MEGA - Studying, Exams, Stress, and coping with them

I've managed to memorize half of an advanced bio textbook that way :p

it works differently for different people,

but what I do is just repeat the formula/fact to myself really fast a bunch of times until I memorize it, and then once I've gone through the list I read over it one or two more times, got me an A+

no two people study the same though,

and yes, once you stay up pasta certain point sleep is useless, much better to chug several NOS over the course of the day
But once, writing a paper for post-colonial theory.
I tend to do better doing little bits of work over a longer period.

Ok so as for ''memorizing".. I know it's best to research it and find the vocabulary.

For example I have to memorize several sentences for the essay questions on the final/exam. It's nothing super hard. What's the best way to memorize things? Like English/History stuff??? ( not author, or names, more like titles, and events.)
Ok so I found this works better for me..
1. No Internet/Bluelight (no matter how much I kick and scream.)
2. No where near other students, (makes me feel like they are watching... damn ufo's..
3. I have to be under a outside, and under a tree.
4.(since I got sum folks that live on the country I go out there and go to the big ass oak tree a mile out in the pasture.)
5.Different kinds of music for different subjects, (trance for math, rock for science. etc.
6. Take a 5 minute break per 45 minute of studying.
7. Set my alarm

and of course.. Take my adderal!

So I have my final exam and I just took a 20mg adderal. and the school computer lab closes in 30 minutes.. mm off to waffle house!(btw I have no laptop, I haven't made enough "A's" LOL
Is it safe to stay up and study???

Safe for your body, yes, unless you take an extreme amount of stimulants in attempt to keep it going. I mean, your body WILL fall asleep after some point to protect you.

For ordinary exams, I'd always spend around 8 hours prior-to them studying. If they were in the morning, I'd be up all night. It's just what worked best for me - epsecially in courses more heavy on memorization.

My second year of college, I got screwed. Essentially, despite exam week stretching over 8 days, I was taking 5 courses at the time and they ALL had exams within a 51 hour window (first was Monday 8-11am and last was Wednesday 8-11am and I couldn't get any time changes despite asking). So I just stayed up for the entire thing, which ended up being around 3 days, given study time before the first exam. Haha, for the Wednesday morning exam, I was so out of it that I asked the professor if he minded if I took the test standing up. I had a 94% going into the final exam, was really liked by the professor, and then ended up getting an 83% in the course. I remember handing my exam in at the end, and just looking at the prof and saying "I'm sorry. You'll soon understand."

I pulled 13 all-nighters(!) the semester I wrote my master's thesis. That was NOT fun.

It's not exactly that I had bad study habits, but I do have OCD which peaks when I am stressed, and OCD tends to make academic efforts take longer.

For example I have to memorize several sentences for the essay questions on the final/exam. It's nothing super hard. What's the best way to memorize things? Like English/History stuff??? ( not author, or names, more like titles, and events.)

The song lyrics approach, though at first seeming kind of childish, actually works incredibly well.
thanks. U all helped. The best way that workd(or is) working for me is to take a 10 minute break per 45 mins(stretch,walk,brush teeth,etc.) to bring me back 2 reality. I also made questions of all my lectures/notes.(made it in a test format) highlighted the most traumatizeing words and slowly milk the positive. Im stil not tired.(i shouldnt have taken that adderal at 8pm 2 nite.) im thinking more positive now than b4. Lol thanks yal wish meh luck! -d
I'll work on a project until I physically fall asleep at my desk. However, I will not try to attend a final on little/no sleep.
I've pulled MANY MANY all-nighters. Exam week and the week before at my last school, 2 hours of sleep a day.
This week it was an all-nighter cause I out off homework. Drugs help you stay awake, but helping beyond the awake...I'm not so sure.
I do my best studying in the early morning before most of the people in my house are awake (up at 5:30-6). I make a cup of coffee, have some breakfast and start cycling through books that I am working on. When I get bored or stop focusing on one book I put it down and pick up another one and repeat the cycle for about 5 or 6 hours ( I usually stop studying around noon). If I am reading a particularly difficult text (derrida, hegel, etc), then I copy the text that I find interesting into note book (this slows me down and makes me focus).
>>I find that studying with a partner>>

I usually dislike this--I end up spending undue time going over shit that I don't need to, as I'd imagine my partner would too.

