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MDMA, permanent damage/change?? Help!!

I don't know if SSRI's are right for you..
SSRIs are for people who naturally have imbalanced levels of serotonin in their brains. and certain SSRIs will just keep your serotonin at a certain level i believe?
you just need time to replenish it naturally.
You just depleted a shitload from abusing MDMA..
With good sleep, a healthy diet, exercise, time and no more illegal drugs (at least for a few months?), you should be back to yourself in not too long.

I have used piracetam and i am a believer that it helps with memory loads!
i've already purchased some =/ I was wondering if take kira st johns wort would be healthier? I heard some rumors about it up-regulating serotonin and possibly increasing sensitivity in 5ht1a and 5ht1b receptors.. The last thing I need is to make my condition worse..
i've already purchased some =/ I was wondering if take kira st johns wort would be healthier? I heard some rumors about it up-regulating serotonin and possibly increasing sensitivity in 5ht1a and 5ht1b receptors.. The last thing I need is to make my condition worse..

they up-regulate if your you have down-regulation. which is from heavy heavy abuse. I doubt you have down-regulation.

SSRIs will screw you over in the long run because you only have temporary problems. and later on youll have to deal with dependency on your SSRI and it possibly changing shit in your brain. i think an SSRI should be the last possible thing to do.

5htp can help you bring back up your levels if you want to try that. I would say that time you should recover unless the drug abuse brought out underlying problems...
You don't want to go down the SSRI route pal. Not that i have been prescribed any drug ever, but i just know it will cause more problems in the long run. You may think you have waited enough but with ecstasy it's different, it takes a long long time to repair from abuse. The amount of chemicals mdma releases at once is the cause for this, and the brains ability to replenish those chemicals comes with lots of time. Things may not seem to look like they are getting better but they are, and they will.
also, ive heard many times that ssri withdrawal can be worse than opiate withdrawal, i have been the the opiate wd's and let me tell you, its basically how you feel now but with the flu!
Would they evoke some kind of neurogenesis? I've heard some people say they will help, and some say they prolong it. I've got school starting Ina month and I'm in no state to attend. I was looking for some kind of solution.. Ive lost my ADD and I feel extremely stupid, constant brain fog, does this pass with time, like will i get my old personality back? Maybe tientipine would be a better choice..

Ps I've done close to 350 pills appx 50-60 rolls in 5 years, but I never felt any effects until after this summer/concussion.
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they up-regulate if your you have down-regulation. which is from heavy heavy abuse. I doubt you have down-regulation.

SSRIs will screw you over in the long run because you only have temporary problems. and later on youll have to deal with dependency on your SSRI and it possibly changing shit in your brain. i think an SSRI should be the last possible thing to do.

5htp can help you bring back up your levels if you want to try that. I would say that time you should recover unless the drug abuse brought out underlying problems...

Down-regulation occurs all the time. Temporary down-regulation of serotonin occurs after you use MDMA once to compensate for it's effect. I would say it's almost certainly down-regulation that's causing these problems, clearly there have been some changes in your brain to cause the symptoms you're experiencing.
Bump.. Has anyone experienced this and can put in their input on their recovery?
I created an account soley to help you. I rolled 1-2 times a week for a good 4 months straight earlier this year. I've been through the whole round-about that you're experiencing right now. Fact is dude, you're brain is so thirsty for serotonin, and SSRI's will only make it worse. I took them for 3 weeks and I felt my problems getting worse. SSRI's are not designed for drug induced depression. Here's what I did, and started to feel much better after a couple of months:

-BE PATIENT. You're brain will put itself back together. I promise. Just hang in there.
-Eat healthy. I'm not saying be a health nazi, but have 3 full stomachs of good home
cooked meals. Steak, chicken, salads, soups, the works. Sneak some
fish in there every now and then too.
-5-HTP. This stuff is your best friend. Discontinue your SSRI use and wait a couple weeks
for it to clear your system. Take it once a day after breakfast.
-Sleep. Once you begin this regimen for a couple of weeks you will become tired. This is a
GOOD thing. Serotonin controls mood and sleep. Once you sleep normally again, it
means you are well on your way to recovery.

I did all this for a good two months and now I feel about 95% normal. Stay clear of drugs and talk to a close friend/family member to vent your stress. You'll be okay bro. Trust me. Just give it time.
I'll definately follow that advice, even abstain from smoking weed? Aswell, you believe that the intelligent state of mind will return with time?

I'd say this is very important.

I went thru a very similar situation as you. I did not take as many pills, but November of last year I went on an every-weekend rolling binge. What resulted was exactly as you described - memory loss, creativity loss, loss of quick response, depression, social awkwardness, loss of appetite, etc.

For the next few months, despite many people on this website swearing that these effects would reverse with time, I did not see much improvement.

