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[MEGA]Community Growing advice, tips, tricks, & experiences Part 4

well the plants don't fill the room. the room may be 8 by 4 but the plants take up maybe 75 percent of the floor space. The out side around the plants is emtey. There is a trail all around them space to move around. so I have 6 under each light. Now I may be lousing some light on the out side but it can't be that much? The plants are bushy once there full grown.... am I short plants? or am I just using floor space wrong. I mean I could take up 100percent of room and double my plants. In fact I was planning on 36 plants but costs were to high so I went with 12.. is this to few? I mean I guess I could clone more and put them in a month on one side and rest on other or something... fuck.. I need to have a very good grow this first time. I got tons of exp with hydro and large grows but never on a small scale like this never so few plants. It worries me expecting 2 ounces a plant. That worries me bad
You don't think 12 plants would yield 2lbs? (I'm seriously asking, I'm not exactly a seasoned gardener.) Even if they started flowering at 18in I would think certain strains would easily yield just over 2.5oz/plant. That's just speculation on my part, though, and not offered through experience.

put it this way I have got upwards to 9oz off indoor hydro plants. it was nft. now that wasn't all of them. out of my first time 90 girls I think 7 were big. Most were small lots died. tons of mistakes.

Yea so far my plants doing best of any grow. Even with soil I find I know what im doing and when I talk to friends I know whats what. I just guess im worried I might miss something simple, I was out of the game for 9months. for my own reasons. But im not expecting a ton of weight per plant. I mean im expecting less then 1 gram per watt. if I get 1 gram per thats over 2 pounds.
I moved the grow into a cab today =) took about 5 hours to build but there is still some stuff to fix =) I'm a bit worried about the light intensity but I'll move the lights further down tomorrow.

Xayo what type of light and what wattage are you going to be using in that wardrobe?? Just a tip as well - in future if you can afford it I would use a hole cutter to cut out holes, since it makes it a lot neater and easier to do. You seem to have managed without which is good though so it I guess it doesn't matter now.

well the plants don't fill the room. the room may be 8 by 4 but the plants take up maybe 75 percent of the floor space. The out side around the plants is emtey. There is a trail all around them space to move around. so I have 6 under each light. Now I may be lousing some light on the out side but it can't be that much? The plants are bushy once there full grown.... am I short plants? or am I just using floor space wrong. I mean I could take up 100percent of room and double my plants. In fact I was planning on 36 plants but costs were to high so I went with 12.. is this to few? I mean I guess I could clone more and put them in a month on one side and rest on other or something... fuck.. I need to have a very good grow this first time. I got tons of exp with hydro and large grows but never on a small scale like this never so few plants. It worries me expecting 2 ounces a plant. That worries me bad

If you think you have too few plants then just veg the plants you do have for longer.


I'd just like to thank for the good advice on wether to start flowering sooner or later, turned out that even though I flipped the lights almost right away, some individuals still got too high for their own good, getting some heat-stress and burns from the HID. Anyway, I thought I'd share a picture as a thanks.


Looks awesome! Well done mate.
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I plan on using some sort of LED for flowering when I am really settling for this hobby, but for now to finish this grow and to veg a couple plants for the outdoor season the 80 watt cfl fixture will have to be enough. In the long run I will turn the whole cab (theres another side of it which is my closet for cloths now) into a classical cab with seperate veg and flower chambers.

It only took so long because we don't have any sort of tools here at home. I cut the holes with a cutter and a bread knife, felt like breaking out of jail somewhat ;)
It's a lot cooler I think and I would absolutely HATE the idea of constantly having to worry about burning my flat down. Also it makes sense to me from a scientific point of view. I have seen some very impressive LED grows with about 1-1,3 Gramm/Watt (not that yield would matter that much). With the cooler lightning there also comes the possibility to use my extremly small space better. The whole cab is about 100cm*50cm*150cm so I would really like to use all of it instead of having half of it as "the dangerzone" where everything that comes near would burn.
Though I have grown with LEDs,CFLS, and HPS/MH. LEDs were by far one of the worst grows I had. (Though I didn't sit there and spit 1,000$ on LED lighting)
CFLs ran pretty close with LEDs, as neither gave off too much heat and you could keep them very close to the plant (I still think my vegitative growth was better during the LED/CFL grows, but I think thats due to me not having the correct space/cooling to grow with HPS/MH and the heat it puts off)
I can go through some pictures to see if I still have any (though I doubt I have many as it was my first grow, tried to keep it quiet)

I remember starting my first grow area, thought I had it all figured out, and once I got it done, well....lolz. Thats why theres 4 parts to these threads, haha.( Oh yeah, I didn't have tools either, trust me, your going to want to borrow some, because when It came to installing my exhaust fan, and I tried to cut a 6'inch hole for the air to be extracted, well, lets say I dont have a perfect hand, and the hole was WAY off)

Ill go through this thread when I get the chance and see if I can't help with any input,
Hope all is well :)

(edit: also , is there any reason I can't see 75% + of the links)
The Best and fastest way to grow plants

can someone give me some advice, i am trying to grow my own crop this year, outdoors. and i want to know the best way to make the best bud in the fastest time possible, and the best time to plant
I'm actually really tempted to try a LED grow. I just need to wait that I get some extra money... I believe great results can be achieved with LED systems, the problem is you need to spend way, way more cash on those lights to get the same result you'd get with HID. Watt per watt I would be inclined to believe that LEDs yield a little bit more g/w, meaning 600w of LED would surpass 600w of HID (slightly, at least). Most LED systems are something like 300w tops though and sold as if they were better than 1000w HID which is total bullshit in my mind.

