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MDPV Megathread 4 - Egosyntonics R Us

Okay. Cool... That's calming news... Kinda. My heart is giving me hella trouble tonight, first time in a long while I've been concerned over it's activities.

A gram a week for two to three months... Plus a five gram smoking binge isn't the best thing to have on my mind when freaking out like this. Haha.
I bought some of this ages ago... it's still sitting in my drawer. After I threw out the remainder of M2 after one final night (yawn, boring) and got through all the M1 over new years, and have no desire to get any more.

It sits there. I know it's there. Still in two minds whether to touch it, though...

(standard white powdery version).
^ WTF is M2 (other than a royal nave sub from the 30s!)

By the way, do many people finf peevee to be an excellent laxative ie have a dose and 5 minutes later you need a shit?
I think m2 may be another horrible and innacurate name for mephedrone :|
f&b: Yep, and I'm curious what the mechanism for that is. I thought the sympathetic nervous system was supposed to shut the bowels down. Does the initial rush have paradoxical effects or something?
No fight or flight causes bowel emptying in preparation for running away or fighting (that's where the phrase "I nearly shit myself I was so scared" originates)
I need to figure out how to add basic sound proofing to my room without paying a fortune for fancy professional stuff.

The nights are ridiculously silent here and I'm afraid that the neighbours might be annoyed by the sounds of me engaging in the well-known activities that PV makes one engage in.

I know that the above sounds like a classic case of the tinfoil hattery closing in, but I noticed that the walls are thin before I started PV ;) (I can hear conversations through the walls if they're loud, and I can hear coughs)
Can the brain's language areas burn out from hours upon hours of chatting on MDPV? 8o
I think m2 may be another horrible and innacurate name for mephedrone :|

Uh. yeah sorry about that. Bad habit I've got into to help differentiate the two when explaining the difference to others who get confused between methylone & mephedrone. Oops.

At least it's not "snaffle". :>
My MDPV arrived today. I've done some research (read about 20 pages of the last megathread), tried sniffing and smoking in a pipe, got through ~25mg so far. It's the white, kinda clumpy stuff.

Got a few questions-

1) Is the brown stuff currently being sold in England? What about the tan? I understand that the brown is best, then tan, then white is least popular - is this still true?

2) Are we certain yet what the difference is between them? I've read that the brown batches could contain an impurity (Pyrrolidine), or the white batches might be just pyrovalerone, rather than the md-version, or a different substance altogether, or heavily cut. Are there any other theories? Has any consensus been reached yet?

3) For people who have tried injecting this (Shambles?) how rough/gentle on the veins is the substance? I'm guessing it would be much less damaging than coke. Does it burn on the way in? Any vein damage noticed? What does it compare to? Would the white be worth bothering with, or just the tan?

4) Any advice on the best way to smoke it? Would it be worth freebasing with bicarb?

Thanks for your help. Maybe this post will help consolidate some knowledge and put it on the first page for all to see.

Better late than never...

1) From what I recall, the brown-but-not-tan batches seemed to be all but identical to the common or garden white stuff that's most widely available aside from a coupla piss weak grams here and there that were probably heavily cut. Seemed to me it was just the normal white stuff with a brownish colouring/cut to try to please/tease the tan fans.

The original tan hasn't been commercially available for a long time - seems only the earliest batches had the legenday wow factor and may never be seen again. Small amounts pop up very rarely - probably when someone who stocked up at the time but never enjoyed it, chucked it in a drawer and forgot about it sees threads like this.

As a side note, the white variety I think of as the super-speedy one also seems long gone. The clumpy, white, floury stuff that's around now is not the same white powder at all - way less potent and like valium compared to the non-clumpy, fine brilliant white, super-speedy stuff. I don't think I ever came across the speedy white version from any European vendors. That version made even the original tan stuff seem a bit tame as far as speediness goes but had precious little of the tan magic either.

The clumpy white version is the one you'd be happy to take home to meet the parents.

