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MEGA MERGED METHADONE THREAD...All methadone clinic talk in here

Methadone Maintenance

So swim started methadone maintenance about a month ago. Swim was first dosed with 30 mg (starting for everyone in my clinic) then worked way up to 50mg & stayed there for about 4 days but that dose was not holding swim. Clinic then increased swims dose to 70mg. Swim has been on 70mg for about a week now & the first couple of days swim felt great (good energy, good sleep, no withdrawl, etc.) But starting today, Swim is just TIRED & not feeling as great as she was feeling 4 or 5 days ago. Swims dose feels as though it gradually got weaker and weaker as far as effects go. Is this just swims body developing a "tolerance" to that dose? or what? Also, swim is 21 weeks pregnant.
Got a question guys.

I've been struggling with addiction for 5 years now, and finally decided to get MMT. Yesterday was my first day, and I signed up, they RUSHED me through the process, were quite RUDE, and I didn't even get to read any of the papers they made me sign. They said they were in a "hurry".

Then, the doctor told me she was going to dose me at 30mg, and take it from there, and accidenetly wrote 20mg on the paper. So they dosed me 20mg, and when I told them I was supposed to get 30mg, they couldnt change it because the doctor already left!

Anyway, Yesterday was my first day of MMT, and I was still in w/d, so I went out and did opiates. I have a 3 month old child, who kept me up all night, and thus I woke up late today and missed going to the clinic for Day 2. The hours are only 6am-10am, and I'm used to waking up at around 2-3pm.

Two questions:

1) Are they going to take me off MMT for missing a day?
2) Are they going to take me off MMT for taking opiates, since I was in w/d?
I'm calling a MASSIVE BS on blairbear.:p..I've been on the clinic 10 yeatrs and have never seen a dose that high. I have gone to private clinics which seen to give more[as long as you pay]and the highest I personally saw was 240mgs.Anyway, I'm one of the folks who life was most likely saved by this chemical, and the clinics that prescibe it. It's the only thing that as allowed me to have a mostly normal life since I was about 19.I can hold a job, and raise my daughter.<3I have made a lot of progress on things like my mental health and well being. `I still have a long way to go, probably the rest of my life, i've come to relaize the drugs are just a small part, you need to get to the ROOT CAUSES of what is ailing you. enough preaching.:) p.s. going off 470mg cold turkey will put youoin the hospital...And there have beeen deaths from w/d, in jails for sure. And then shocked back to life cuz of a laced joint?? n**** please.... peace:)
yeah blair is on some bs the clinic can't make you quit cold turkey they have to atleast offer you a MSW (medically supervised withdrawl) where they take you down so much per day. And like lleno said 470mg's would never be prescribed at the clinics. I've been waiting for lacey to pop in and say something :) but still blair dont post bs when this is serious to everyone else.
and btw it's not always that the clinics are all that bad, some of the employees maybe but a lot of the things that we all disagree with are idiotic state laws, like at the clinic i go to you were able to have a monthly take home after attending for like a year and a half but now the state of indiana has made it to where the max is a two week take home and the patients that are currently receiving their monthly take homes will soon be losing them. I dont understand why the gov't has to regulate everything so closely, especially methadone. If suboxone is able to be prescribed by a GP then why isn't it the same with methadone? Is it because methadone works so much better and is a lot stronger? And one other question sorry for rambling but I notice that after I dose my mood is much lighter/happier and I have more energy i'd say 12hrs after dosing I feel fatigued and my mood is...well kinda feel depressed. Would that mean I still haven't reached a therapeutic dose even at 117mg's? I was only doing 1.5 grams of black tar a day even though I had done up to 2.5-3g's in a day. Just wasn't sure if my brain needed help producing the endorphins and that was the problem.

btw I've seen and heard a lot of people talking in the mandatory classes that they got on MMT because they were on pills but to me it seems like getting on methadone because of a pill habit is a huge mistake because it's much easier to get off pills than it is methadone. Just seemed like those people were going from one addicting habit to one 10x's more addicting.
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blairbear, I dont believe the shit you are postin. It is completely illegal to kick you off methadone cold turkey at a clinic, especially at amounts as high as you "CLAIM" you are taking. Which is insane, no clinic would dose u that high, and they would NEVER, EVER kick you off cold even if by some insane maniac doctors ignorance you did get dosed that high. That would be riskin their license their entire practice and prison if you died from the complications of a withdrawal off that high of a dose. Thats just some straightup bull . it dont happen like that, it wouldnt happen like that, unless you are in some crazy country like romania or some shit like that. if you in the US, the post you just made is 99.99% impossible. it aint that ppl THINK you lying, its that they know it, becuz there just aint no room in "reality" for the shit u claimed.