I agree with Ebola, I find studying with people can be distracting. However, sometimes it is good to get together with people after studying to discuss/debate because it forces you to use what you to apply what you learned in concise way.
The best way (but definitely the most stressful way) for me to get shit done is to procrastinate til close to the deadline, because I want to succeed so I get my shit done no matter what, and if I procrastinate til the very end I'm forced to sit down and do it.
i am the very same way
As I'm studying I'll write down the things I don't understand and questions that come up as well as the page number. Later I find the answers by asking a tutor or looking on the internet.

I try to engage as many of the modes of learning as possible. I eat small meals, light on sugar and caffeine.
snort about 10mg of focalin

sounds just like me, except I always have very loud, fast music blaring and I always eat the shit, never snort it ;)

I'm a writing/literature major so most of my work involves either being creative or writing extensive literary analysis papers. the latter can be a bitch at times, though it is wonderful fun too (hard to explain). the stimulants definitely help me identify the glory of creating an awesome, well-crafted analysis of good writing -- or creating my own awesome writing, heehee
SURVEY : Stimulant use by College Students

For my final piece of writing in summer class, I was supposed to report on a problem that has, is, or always will be prevalent among college students. Some chose to report on the rape issue, some chose to report on crazed-gunmen who roam random campuses firing at will, some chose to write about students with drinking problems, and I chose stimulant abuse.

I love BL because I can always count on getting intelligent, useful responses from my BL buddies (well, some of you...) Anyway, if you are a college student who uses a stimulant (meth, pharm speed, ritalin, cocaine) for ANY REASON (except for ADHD), I wanna know about it. So read on, and answer a few quick questions please. Your answers will go toward education. All of these drugs discussed below, for all practical purposes, will be referred to as "speed." And yes I know, cocaine is not speed! It will be referred to as such in this thread.

I. Are you in college?
II. Is stimulant abuse common at your college?
III. What country or what part of the US do you attend college?

1. Have you ever used any of these drugs: cocaine, Ritalin (or generics), Adderall (or generics), Focalin, Dexedrine or another form of dextro-amp such as Vyvanse, or methamphetamine (street dope, called crank, zip, tweak, etc).

2. If yes, was it to give you a "push" through your studies and hard work? Or was it purely for fun (i.e. taking speed at a party for increased stamina).

3. If you use this drug recreationally, explain why you choose to use this drug, i.e. tell me how it "gets you off."

4. Many of my college friends refer to IR Adderall as "Study Buddies." Would you agree with this nickname? Have they benefited your academic work in any way?

5. IN YOUR OPINION / EXPERIENCE, are men more prone to abusing speed than women? I don't want facts or statistics, I want educated opinions and first-hand knowledge.

6. Do you have a stimulant of choice? Is there one that simply cannot be beat?

7. How do you usually take your stimulants? Do you simply swallow it, or do you snort or inject, or in the case of meth, smoke it?

8. Have you ever tried to curb your stimulant use and were unable to do so?

9. If yes, have you suffered any ill effects (i.e. weight loss, chronic insomnia, poor hygiene, or psychosis / bizarre behavior due to excessive use)?

10. Lastly, how does your stimulant abuse make you feel? Guilty? Cool? Indifferent (don't give a fuck either way)? Other emotions?

Thank you for your time; with your input I will turn in another brilliantly written report on drug abuse. :)

"Bonus" Question: What is your opinion of the so-called "War On Drugs"? I for one think it is a farce. It wastes taxpayer money, puts innocent people in jail, and the "war" is simply unwinnable. You show me a United States without a black market and I'll eat a horse penis.
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i. Are you in college? Yes
ii. Is stimulant abuse common at your college? Yes
iii. What country or what part of the us do you attend college? Iowa, usa

1. Have you ever used any of these drugs: Cocaine, ritalin (or generics), adderall (or generics), focalin, dexedrine or another form of dextro-amp such as vyvanse, or methamphetamine (street dope, called crank, zip, tweak, etc).

2. If yes, was it to give you a "push" through your studies and hard work? Or was it purely for fun (i.e. Taking speed at a party for increased stamina).
Mostly for cramming and focusing on work, but i've been known to indulge on saturday nights :)

3. If you use this drug recreationally, explain why you choose to use this drug, i.e. Tell me how it "gets you off."
keeps me awake and feeling awesome so i can enjoy the party until everyone is gone (and drink my weight in beer and not catch a buzz haha).

