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[Mega]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion

Well then the resin had some other active ingredient.
I promise you i was extremely baked.
It is not thc resin as I only smoked weed out of the pipe 2 times and I cleaned it many times before this.
Well then the resin had some other active ingredient.
I promise you i was extremely baked.
It is not thc resin as I only smoked weed out of the pipe 2 times and I cleaned it many times before this.
I didn't doubt that you got baked at all. All I did was answer your question about the potency of the resin you are smoking. Why would you think there is another active ingredient involved? JWH is a very powerful substance to be ingesting, resin or not.
I think this K2 stuff is too well known. People who know aboslutely NOTHING about it smoke it like its weed. Overdose on JWH-810 IS very possible and has happened. I think you should only be allowed to use it if your smart enough to know thats its a FUCKING CHEMICAL. Im so tired of people getting all excited cause they bought K2 seeds on ebay...like wtf how stupid can you be.

What do you think THC is? Is it not a chemical? Is there any drug that isn't a CHEMICAL? Yeah, you can OD on jwh-018, but it's not life threatening like a heroin OD. It's like you smoked too much bubble hash, or good weed for that matter. I've smoke over 50mg at once, and I didn't experience any ill effects. I like the high from real bud better, but jwh-018 is the closest thing I've found. It's a godsend for people on probation or who get ua's for work. Jerks Without Herbs FTW!!!!
I like weed when i don't have anything to do, but if i have stuff to do, i use CP-55,940-based blend instead - very similar to weed (far more so than the JWH-based ones), but more clearheaded.
I find the indole cannabinoids all feel empty to some degree, particularly JWH-200/250 and AM-694

Spice is simply jwh sprayed on random plants and herbs that have nothing in them you are interested in, so the resin is pretty shot.

And weed is simply a plant that happens to have THC on/in it.

Resin from weed is active, tastes worse, and is worse for you.
Same with spice blends.

Resin is what forms when compounds in the smoke condense on the glass of the pipe. Unsurprisingly it contains lots of tar, crud, and assorted pyrolysis products, as well as some of the active compound (no reason why it wouldn't condense as well).
Smoking it leads to another round of pyrolysis, so you get more nasty stuff, and it tastes horrible.

Has anyone tried cooking with JWH? The way I usually do with bud is dry it out and bust it to dust in a coffee grinder then heat it in canola oil for 45 mins then use the oil to cook with. Would this be effective with JWH018? What dose should I aim for?

You don't need to hold it at a high temperature like you do with weed, just get it into solution. However its solubility in vegetable oil is poor, and oral JWH-xxx is very unpredictable, presumably due to BA depending on stomach contents + etc. I've seen people say that 20mg oral did nothing at all and others that 8mg oral was too much.
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Results from cooking: 10mg cookies were too much, but half a cookie was perfect. Also one person ate half a cookie while drunk and found bat country. He woke up screaming that he was on fire and something about bats.
If the resin was "pretty shot" then how come I was more baked off of 1 hit of resin (smoked not vaped) rather then if I were to hit 3-4 hits of reg. spice o_O
You are not understanding the context of the text "pretty shot". Pretty shot is in comparison to the resin from a pure jwh pipe/vaporizer; the answer to your original question.
AM-694, finally tested it!

I received my AM-694 along with an order of jwh073. I smoked all of the 073 before even attempting to touch the AM694(the whole gram in about 2 days) MAGNIFICENT QUALITY. Now, just so you guys know my cannabinoid tolerance is THROUGH THE ROOF. I regularly pack a minimum of 50mg bowls of 018 or 073(which in my opinion is a much better version of 018, much more euphoric and relaxing, while the 018 can give me a lot of anxiety and make me very tense, which is the opposite of relaxed). And it also is quite impossible for me to get high from weed of any quality (unless of course I happen to be on DXM at the time).

