• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Maddog 20/20 love it or hate it

What I want to know is-- can I substitute it for regular old boring wine when I cook??

AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! You could....try it and let us know how it goes!

(thanks for the laugh this morning)

Anywho...tried it once in college....horrible horrible stuff...made my head swim and tummy rumble in a bad way. And I got an iron tummy.
I'm drinking some right now. Shit is sugary YO!. I've already brushed my teeth twice since opening a bottle.
I do believe she went for blue - what else? =D

TG does bring up the valid and interesting question I've long pondered 'pon myself though - why are so many "raspberry" flavoured concoctions blue? Tis odd indeed...

This thread is really making me want to go hunt down some MD 20/20 again for old times' sake. Harm reduction be buggered :D

PS: Maddog is just bad, m'kay? :|
I used to drink it for a year or so in high school. Now I think it is completely disgusting and wouldn't drink it unless I was paid... a lot.
my absolute favorite but i love most of them.


"Rasberries like you've never had before
Phat taste straight up
So blingin' over ice"

it actually says that on the back of the 187ml bottle.
Wow that looks completely and utterly lethal!!! 8o

lol "So blingin' over ice" :D
Urgh, I've had two bottles since last weekend just to satisfy my curiosity. I think I can now safely say that my curiosity has been well and truly satisfied. No more for another 14 years methinks. =D
^Hahahahahaha you are just like moiself, I must satisfy my curiosity no matter how awful people say something is =D
Drinking that shit is begging for a hangover you'll never forget. It's as bad as that Steel Reserve beer...stuffs like 9.5 but tastes like ass. Any malt liquor is going to screw with your head.
It's as bad as that Steel Reserve beer...

I think Steele Reserve is actually one of the best if not the best malt liquor out there. Actually gets a decent review on beeradvocate from the bros. lol

As far as MD never had it but I will bring myself to try it one of these days. Only bum wine I ever tried was Night Train which I actually found to be drinkable. Only thing I can really remember about that one is that it's really sweet which seems to be a trend here.
I think Steele Reserve is actually one of the best if not the best malt liquor out there. Actually gets a decent review on beeradvocate from the bros. lol

Really?? I went on like a two year bender on that stuff and I think I killed part of my liver. Used to drink it with lemon...after the first can you've killed your taste buds so it's easy to get the rest down. It just gave me the WORST hangovers ever. Plus you drink enough of it and I swear the shadow people come out to play.
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Ahhh first time and last time I had that shit, I threw my brains out.

^^ I guess for some people.
The taste I think I had was Orange or Red, I'm not sure.
But the taste is so thick and unpleasant. Err Upsets my tummy as well.:sus:
And I can hold my drinks.;) Just not Madddog 20/20.
The fact this thread was bumped and made it, and the craft beer one didn't, makes me feel sad inside.