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MEGA MERGED METHADONE THREAD...All methadone clinic talk in here

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but if you are pregnant, for your child's sake, do a Methadone Detox/Taper and stay clean from everything until your kid is born. Then get back on a Maintenance program. If fro some reason 70mg just ain't holding you, upping the dose is going to hurt your child.

yo--this is important!!

Guido I know you tryna give the best possible advice but although u might think that the shit u said makes the most sense, in fact its actually the opposite.



IF you on methadone the absolute safest thing u can do is STAY ON IT, AT THE SAME DOSE U BEEN ON!

Do not try to reduce the dose, taper down, or w/ever. Even changes that u may not feel can still affect the baby. Even small changes in ur dose, like even if you do a taper/detox that is gradual it can still harm the baby.

Some people choose to still do a detox anyways, there was a girl at my old clinic that did this and i thought the bitch was straight crazy. Its pretty much a selfish thing to do--you would rather be able to say "Oh, yea, I got CLEAN while i was pregnant so MY baby didnt have to be on DRUGS" but in reality, its puttin your baby at WAAAAAYYY higher risk than bein on it could ever cause. Bein on Methadone may cause low birth weight, premature birth, and the baby havin light effects of mild withdrawal for the first couple days (believe it or not, NOT ALL BABIES EVEN COME OUT ADDICTED TO THE METHADONE--IT AINT AT ALL A DEFINITE THING THAT A MOTHER ON METHADONE WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A BABY DEPENDENT ON IT!) But like i said, gettin OFF the methadone can cause MUCH worse than that.

Obviously I think that all of us can agree. If you had the choice to have a baby on methadone, or not on methadone, nobody would say, oh sure, methadone is safe so i dont care. You wouldnt use it for fun, recreationally if you didnt have to, while you pregnant. BUT, IF you are on methadone for MMT and you dependent on it already, and find out u pregnant and u are gonna go thru with the pregnancy and keep the baby, it is a bad idea to try to get off it. we would all like to say "hey, i didnt do a single drug while i was pregnant." But, once its done, its done. if you on the shit and you find out and you already been on it, its too late to try and make that decision. Even tho it may seem like a good idea to stop EVERYTHING, including your MMT, to do that would actually be doing the opposite of helping the baby. Its much more likely to do damage to your baby than to help it.

Also, I aint one to trust the drug companies with their whole "Oh yea, sure its safe, you can trust us" type of lies, but there has been extensive studies done on methadone and teh safety of methadone for mothers. Not only is it approved for use during pregnancy but it is safe enough that doctors even recommend for women on methadone to breast feed, becuz the health benefits of breast feeding over compensate for the very tiny amount of methadone that could get transferred to the baby thru the milk.

to look at it this way, drugs like Paxil and other anti depressants, drugs that most people see as much more harmless and acceptable than something like Methadone, are considered dangerous to be on during pregnancy, and if a woman has to be on them, doctors pretty much say that u should NOT breastfeed while on it. I aint sayin you aint got to be cautious with using methadone while u pregnant, but just that its safer than most ppl realize, and the fact that its fully approved for breast feeding mothers to take , really is reassuring , to me at least. Like, most people would not look at you like a piece of shit if you said that you on anti depressants and you pregnant. They would probably not think nothing of it. But methadone is actually way less dangerous than that type of drugs and yet certain ppl would see you as a "bad" person, not knowin no better. so the point is that if methadone is actually way less harmful than drugs that most people considers to be harmless, its really more of peoples perception of it than it actually bein dangerous. Alot of the idea of "oh, but bein on methadone during your pregnancy, its a DRUG, aint that bad" comes from peoples ignorance, not from it bein a actually bad thing.

And dont get me wrong, It aint that I am saying, Hey, methadone , its good for you! Its like vitamins, it will make your baby strong!! Feed it methadone in its applesauce! Im just sayin that compared to many of the other drugs out there , if you had to choose any drug to be on during your pregnancy, methadone is one of the safer ones that you could be on and considering its benefits plus the risks if you stop it, stayin on it is a totally acceptable, mature and wise choice that nobody should feel like they got to defend. Thats all.