4. Many of my college friends refer to ir adderall as "study buddies." would you agree with this nickname? Have they benefited your academic work in any way?
Yes / yes

5. In your opinion / experience, in your area, are men more prone to abusing speed, or women? I don't want facts or statistics, i want educated opinions and first-hand knowledge.
Women love coke and crank round these parts.

6. Do you have a stimulant of choice? Is there one that simply cannot be beat?
I used to swear by meth, but the euphoria is so strong that it's almost distracting. Nowadays, i prefer dex.

7. How do you usually take your stimulants? Do you simply swallow it, or do you snort or inject, or in the case of meth, smoke it?
Any pill i will swallow, if it's meth i will smoke or inject.

8. Have you ever tried to curb your stimulant use and were unable to do so?

9. If yes, have you suffered any ill effects (i.e. Weight loss, chronic insomnia, poor hygiene, or psychosis / bizarre behavior due to excessive use)?
Chronic insomnia--yes. Poor hygiene--no, i obsess over myself while i'm high on stims. Bizarre behavior--yes, my parents thought i had gone berzerk-o after staying awake 3 nights in a row, they were ready to commit me until i was forced to tell the truth.

10. Lastly, how does your stimulant abuse make you feel? Guilty? Cool? Indifferent (don't give a fuck either way)? Other emotions?
Mixed feelings. When i take a slightly-more-than-therapeutic dose to help me study and focus, i don't get all spun out. When i take a dose or several doses to get high, i always feel guilty and paranoid because i hate trying to hide things from my wife. It's so juvenile...suffice to say i don't abuse stims to get high much.

Thank you for your time; with your input i will turn in another brilliantly written report on drug abuse. :)

"bonus" question: What is your opinion of the so-called "war on drugs"?
I for one think it is a farce. It wastes taxpayer money, puts innocent people in jail, and the "war" is simply unwinnable. You show me a united states without a black market and i'll eat a horse penis.[/quote/]
I. Are you in college? Yes.
II. Is stimulant abuse common at your college? I am not sure.
III. What country or what part of the US do you attend college? Northeastern United States

1. Have you ever used any of these drugs: cocaine, Ritalin (or generics), Adderall (or generics), Focalin, Dexedrine or another form of dextro-amp such as Vyvanse, or methamphetamine (street dope, called crank, zip, tweak, etc). I've done Dexedrine, Ritalin, Concerta, Cocaine, Crack, Adderall, street amphetamine, and Focalin. Never Vyvanse or methamphetamine, though.

2. If yes, was it to give you a "push" through your studies and hard work? Or was it purely for fun (i.e. taking speed at a party for increased stamina). I've been taking the drugs since I was 10. It was pushed on me to help me stay in school, because I was failing due to severe emotional problems and supposed ADHD. Now I use it to excess, but still mostly just for work. I just tend to take my work more seriously than I have to. I feel the need to be productive 24/7, even during my breaks, which means near constant stimulant use/abuse.

3. If you use this drug recreationally, explain why you choose to use this drug, i.e. tell me how it "gets you off." I don't really use them recreationally. Only to write, because I'm a creative writing major. In a sense, therefore, it's recreational. I use it for my art. But that is also my school-work. It's complicated...

4. Many of my college friends refer to IR Adderall as "Study Buddies." Would you agree with this nickname? Have they benefited your academic work in any way? Most certainly. But I prefer Focalin to Adderall by far.

5. IN YOUR OPINION / EXPERIENCE, are men more prone to abusing speed than women? I don't want facts or statistics, I want educated opinions and first-hand knowledge. I dated a girl who used speed with me recreationally and became heavily addicted to stimulants. I believe she is clean now (I hope). Other than that, yes (in terms of school-work), I have met several women who use stimulants to get ahead academically.

6. Do you have a stimulant of choice? Is there one that simply cannot be beat? Focalin. Nothing beats it. Cocaine feels better and gets me more hyped, but it lasts for no time at all. Focalin is the best there is, in my opinion. I would say Focalin first, then adderall, then cocaine, then dexedrine, then the rest (the bulshit ones. i.e. ritalin, concerta, etc.)

7. How do you usually take your stimulants? Do you simply swallow it, or do you snort or inject, or in the case of meth, smoke it? I swallow them. But on occasion I have snorted focalin and adderall. And I have snorted ritalin/concerta. and I had a brief stint of IV cocaine use (luckily I was at the end of the line and went into AA a month after I began injecting it).

