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Phenethylamines [Mescaline Subthread] Synthetic / Pure Mescaline - Dosage & Methods of Administration

It was synthetic mescaline, yeah. Unfortunately it was a somewhat underwhelming experience. Took 300mg, felt myself coming up but leveled out at about 2.5 hours. Took another 100mg as I wasn't getting there (minimal visuals, noticeable but minimal body high although that was still pleasant), still wasn't getting there. Overall, I took 600mg each over a 5 hour time span, with about an hour or two of what felt like a fairly low dose acid trip. Visuals were obvious and very fun, different to LSD or psilocybin - more all encompassing, less flowing and liquidy than acid, more like mushrooms - and the body load was nice. But purely based on the amount I had to take to get there leads me to believe that this wasn't pure mescaline. It definitely showed me the potential of mescaline though, and from what I did experience I can see myself really enjoying it at a higher dose. Lovely body high, unlike the restless nature of acid. And really interesting visuals, subtle but equally as involving as LSD. Although really incomparable to either LSD or psilocybin.

Still have some left so I think I'll go with 450 or 500mg straight up next time and see what happens.
Happened to me once as well. Kind of the same scenario too. I think that redosing that late into the experience wouldn't really increase the intensity of the trip anymore, but rather prolong it, if anything. The fact that it takes so long to plateau is a bit of the problem with mescaline of course...
I'll be embarking on my second mescaline trip today. My first attempt two weeks ago was with 200mg, which provided a rather mild experience. I'm thinking about going with 250mg today, but seeing as 100mcg of LSD is mild, but 150mcg is quite intense for me I'd like to know how much of a difference 50mg would make.
OT but... how do you best store synthetic mescaline? How stable is synthetic mescaline, is storing it cool and dry good enough? Thanks!
Mescaline was the only true chemical besides DMT/LSD that had changed me. I miss mescaline's calm grasp so much! It's like a gentle mother guiding you where you need to be when your to be there. It's somewhat nonsensical, but oh well psychedelics themselves, are still a mystery to us all!

Synthetic mesc. should be pretty damn stable as i've kept caps of mecs acetate(SP/PT ex's), for maybe a year or more and didn't notice much drop in potency at at all TBH. Was just as potent at the day it was born.......buy maybe Solip, who's actually held synth mesc, one of the few I truly know of can help you!
Mescaline HCl FAQ

Right so I'm getting 1 gram of mescaline HCl powder.
Before you say it, yes its a trusted source, and even if it wasn't, for the sake of the thread just pretend it is.

1: I've read all over the place about nausea on the come-up, I'm not a big fan of purging so whats the best way to avoid it. Ginger extract? Anti-Nausea pills (if so, which ones are recommended)?

2: Dosage. I want it to be intense, but also I'm backing away because the nausea is dose dependant. I'm not new to psychs, and taking small amounts doesn't do it for me, so what kind of thing should I go for. Some sources say 200mg is a common dose, others say 300mg is a common dose.

3: Edibles. Is it possible to make this into food? Shrooms are a mess to try and make into edibles, and it sucks cos shrooms taste horrible. However, mescaline is far more stable, so would a low setting oven be able to cook some mescaline brownies? If so should i add an extra 50mg just for contingency incase any molecules degrade?

Any help is appreciated :D
1. Freshly sliced ginger and lemon zest tea. Or ondansetron.
2. Why not meet in the middle?
3. I have no idea why you would want to do this. Sounds dangerous and unpredictable.
2. I'd say 300 mg, I found it to be good at 330 mg and great at 450 mg but not at all overwhelming in either case. YMMV though. A friend of mine tried the waters first with a very low dose and it didn't really agree with him. I imagine he got side-effects but no good effects to take him though it all.
I personally don't know of sources that say 200 mg?

3. I agree with Transform, don't ruin your mescaline experience this way. I think you better eat a very nutricious but light to digest (not too much meat, fat, sugars, etc) a few hours before. Then take the stuff slowly and ingest the dose in the course of at least 30-45 minutes to make it easier on the stomach. Capsules or dissolved in a glass of water both works. I would worry less about purging then about throwing up your dose though, unless you have a phobia against throwing up. Ginger and lemon zest, papaya extract, those may help a bit but are not a guarantee IMO. Ondansetron should be good though, but is more expensive and tricky to get.
Lol, question number 3 is SO not a FAQ.
I would just not stress so much about puking, I've had to do it so many times it's practically second nature on a psychedelic come up, doesn't taint the experience even the slightest anymore.
You could try some ginger root tea perhaps to curb your nausea.
Also just capsule up your mescaline, cooking it in food sounds completely unnecessary and if anything more likely to make you vomit
Getting sick can also be different on different drugs. If S-ketamine ends up with me puking I feel absolutely horrible, but if I am on MDMA or mescaline I don't really care that much and it feels natural.
That is true, puking on ghb is awful for me as the nausea doesn't seem to go away after.
With psychedelics I've never had that occur, even with 2ce it goes away eventually even though I am puking fairly consistently for probably a half hour on the come up
Okay, i guess edibles are ruled out haha
I know these arent very FAQ's, but I just wanted the title to be clear. Also, mescaline HCl insufflation, is that a thing? There are few trip reports on it and what there are don't really detail dosage and timescales. I've not snorted before, but I know phens can be a bitch to snort, but i don't know if thats the nature of a phen or if its just certain ones like the 2C-x's escpecially
It really sounds like you want the most mileage out of your mescaline as you can possibly get since you have a gram, the doses are very high and so are the prices usually. But you are not the only one to run into this predicament. I recommend at the very least you try mescaline orally first, and accept it for what it is. It is fair not to have to accept any side-effect or problem that 'comes with the package' with any drug but be careful not to wish a drug is something it just is not.
I doubt snorting mescaline, or half of it will save you from nausea.
Also agreed about the smoking, some people will smoke just about anything but mesc probably doesn't vape readily at all and freebasing it probably isn't an option.
I've considered injecting my synthetic mescaline intramuscularly to cure a number of the issues like economical dosing (mostly that) but after some looking around I decided phenethylamines are not really suited for injection, at least not most of the 2C's which mescaline is similar to.

I say deal with it, okay maybe that is optional but take my word for it that it seems a bit silly not to just start with an oral trip first and take it from there. Forget what you know about it, free your schedule, and learn to love it for whatever it is. Good luck. :)
It really sounds like you want the most mileage out of your mescaline as you can possibly get since you have a gram, the doses are very high and so are the prices usually. But you are not the only one to run into this predicament. I recommend at the very least you try mescaline orally first, and accept it for what it is. It is fair not to have to accept any side-effect or problem that 'comes with the package' with any drug but be careful not to wish a drug is something it just is not.
I doubt snorting mescaline, or half of it will save you from nausea.
Also agreed about the smoking, some people will smoke just about anything but mesc probably doesn't vape readily at all and freebasing it probably isn't an option.
I've considered injecting my synthetic mescaline intramuscularly to cure a number of the issues like economical dosing (mostly that) but after some looking around I decided phenethylamines are not really suited for injection, at least not most of the 2C's which mescaline is similar to.

I say deal with it, okay maybe that is optional but take my word for it that it seems a bit silly not to just start with an oral trip first and take it from there. Forget what you know about it, free your schedule, and learn to love it for whatever it is. Good luck. :)

Thats a nice way of putting it. I think I'll go with a 360mg dose orally, but I'll keep some ginger extract with me still. Also, how do I eat this powder? I did lots of 2C-B in the summer but and trying to swallow 30mg of that bitter powder was terrible. I just had a small taste of the mescal and it seems worse, I don't want to put 360mg of that in my mouth. Any ideas?