Now for the report of the AM-694 substance. I had quite some paranoia with trying it for a few days. All this speculation of possible toxic effects, carcinogenic possiblity, etc. It's all very humbling. To me though, I didn't see much to worry about (doesn't mean I didn't worry quite a bit anyway!). Initially, my research partner who may love cannabinoids a bit more than me (seems hard to believe) tried quite a small dose (1mg) and worked up from there. I believe he used up to 15mg (after multiple trials) with some appreciable effect but nothing intense, he described it as a less demanding high than what JWH would give you. His tolerance is about a tenth as high as mine. Once I ran out of the 073, I knew it was only a matter of time until I started smoking the AM-694.

I had many trials yesterday (my first day testing it, and it has left me with quite a positive impression) I would estimate (did not use my mg scale, my tolerance is so high its a lot safer to dose for me) I started out with 15mg, which had almost no effect. I would guess I built up to around 50mg or so. I wouldn't be surprised if I had used 75mg at the peak.

Here is the PROS and CONS I have come up with for AM694.

-This perhaps was the biggest PRO for me because the #1 thing I hated about 018 (which is the longest lasting JWH) was that it lasted barely an hour or so for me and then I would have to compulsively redose over and over ALL DAY. Which made me draw the analogy of, as cocaine is to crack, marijuana is to 018. The AM-694 had a duration (EXTREMELY similar to weed, which was about 3 hours or so for me), and the quality of the high didn't diminish as time went on! This was an amazing part of the cannabinoid.
- The high was very different from the JWH's I've tried (am extremely familiar with 018, and 073, having smoked probably at least 20g of both put together) as just like my friend said.. It wasn't as demanding of a high, especially for my attention. It was more of an EXTREMELY relaxing high, as all my muscles were QUITE relaxed, and tension was not noted ANYWHERE (quite uncommon for me as I have fibromyalgia, and is quite an important aspect of a cannabinoid). The high was actually VERY subtle (and this caused me to use quite a high dose for this cannabinoid which was 50mg or so, while if that same proportion was used for 018 I imagine I would have INTENSE anxiety wondering if I was going to die) This has led me to believe that while the active dose is somewhat smaller than 018 it was QUITE exaggerated (0.08nM, MY ASS, move over a decimal point and then we'll talk), I would say it's about active at half the dose of 018. Also, even though the active dose is half as small as 018 I believe it would be quite harder to overdose or "get way too high". The reason for this being is the type of highs both give you are completely different. When you get too high from 018 it immediately results in extreme paranoid and anxiety (at least for me), when I got too high from the AM-694 it resulted in almost ZERO paranoia and anxiety, and instead I felt quite lightheaded and happy instead.
- One of the main reasons I got so dependent and my tolerance rocketed so high to cannabis was because I had HORRIBLE insomnia and cannabis seemed to be the only thing with minimal side effects that put me RIGHT to sleep every night! It was a godsend. I also used it to self treat my fibromyalgia (unknowingly, as I didn't even get diagnosed until a couple months ago!), and apparently that was a contributing factor to my tolerance rocketing so high. The 018 when used in normal amounts causes stimulation (similar to a pure sativa) and usually doesn't make many people tired. This is quite untrue when smoked in HUGE amounts, as every time I would smoke amounts close to this with 018 I would IMMEDIATELY pass out or come very close to it. The thing was, the quality of sleep it forced me into was very light. I would sleep for 2 hours at most (if it wasn't night time) , and felt extremely unrested and groggy when I woke up and just completely felt like a piece of shit.
WHAT A TURN AROUND WITH THE AM-694!!! Even at very high amounts there was no "passing out" or forcing of going to sleep. It was just an extremely relaxed high that very gently allowed me to go into a PEACEFUL AND DEEP SLEEP!!! When I awoke from my deep AM-694 induced sleep, I had never felt that good in a LONGG time (I felt extremely mentally stable, and my body was aching extremely minimally which is VERY VERY UNCOMMON for me, I was ecstatic!!) It allowed me to sleep 12 uninterrupted hours of DEEP sleep, you guys do not understand how rested I felt this morning. IT WAS AMAZING!. I usually have a hard time getting 8 hours of light sleep, and usually always feel extremely unrested and mentally foggy EVERY MORNING WHEN I WAKE UP. This was the complete opposite. My mind felt sharp, and I felt like I had slept for all the time I ever needed to make up for my horrible sleep cycle. This, as you can see why, was the BIGGEST positive aspect of this new novel cannabinoid. I AM IN LOVE. (Well let me test it for the next few days and see if nothing changes)

Also, I should note it gave me confidence to do a few things that were giving me anxiety about for the last month or so. It literally just made me confident enough to not get paranoid about it, and led me to completely enjoy what I was worrying about.