For a small-scale tent grow though, switching from 600w HID to 600w LED feels like an upgrade to me. Definately costs like a hefty upgrade hehe.
Well you live in florida so the advice you'd get from me probably makes little sense, but I'll share it anyhow. When you want to grow somewhere as north as finland, you run in to two problems: the summer is short and there's too much light. Yes, too much light as in not enough darkness which is needed for flowering. So what we do is get auto-flowering strains, I'd imagine these are faster to grow in florida too however they would probably yield less then. Anyway, a (proper) outdoor grow here requires that you germinate the seeds indoors and pre-grow them for a few weeks before the start of the season so they would hopefully finish early enough. When the temperatures and such are good enough that the plants will survive, they get planted outdoors. As they are auto-flowering, they should flower during summer even with our famous "nightless nights" (sun never completely sets during 24 hours). Eventually it's autumn, the night temperatures can get pretty low pretty fast, I mean I've made snow-men in mid october lol. So it's a game of "how long do you dare to flower and risk killing your plants with frost?" now. Then we harvest and get high. The end.
Putting the specifics of why LEDs might be inferior aside, ask yourself this - why do commercial growers never use LED grow lights?

LED lights will probably never outperform even CFLs IMO. People have been saying just give it a year or two for over a decade but I've yet to see an LED light that actually performs as well as an HID during the flowering period. Sure you'll get shills using HPS lights who put in an LED light for just for the sake of the camera, but that really doesn't prove anything. Some cannabis discussion boards even go as far as censoring any LED grow light dissent and you have to realize that a lot of those American forums receive funding from LED manufacturers. It's a bit of an open secret actually.

Anyway I generally don't bother trying to change peoples' minds. It's usually better to learn through experience IMO.

edit: when I say 'commercial' growers I mean serious ones that grow on a large scale.
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Putting the specifics of why LEDs are shit aside, ask yourself this - why do commercial growers never use LED grow lights?

LED lights will probably never outperform even CFLs. People have been saying just give it a year or two for over a decade.

I was gonna say in my previous post that "if I had a large-scale grow, I'd probably stick with HID". They (leds) cost damn too much for the output, for the money you'd upgrade your lights from HID to LED, you could probably atleast triple the amount of HID you have. Not to mention having to redesign the whole grow room/house because your need for ventilation suddenly changes, lights have to be kept a lot closer to the plants etc. Not to mention the grower has no experience with growing LED which can be different, meaning he could screw up the grow a bit leading to monetary losses.

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=211911 - surely they outperform CFL? Anyhow, check out Mr-X grow. It's not only yield, but the quality of the bud LED can potentially produce. Some pretty picture of bloody trichomes:
LED grows also tend to produce more purple coloured buds, leading me to believe that there are different biological processes going on possibly meaning different (phyto)cannabinoid profiles.

It's that stuff what REALLY interests me. Different results, not necessarily bigger results. If I get a gram per watt with LED like many others, I'm damn satisfied. Commercial growers just think in terms of cost/yield and therefore profit. It's more like a hobby to me, I'm not here to make money but to create exceptional buds! I also love to experiment.
More colourful buds? I seriously doubt that. That pic you posted is just a photo of trichomes that contain anthocyanin which is present in some strains. It has nothing to do with LED lights though.

If you want to see some LED grow diaries here are some:






that doesnt help to much but thanks any way, and btw i have reggie seeds, i just want the biggest crrop i can get in the sshortest time
More colourful buds? I seriously doubt that. That pic you posted is just a photo of trichomes that contain anthocyanin which is present in some strains. It has nothing to do with LED lights though.

If you want to see some LED grow diaries here are some:

Sadly I can't access those diaries as it requires registration so I'm going to have to call the lazy card on this one :p I feel like I've seen enough diaries to convince myself that it's worth a try though. You may be right in the sense that light spectrum doesn't necessarily have as much to do with the color of buds as the temperatues do, but cooler temperatures tend to produce more purple, and LED is cooler atleast, the point of the picture I linked was just to show that you can definately get quality smoke with LED.

What could I possibly lose going from 600w HPS to 600w LED, except a bunch of cash when buying the LED? Nothing, in my opinion. What could I gain then? I don't know, that's what I want to find out.
When you're growing outdoors you don't really have any control over how quickly your plants are going to mature. You're basically at the mercy of Mother Nature on that one. FnX makes a good point, though-- if you germinate and start a seedling inside then it'll shave some time off the entire process. Not much time, mind you, but some...

The best time to plant is as quickly as possible after the last frost of the year. I didn't bother to check out where Darlington is in FL, but if you're not in South Florida I would assume there's at least some frost throughout the winter.... Once you're confident the worst of the cold is behind you, go ahead and plant.

Recovered OverGrow Grow FAQ

When you follow the link, search the page for "Outdoor growing" and you'll find the most pertinent information. They don't offer any sort of timeline, though... I hope that link can help you out a bit.
Well I wish you luck anyway. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm just trying to win an argument for the sake of it. I just honestly would hate to see you or anyone else for that matter waste their money. When I was starting out I looked into it seriously and came to the conclusion it would be a waste of time.

Before you lay down a significant amount of money I would urge you to do some research on a forum that you know isn't getting kickbacks from LED grow light manufacturers. ICMag is about one of the most corrupt weed forums there are unfortunately but forums like uk420 is about as unbiased and impartial as you can get. The fact that they're as corrupt as Hamid Karzai is pretty well known within the cannabis growing community outside that site. I'm sure there are others but I am personally not familiar with them. If I were in your position I would spend the money on other things like a better ventilation system, a more powerful HID etc. All rather boring but proven to work.

If you go for it and find the results don't match a like for like HID wattage please don't be too embarassed to come back and say it didn't work out as planned so that others can learn from your mistake.

edit: I'm curious Fnx, have you ever grown with an HID light equal to or larger than a 600W rig??
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