8. Have you ever tried to curb your stimulant use and were unable to do so? (I stopped successfully this past June after a full year of daily hardcore use of Focalin, Adderall and Cocaine. I was 100% successful.)

9. If yes, have you suffered any ill effects (i.e. weight loss, chronic insomnia, poor hygiene, or psychosis / bizarre behavior due to excessive use)? Now that I'm back on stimulants (daily) I can say that yes, it makes me eat very little, sleep very little, bathe very little, and think very strangely. I like to think it improves my writing, but realistically my body is running on zero everything.

10. Lastly, how does your stimulant abuse make you feel? Guilty? Cool? Indifferent (don't give a fuck either way)? Other emotions? It makes me feel very positive and motivated. Then, when I crash, I feel ready to die.
For my final piece of writing in summer class, I was supposed to report on a problem that has, is, or always will be prevalent among college students. Some chose to report on the rape issue, some chose to report on crazed-gunmen who roam random campuses firing at will, some chose to write about students with drinking problems, and I chose stimulant abuse.

I love BL because I can always count on getting intelligent, useful responses from my BL buddies (well, some of you...) Anyway, if you are a college student who uses a stimulant (meth, pharm speed, ritalin, cocaine) for ANY REASON (except for ADHD), I wanna know about it. So read on, and answer a few quick questions please. Your answers will go toward education. All of these drugs discussed below, for all practical purposes, will be referred to as "speed." And yes I know, cocaine is not speed! It will be referred to as such in this thread.

I. Are you in college? Yes

II. Is stimulant abuse common at your college? No, amphetamines used by less than 3% as shown in recent poll

III. What country or what part of the US do you attend college? West Coast, Central CA

1. Have you ever used any of these drugs: cocaine, Ritalin (or generics), Adderall (or generics), Focalin, Dexedrine or another form of dextro-amp such as Vyvanse, or methamphetamine (street dope, called crank, zip, tweak, etc).

I have used Ritalin/Conerta, Adderall (IR and XR), and propylhexedrine (extracted from nasal inhalers).

2. If yes, was it to give you a "push" through your studies and hard work? Or was it purely for fun (i.e. taking speed at a party for increased stamina).

I've very occasionally taken speed recreationally , such as for a party, but more usually if I use it I do so to help get through multi-day cramming sessions, or very long essays.

3. If you use this drug recreationally, explain why you choose to use this drug, i.e. tell me how it "gets you off."

It helps ward off tiredness, and increases my sociability, the standard effects of stimulants. However, I have found that is rarely worth the comedown I experience, and if I need a booster, I will be more inclined to use caffeine or betel nut.

4. Many of my college friends refer to IR Adderall as "Study Buddies." Would you agree with this nickname? Have they benefited your academic work in any way?

Adderall can definitely help my studies in the short term, but it is not something that I feel would be helpful to use daily, as the side effects would outweigh the benefits. I have found such stimulants most useful for concentrating a large volume of work into a very small ( or not study-advantageous) time frame.

5. IN YOUR OPINION / EXPERIENCE, are men more prone to abusing speed than women? I don't want facts or statistics, I want educated opinions and first-hand knowledge.

I have known more male stimulant users than female stimulant users, of which I know very few, so I do not have any opinion on this matter.

6. Do you have a stimulant of choice? Is there one that simply cannot be beat?

For a powerful stimulant, I have found Adderall XR to be the most enjoyable and useful for studying, whereas propylhexedrine would be my favorite "recreational" stimulant, as I find it to be the most euphoric, but also the least energizing. However, if I don't want to risk a comedown, I will often use betel nut, which I have found to be a fantastic day-to-day study aid.

7. How do you usually take your stimulants? Do you simply swallow it, or do you snort or inject, or in the case of meth, smoke it?

I've only ever consumed stimulants orally, as I have found snorting (such as with ritalin) to be less productive, as the effects peak and diminish too quickly)

8. Have you ever tried to curb your stimulant use and were unable to do so?

No, my stimulant use is very occasional, since I cannot enjoy it more than once every so often without getting unspeakably bad comedowns, although recently I've found a way to avoid the worst of them.

9. If yes, have you suffered any ill effects (i.e. weight loss, chronic insomnia, poor hygiene, or psychosis / bizarre behavior due to excessive use)?