Not only that, but please i would LOVE to hear about this "laced joint" that supposedly caused you to od??? laced with? Heroin i assume? you didnt bother to say...maybe becuz that is also made up...:|

You cant even smoke heroin in a joint, its useless, even tar cant be smoked with direct flame and needs foil, etc, so IDK wat fantasy world you live in where smoking one joint with heroin sprinkled inside it would get you high....but nevermind gettin high, you claim it actually caused you to OD and need to get 'shocked' to life EIGHT TIMES? get the hell outta here.....

where u coming up with this shit from?? Here is a quick lesson in tolerance, which if you knew ANYTHING about all this shit u talking, you would already know enough to realize that everybody will know your post is bullshit.

IF YOU ARE ON 470 MG OF METHADONE A DAY, THE AMOUNT OF HEROIN THAT WOULD ENTER YOUR SYSTEM FROM A "LACED JOINT" WOULD BE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. You could use a LOT more heroin than the wasted amount you supposedly smoked in a totally useless joint and still not OD, becuz your tolerance from the methadone at that dose would be so incredibly high that NO heroin dose could even begin to touch you. Its so simple that idk how anybody with even some basic knowledge about opiates would say somethin like you did....You just dont OD from some shit like that.

I dont know why u would post some shit like that in here when its so obviously lies, but do u think that ppl aint aware of how ridiculous ur post is? Maybe you are just so ignorant that you got no clue about WTF you talking about, and honestly somehow believe that the shit u said is true, but its pretty much impossible. everything u said reeks of bullshit. wat is the real story here? Nobody can help you if you just keep lying. sorry if it sounds harsh, but i aint got no respect for ppl who come online just to lie. if you think exaggerating like that sounds "cool" , you got another thing comin to you. as a person who has OD'd and been techincally "dead", it aint fun, cool, or nothing like that, and to make up shit like that for god only knows the reason, is just sad. Just be real and maybe ppl will be able to help you out. :|
On 50mg a day for the last 6 months. Then I took a Suboxone today.

Holy fuck that was a bad idea.

Ten minutes after, instant withdrawal, the worst most intense withdrawal I have felt in years.

Please don't take Subs if you are on Methadone. Think before you pop shit.

EDIT: 470mg a day?! lmfao. That's the kind of person who calls Norco's "1000"s
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Got a question guys.

I've been struggling with addiction for 5 years now, and finally decided to get MMT. Yesterday was my first day, and I signed up, they RUSHED me through the process, were quite RUDE, and I didn't even get to read any of the papers they made me sign. They said they were in a "hurry".

Then, the doctor told me she was going to dose me at 30mg, and take it from there, and accidenetly wrote 20mg on the paper. So they dosed me 20mg, and when I told them I was supposed to get 30mg, they couldnt change it because the doctor already left!

Anyway, Yesterday was my first day of MMT, and I was still in w/d, so I went out and did opiates. I have a 3 month old child, who kept me up all night, and thus I woke up late today and missed going to the clinic for Day 2. The hours are only 6am-10am, and I'm used to waking up at around 2-3pm.

Two questions:

1) Are they going to take me off MMT for missing a day?
2) Are they going to take me off MMT for taking opiates, since I was in w/d?

If you make it a habit of missing days they will take you off. Your best bet is to never miss a day. You are used to waking up around 2-3pm? Time to change. Get your ass there first thing in the morning, they have heard every excuse in the book. I was the same way you were bro, waking up in the afternoon.

Every clinic is different but usually for the first couple of weeks they give you a little leeway. They will take you off if you keep taking opiates though. Your best bet is to fucking stay clean, you get take home doses qui8cker and after a while they will stop piss testing you so much. The day I got on Methadone I stopped all opiates, I was in slight withdrawal but I sweated it out and as a result of staying clean they were very leaniant in raising my dose to a more than comfortable level and now I got weekend off, more bottles coming, and they let me take vacations whenever the fuck I want.
you cant do that on meth

Yes you can. I just took a 9 day vacation and they gave me 9 bottles of methadose, 100mg each. They were going to give me a month vacation originally but I did not want it.