It's been a year now though, and I feel way better. Not quite 100% back to normal. But maybe 80%? Which is much better than I imagined, considering I rolled twice this year. I definitly see myself improving back to 100% within the next year.

What I believed helped me the most were: maintaining a positive attitude 24/7, staying social + seeing friends often, forcing myself to think, talk, and use my brain, taking 5-htp in moderation, taking a good multivitamin, getting back into weightlifting and dieting, stopped smoking cigarettes, drank less alcohol, stopped smoking weed, forcing myself to be productive, etc. etc.

From my experience, I think that cigarettes, weed, and alcohol are the biggest factors in delaying the time needed for your brain to recover.

I didn't totally cut out booze, but I cut out weed for a few months. Helped dramatically. Just give it some time for your brain to get better, then smoke again.
I created an account soley to help you. I rolled 1-2 times a week for a good 4 months straight earlier this year. I've been through the whole round-about that you're experiencing right now. Fact is dude, you're brain is so thirsty for serotonin, and SSRI's will only make it worse. I took them for 3 weeks and I felt my problems getting worse. SSRI's are not designed for drug induced depression. Here's what I did, and started to feel much better after a couple of months:

-BE PATIENT. You're brain will put itself back together. I promise. Just hang in there.
-Eat healthy. I'm not saying be a health nazi, but have 3 full stomachs of good home
cooked meals. Steak, chicken, salads, soups, the works. Sneak some
fish in there every now and then too.
-5-HTP. This stuff is your best friend. Discontinue your SSRI use and wait a couple weeks
for it to clear your system. Take it once a day after breakfast.
-Sleep. Once you begin this regimen for a couple of weeks you will become tired. This is a
GOOD thing. Serotonin controls mood and sleep. Once you sleep normally again, it
means you are well on your way to recovery.

I did all this for a good two months and now I feel about 95% normal. Stay clear of drugs and talk to a close friend/family member to vent your stress. You'll be okay bro. Trust me. Just give it time.

now this guy has some realy good information. 5-HTP is good but you have a lot more weapons in your arsenol to use in your fight against zombieism.

A little research on the precursors to endogenous neuro transmitters will yeald a variety of information.
5-HTP --> seratonin, melatonin, tryptophan
L-dopa --> dopamine, norepinephrine(noradrenalin), epinephrine(adrenalin)
l-phenelalamine --> dopamine, norepinephrine(noradrenalin), epinephrine(adrenalin)
there are a variety of "dietary supplements" at your local supermarket that have the ability to increase or decrease the amount of neurotransmitters. talk to some one who knows what they are doing and you can help you rebalance your chems, i personaly like 500mg l-phenelalamine + 50-75mg 5-HTP with a little norepinephrine inhancement. just dont go taking whole tablets and randomly mixing though, do your research and build up.
Thank you guys very much, appreciate the account make splinterguitar haha, made me feel alot better. Unfortunately I talked to my psychiatrist tismorning and brought up the idea of not continuing my SSRI, and she thought that it was a foolish idea. I've already got some 5 HTP and L tyrosine, but I'm stuck with what I should do :( it's stressing me out, I don't know which way to go.
Thank you guys very much, appreciate the account make splinterguitar haha, made me feel alot better. Unfortunately I talked to my psychiatrist tismorning and brought up the idea of not continuing my SSRI, and she thought that it was a foolish idea. I've already got some 5 HTP and L tyrosine, but I'm stuck with what I should do :( it's stressing me out, I don't know which way to go.

Do your doctors know what caused your depression?

If they don't, tell them as soon as possible. MDMA/LSD/(Insert brain chemistry altering molecule)-induced depression has much different chemical properties than someone who has a gene for low serotonin levels, or someone who lives through a traumatic experience and becomes depressed. Your doctors won't tell on you. It's against the law, because there is no indication of continuous self destructive behavior. You just partied too hard.

If they DO know, resume your SSRI schedule and try to follow the other instructions I gave you yesterday. If you start feeling numb, zombified, or start having panic attacks or other weird symptoms, switch to 5-HTP or another supplement that was mentioned by someone else earlier. Just don't start cocktailing your brain. That's what got you here in the first place.
Yes, I told them that I'm almost positive it's drug (MDMA) induced depression. They basically isn't agree, and said that the SSRI's couldn't hurt. I'll give it a shot, try also want to put me on seroquel at a low dose( low enough to not affect thought process). Aswell I've ordered quite a list of nootropics to help boost my mental. Piracetam, aniracetam, bacopa, CDP choline, fish oil, picamilon and SAMe. Plus some ashwagandha , mainly all forms of vitamin B, and prompt neurogenesis. I'm not sure if I should start them or wait. The only one that effects serotonin is SAMe.
Yes, I told them that I'm almost positive it's drug (MDMA) induced depression. They basically isn't agree, and said that the SSRI's couldn't hurt. I'll give it a shot, try also want to put me on seroquel at a low dose( low enough to not affect thought process). Aswell I've ordered quite a list of nootropics to help boost my mental. Piracetam, aniracetam, bacopa, CDP choline, fish oil, picamilon and SAMe. Plus some ashwagandha , mainly all forms of vitamin B, and prompt neurogenesis. I'm not sure if I should start them or wait. The only one that effects serotonin is SAMe.

