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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Max Payne the movie

rate it

  • [img]http://i.bluelight.ru/g//543/1star.gif[/img]

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • [img]http://i.bluelight.ru/g//543/2stars.gif[/img]

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • [img]http://i.bluelight.ru/g//543/3stars.gif[/img]

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • [img]http://i.bluelight.ru/g//543/4stars.gif[/img]

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • [img]http://i.bluelight.ru/g//543/5stars.gif[/img]

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
Nah his wanton lack of originality and vision hasn't touched this.

I'm a little worried about the Pg-13 Rating though. The games were pretty gritty, and the Nightmare levels were so psychologically intense and fucked up. But i think mean it can be done. Shawn Ryan wrote this and he wrote for The Shield which is a crazy good show. I just hope the keep some signature things intact; the music, the beautiful cinematography during shoot-outs, the narations.

Shit in anyone here hasn't played the game, you owe it to yourself to play it through. it's one of the best games ever made.
I hope that the actors voice resembles the voice actor for Max Payne cause his narration made it that much more intense.

But this will definately be a throwback for me when i watch the movie since Max Payne was one of the first ultra violent video games i played as a kid.
I just hope that this can live up to the video game, and as stated by Jack-Bandit, wiht a Pg-13 rating its gonna be pretty damn hard.
Christ said:
This is not going to be directed by Uwe Boll is it?

This guy makes such terrible movies... except Postal. I laughed my ass off at this movie, he even pokes fun at himself pretty heavily. Good stuff.
Why is there a poll in this thread?

Is this movie even out yet?
^ exactly, no it is not out yet, but I am glad someone already gave the movie 1 star since no one has seen it yet 8)

Someone should change it to a public poll so that when the movie comes out and it is hailed by all as the "greatest movie of all time", we can see who was the one person to vote it one star and chastisise them. They'll probably then make repeated attempts to explain that they "hadn't seen the movie when they voted", but to no avail. One day they will wake up, alone, in their bed in the early hours of the morning and cry into their own socks. Which will give them some sort of foot-eye-fungus infection and that will leave their head deformed for the rest of their lives, which they will spend in a mental hopsital ward repeatedly writing "Max Payne" all over the walls in their own fecies.

You know it's gonna happen.
So? What's the verdict? I've dogged this movie from day one and a lot of you defended it.

Yet, I haven't heard one peep about it from anyone. Has anyone seen this "masterpiece" yet?
I don't think "a lot" of people defended it.

I think most people seemed hopeful that it would be good but acknowledged the high probability that it would suck.

I haven't seen it yet. But I read a review in the newspaper, rating it a 6/10. The reviewer (who, in all likliness had never played the video games) said that the movie would please the fans of the game but didn't attend to the other viewers enough.

But I haven't heard an opinion from an actual fan of the games.
Fucking terrible. No plot. Didn't really make any sense. I couldn't wait for it to end and would have left early if it weren't for my 16yr old cousin being with me.

Worst Wahlberg-related piece of art to date.
I heard that Walhberg hadn't even played the games.

Lets follow suit and not watch his movie.


Sadly, we've gotten used to Hollywood muckety-mucks not actually playing through the source material when they're creating a movie based on a video game. But Mark Wahlberg's answer as to why he's avoided Max Payne while playing the title role in the film is almost breathtaking as both evasion and backhanded insult.

"I didn't want to play because I have an addictive personality," he told People Magazine. "I got more responsibility now than I've ever had with the kids and everything else. I don't want to be spending 14 hours on the videogame and then eight hours on the set. It's not going to work out."

That's right, video game fans: With one wrong decision, Mark Wahlberg could have turned into you, and that's just not a risk he's willing to take.

Addictive personality? Addicted to what? A single player game that can be finished in a couple of days?
Watchable movie. Watchable once.

Will insult fans of the game with the endless cool things that could have been included but weren't.

Mark Wahlberg is too much of a pussy to play Payne. And why the fuck was he cleanly shaven?

Why the fuck was it rated MA15+ when there was about as much blood as a black and white western?
lostpunk5545 said:
And why the fuck was he cleanly shaven?

In the game he was sleep deprived, paranoid and living off stale donuts. But I'm sure he had time to shave.
ChemicalBeauty said:
Worst Wahlberg-related piece of art to date.

Wait wait wait a minute. You're saying that Max Payne is worse than this song?

Walhberg's excuse for not playing the game is pretty retarded. It probably takes less time to finish that game than some books.