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[MEGA]Idiosyncratic/Unusual Responses to Cannabis

how would the ratio of THC to CBD content effect the come down? i understand a bit about how these levels effect the high, but had never considered the, i guess obvious fact, that these levels would effect the comedown -

thanks smarty pants BLers!

I've smoked herb that was years old that someone I knew found and it wasn't stored properly basically they found a dugout of herb that they'd lost years ago, and we smoked a few bat hits of it that night. It had low THC and high CBD which can make you tired, or produce a shorter lasting high when smoked. It gave us an OK buzz and it was fine when we went to a golf driving range for an hour but the high didn't last for 3-4 hours like even mid grade herb does when smoked. Also when I went home that night I was easily able to fall asleep which doesn't happen when I smoke or vaporize herb and get lots of THC. This was decades before any of the Cannabinoid RCs were even invented, and I've never smoked any of them. It was also long before there were vaporizers around too.
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I've smoked herb that was years old that someone I knew found and it wasn't stored properly basically they found a dugout of herb that they'd lost years ago, and we smoked a few bat hits of it that night. It had low THC and high CBD which can make you tired, or produce a shorter lasting high when smoked. It gave us an OK buzz and it was fine when we went to a golf driving range for an hour but the high didn't last for 3-4 hours like even mid grade herb does when smoked. Also when I went home that night I was easily able to fall asleep which doesn't happen when I smoke or vaporize herb and get lots of THC.

okay, that makes sense with what little i knew, i think: i used to buy herb only after researching each vendor's current batch of a particular strain, and that THC wAsn't recommended for sleep in the same way (one of the) CBDs was.....but i also read conflicting information on this....so it was frustrating. and often the strain that cantained a higher amount of the paricular CBD would be drastically lower in the other active substances, which wasn't necessarilily a good thing. in the end i just would buy my vendor's strongest Indica for nightime (relaxation, sleep, pain relief, etc), and just small amunts of their recomended Sativa for daytime usage, which i honestly wanted for nausea relief, and a bit of a mood lift.....have u had success going off the lab analysis before you buy? or do ou just kind of do what i ended up doing: 100% Indica for night, and 100% Sativa for day, or is there an obvious answer i had'nt figured out yet? bottom line, herb, just about any, increases my appetite, which for me is a good thing (i have chronic pain and have been trying to not get strung out, again, on opiates), and i also hate the fact that herb stays in your system for so long, so even tho i have a legal Rx for it, it doesn't look good in a UA)

thank for any info!
okay, that makes sense with what little i knew, i think: i used to buy herb only after researching each vendor's current batch of a particular strain, and that THC wAsn't recommended for sleep in the same way (one of the) CBDs was.....but i also read conflicting information on this....so it was frustrating. and often the strain that cantained a higher amount of the paricular CBD would be drastically lower in the other active substances, which wasn't necessarilily a good thing. in the end i just would buy my vendor's strongest Indica for nightime (relaxation, sleep, pain relief, etc), and just small amunts of their recomended Sativa for daytime usage, which i honestly wanted for nausea relief, and a bit of a mood lift.....have u had success going off the lab analysis before you buy? or do ou just kind of do what i ended up doing: 100% Indica for night, and 100% Sativa for day, or is there an obvious answer i had'nt figured out yet? bottom line, herb, just about any, increases my appetite, which for me is a good thing (i have chronic pain and have been trying to not get strung out, again, on opiates), and i also hate the fact that herb stays in your system for so long, so even tho i have a legal Rx for it, it doesn't look good in a UA)

thank for any info!

I've never used any sort of lab analysis for THC content vs CBD content. I just could tell roughly when I was smoking different types of herb if it was an Indica or Sativa, or sort of a mixture of both with one more dominant. I've also never gotten herb from a medical vendor as it's not decriminalized/legal like this where I am from. Nowadays I only vaporize so I only get THC. I enjoy the effects more when I have no tolerance at all, so I don't vape that often.
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Sounds like a synthetic to me.... ----> unusual responses to cannabis thread
Weed and depression?