And like I was gettin at before, the truth is that just like usin heroin or ANY drug during pregnancy methadone got a stigma attached to it. Nobody responsible would support using methadone if you dont need it while u pregnant, no doubt. i aint sayin its harmless, like how in the 50's the crop dusters went spraying DDT all over the place, and they told people "oh, yea, its safe!" and kids would play in the fumes, running behind the planes, but "it was safe, so it was ok!" to be breathing in all those chemicals, becuz it was "safe." Methadone is still a drug and it got effects on a pregnancy, I am definately cautious about ANY drug regardless of how safe people SAY it is , becuz anybody would want the best for their child and want to make sure that the baby is developing as safe as possible. But the thing we talking about here, aint a matter of deciding whether or not to get ON it when you pregnant. Its that if you already on, its safe to stay on, and much safer than the alternative of stopping and possibly causin yourself to miscarry.

Alot of the ideas ppl got about methadone and pregnancy, is from their mis understandings and the taboo of it becuz its associated with heroin. People think oh its as bad as using heroin while you pregnant and you wouldnt use heroin so why use methadone, its dangerous, it will fuck up the baby, etc , yet the vast majority of women who have babies while they on MMT have healthy kids, the biggest risk is a lower than average birth weight which happens alot these days with plenty of women who aint on nothing, so if thats the biggest concern of the drug I think that the benefits outweighs the risk. Also the fact that to get off it can cause alot of harm, i think that the case for stayin on methadone during ur pregnancy is pretty solid.

i feel like its important to get that information out there, cuz Connie, I know you a smart guy and you well educated about drugs and their effects, and you aint ignorant by no means. How ever, you are a person with common sense, and if you dont know no better, common sense would seem to tell you that its a good idea to get off any and all drugs/medications when you find out you are pregnant. But the 'common sense' suggestion here actually turns out to be the opposite of the safe thing to do, and so a LOT of people is at risk of believing the same thing unless they hear other wise so I am here to let yall know.

it sux, becuz like I said, nobody would CHOOSE to have a baby while dependent on methadone if they had the option but the fact is that many times u aint planning a pregnancy , shit happens, and you forced to deal with the situation as best as u can and in that case, even tho IDEALLY you woulda stopped the methadone BEFORE you got knocked up, once you are pregnant, you got to stay the course and stick with the Done or risk a lot of damage and possibly death to your fetus.
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You fucking serious? Even a taper supervised by a doctor at a clinic or in a Hospital? No fucking shit.

I've found that its a game.

And as long as you play by their rules - YOU WIN.

I have had takeaways when *needed* - even without the clean tests. They have bent over backwards to help me.

Seriously if it wasn't for my methadone worker, I would probably be either a desperate homeless junky or a corpse.

Aye, I hear that. It is a game bro. And an easy one at that. Rules really aren't that tough to follow.

I always tell some of the people at the clinic who complain- You waited to meet your dealer so whats the problem with waiting now? You were always on time to call your dealer before his phone was off pick up your gear so whats the problem with getting her at the clinic on time before it closes?
(edit--In reply to Guido's reply to me about the methadone while pregnant question:)
-guido- said:

Yea yo....Think about it...The baby is so much more sensitive than we are, it is so tiny and weak, it is supceptible to any little thing that may not even be noticeable to a adult, that shit can mess the baby the fuck up. Withdrawal causes so much changes in the body of the mother, all of them negative, and even on a real slow taper there is still withdrawal effects. its really a risk. The general rule is that wen u pregnant, to minimize ANY negative physical feelings becuz those can all effect the baby....physical trauma or stress of any kind, etc....so as u can see....it aint a good idea...

Doctors all advice against it, and really try to emphasize to women who get the idea of detoxin in their head to not go thru with it, especially when u consider the fact that gettin off it really dont offer no DEFINITE benefits-- most of the potential side effects is all things that dont always even happen every time anyways and are pretty much mild symptoms that can happen even with non-methadone pregnancies. So with no real benefits that are a big deal that you would really be concerned about having, together with many risks, gettin off it is somethin that is "good" in name only....Like i said, its so you can say "i got OFF methadone when i found out i was pregnant, so that i could have a "DRUG FREE BABY" But in reality, the methadone baby aint really likely to be that much different, if different at all, from the non methadone baby. It makes alot more sense to stay on it so that the mother has as least discomfort as possible, and keep her STABLE, which is the opposite of withdrawal. In order for the detox to be even slightly safe, it would have to stretch out over 6 months at least anyways, so realy its counter productive to even consider, u know?

its somethin that alot of ppl dont know about. You know you kinda just assume all drugs=bad for pregnancy, so anybody who aint educated about it would naturally think it would be a good idea to kick, but turns out its totally the opposite, and even tho BL aint exactly the same as shoutin it from the roof tops, i still want to get that information out there for any women who is in that position and didnt know wat the best thing to do is. :)<3
Now that I think about it, a slight change in the dose, even 1mg, could be very detrimental to the child's development and it's health both inside and outside the womb. The child body is developing under set conditions, any change to those conditions will mess things up. Almost like hatching an egg in a way lol.