The effort is good. It shows you WANT to overcome this which is the hardest part. Just be very very careful interacting that amount of suppliments. Many of those are like 5-HTP in the sense that scientifically they have had many inconclusive studies, meaning there are too many factors involved to give a proper prognosis of whether they work at a highly effective level, so they haven't gone too far into them to test as many interactions as they should. Many people make the mistake of cocktailing themselves not understanding the risks they are really taking. Doctors will ALWAYS cocktail you. Trust what they say, definitely, but don't always trust what they give you. When I went to the doctor they gave me Pristique in a bunch of sample packs. The doctor told me these should help. I get home and researched them to find that they are new, and the company pressing these pills were handing out money to doctors who gave away the sample packs. Free Market Capitalism doesn't work in your favor medically. Remember that.
skip the antidepressants, the piracetam,and 5htp. theres no evidence that they have any beneficial effects compared to placebo. you can google that all you like.

i suffered the same problems after heavy mdma use in my late teens to early 20s. im 28 now and still feel the same. i got to live with the damage i caused myself.

imo you just got to make your life better. no chemical is going to help.
Yeah, but suppliments can't hurt! I would get your thyroid levels checked, too. I had mine checked after years of opiate abuse and they were pretty low, and Im sure a lot of that was from drug use. Instead of taking their thyroid drug, (it wasnt low enough to be dangerous) I went to the health food store and grabbed the best Thyroid balance suppliments they had. Kelp, iodine, and B vitamins and amino acids. I started on those and its been almost a year and my energy has been boosted and I lost 20 pounds (my weight is regulating). My thyroid is definitely on the up. My point is, sometimes supplilments and a good diet can really really help. Exercise is key, too. Get a check up and check those levels and see if you need a boost of something (natural hopefully) or a diet change. Drug use changes basic body balance.
I completely agree SplinterGuitar, with both the "cocktail" statement as well as the docters being pill pushers, with barely anytime to my GP she threw a prescription at me. Fortunately, for the Nootropics, I benefited from the hard/long amount of research already by a person on ImmInst forums (filled with some pretty intelligent people). All the Nootropics I ordered work together synergetically, and don't interact negatively with each other. Check this out if you'd like, you might be interested.. I have his whole stack listed. I think its worth a shot, alot of people seem to benefit from it, and it seems to overcome the label of a placebo to me atleast.


Not very encouraging Lazyscience. I wish to ask what type of lifestyle you live, as well as what you consider "heavy" use. I believe that you can overcome everything if you put your mind to it as socialrollin stated, as well as being positive 24/7. Sure I don't feel like myself now, but I do notice slighty feeling better every week, which is great. I tend to look at it from a different perspective; I was a very heavy drinker/dope smoker and caffiene drinker before this happened to me. This has changed my lifestyle around completely, Im dedicated to eating as healthly as I can, not doing ANY drugs what so ever, nor drinking, maybe with the exception of a drink here or there. As well as exercising vigoursly daily, which I didnt really do before, and if these nootropics do work, I wouldnt have ever found them unless this experience happened to me. It also opened my eyes to what I want to do with my life instead of just living weekend to weekend partying. I feel that with some real dedication and self discipline, academically and physically, I can over come this a be a better, smarter person because of it. This has really brought me to see what life is instead of living in my own conceded bubble, not caring for soul but myself.

Aswell, I don't consider my usage this summer to be very "heavy" (even though my overall pill count/usuage is pretty high), considering I was happy after using before the summer. I believe it was a combination of the concussion, transition to school and break up with the girlfriend, mixed together with abuseing exstacy that did this to me.

Rebubula, I got my thyroid and vitamin B blood work done, all came back fine, every test and every psychiatric assessment. Thanks for your concern though.
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I had a similar experience earlier this year. Your outlook on life that you mention (noticing things about life that never phased you before, etc.) may not change, but you're not going to feel depressed and stupid forever. As suggested, just take some time to recuperate and stay away from MDMA for a while. Try to cut back on smoking and drinking too. When I decided to take a break I felt dull, slow, and out of it for 2 months at least before I really started feeling myself again . Just try not to worry about it, you'll be back.

And for what its worth, exercising probably helps more than anything else. Even just a little every other day or something like that. Works wonders.