I had a nervous breakdown today. I came home from work this morning (work the graveyard shift,) and could literally do nothing but lay on my bed for 4 hours before falling asleep, and when I woke up I did the same thing until I decided that I should try and drink some alcohol to get rid of all of the depressing thoughts I was having. Alcohol probably made it worse, I've spent most of tonight literally doing nothing but laying around different places around my house. I feel better now, cleaned my room, watching some youtube videos but I still feel pretty bad. I had the idea of smoking weed and playing some xbox, but I'm not sure if the weed will help or not. To give you some gauge of how bad the situation is, I wasn't thinking of killing myself or anything, but life definitely does not seem worth living AT ALL today. I don't wanna smoke some weed and completely freak out and do something stupid, but I'm feeling really terrible right now.

Not taking meds, but diagnosed recently with severe depression. Also took some MDMA about 5 days ago, but the depression I've gotten from MDMA has always been mild and has never been this bad.

Personal experiences? Advice? I really don't know what to do.
Herb may make the depression worse, or it could temporarily alleviate it or distract you from being depressed.

Are you new to working graveyard shifts? A friend of mine had a job where he had to work them and his anxiety and depression got worse because of them, and he was taking classes as well at times so he would go from working graveyard shifts on certain days to being up and not sleeping during the day when he had classes. I know other people who worked graveyard shifts and they didn't like it at all and sleeping during the day.

I'd try eating right, getting on a more 'normal' sleep cycle related to working a graveyard shift, and take some Vitamin D. If it's that bad I would also talk to a doctor and get on a low dose of an SSRI since you said how you were diagnosed as having clinical depression. Also talking to people can help too as can posting in the dark side forum on this site.

Good luck.
I really think you could to with talking to other people, as simple as it sounds. The worst thing for a depressed person to do is to mope around the house feeling sorry for his or herself. The more ruminating you do the worse it'll be, so if you can distract yourself by socialising with others it will help a lot, trust me.

I'm not going to say cannabis is a no no for depressed people because it can be for some people at least, an effective antidepressant, although there are probably better avenues to go down first before resorting to smoking weed. After having been on SSRIs I can't recommend them unless you're seriously clinically depressed, to the point of almost needing hospitalisation.

SSRIs are useless for minor depression and can even make the problem worse, particularly for adolescents. This class of drugs is probably the most overprescribed drug in existence, with doctors often taking the easy route or wanting to placate their patients.

As difficult as it might be, the best treatment is probably exercise, although I can appreciate this might not be something you'd want to do in your frame of mind. If you can make it fun it might make it easier. Things like off road cycling or sex are great options.
I really think you could to with talking to other people, as simple as it sounds. The worst thing for a depressed person to do is to mope around the house feeling sorry for his or herself. The more ruminating you do the worse it'll be, so if you can distract yourself by socialising with others it will help a lot, trust me.

I'm not going to say cannabis is a no no for depressed people because it can be for some people at least, an effective antidepressant, although there are probably better avenues to go down first before resorting to smoking weed. After having been on SSRIs I can't recommend them unless you're seriously clinically depressed, to the point of almost needing hospitalisation.

SSRIs are useless for minor depression and can even make the problem worse, particularly for adolescents. This class of drugs is probably the most overprescribed drug in existence, with doctors often taking the easy route or wanting to placate their patients.

As difficult as it might be, the best treatment is probably exercise, although I can appreciate this might not be something you'd want to do in your frame of mind. If you can make it fun it might make it easier. Things like off road cycling or sex are great options.

Would you mind explaining your opinion on SSRIs more? I know a few persons who take these and would like to know more about these since I've been depressed in the past. I never went to see a doctor about it though, I thought about it once but I came to the conclusion that taking medecines like these may temporarily cover the problem, but as soon as you stop taking these the depression kicks back in right? Because to me, being depressed means something's wrong in your life which means you need to find out what's wrong and do something about it.