The right advice would be to detox before you decide to get pregnant and have a kid, but shit, I don't even know about that now. Would Post Acute Withdrawal symptoms have an effect on the health of a pregnant woman and an effect on her unborn child?
I have seen more than a few pregnant women at the clinics, and as Lacey said, the best thing to do is stay on, I mean what's the alternative?? Some type of illegal[and dangerous]opiate activity, w/the meth your whole life gets better....You can get to know soap and water on a personal basis[doh!!!]and not steal from every store you go in......On the real tip it's the safest place for mom and baby, and methadone has no bad effects omn a baby AS LONG AS TAKEN CORRECTLY ...[AFAIK....]She can be referred to lots of other good stuff, pregnant women are well takken care of in general by gov't programs and such, my experiences were good w/my preg wife, she had great care... peace..%)
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Success , or Failure?

So, if any of you guys have read any of my recent threads, you might have seen that I recently started MMT. I started off at 20mg (which was a written error; I was supposed to start at 30mg, but the nurse/doc accidently wrote 20mg, and since my intake was at a different location than my dosing, they were unable to fix the mistake), and was raised by 10mg a day. Currently, I'm at 50mg, which they have to keep me at for 5 days, before they can start raising me , once again, by 10mg a day.

I was told that for my tolerance, I will probably need to be on 80-110mg a day. I will admit, 50mg a day is already stopping most withdrawal symptoms, however, the cravings are still there, and when I wake up in the morning, I'm already in discomfort.

By the end of this coming week, I should be at 80mg, and if I wish to go up (up to 110mg) , I can slowly increase by 10mg a day the following week. I agree with the counselor, that I would probably be held at somewhere around 80-110mg.

Now, my question is this. Has anyone been successful with reducing their cravings on methadone?

What I want out of the program, is not to END, or CURE my addiction, but simply to develop some stability in my life, which I'm hoping methadone will help me achieve. First, waking up early in the morning to go dose is by itself a huge factor in achieving stability. It has been almost 10 years since I've had anything close to a normal sleeping structure. Second, the fact that on methadone, I only have to dose ONCE a day, early in the morning at that, and for the rest of the day I don't have to worry about how , when, where, or what I'm going to have to do to come up with my next dose for the night or evening or whatever.

So again, I'm asking if any of you guys have successfully found stability from introducing MMT into your lives. Did the methadone reduce your cravings to use? Did it help you feel 'normal' ? The fact that I could never feel 'normal' without my DOC was a huge reason why I've always relapsed.

I'm looking for personal success or failure stories with methadone guys :)
Thanks in advance,
If you're trying to get rid of cravings/withdrawals and trying to stabalize your life,then methadone is definetly something you should try in my opinion.
Worked miracles for me,I got a job,quit shooting other drugs like coke and speed.My girlfriend is on it,has a full time job and is just an all around great person.

Unfortunately I was kicked out of my clinic so I had to go back to an MS Contin script,and I went down hill almost instantly.Shooting my morphine,coke and speed.I was involved in a vet robbery.I'd love to get on methadone again some day,it eliminated all of my mental and physical cravings.mostly because you can tell you've taken your fix,A mild glow or euphoria.With time it will decrease,but you'll still always feel it to some degree ime.

I say go for it man,see if it works for you,and good luck!
Im kinda scared. I as well went downhill after my 2 weeks on methadone and think I may need to start going back to the clinic thing is I dunno if they'll accept me. :\
So, if any of you guys have read any of my recent threads, you might have seen that I recently started MMT. I started off at 20mg (which was a written error; I was supposed to start at 30mg, but the nurse/doc accidently wrote 20mg, and since my intake was at a different location than my dosing, they were unable to fix the mistake), and was raised by 10mg a day. Currently, I'm at 50mg, which they have to keep me at for 5 days, before they can start raising me , once again, by 10mg a day.

I was told that for my tolerance, I will probably need to be on 80-110mg a day. I will admit, 50mg a day is already stopping most withdrawal symptoms, however, the cravings are still there, and when I wake up in the morning, I'm already in discomfort.