The clinics will work with you if you are serious about quitting. 8 months in and I already have two days a week off, I can take vacations whenever I want and my councilor is talking to the program director to give me more days off instead of having to wait 2-3 years because I never bitch and have never pissed dirty.
So swim started methadone maintenance about a month ago. Swim was first dosed with 30 mg (starting for everyone in my clinic) then worked way up to 50mg & stayed there for about 4 days but that dose was not holding swim. Clinic then increased swims dose to 70mg. Swim has been on 70mg for about a week now & the first couple of days swim felt great (good energy, good sleep, no withdrawl, etc.) But starting today, Swim is just TIRED & not feeling as great as she was feeling 4 or 5 days ago. Swims dose feels as though it gradually got weaker and weaker as far as effects go. Is this just swims body developing a "tolerance" to that dose? or what? Also, swim is 21 weeks pregnant.

You might be on to high of a dose if you are feeling tired. Methadone has a long half life so it builds up in your system. I am one of the few that still catch a nod from methadone and still get euphoria from it even after being on the program for a long time, but the reality is, Methadone is not about feeling good or feeling the strong effects, Methadone is about feeling normal and being able to function.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but if you are pregnant, for your child's sake, do a Methadone Detox/Taper and stay clean from everything until your kid is born. Then get back on a Maintenance program. If fro some reason 70mg just ain't holding you, upping the dose is going to hurt your child.
I have heard that methadone SHOULD be free. Most places in Dallas charge $50 or so per week for methadone. Well, today I heard of a place that does it for free. Aparently you have to have heroin in your urine analysis before you can qualify, but supposedly its nice. They dose you until finally you get your own perscription, they have group therapy, and even help you find work. This place is about 45 mins away but I'm seriously thinking about checking it out.

I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with free methadone clinics. If so, how does it differ from the kind of clinic where you have to pay?

Most clinics are free if you are eligible for Medicaid and meet certain requirements. I don't pay a dime at the clinic I go to. If you don't have Medicaid and have to pay, the state run clinics charge a weekly fee based on your income. Some guy at the clinic I go to only pays a few dollars a week.

For all Methadone clinics, you do have to test positive for heroin in your urine and have visible track marks. Check it out bro. Not to preach sobriety or anything, but Methadone fucking changed my life. Seven years of shooting dope and the day I got on the program I never picked up dope since.
I honestly cant say ANYTHING good about methadone at all. After being on it for 3 years, it has to be the worst chemical on planet earth. I would rather my life end right now at 28 years old, then have to detox off of meth ever again. What makes me laugh is when people say that their clean when there in a Meth program. What a load of shit! Its your daily morning fix that you need everyday just like you needed your morning dope shot. Dont get it twisted, just bcuz you aint gettin your fix from a corner in tha hood anymore and instead gettin it from a doc at a clinic, does not in any way mean that you are clean! At least with street drugs you can leave the damn state if ya want to or go on a vacation, with meth I had to plan anytime I wanted to leave my town around how many take homes i could get. Only got 5 take homes? i guess i wont be going to Vegas for the full week with everyone else, i gotta go home 2 days early to take my medicine. Felt like such a fuckin child that I had to get up at 5am everyday when I live 10 minutes from my workplace that doesnt require me to be there each day until 9am!!! Damn thats bullshit!! Liquid handcuffs is nowhere near an appropriate enough term for what meth really is. A fuckin crutch for people who cant just kick their habit and go on with life. To me its just a way of holding onto the past instead of leaving it far behind. To me when you go on meth your basically saying that "I wanna still put opiates in my body everyday but not deal with the legal hassles that come with street coppin". To me, starting methadone is what you do when you KINDA want to be clean, but instead of detoxing and getting on with your life, you wanna drag the process out for months and possibly years, and at the end when you ARE finally ready to get off the meth, you have to begin to wean down for what seems like an eternity AND THEN go thru the most miserable, long, painful detox you have ever imagined!!! Also for what its worth, I was WAY more of a slave to meth than I was to H. Again, this is all just my opinion, from someone whos has been addicted to meth, addicted to H, and has also experienced multiple years of sobriety as well. Meth for me was hands down the worst decision I ever made and one that forever changed my body and brain. I would not recommend it to anyone who wants to get clean. If your REALLY ready to get clean, then kick your damn habit! If its too hard, then you aint really ready to get clean, so stop kidding yourself. Sobriety is HARD, but id rather deal with cravings then be addicted to something even worse than what im trying to kick!!!! Just know what your getting into before you start a MMT. Id estimate that it took my body between 9-10 months to get back to "normal" after the meth wd's were over, and some parts of my brain chemistry and my body's physiology will NEVER be the same.

