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[MEGA]Idiosyncratic/Unusual Responses to Cannabis

My friend had to stop smoking because the last 2 times he smoked he just puked.
He's not smoking for a while.

not sure the reasoning.
Try packing a really really really small bowl? Sounds like a green out/whitey.
Yes, you smoked too much. This sucks if you have the wrong friends. Actually, it's a blessing in disguise.
Yes, you smoked too much. This sucks if you have the wrong friends. Actually, it's a blessing in disguise. This will also go away. For me it took about 20 times smoking (this is highly inaccurate but around that mark). For a friend of mine, it took 5 years. He's still not the best smoker, but he enjoys it (and stopped puking).
Lol I'm pretty sure its because I rarely eat before smoking. But thanks guys lol and btw who the fuck swallows the smoke? Lol.
weed mental issues

I noticed that whenever I smoke weed, my voice uncontrollably changes mid conversation. Every person I smoke with says I'm crazy. What's wrong with me?
You're insane. edit: j/k.

Can you be more specific? Do you mean the way you hear your own voice?

No, whenever I smoke, my voice changes and sounds off pitch to everyone around me. They all say I sound crazy because of how much it changes. I have quite a bit of mental disorders but nothing like schizophrenia.
Right sided Pain

Ok so i have been smoking for a long time. both cigarettes and weed. i used to smoke both everyday all day. recently i took a small break. but when i do smoke i get a very strange sensation. I will try to explain to you. When i am sober i dont feel these symptoms except maybe a headache on the right side of my head. but when i am high this is how i feel.
my right armpit hurts and feels tingly
my right side of my chest hurts. more so when i touch it
the left side of my right knee cap hurts.
my right foot hurts
i get a twitch in my right eye lid
my neck hurts sometimes on the right side.
and the right side of my stomach kinda pulsates
and my right arm kinda hurts

now i thought this was some early signs to a stroke or and aneurism or something along those lines

i went to the ER room a few days ago and they took two CAT scans. and two XRAYS
they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. they just told me to quit smoking weed.
my dad said it was probably due to sleeping complications as i sleep on that side.
but i have terrible anxiety attacks when i smoke now. and i feel emotionally anyways that i would die
i just dont know what to do

has anyone else had these problems?
why is it only my right side?
Chainer just closed a thread of yours and told you to check out two threads. There is no reason to start a new thread on your unsual responses, again, please read the CD guidelines.

Merging with unsual responses....
For those who got Depersonalization from smoking Weed, could you smoke again?

For those who got Depersonalization AND/OR Derealization from smoking Marijuana, were you able to smoke again with no problems (when you healed)???
Most of the time it will heal just smoke again at a time when your more happy with your life and don't have alot of anxiety going on. It happens to alot of people apparently.
Yes. I have had DP/DR while sober and while on other drugs but not necessarily always on herb, or when I was sober after getting very stoned. Just take it very slow and take a single small hit from a pipe or one hitter, or vaporizer and see how the herb treats you. You can always smoke more later.
yeah...since dr dp ive smoked 4 times..right now being the 4th...mmmhm its fine now since i left my friends and that may have triggered it..but since then ive only done it with friends. it has helped
I get DR/DP but only after drinking or while smoking. DR/DP is actually part of the reason I smoke and I actually like it to an extent, the numbness and distant reality is an appreciated break from everything sometimes. The anxiety that comes with it im not a fan of though, and it usually dissapears when I reach baseline...
i have a question about weed...

the first time i smoked, and on several occasions afterwards (although not every time), but particularly the first time i smoked, i experienced ridiculous derealization/bizarre visuals/bizarre sensations. i dont think derealization is a word, but as far as i can tell it is the best way to describe what happened, as it was not an experience of depersonalization.

the description (as best it can be described...):

