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[Mescaline Cactus Subthread] MAOI Potentiation

I thought about trying this in the past but was put off by the tyramine content in Trichocereus cacti. If I remember correctly tyramine should be avoided entirely on MAOIs, but I'm not certain if this combo is entirely dangerous. I'm interested to hear about other's experiences with this as well.

Be safe.
I've combined syrian rue and cactus chips on two occasions. Both times I had good experiences. The dosage of cactus goes down by almost two thirds though (so if you were going to take 60 grams of dried cactus for example it would be more like 20-25).
Be very careful as some of the minor alkaloids in san pedro/peruvian torch are pressor agents ;ike hordenine (N,N-dimethyl-4-hydroxyphenethylamine). Wouldn't even consider it with peyote as the isoquinolines in peyote can have potentially nasty effects even without potentiating them with a MAOI
I had 28 grams of Trichocereus with a low dose of Harmala extract (equivalent to 1-2 grams) and proceeded to smoke a lot of weed, take 10 mg of 5-MeO-MiPT and drink a few beers, then stay up all night and keep smoking and drinking the day after.

I was a bit worried but came out allright. Wouldn't recommend this though, but just MAOi and cactus are not counterindicated. Tyramine is broken down by MAO-b and Caapi is, like Harmala, a selective MAO-a inhibitor IIRC.
I've gotten what I believe to be tyramine-induced headaches before from the cactus extracts and my shitty diet, so that's something that I certainly am wary of.

However I was not very clear in my initial post - I am not thinking about combining a cacti-extract with a full-blown ayahuasca brew. I am thinking about combining a small dose of caapi extract alone with a cacti extract.

As MJall pointed out (thanks!) the consensus has been that caapi is okay with the cacti - a full blown ayahuasca brew may not be, but that's not what I'm interested in.
Wouldn't recommend this though, but just MAOi and cactus are not counterindicated. Tyramine is broken down by MAO-b and Caapi is, like Harmala, a selective MAO-a inhibitor IIRC.
this is not true! Actually tyramine is primarily broken down by MAO-A.
Is the duration of the trip extended when combined with an MAOI? I read a trip report of a combination of cactus and AMT that lasted about 24 hours.
this is not true! Actually tyramine is primarily broken down by MAO-A.

Thought that sounded fishy. L-deprenyl is unique among mao inhibitors in that you can eat wine, cheese, etc. on it--and it's a selective mao-b inhibitor.

In theory, it'd seem that trichs plus caapi or syrian rue would be vomitous and headachey, yet people keep coming back with glowing reports. What's the deal?
tyramine is broken down by mao-b too, I believe, so small amounts of tyramine can be eaten is what I've heard.
In theory, it'd seem that trichs plus caapi or syrian rue would be vomitous and headachey, yet people keep coming back with glowing reports. What's the deal?

This is what I had assumed at the start - but on some other forums (not sure if I can link to them from here) there are reports that rave about the combo.

What piqued my interest was a dubious claim that caapi extract, SP/PT extract, and theobromine in the "right" ratio created what was described as an 8 - 10 hour ecstasy come-up that was "better" than the real deal. IMO nothing good comes of trying to replicate an MDMA high with other substances (MDAI, methylone, etc.) but it sounded interesting enough to give it a shot.

I'd assume we're talking very low dose cacti-extract (100-200mg), but I have no idea what ratio of the other two to use.
It depends on a few different factors. First of all, it depends on the receptor affinity of the chemical in question and secondly it depends on the bioavailability of the compound, which in turn depends on how it is metabolized in the body.
Shulgin has actually theorized that mescaline might somehow be affected by monoamine oxidase, and that it would be active in much smaller doses if this enzyme was to be inhibited.
It depends on a few different factors. First of all, it depends on the receptor affinity of the chemical in question and secondly it depends on the bioavailability of the compound, which in turn depends on how it is metabolized in the body.
Shulgin has actually theorized that mescaline might somehow be affected by monoamine oxidase, and that it would be active in much smaller doses if this enzyme was to be inhibited.

You would think that someone (unknowingly perhaps) would have out that theory to the test by now lol.
True :D I've always been told that one should not combine mescaline and MAOIs, but someone really should try a small dose of mescaline with a MAOI, in the name of science ;)
I've done it many times (as I'm sure others have) and while it Was stronger, I still took 400 mg without it being overly intense at all. So metabolism by MAO is definitely not even close to the whole picture for mescalines low potency.

And I think the advice is to not combine CACTUS with MAOIs (due to who knows what compounds it may contain that could be contraindicated), not the active chemical mescaline.
In general you shouldn't combine phenethylamines with MAOIs - you risk a hypertensive crisis by doing so...
Mescaline is not metabolized by MAO, and there is very old data showing this. Shulgin got it wrong about that. Mescaline is metabolized by another enzyme, SSAO. There are lots of trip reports combining MAOIs with either mescaline or cactus. There is some synergism of mescaline and harmala, but it is not due to MAO inhibition. Mescaline has weak affinity for 5HT-2a receptors, which accounts for the roughly 10-fold higher dosage.
You would think that someone (unknowingly perhaps) would have out that theory to the test by now lol.

I've combined syrian rue and san pedro cactus twice and both times I took about a third of the dose I would have needed to get the same level of effects. Not a lot different than with other psychedelics, maybe a bit more potentiation. Nothing crazy. Then again, that's not pure mescaline but mescaline with a collection of other psychoactives so who knows what might be different about the mechanism of action and effects of cactus?
I've done syrian rue with cactus too. I'd agree it makes things about 3 or 4 times stronger. It kicks in within half hour too.

I have heard many stories of people consuming high cocoa chocolate/cacao beans, nibs/caffiene during/before mescaline trips to boost the trip, yet when i try to research online where they got those ideas from, i dont come up with much solid evidence.

Yet people seem to swear by it.

Does anyone have any information or first had recounts of potentiating mescaline in any way? I dont have any interest in boosting it via maoi's. It just seems interesting that theres so many ways people are boosting it, without mixing it with other "hard drugs".

Thanks :)
welcome to the flow nukka.
i've actually got a similar issue coming up. ive got some extracted mescaline and want to split it between my fiance and I. I posted about it a while ago.
you can take an MAOI with it to potentate it-- i'm going to try this cocao and some OTC maois.