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Dissociatives Metaprogramming with Ketamine

i am in a really bad situation right now.

i went into k-hole for the second time in a rave party and got carried off by the paramedics. that gave me a freaking bad trip. beyond description of words. i basically died and left the world with the paramedics becoming the aliens tormenting me. i was so confused.

everyday, i start to question the form of life and i recently developed sweaty hands and serious anxiety issues. when i recall my trip or just the rave 'day', my body trembles beyond my control.

my question to you all pros. with metaprogramming is.
1) would going to another k-hole prepared help me get over this shit?
2) if so, what are the rule of tumb to gear up and overturn this negative/scared-shit personality i've developed?

ps: i am initially a very excited and constantly enter anxiety state person.

your help is greatly appreciated!!
Can anyone explain to me what you think about while falling into the hole for it to work? Like.. say i wanted to give up smoking.. what kinda thing should i think about? Or say i wanted to overcoem anxiety.. what then?
true with Ketamine- which also good for "remote viewing" (real-time visualization of distant places- the South American shaman has done this for centuries using Yage).

now, before anyone dismisses this as "hallucinating", let us consider the thought and teachings of Jung regarding Synchronicity and the subconscious...Jung’s definition of synchronicity clearly incorporates precognition and clairvoyance, which, by some people’s definition, are also types of intuition: they are certainly inner knowing.

by nature, I am a skeptic, but historically, I have been able to reproduce the above phenomena on a fairly reliable and consistent basis...

Real-time visualization of distant places? Your not actually serious are you? You mean like watching a video-feed of a far away place & seeing whats actually happening their currently?

That's scientifically impossible as well as totally insane. I hope thats not what you meant, but it sounds like it.
you might notice the content of a lot of hallucinations are "scientifically impossible";)

i have been eagerly planning my first ketamine metaprogramming experiment, ive done a lot of work with autohypnosis and i found it to be somewhat helpful for the issues i was addressing (difficulty concentrating w/o stimulants) at the very least it relaxes me a great deal. i have started writing a script for myself which includes a variety of issues i want to address related to focus and social anxiety.
so im going to record myself reading this script like the autohypnosis tapes i listen to, only read by me tailored to my specific needs, then listen to it on headphones after taking somewhere around 100mg of ketamine and try to program some changes into my mind. should be an interesting experiment.

im not going to do it for a few weeks because school has yet to end and i always feel dumb and apathetic for a day or two after using ketamine.
you might notice the content of a lot of hallucinations are "scientifically impossible";)

i have been eagerly planning my first ketamine metaprogramming experiment, ive done a lot of work with autohypnosis and i found it to be somewhat helpful for the issues i was addressing (difficulty concentrating w/o stimulants) at the very least it relaxes me a great deal. i have started writing a script for myself which includes a variety of issues i want to address related to focus and social anxiety.
so im going to record myself reading this script like the autohypnosis tapes i listen to, only read by me tailored to my specific needs, then listen to it on headphones after taking somewhere around 100mg of ketamine and try to program some changes into my mind. should be an interesting experiment.

im not going to do it for a few weeks because school has yet to end and i always feel dumb and apathetic for a day or two after using ketamine.

Please post your results!
And I guess the great thing about LSD is that it is not an NMDA receptor antagonist, so one's memory of the trip is pretty much intact afterwards.

K is an NMDA receptor antagonist, right? This would mean it doesn't allow long-term memories to form.... well, either i am wired differently from ordinary folks, or I am cognitively so evolved (through regular K use??) that I just don't need my NMDA receptors to form long-term memories --- but I can assure ypou I remember HEAPs of what goes on in me and around me whilst under the influence of K. I usually do "threshold" doses though, I feel that that is where i get most of my "work" done.

K has also helped me relax - i can relax at will, almost, especially with hypnotic induction I get so detached from myself, and I am almost totally dissociated from my body. Surely the hypnotic induction techniques and my own efforts have a lot to do with it, but the feeling is so similar to what I get from K, and I didn't use t0 be able to do that so easily, that I can't help thinking that K has shown me new ways of letting go.

Great tool for me, on so many levels. And so much more to learn.

It is only when I abuse it, i.e use too much / frequently, that I find that K turns ugly on me.

Used right, it is indeed, as Jamshyd once put it, "God's Semen" ...
as a matter of fact, all the supposed metaprogramming i used to like to think i was achieving with k was but an illusion. i am now having doubts as to its tool-like quality.
the more times i take ketamine
the less i k-hole

havent been in a k-hole since the first couple of times I took it, so let this be a warning dont use K too much otherwise you will lose the magic.