-J. Phresh

Please bro. Taking Methadone in the morning is indeed no different than a shot of dope, but it's no different than a cup of coffee so that argument is moot. I just took a 9 nine day vacation and could of had a 30 day one at my clinic so your liquid handcuffs argument has been shut down.

You probably had a miserable time at the clinic because you didn't want to be there and you were probably one of the patients that bitched in line when the nurses take to long even though you probably waited 3 hours for you dope dealer. You probably also bitched about no vacations and no take homes despite pissing dirty on your urine tests. I see people like you at the clinic everyday so YOU stop kidding yourself.
guess why doctor's can only perscribe pills and the great majority of mmt clinics only serve that cherry liquid that might as well be nyquil, and not pills. b/c the pills contain the two ingredients that kill pain which make junkies like myself love that form (according to an online Dr.), and the mmt liquid variety only contains ingredients which kill withdrawal and prevent cravings. why do you think there's post after post in sites like this where mmt patients complain of pain that logic would say the daily dose would treat which it doesn't in the least. my buddy whose paralyzed from the waist down and in perpetual pain takes the 10s for pain, increasing his dose very seldomly. his pain is nonexistent, where my back pain is as strong as ever, if not worse, at MMT. the liquid is totally different. take it from someone who used to buy 10mg dones by the hundreds, i know the dose/high like a book. they try and tell you it takes five to seven days for you to fully feel your dose or raise. bullshit. take the 10s and the high comes and goes within 5-6 hrs, it doesn't build slowly in your system over a period of days like they tell you in the clinics. i could take my dose at the clinic, 130mgs AND my take home right after and feel NO difference at all. hmmm, if i did that with 10s i'd be in a state of opiate bliss, if not a coma. the old-school liquid that was clear and the orange liquid(which i've never tried)do in fact contain the pain-killing ingredients as well, or so i've been told by old school MMT patients (20+yrs). even the dissolvable white 40mg disks are bullshit, i've double dosed those too and had no additional effect. i know people will tell me i'm full of it, but others are starting to catch on as well and posting on the internet. it's time the clinics come clean, i agree with using meth to block my heroin use but at least tell us that you're giving us something that's not rea-deal methadone.

Methadone is Methadone bro. There is no difference between the liquid and pills, other than that one is in pill form and the other is in liquid form.
After all methadone was invented by Nazi chemist... and they are known for their evilness...lol i can hear it now "Ah yes lets synthesize the worst opioid known to mankind that will leave the users helpless and addicted forever!!"

That's a fucking myth. It was first invented in Germany during the Second World War by German civilian medical researchers who, having discovered pethidine some years earlier, were developing other similar compounds.

When first invented it was given the name Polamidon. But it wasn't brought into commercial production at all during the war. It was invented at the time because the British controlled most of the worlds Opium production at that time and German doctors and hospitals needed a substitute for Morphine, because what little supply the country had was being used for the war effort.

After the war the factory where methadone was invented fell under American control and it was the Americans who began the first clinical trials in 1947. The American pharmaceutical company Eli-Lilly first coined the name Dolophine - not in honor of Adolf (as has been thought) but as a combination of the Latin word dolor (pain) and the French fin (end).