the first time i smoked, i smoked a decent amount of what was described as "some of the dankest shit around" with a guy i knew (not really friends, but we knew each other fairly well). i basically sat down and we passed the bowl back and forth (it was a fairly large bowl, maybe .5-1 gram) after each hit. it tasted like weed (or everything else i have gotten that has been called weed since) and was not particularly unusually flavored. i dont remember if we finished the bowl. we were passing it pretty quickly, and i was taking pretty big hits (or so i was told). i didnt feel anything for at least five minutes, possibly longer. just before the effects started, i sat down (thank god). what happened after a few minutes of being seated was one of the scariest, strangest, bizarre, wonderful, and absurd experiences of my life. the first thing i noticed was a static/ringing noise in my ears, which grew in volume from unnoticeable to deafening. simultaneously, my vision began to blur and thicken, and the best way to describe what i began to see was very similar to what happens when you get a headrush (basically when you stand up too quickly and all the blood rushes to your head, causing little red and black dots to slowly creep from the edges of your vision all the way towards the middle until you cant see anything, you feel the blood pound through your head, then the dots fade again fairly quickly). not sure if headrush is actually a term, thats just what ive always called it. anyway, the headrush style visuals continuously increased in intensity until i began to see patterns which were still red/black/kind of dark blue (not exactly sure, they dont really have a definitive color thats just as close as i can get to describing them), but instead of just the static/snow, there were waves, zigzags, spirals, stripes, and similar patterns in a number of different combinations. these visuals and sounds peaked and plateaued at that point (incase it wasnt clear, i had no actual vision or hearing, the only thing i could see/hear were those visuals/sounds). after a bit, i adjusted enough to those sensory changes enough to 'notice' on my thoughts, which seemed to have been going on the entire time without me realizing it. because i now noticed my thoughts, i also now reckognized that my sense of feeling was also altered (thats also the best way to describe it, not exactly the same thing). i felt a feeling similar to electricity which seemed to begin on the insides of my feet in the center of the arch, travel up the insides of my legs, then the insides of my thighs, then merge where my legs meet, then travel in one line upwards to my chest, then split, going from the center of my chest to the tips of my fingers (again along the insides of my arms/fingers), and at the same time travel from my chest up through my throat to my mouth, where it completely encompassed the inside of my mouth. this feeling was very strong and scary, but also good at the same time (i have never had problems with anxiety on weed really, i have however experienced paranoia due to audial hallucinations aka hearing someones footsteps and thinking im going to get caught). the feeling pulsed every few seconds along this path, and at the same time i visualized myself with a completely black background and myself as only the lines of 'electricity', which appeared as white hot metal without the texture. then, once i stopped visualizing myself in that way (which was the only thing i was noticing at the time), i began to see and hear the visual/audial sensations i described before, but at the same time as the feeling of 'electricity'. then the visual/audial sensations began to fade at the same rate at which they had come, until ultimately i could see/hear again normally. however, at the same time the visual/audial sensations were still there, as well as the feeling of 'electricity', they simply seemed to be overlying my normal senses. at that point i began to function again, regaining the ability to talk and move (kind of). i was able to talk again, and apparently i had been sitting there and staring straight ahead without moving for ten minutes. the sensations previously listed felt as if they lasted an hour and a minute at the same time. at the point when i regained function, i resumed the conversation we had been having earlier without thinking about it, and managed to coherently continue it in an intelligent manner as if i had never stopped talking. i even managed to recite a large number of facts from a study i had skimmed over more than a week ago regarding the ability of THC to impact the potency of morphine currently bonded to mu receptors in the CNS which essentially caused a dose of morphine 4 hours after administration to regain its potency at the peak of its action due to the THC. i recited this with specific facts/statistics, and parts of it were even word for word. normally i have a very good memory, so this is not unusual, but i know that weed significantly decreases my memory and alters my thinking processes, and the fact that i could do that seemed very strange. the guy i was talking too was astounded that i managed to do that, and he is of a similar level of intelligence and knowledge, and he said it was particularly amazing that i did that my first time getting stoned, and apparently i was 'high as fuck'. after this conversation, i stood up and stumbled slightly, regained my balance, and remained standing. the guy i was with said i should try jumping just to feel it, so i did a very small jump. when i did, i felt an overwhelming rush of air, the sensation i had jumped much higher than i did, and an extreme feeling of weightlesness (exactly like when you sharply dive in a plane then pull up again) and then an extreme feeling of gravity (similar to a very large/fast rollercoaster drop). when i think about it, it seems like the sensations normally experienced when jumping were simply magnified to the most extreme version of those sensations i can think of. this is the majority of the strange part of the effects from that experience.

the sensory changes i described above have also happened to me in very different ways, intensities, and speeds of beginning/ending at different times when i smoked if i smoked enough, although the amount required seems to differ. i have found that getting that high while standing generally causes me to completely crumple onto the ground when i experience the full effects, and i remain there, completely 'derealized' until they subside again. one other thing is that at other times i seem to have the same very strong thinking/memory ability for a short time after the sensory effects subside, but it always lasts for a different amount of time (generally ranging from a few minutes to an hour or so).

a few other things i should mention; except for the first time i pretty much exclusively smoke alone, mostly because im typically not very social and everyone i know is very close minded/goody two shoes/very conservative etc., although i have been around plenty of people while stoned, including intelligent people and people who know me very well, and none of them have ever noticed i was stoned when we talked.

i have smoked several times over the course of a few months, sometimes every day, sometimes all day, sometimes only at night, etc...

my question is has anyone else experienced this? everyone i know has said that they never got visuals, never blacked out like that, and never felt the 'electricity', the same sensations when jumping, and they all say they can never carry a conversation that well or remember such explicit facts etc... so are these normal or different from your guys' experiences?

and finally, i have found that weed is by far the most psychologically addictive drug for me. i got hooked without realizing it for a while, and it happened very quickly, mostly because i viewed it as fairly non-addictive in relation to the other drugs i have done (which include hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine, PST, adderall (mix of d and l amphetamine), vyvanse (basically just d amphetamine), dxm, alcohol, tobacco, ambien (zolpidem tartrate), ritalin (methylphenidate), and a few others i cant think of at the moment). none of these were addictive for me, although i enjoyed most of them thoroughly on several occasions and in various combinations.

sorry this post is so long... didnt realize i typed that much lol. oh well, its thorough. thanks if you actually read this far...

damn lol first time i tried to post it booted me out and said something about server maintenance... :p

holy fuck that was long sorry :/ the adderall i take for adhd exacerbates my OCD which makes me VERY thorough... i should have gone to bed 4 hours ago. oh well.