TDS Megamerged TDS Psychosis Thread vs. it's all going to be alright

I guess 1st welcome to BL.
2nd how old are you? Sex MF ect...

In terms of replying to your post those things are kinda important. Have u been down the SSRI/SNRI gamat of meds? Should you?

Atypical antipsychotics are the psychiatrists new baby. I'm sure they work well in the right patient but they do carry allot of negative side effects. Saying that though, if you have suffered psychosis more than once perhaps the med you are on is helping you in this regard.

If the meds are working I'd say leave them for 6 months and reevaluate.

MDMA, K ect... Good drugs when used responsibly. Abuse of them... Not so much.

I'd like to offer more but I don't know enough to comment past that
Re NA/ AA... Try before you buy.
Go to some meetings of both all over and at least know the basics of the 12 step stuff before you decide whether its for you.
If you're a girl I would heavily advise against giving your number ect... To anyone
Hi Hunter,

Thanks for responding. I am female, aged 29.

When I was initially diagnosed I was put on Olanzapine and Prozac. Then during the second hospitalisation I was changed on to Abilify and Promethazine. I was much happier with this combination. The Olanzapine made me put on a lot of weight and the Prozac made me feel nothing, literally. I would take K to be able to access my emotions, after a K trip I was able to cry over my parents, whereas in my waking life I felt totally numb.

I am now off the Promethazine, so just doing the anti-psychotic right now. Maybe an anti depressant would be the way forward but I have been doing a lot of reading about it and it seems hit and miss as to whether the one they put you on will work.

I am genuinely more keen to get off meds entirely and start back on the herbal route. I can't take St John's Wort at the moment as there are contraindications with Abilify. Quite frustrating.

I have read a few of your past posts and seen that you have suffered from depression/anxiety for some time now. Do you feel the anti depressants are working for you? One thing I can recommend for you is the omega fish oil capsules. They have been shown to work well for depression, take a minimum of four a day, ideally eight. Also B vits are really good, especially when alcohol is concerned but they are meant to be excellent for depression. I would recommend going to your local health store and find the ones that are made from food extracts, rather than the ones that can be bought from a pharmacy. The ones from the pharmacy are synthesised and we can only absorb about 30% of the B vits, whereas ones extracted from food, we can absorb about 70%.

Hope I'm not interfering and thank you very much for getting back to me. Ooh, also 5HTP is great, just expensive
Hey again,

Being med free is a nice idea and perhaps a future goal for you but if you've suffered multiple clinical psychosis perhaps best to have that as a long term goal...

If the ant psych you're on now is working I'd stick with it for 6 months and reevaluate.

Re SSRI/SNRI meds... For a very few cases they can help and u may find the magic one but from personal experience and many many experiences of others they are as the actual real data suggests no more helpfull than a placebo.
They are also hell to come off.

Re vitamins and suppliments I've been Down/ still on that road.

Thymine B1 I believe I take daily. Alcholilics are mostly always deficient with this specific B vitimin.

Multi vitimins I've used on and off for years. I really don't think they do a thing.
Fish oil I have also used a lot of for 3 months at a time and the. Stopped for 3 months and honestly noticed 0 difference.

I'd advise against St. John's wort in the near future. It's a real interactor.
5htp... Been down that road too... Again advise against for now.

Chlorophyll, a multi and fish oil is what I would recommend for natural remedies. Melitonin also works wonders.
Never had psychosis from MD or MJ but since abusing MJ for years then MD for 2 years can say for sure that it has left me with lifelong depression and anxiety disorders that are still very much a part of my everyday mental health.

Have not taken MD in 6 years and last smoked pot 2+ years ago.

Anxiety from pot became unbearable after MD entered the scene.
Pot makes me super anxious now so not worth it at all.
Only certain strands it seems don't effect me badly.
I almost always end up having PTSD attacks, anxiety attacks, hearing shit, etc. I had those things anyway but they would get aggravated and triggered when Ild smoke.When I was younger it was all I could access so I kept trying.
But it seems like every now and then if I'll get some and it actually helped my mental state (without medication and to a degree with I have all those symptoms). It wasn't often I got some that helped but when I did it was great.