The worst opiod known to man would have to be Dextropropoxyphene IMO. It is chemically similar to Methadone, just as addictive, yet is no better at treating pain than a few aspirin and is easy to over dose on and has caused suicides since it was first introduced in 1975. It's fucking dangerous and useless.
yup! that's right. they will tell you anything to keep you in there are long as you want. don't trust most of the things they tell you. if you have a question, google is your doctor. and you know your body better then anyone can tell you.
So i had the usual orientation because i'm a new client. and the doctor handles the other half of the orientation. i started methadone on the 20th of jan. so last week. since then i've been itchy all over and my ankles and feet became swollen. I've read so much stuff online on how this is all connected to methadone. and the doctor actually did blame the itching on me having an allergic reaction to methadone. but he pretended like he never heard of people being itchy on opiates. he acted like he didn't know what i was talking about. total BS! so i told him that when i used to do heroin, that i would be as i am now. itchy all over, but on the next day when i wasn't using everyday i'd be fine. then a week sometimes would pass, and i would go on a dope binge, and for however long i was on heroin, i would be itchy as hell. he said he never heard of people being itchy on methadone. so i was like whatever.
Now onto the swollen ankles/feet. i asked him that the meth is also causing this, see, he doesn't know that i've been researching this at home for only god knows how many hours. and i've read in many places that although it is somewhat more of a rare side effect, it still is connected with taking methadone. now he asked me what medication i was on. the minute i mentioned norvasc, he jumped all over that. i also thought that was total bs because i've been taking norvasc for 2 years. out of nowhere i start feeling one of it's side effects? i doubt it! now wouldn't this make more sense? 5 days after i started taking methadone i start to get one of its side effects? he said that that was just a coincidence.
whatever. so from that point on i realized that when it comes to medical, i'm going to have to get the opinion of my old GP who i used to see. so when i got home i made an appointment right away. i just don't understand how money could be such a motivator for these doctors to hide the truth. oh and i asked about methadone rotting your teeth and he dismissed it right away. he was like, no way. but a real doctor would've explained, you see, it's not the methadone itself that rots your teeth. it's the lack of saliva from one of the side effects of methadone that causes it. dry mouth. he then would've began to explain how there are anti-bacterial agents in the saliva which binds to the teeth and cleans them. but no, he went nowhere in this area. he just mentioned not to listen to these knucke-heads(the patients) in the waiting room, waiting to get medicated.
I told the counselor who began the orientation and the doctor that i only plan on staying on it a year. and then after a year i'll start taking into consideration how my life is, if it truly helped, if i'm mentally ready to begin a taper, if i won't relapse again. so many things i would have to think about before i talk to the doctor and request that they taper me from 60mgs. because i do not plan on going higher then that. even though i read that the theraputic doses are at 80-120mg. i'll see how i feel once i start working and making money. if i get serious cravings when i have that bundle of cash in my pocket/hands then i'll tell them to take me up to 80mg. if not i'll remain at 60mg. anyways, thanks for reading. so is this happening anywhere else?

The doctor at your clinic sounds like an asshole. My doctor at my clinic gave the saliva explanation to me when I asked him about teeth.

I would listen to him in regards to not listening to the patients in the waiting room. Some people think the weirdest shit, many at my clinic are convinced methadone turns your bones orange and makes you tan better. They also think Methadone comes from opium.
Wow GUIDO, I wasnt bitching about anything, I was just giving my opinion on this scam of a chemical. I never "bitched while waiting in line", who tha fuck are you to assume shit about me like you know me or some shit? And talking about how i probably waited for my dope dealer for 3 hrs?! Your a fuckin clown homey. Sounds like you have a problem with anyone who has an opinion thats different than yours
U mad?

Wow GUIDO, I wasnt bitching about anything, I was just giving my opinion on this scam of a chemical. I never "bitched while waiting in line", who tha fuck are you to assume shit about me like you know me or some shit? And talking about how i probably waited for my dope dealer for 3 hrs?! Your a fuckin clown homey. Sounds like you have a problem with anyone who has an opinion thats different than yours

You weren't giving an opinion, you were making judgments. I ain't got a problem with opinions, I just have a problem with biased judgments and conclusions. You think everyone on the program is just fooling themselves; You ask who am I to assume things about you, but before you ask that think who the fuck are you to judge?
You probably had a miserable time at the clinic because you didn't want to be there and you were probably one of the patients that bitched in line when the nurses take to long even though you probably waited 3 hours for you dope dealer. You probably also bitched about no vacations and no take homes despite pissing dirty on your urine tests. I see people like you at the clinic everyday so YOU stop kidding yourself.


I've found that its a game.

And as long as you play by their rules - YOU WIN.

I have had takeaways when *needed* - even without the clean tests. They have bent over backwards to help me.

Seriously if it wasn't for my methadone worker, I would probably be either a desperate homeless junky or a corpse.