I'm not depressed at all right now though, and it definitely was a minor case of depression back then. I never had the idea to commit sucuide or anything like that, It's just that everything seemed plain and boring.
i always find that when im depressed and i smoke some weed , ill have a bit of a smoke and then realise the world isnt that bad , and times will get better and i more so just cbf thinking depressing thoughts and my mind drifts to a better place .
Would you mind explaining your opinion on SSRIs more? I know a few persons who take these and would like to know more about these since I've been depressed in the past. I never went to see a doctor about it though, I thought about it once but I came to the conclusion that taking medecines like these may temporarily cover the problem, but as soon as you stop taking these the depression kicks back in right? Because to me, being depressed means something's wrong in your life which means you need to find out what's wrong and do something about it.

I'm not depressed at all right now though, and it definitely was a minor case of depression back then. I never had the idea to commit sucuide or anything like that, It's just that everything seemed plain and boring.

I'm not trying to sound unsympathetic, but most people who say they are suffering from depression are not actually suffering from full on serious clinical depression. Usually it's mild, subclinical depression. Studies have consistently shown that these antidepressants only work for serious clinical depression, and so they are a waste of time for anything less. They did a study on people prescribed SSRIs for depression and found that many didn't have any symptoms of depression at all and most didn't have clinical depression. The sorts of people that doctors these days are diagnosing and suffering from a depressive illness have typically lost their job, ended a relationship or are suffering from normal hardship that would get anyone down and as a result, one in four people are misdiagnosed.

Because SSRI's can have serious side effects, like not being able to orgasm (sorry to be so graphic but it's true), anxiety, restlessness, suicidality etc. if used inappropriately they can have negative consequences. This is unfortunate because GPs give the medication out like candy. I once was prescribed it after a ten minute appointment with my GP which is disgraceful. It's also my opinion that SSRIs can blunt your emotions and cause anhedonia and apathy, so if you can try and avoid taking the drugs if you can help it.
^Thanks for the informations man, I definitely won't take SSRIs. I allready had a bad perception about these and what you said is shocking. Doctors are giving these pills to anyone who say they feel sad and it actually harms them, yet it's totally legal.
To the unusual responses thread with you! Check the first post, links to relevant threads.
puking from smoking?

So it seems to be a re occuring thing that I puke and get extremely dizzy from smoking. I don't really smoke all the time anymore bit it seems that even after 1 bowl I puke. Any ideas is to why? :/ it doeant matter who I get it from either all the weed I smoke is usually from different people. Its rather shitty. I used to be able to smoke 3 or 4 bowls and be fine and actually enjoy the high but now its like I can't even finish a bowl with out puking and passing out shortly after :( please help :(
Is your tolerance very low or non-existant at all? I can see how you'd puke if you smoke too much herb. Do you puke from smoking just a single hit or a few hits? I've also heard of people puking or doing what they call "pulling a whitey" in the UK when smoking if they have issues with blood pressure, blood sugar, or something else I don't remember but I don't have that issue. If you're smoking Cannabinoid RC's and not straight up herb I've heard of people puking from those when they smoke too much.
its called 'greening out' idk exxactly what causes it but yeah ... u get hell dizzy/pale and vomit its pretty shit but only has happened to me very occaionally , ive seen people green out regularly tho .
Try inhaling the smoke instead of swallowing it. Smoke in the stomach = instavomit for me.
keep sugar on hand. for me i found out that it occurs when Im pretty low on food in general im more prone to greening out. Just puke, get yourself some easily edible sugar (You know those dextro-energy bricks ?) and ride it out. Or even better eat well beforehand
Too much THC rushing to the hypothalamus at once usually causes vomiting for most people. This can be induced by taking too many fat bong rips of concentrates at once, or by vaporizing massive amounts of concentrates.

It's happened to me a couple of times. First 420, I was smoking a fat ass concentrate bowl after a blunt, puked right out the window of my pickup truck.

The other time, I ate two whole Hubbys edibles in the course of 3 hours on my birthday. We were ordering food at a restaurant with my brother and Dad, I excused myself and barely made it to the restroom before spewing a red stream of death. I was scared at first, then I remembered the second edible was a Hubby's Red Velvet edible, lol