I'm glad (well not really cause that sucks) to hear I'm not the only one. I always felt like maybe it was just me and I was somehow making myself freak out or being a whimp if sorts.
^ yeah good point re pot. I still agree with legalizing it.
Most bud I've ever had access too was hydro. Usually mixed sativa/indica.

Did an outdoor grow twice few years back from seed ( seeds were from an old schooler whos been growing outdoor since the 60's). The resulting bud was a lot milder and mostly anxiety free.

Medical MJ with all the nasties taken out I'm almost sure would be a good medication.
Last time I smoked pot was in Laos, Vang Vieng, and smoked green on riverside hammock and was strong. I'm sure hydro can be great but its too strong and unpredictable
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1) I have seen this sort of reaction before in a dose dependent manner.
2) I don't smoke cannabis due to an inability to confidently ascertain quality.
I'm glad your feeling some relief. Be patient, most people that go through this experience the first time expect quick results. Treating any psychological issue takes months to years to do effectively. This is normal and others have walked this road.

I can confirm, cannabis grown in the western world is hit or miss. Some cannabis from the western world causes seizures, vomiting, and compulsive dosing in susceptible individuals. I have witnessed more people than I can count on two hands have their lives completely destroyed do to the "nasties". In my experience cannabis from non-English speaking countries outside of the first world never results in these adverse reactions.
I can also confirm high potency cannabis grown ethically is a completely different experience. Quality cannabis is a strong anti-emetic, more mellow, and has a longer plateau. Additionally, when I would smoke quality cannabis I would never get the same desire to re-dose. My experience is derived from comparing U.K. and U.S. indoor hash/bud with Mexican, African, and Afghan hash/bud.
The drug war has been a public health nightmare.

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cannabis psychosis happened to me when I was 23.(I had taken some euro amphetamine too).
3 months hospital stay.
picked up by the police.
I would concentrate hard on changing your life.
you're free.
you have a fresh start.
best of luck.
Had a severe episode of psychosis 5 years ago, age 21, after smoking tonnes of weed. It completely swept the carpet from underneath my feet. I am now 26 and have never really recovered, it was a huge turning point in my life.

I think the whole experience would have been far less detrimental without the state feeling it needed to lock me up for weeks and diagnose me with an illness, Slapping labels of 'bipolar' and 'psychosis' on me made me feel even worse about myself than I already did and only lead to being stigmatized by my whole social circle.

I'm against the clinical nature of those places. People going through these experiences need love, care, attention, compassion and a sanctuary within which to receive such. I see psychiatric hospitals as torture chambers where people are socially controlled under the guise of 'treatment' almost always with nasty medications. They're horrible places.
I hate to hear stories like yours. Mental health really seems to be in its infancy. It seems the inpatient mental health system has become a way of incarcerating non-violent societal deviants who have committed no crime. I hope you realize as unpleasant as your experience was and as inept as your doctors might have been society still invested an enormous amount of resources in you. Society hasn't learned how to invest those resources responsibly yet. Think of how far western society has come since the 50's in regards to racism. I have confidence society can make that much progress in regards to mental health in the next half century.

I think the real issue is a lack of honest information. In medical school some things are only mentioned in between the lines or ignored all together due to social mores. The mechanics of conditions such as yours are one of those topics. Frankly, most doctors don't have adequate information to treat people such as yourself effectively even though they might want to. The exception to this is people who go through this experience, figure it out for themselves, and somehow manage their way into medical school later in life. I read post on bluelight all the time from people that have figured it out and could save a lot of lives with a couple extra letters in front of their name.