2) No idea what the difference was other than being a massive one. Not only a lot more potent but far more euphoric too. Also had that legendary perv factor which none of the others come close to, in my opinion. Have also heard the pyrrolidine taint theory and that may well be the case. If so then it might even be worth the cancer and I'm sure some shady lab would be willing to add toxic contaminants given the tan hype. We should send a petition to the Chinese embassy ;)

3) Doesn't hurt, no vein damage noticed, feels kinda like a really big shot of coke/crack but lasts a lot longer and is way stronger than any coke I've ever shot - 3mg was as far as I ever pushed it IV and that was just ridiculously strong. And ridiculously lush <3

I've never found the other varieties that great IV myself - speedy white is just too speedy and jittery, clumpy white feels less potent than smoking it and often sends me to sleep funnily enough. Have heard others have more success but not me. I was fortunate enough to receive a sample of original tan a few months back after having all but given up on it and it was just as mindblowingly strong as ever - really does feel like the three "versions" are three different, but related, drugs. Does seem very odd indeed that the others don't do it for me cos I likes me peevee and I likes me pins but until somebody empties their stash box and a few more grams of tan crop up I'm not sure I'll be bothering again.

4) Chased on tinfoil. Or in a pipe/bong on a bed of ash if you're really going for it - not for the feint hearted though. I found freebasing it completely pointless - maybe a tiny bit more potent but such a tiny bit more potent it's just not worth the hassle for me. Tastes fuckin' foul too. Again though, some swear by it so YMMV.

btw @Shambles: Is there some hidden pun in the new thread's title? Or is this just about my smartassilicious articulation of the fact that we like being pveed up on pvee (as opposed to taking it involuntarily due to addiction)? ;)

Much as I'd love to, I can't take credit for the thread title cos it wasn't me that started it (even though the first post is mine) and it was your phrase anyway. Or maybe I started it in one my lil fuzzyfoggy peevee fugues and forgot about it in which case I'm quite happy to take the credit :D

Can the brain's language areas burn out from hours upon hours of chatting on MDPV? 8o

Fuck yes. Takes me several days to get the hang of talking/typing after a binge - hence occasional long periods of silent lurking. This post is purely due to tramadol being pretty effective at easing the post-peev mong. It was also strangely exhausting to type (cos smoking peevee round the clock for a month straight can surely not be a factor in excess tiredness) so an afternoon nap may be in order. Plus I can't order more peevee in my sleep which would probably be for the best - even egosyntonic drugpigs need to go on a bit of a drug diet occasionally. Somewhat grudgingly admittedly...
^ WTF is M2 (other than a royal nave sub from the 30s!)

By the way, do many people finf peevee to be an excellent laxative ie have a dose and 5 minutes later you need a shit?

I've found any drug that gives a fast dopamine hit to have that effect without fail.
I'm confused can anyone relate to this... when first doing PV i went over 2 weeks with only a handful worth of nights sleep and i felt completely clear-headed and fine every day, no paranoia or shit.

Now after a weeks break and going back to a normal-ish sleeping pattern during the time period, i got 0.2g yesterday i didn't sleep last night so i've gone 1 night without sleep but i don't feel clear-headed at all and i'm paranoid to the max...

i wanted to go drive to the shop and buy some cigarettes but i could see 2 police cars parked from my window, i was literally getting up and looking at them for a good 30 secs every couple of mins until they left, i was convinced they were out to get me for something like drug-driving.

Surely it couldn't be because i got this PV from a different supplier? The positive effects are pretty much the same and it's still a UK supplier like the previous one.

Another thing the high was pretty good from 1pm when i did my first line until like 2am the same night, but after that it just went shit, scatty, couldn't even speak well cause my throat was clogged and i couldn't cough to try and clear it... lack of energy (food) maybe? And snorting too much? :/
Probably just a case of taking too much and not getting any sleep. Try seeing how it goes with lower doses and not staying up all night, odds are you won't be a scatty paranoid mess.
the cut batch we are not to mention,
i got it replaced ,but its the same crap,dont bother.....was sleeping within an hour..wtf
These fail PV noobs are even worse/more annoying than the fuckin meph heads :|

"i have been up 3 days sniffing stimulants, why am i paranoid?"

the IQ of EADD has fallen severely over the past year.
several bl's have commented on the poor stuff, this was a freebie , supposed to make up for the bad one..fortunately I still have access to the good kind,you would have thought that the other lot would send something good instead of the same.. must be all they have, at least I never paid for it.
These fail PV noobs are even worse/more annoying than the fuckin meph heads :|

"i have been up 3 days sniffing stimulants, why am i paranoid?"

the IQ of EADD has fallen severely over the past year.
If you're referring to me, i was up sniffing stimulants for a week straight with no sleep and wasn't paranoid.
Then i have a break stay up for only 1 day and im paranoid.
Makes perfect sense doesn't it? :|