By the end of this coming week, I should be at 80mg, and if I wish to go up (up to 110mg) , I can slowly increase by 10mg a day the following week. I agree with the counselor, that I would probably be held at somewhere around 80-110mg.

Now, my question is this. Has anyone been successful with reducing their cravings on methadone?

What I want out of the program, is not to END, or CURE my addiction, but simply to develop some stability in my life, which I'm hoping methadone will help me achieve. First, waking up early in the morning to go dose is by itself a huge factor in achieving stability. It has been almost 10 years since I've had anything close to a normal sleeping structure. Second, the fact that on methadone, I only have to dose ONCE a day, early in the morning at that, and for the rest of the day I don't have to worry about how , when, where, or what I'm going to have to do to come up with my next dose for the night or evening or whatever.

So again, I'm asking if any of you guys have successfully found stability from introducing MMT into your lives. Did the methadone reduce your cravings to use? Did it help you feel 'normal' ? The fact that I could never feel 'normal' without my DOC was a huge reason why I've always relapsed.

I'm looking for personal success or failure stories with methadone guys :)
Thanks in advance,

I have been on 100mgs of Methadone for 9 months now. Over time when things start getting normal the cravings start going away. It's not going to happen over night, but it should happen in a few months. Just stay busy. Start working out. Start dating. Get a job. Get a hobby. Invest in yourself. I was a heroin addict for 7 years and I always thought I would always be an addict. I was wrong. It get better bro, it really does. I sleep normal and can wake up in the morning. I can fuck my girlfriend. I look great. My strength is back. My depression is gone. No more mood swings. Methadone makes me feel normal, better than normal. I'm new and improved.
So, if any of you guys have read any of my recent threads, you might have seen that I recently started MMT. I started off at 20mg (which was a written error; I was supposed to start at 30mg, but the nurse/doc accidently wrote 20mg, and since my intake was at a different location than my dosing, they were unable to fix the mistake), and was raised by 10mg a day. Currently, I'm at 50mg, which they have to keep me at for 5 days, before they can start raising me , once again, by 10mg a day.

I was told that for my tolerance, I will probably need to be on 80-110mg a day. I will admit, 50mg a day is already stopping most withdrawal symptoms, however, the cravings are still there, and when I wake up in the morning, I'm already in discomfort.

By the end of this coming week, I should be at 80mg, and if I wish to go up (up to 110mg) , I can slowly increase by 10mg a day the following week. I agree with the counselor, that I would probably be held at somewhere around 80-110mg.

Now, my question is this. Has anyone been successful with reducing their cravings on methadone?

What I want out of the program, is not to END, or CURE my addiction, but simply to develop some stability in my life, which I'm hoping methadone will help me achieve. First, waking up early in the morning to go dose is by itself a huge factor in achieving stability. It has been almost 10 years since I've had anything close to a normal sleeping structure. Second, the fact that on methadone, I only have to dose ONCE a day, early in the morning at that, and for the rest of the day I don't have to worry about how , when, where, or what I'm going to have to do to come up with my next dose for the night or evening or whatever.

So again, I'm asking if any of you guys have successfully found stability from introducing MMT into your lives. Did the methadone reduce your cravings to use? Did it help you feel 'normal' ? The fact that I could never feel 'normal' without my DOC was a huge reason why I've always relapsed.

I'm looking for personal success or failure stories with methadone guys :)
Thanks in advance,

It will get better and the cravings will stop. As soon as you reach your holding dose, there will be no more cravings or withdrawals. Your body needs some time to adjust to the methadone and to a new dose.

I felt like you at the beginning of MMT, until my dose was raised to my current dose of 160mg. It got gradually better after every increase. The cravings got weaker until they were gone entirely. You know when you're at the right dose when, a few days after the increase, your cravings have stopped and you feel no WD's at all.

Everyone needs a different dose to feel good. Some are fine with 50mg and others even need 200mg. I can only say that my life changed so much for the better since i'm on methadone. Everything got stable and i can live normally again. I have no cravings at all and i don't even think about using something else. I'm so glad i got on methadone.
I am on 60mg a day and the doc is bumping me up to 70mg Monday. Suprisingly it is holding me pretty good, I just started MMT 2 weeks ago and this is the first time ive ever done it.
So, if any of you guys have read any of my recent threads, you might have seen that I recently started MMT. I started off at 20mg (which was a written error; I was supposed to start at 30mg, but the nurse/doc accidently wrote 20mg, and since my intake was at a different location than my dosing, they were unable to fix the mistake), and was raised by 10mg a day. Currently, I'm at 50mg, which they have to keep me at for 5 days, before they can start raising me , once again, by 10mg a day.