It's sort of a running joke that most doctors handwriting is completely illegible. A doctor with the stereotypical level of dysgraphia clearly hasn't figured it out. If they can't fix themselves how can we expect them to fix others? I can't reverse the prejudice and pain you and many others have experienced, though I wish I could. The past can't be changed. The future can be changed. People such as yourself who have seen the parts of society that most people can never fathom are the ones armed with the knowledge to make progress. If you can learn to leave your past behind you have the potential to insure others experiences are better.

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^ while this is true I am still a proponent of knowing family history in regards to mental health, and for getting an assessment when a teenager.

You really need to work further with your doctor on this issue because it could have been just an episode of psychosis, or it could be underlying mental health issues like schizophrenia, etc. I am not saying this to scare, but to help you get the best care you can.

I agree, completely.

Cannabis has a complex and not entirely understood mechanism of action in the human brain, and its resemblance to classical psychedelic drugs makes it a likely candidate for suspicion when psychiatric illnesses (or single episodes) surface. But we are not qualified diagnosticians, remember this. And when it comes to your psychiatric health, you must treat it seriously!

Take care <3
It's sickening and incompetent how inept psychiatrists are so eager to essentially rape someone's opportunities in life by giving an immediate bullshit diagnosis (almost invariably schizophrenia/bipolar) after one drug-induced incident. It seems to be a scam just to force expensive medications on as many people as possible.

Just as 'we' thought cannabis was safe, the trained doc thought they knew what they were doing. Subjectively, that diagnosis is no different; it'a based on someone else's observations that have been repeated.

It is easy for us to recommend Dexedrine to someone with ADD due to diagnostic perimeters, so what makes it different with cannabis?

All I am saying is most people try their best. Doctors are not always as well informed as we would like to believe. It is always best to have self awareness and know yourself first and foremost before someone else tells you what to do with it.

Just as 'we' thought cannabis was safe, the trained doc thought they knew what they were doing. Subjectively, that diagnosis is no different; it'a based on someone else's observations that have been repeated.

It is easy for us to recommend Dexedrine to someone with ADD due to diagnostic perimeters, so what makes it different with cannabis?

All I am saying is most people try their best. Doctors are not always as well informed as we would like to believe. It is always best to have self awareness and know yourself first and foremost before someone else tells you what to do with it.

They know it is a drug-induced episode in most cases. They are not doing there best, they are just hurrying the process and getting more bullshit drugs prescribed. Humanizing them with your psychiatric apologetics merely serves to whitewash and invalidate the problem.
I have been tapering off my 180mg Valium since jan 2013
I'm stable at 7.5 mg. I tried to get to 5 mg but I only last 10 days and went back to 5 mg. this is my 4th time with tapering or cold turkeying benzos

Recently my border line personality disorder (I think I'm bi polar to) has just made me give up. I haven't been high or drunk In 3 month. The last few days I've been getting drunk and smoking pot.
Last night I hit one bong at around 8pm and I'm still high at 3pm the next day.
Nothing looks or feels right. And the first 6 hours of the trip were terrifying. I think I smoked myself crazy or into a psychosis.

Why the fuck do I keep getting fully clean then relapsing when I know this shit is gonna happen. I'm clearly fucked in the head.

Anyone else have really negative effects from doing street drugs and being borderline or bipolar.

I feel like the only way to get out of this is suicide.
No suicide is not the answer. The answer is to kick off drugs and get clean. There are people who have border line personality disorder who survived and now are living a healthy life.

A lot of us have relapsed I myself had a fair share of relapses but I always pick myself up and fight it. The important thing is to keep fighting specially the urge to do drugs. It's not easy I know but you have to do it you don't have a choice!

What I did is find other things to get addicted to such as working out so maybe you can find other things to occupy yourself with.
people who get clean are way happier than a junkie about to get his fix i relapse all the time you just dust ur self off and start new
Professional help, NOW!

I have no idea where you live but I guess it's America, anyone able to help this guy out with some contact info for support services?