with MXE? They would reduce the blood pressure, but as we know in the case of stimulants it can be very dangerous.

While, obviously we don't have an exact pharmacological profile for MXE at this point, I think it is very likely to be contraindicated. If MXE's BP increasing effects are related to a1 adrenergic receptors it would be contraindicated for the same reason as stimulants. However, some quick reading showed that ketamine actually increased the negative inotropic effects of beta-adrenergic blockers, meaning there is a risk of dangerous hypotension when the two are combined. So if that effect carries over to MXE, though the risk might not be too bad at lower doses, it would be recommended to just never combine them.
While, obviously we don't have an exact pharmacological profile for MXE at this point, I think it is very likely to be contraindicated. If MXE's BP increasing effects are related to a1 adrenergic receptors it would be contraindicated for the same reason as stimulants. However, some quick reading showed that ketamine actually increased the negative inotropic effects of beta-adrenergic blockers, meaning there is a risk of dangerous hypotension when the two are combined. So if that effect carries over to MXE, though the risk might not be too bad at lower doses, it would be recommended to just never combine them.

I use to take beta blockers on the comedown, definitely when your not "high" anymore (1-2 hours after I feel totally sober), to help me get sleep. The heart can keep pounding a bit some hours after all the other effects are over and I've never experienced any negative reaction. The thing I like most about beta blockers is they relieve hypertension. I've taken both propranolol and bisoprolol. But I'd never take them before or during the trip (when I actually feel my blood pressure being quite high).

On the other hand paradoxically, sleeping on beta blockers is sometimes hard for me. I don't know why, I read somewhere in a medical journal that beta blockers produce irregular sleep and disturb the releasing of certain neurotransmitters.

IME I'd say it's safe to take beta blockers after the trip when you feel totally sober, but you still have a little higher HR or blood pressure than normal. Sometimes you feel the higher HR/blood pressure well into the next day, so I doubt there is any danger in taking beta blockers the next day either. But again, this is anecdotal evidence, please do not consider me some expert on the issue.
^ I'd still rather suggest that, like Never said, it's best not to combine them - and that includes after the main effects have worn off. Better to be safe than sorry, and the fact is we really don't know if this combination is safe or not. If you're worried about an increased heart rate and such I'd recommend simply dosing lower, less often, or avoiding this drug, rather than trying to counter the effects with yet another drug, not knowing if the reaction could be dangerous.

Anyway with regards to side-effects. I've often got some left over tracers for a few weeks after I trip on 2C-E. I had some from my most recent trip - but I've noticed that last night when I indulged in some MXE it has made the tracers much more apparent today, along with everything having a slight aura. I also feel quite spacey but that's normal after dissociatives really.
It's been about 10hours since my last redose and I have to say I think I really hate the afterglow effect people keep talking good about. I don't know, it might be just me experiencing a special kind of ugly side effects. I'm just really confused right now, my vision is distorted, my reality completely different than before (praying it will go away), definitely not feeling any euphoria at all-there's this feeling of floaty angelic lightness surrounding me, but not a comfortable state at all. I guess it's just not my thing then...
I just wanted to mention that I have also experienced tinnitus, mania and confusion from MXE, but only when doses start to get close to 100 mg, and only with repeated dosing over the course of a day. The side effects will start after maybe four or five redoses of perhaps 15-25 mg every couple of hours.

I have had perhaps three occasions where I did that one dose too much and ended up manically confused, almost psychotic. But in all cases I realized this and just waited it out, unable to do anything else than stare into thin air but aware of my condition and never close to doing anything stupid.

It feels to me like MXE has a built-in failsafe of some sort - I am just unable to compulsively redose on this substance, I always realize what I am doing before it's too late. I am aware that some people do not find it to be like this. I'm just glad I get this effect.

Oh yeah, I also had some minor chest pressure once. It was after doing 20-30 mg lines every couple hours all day, then finishing the last 40 mg in the bag and licking the bag. I was with two friends who had done as much as me, except for the last big line and of course only I licked the bag as it was mine. About 30 minutes after licking the bag I became very confused and restless, I told my friends that I was close to having a bad experience but I was still in control. I developed a ringing in my ears and I felt pressure in my chest. The peak lasted an hour or so as usual, and I spent the time sitting in my bed thinking calming thoughts. Then it was over, and I felt better. Since then I haven't had any MXE, but I recently ordered some more, after four months of abstinence. Now I am wiser and will surely enjoy it more than the last time.
It's been about 10hours since my last redose and I have to say I think I really hate the afterglow effect people keep talking good about. I don't know, it might be just me experiencing a special kind of ugly side effects. I'm just really confused right now, my vision is distorted, my reality completely different than before (praying it will go away), definitely not feeling any euphoria at all-there's this feeling of floaty angelic lightness surrounding me, but not a comfortable state at all. I guess it's just not my thing then...

thats not the afterglow effect.
It's been about 10hours since my last redose and I have to say I think I really hate the afterglow effect people keep talking good about. I don't know, it might be just me experiencing a special kind of ugly side effects. I'm just really confused right now, my vision is distorted, my reality completely different than before (praying it will go away), definitely not feeling any euphoria at all-there's this feeling of floaty angelic lightness surrounding me, but not a comfortable state at all. I guess it's just not my thing then...

Sounds like you're still experiencing some of the drug's effects, rather than the afterglow. Redosing several times can lead to long extended side-effects, so this isn't too unusual. It could also be depersonalisation/derealisation but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion so soon.

How are you feeling now?
I guess, but I find it weird how I never experienced the afterglow from it, and isn't ten hours a very long time to be still feeling the effects?
I'm mostly back to normal, although my blood pressure is too low (87/53) so I'm having some trouble with dizziness, and randomly seem to get tinnitus for like 5min or so. Mental status is okay.