I was told that for my tolerance, I will probably need to be on 80-110mg a day. I will admit, 50mg a day is already stopping most withdrawal symptoms, however, the cravings are still there, and when I wake up in the morning, I'm already in discomfort.

By the end of this coming week, I should be at 80mg, and if I wish to go up (up to 110mg) , I can slowly increase by 10mg a day the following week. I agree with the counselor, that I would probably be held at somewhere around 80-110mg.

Now, my question is this. Has anyone been successful with reducing their cravings on methadone?

What I want out of the program, is not to END, or CURE my addiction, but simply to develop some stability in my life, which I'm hoping methadone will help me achieve. First, waking up early in the morning to go dose is by itself a huge factor in achieving stability. It has been almost 10 years since I've had anything close to a normal sleeping structure. Second, the fact that on methadone, I only have to dose ONCE a day, early in the morning at that, and for the rest of the day I don't have to worry about how , when, where, or what I'm going to have to do to come up with my next dose for the night or evening or whatever.

So again, I'm asking if any of you guys have successfully found stability from introducing MMT into your lives. Did the methadone reduce your cravings to use? Did it help you feel 'normal' ? The fact that I could never feel 'normal' without my DOC was a huge reason why I've always relapsed.

I'm looking for personal success or failure stories with methadone guys :)
Thanks in advance,

It sounds like you go to my clinic, you dont go to the clinic in Decatur just outside of Atlanta do you? If thats too personal you dont have to answer, I was just curious.
I'm in alabama and ive been going 4 bout 3 yrs. Iam at 95 ive been gettin take homes for 2 yrs now i go in on sat. Dose an pick up 6 every week but you gotta be good or they will cut u off take homes ! Or just good at playing a good gul !! Hahah
also i pay 12$ a day how much elsewhere? And info bout vouchers pleezzzz !!
I was on methadone for - drum roll - 33 years. I switched to subutex 2 years ago and boy, was that a mistake. For most of my time on methadone I was on 80. In the very beginning (in the 70's) I admit I did try to shoot heroin, my drug of choice but didn't really feel it over the 80 mgs. so gave up on that. In the beginning I messed with coke and benzos and alcohol. After awhile though, either I just aged out of it or the methadone did it's job but I started to work (which I hadn't done for a long time, and just got stable. At the end I only had to go to the clinic twice a month and got 13 take homes but as stated above you gotta be good or trick 'em into thinking you are. Seriously, methadone saved my life I believe. Especially with the rise in AIDS in the 80's, since I was sharing needles, I'd be dead by now. In another post if anyone is interested, I'll tell you why switching to sub was the biggest mistake ever.
In another post if anyone is interested, I'll tell you why switching to sub was the biggest mistake ever.

I am interested. I am also interested in the dosages of the drugs you were at when you switched, and the time waited in between last dose of methadone before taking the subutex. And also, how long you were on the subutex before you switched back to methadone? Or did you not switch back, I couldn't figure that out from your post.
I was on methadone for over 33 years. I'll admit that was probably a really long time but no one ever encouraged anyone to get off and I just stayed on. I was on 80 for the first 30 but had gotten down to 25 for the last 2-1/2 years which is a good switching dose. I had to stay with nothing for 72 hours. Not fun but not as bad as you'd think. I dosed on Friday 9 a.m. and of course was fine that day. I slept fri night and was actually fine saturday. I took a few klonopin sat night and slept through. Was okay but not great Sunday. Sunday night with a little help I fell asleep but woke up at 3 a.m. in acute miserable withdrawal. I took 8 mgs. at 9 a.m. monday, in bad w/d's. Within 20 minutes I was fine. Since being on sub, I realize it is just as addicxtive as methadone plus the fact that it attaches to the receptors so tightly, if you have a need for pain med, as in surgery or an accident, you are shit out of luck. I am 60 years old so it's a factor. Plus sub does not give you (at least me) that little burst of energy methadone done. It is like taking nothing. I'm in the same boat as when on methadone but for the fact that pain meds won't work, so what was the point of it? I am still on subutex with the plan of switching back to methadone and trying to maintain below blockage level so I can have pain med when I need it. Any other questions Ill be glad to answer.