Other than ocasionally altered sleep patterns directly following use, or the occasional side effects of 2.5 days of sleeplessness (such as mild delusions of hearing noises such as closing doors, or my name being called), no other affects have been noted, and certainly no long term effects.

10. Lastly, how does your stimulant abuse make you feel? Guilty? Cool? Indifferent (don't give a fuck either way)? Other emotions?

Directly following my comedown, I feel generally guilty about numerous aspects of my life, but after some experience Ive come to realize that this is merely a reaction to low neurotransmitter levels, and I have learned to at least try to be skeptical of my thoughts while my frame of mind. Otherwise, I view it as a behavior which I have been able to control, and use to my advantage. At no time have I ever been concerned about my stimulant use.

Thank you for your time; with your input I will turn in another brilliantly written report on drug abuse. :)

"Bonus" Question: What is your opinion of the so-called "War On Drugs"?

I second the OP, it's an unspeakably misguided waste of money and resources, to say nothing of the injustices it perpetrates in the name of saving society and people from themselves. As long as real crimes are being perpetrated, the drug war will be the absolute lowest priority for a society, and in its current form it will always be an imposition on personal freedoms.
I. Are you in college? Yes
II. Is stimulant abuse common at your college? During exam weeks stimulants are very easy to find. Otherwise its mostly weed or psychedelics
III. What country or what part of the US do you attend college? North Carolina

1. Have you ever used any of these drugs: cocaine, Ritalin (or generics), Adderall (or generics), Focalin, Dexedrine or another form of dextro-amp such as Vyvanse, or methamphetamine (street dope, called crank, zip, tweak, etc). I have used adderall, ritalin and focalin

2. If yes, was it to give you a "push" through your studies and hard work? Or was it purely for fun (i.e. taking speed at a party for increased stamina). I take it for fun most of the time. During exam weeks i might take some to get a lot of work done quickly, but most of the time it is for fun

3. If you use this drug recreationally, explain why you choose to use this drug, i.e. tell me how it "gets you off." I quit smoking weed, and only drink sometimes. I don't want to get extremely high and so i take adderall. It gives me a good mood, lots of energy and makes doing almost any activity fun.

4. Many of my college friends refer to IR Adderall as "Study Buddies." Would you agree with this nickname? Have they benefited your academic work in any way? I would agree. I have taken them and gotten a large amount of work done quickly. They let me focus and be more productive.

5. IN YOUR OPINION / EXPERIENCE, are men more prone to abusing speed than women? I don't want facts or statistics, I want educated opinions and first-hand knowledge. In my experience i have only known men who do stimulants.

6. Do you have a stimulant of choice? Is there one that simply cannot be beat? I like adderall because its easy to get and the euphoria/effects are better than ritalin or focalin.

7. How do you usually take your stimulants? Do you simply swallow it, or do you snort or inject, or in the case of meth, smoke it? I crush up the adderall and put it in about a shot's worth of warm water, stir and then drink it.

8. Have you ever tried to curb your stimulant use and were unable to do so? Yes i have curbed my use, i don't do it more than once a week and i stop for extended periods of time. Right now i havent done it in over a month and have had no problem at all stopping

9. If yes, have you suffered any ill effects (i.e. weight loss, chronic insomnia, poor hygiene, or psychosis / bizarre behavior due to excessive use)? -

10. Lastly, how does your stimulant abuse make you feel? Guilty? Cool? Indifferent (don't give a fuck either way)? Other emotions? I wouldnt say i abuse it, but at times when i do it once a week for a while i do feel a little guilty (for a specific reason i wont list) but also a bit indifferent

-I see the war on drugs as a failure. Too much money being spent on it and too many good people locked up. Weed should be legal but other drugs should not
As discussed with Eagleman privately, the Drug Studies forum is actually not the right place for the thread.

The mods here have recently been discussing the parameters of our forum. We believe Drug Studies should be preserved for research projects run by university staff or students that have passed ethics approval at those institutions. They tend to also collect their data anonymously, ie. not within the forum discussion, eg. an external anonymous online survey or interviewing by phone or face-to-face.

I think this is a normal thread, with a little more structure in it, and I think it would be appropriate in Other Drugs. Of course, OD Mods may disagree... feel free to discuss more if needed.

-----> Other drugs