-TASTES LIKE BURNING something? With the JWHs I've never noticed a foul taste, there definitely is with this one!! The weird thing is.. I tried some k3 my friend brought over 2 days ago because they randomly started selling it at every gas station in South Florida a week ago or so. I remember how nasty I thought it tasted. Yesterday.. I realized, the AM694 TASTES ALMOST EXACTLY how the K3 tastes. I am almost 100% certain they are putting am-694 as one of the cannabinoids in K3.

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You smoked a gram of 073 in 2 days? I Mean i smoke maybe 10mg's at a time of 018/081, and while thats a big dose for most people I did adjust to it. But 50mg at a time wtf. You must be getting cut shit.
Do you know how pure this stuff was? I really want to try this RC but haven't found a decent purity from any reliable sources. What color was it? A gram of 018 or even 073 is ungoldy in 2 days, it must have been 70-80% pure. Do you have any lab tests or lab reports from other customers?
I don't really know so I asked my mom. What does 'ungoldy' mean and she got scared and said your moving with your auntie and uncle to bel-air.
But srsly, I would be dead if I ingested a gram of 018, its just too much. I've been smoking on a gram that I bought like six weeks ago. Maybe your vaping it wrong? I would like to hear some more about that AM compound, anyone with some personal exp's?
Herbal Smoke, Blends, Incense WTF?

I'm a lightweight... cheap date... two hit wonder. Why? Well because my job. A hot pee test and I'd be kicking rocks looking for more work. So I can count the number of times I've smoked weed in the last two years on one hand. (sad but true).

Recently, I started hand rolling my own cigs. It's cheaper and I actually enjoy the taste better. Not to mention the new Fire Safe cigs suck, imho. I'm visiting various smoke shops to get my pouch tobacco, and I come upon this 'herbal incense' I don't want to 'source' however I need to know if anyone has any information of a specific product called 'King Krypto'? I've searched the web... and yanno there isn't a whole lot about it... I do know it's pricey...

Now I'm reading about making your own blends... um... okay...seems cheaper and a better idea... but I'm waiting for the 'catch'

So any thoughts?

I wish you well and enough,


(I'll understand if you have to delete this... but how do I ask without actually ASKING?)
(admins... if I blew it, please let me know... I don't want to lose my posting privs)
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My stuff is 82% pure. I've had shit that would make me smoke 100's upon 100's of miligrams and barely feel a thing. That was from the most popular jwh supplier on the internet. FUCK THEM. I've boughten from 10 different jwh suppliers and have found the most pure one on the internet. I tested it, and it came back as 82% pure.
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Results from cooking: 10mg cookies were too much, but half a cookie was perfect. Also one person ate half a cookie while drunk and found bat country. He woke up screaming that he was on fire and something about bats.

That's how you know you've hit the sweet spot. =D
Know nothing about King Krypto. The catch is you have to research because you can't name sources on this site. Read about RCs and bing the letters and numbers you see in the threads. Be very careful when using jwh. Best of luck to you.
synthetic marijauna

so at local stores around my town there is stuff called K2 being sold thats laced with 'synthetic thc' that mimics a marijauna high..i smoked it once and it does the trick for about a half hour or an hour, an since im on probation it was nice to be able to smoke a lil.

so then i looked around online to get some info about the stuff just cause i was curious an i came across this article an i just wanna know if anyone can tell me wether its really as bad as this things says it can be, it sounds a little rediculous i just cant picture this stuff really being that bad but if anyone has any knowledge on the subject, im just trying to figure out if i should steer clear of it or not.
Please use the search engine before starting a new thread...there are hundreds of threads on smoking blends including at least 5 on K2.