• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Maddog 20/20 love it or hate it

That shit doesn't get you "drunk", it just makes you sick, intoxicated, and angry.

There's a reason bums drink that stuff.
MD 20/20 is a cheap fortified wine(has brandy in it). Stereotypically favored by bums and other people who lack good taste in beverages.... It usually comes in these sweet flavors so it has tons of sugar, and like any sugary foofoo drink gives me horrible indigestion.

Good lord, thats like everything horrid in one place! lol 8o
whats the price? $1 twice. ;)

drank it as a youth....hella half-pint for like $1.69? but honestly dont think i could hack it now.

rather drink moonshine. %)
Only two bucks for you, ChemicalOne? They are $3.99 here in SC.

MD 20/20 fits into the category of ''rot-gut'' alcohol. And it'll give you the worst hangovers you've ever had. I'd much rather drink some malt liquor. Haven't touched MD since I was 16, thank god.
Any low quality alcohol will give you a bad hangover, because of all the impurities in it. Malt liquor, wine in a box, bottom shelf plastic bottle liquor, homebrewed shit made with jerrybuilt equipment, you name it.

I've been to a couple third world countries where the only alcohol available for purchase was decent quality or better and was pretty heavily taxed (India comes to mind), and the alcoholism rate among the lower classes is really low. I think having these products available really encourages abusive drinking among the poorest. Reminds me of those $50 lottery tickets they have now. :\
^I saw a study once that found an inverse correlation between income and malt-liquor consumption.

So the lower your income gets, the higher your malt-liquor consumption is. It makes all the sense in the world, though, I mean if you can get wasted for just a little more than 3 bucks, and your life sucks because you're poor, of course you're going to throw down a few bucks and try to forget about your problems for a bit.

Oh man there's really nothing in the world like a decent malt-liquor hangover; its a completely incapacitating experience. All those nasty congeners just poisoning the crap out of you; the last time I had one I had to do strong opiates because it hurt so bad.
Hate it! I haven't had any in about 10 years but my stomach turns just thinking about it!

Yeah for real, I don't remember my senoir year in high school because of that stuff..... well pot didn't help either... but 2 big boy mad dog 20/20's at 11 am will twist anyones day.
Hate it? What could there possibly be to hate about an artificial banana flavored headache-inducing emetic? :D
I've never drank it yet, but I already love it. What does that mean? It is calling out to me!:eek:
Oh god I can't handle Mad Dog. Or Thunderbird. Both times I tried those I ended up getting really depressed. When I drink quality alcohol I just get giggly. I can't drink Colt 45 either, the next morning is a nightmare. My ex girlfriend could chug a 24 oz. can of that shit in no time, but it didn't affect her in a bad way at all. :\

Everyone's tolerance and bodies are different I guess.
What I want to know is-- can I substitute it for regular old boring wine when I cook??
drank it a couple times when i was a teenager, probably wouldn't try it again.
it is hideous, like a less carbonated, more sugary wine cooler.
I <3 MD 20/20 :D

Especially blue flavour.

Probably wouldn't drink it now though. Really is rather toxic.
wow, this stuff sounds gross. except the blue flavour comment above has me a little interested...