• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Maddog 20/20 love it or hate it

haha I used to drink this shit all the time. I dont think I could anymore though
Mystery Brew, care to let the rest of us know what it is?? :D
MD 20/20 is a cheap fortified wine(has brandy in it). Stereotypically favored by bums and other people who lack good taste in beverages.... It usually comes in these sweet flavors so it has tons of sugar, and like any sugary foofoo drink gives me horrible indigestion.
MD 20/20 is a cheap fortified wine(has brandy in it). Stereotypically favored by bums and other people who lack good taste in beverages.... It usually comes in these sweet flavors so it has tons of sugar, and like any sugary foofoo drink gives me horrible indigestion.

Yup, pretty much sums it all up. The sugar is on the intense side in the drink. Its worth a shot trying atleast =\
So far blue has been the best flavor I tried. Banana red tasted like ass medicine mixed with tussin..but it actually taste like a banana fruit punch when the alcohol is talking

hated it!

man fuck mad dog and sisco and all that gross fucking bum shit im getting sick just thinking about it. worst thread to find when your hungover:X
Hate it! I haven't had any in about 10 years but my stomach turns just thinking about it!
Md 20/20

Were I going to do something of the bum wine group I'd likely do Thunderbird. Its like spoiled apple juice mixed with airplane fuel. I like stuff with lower alcohol and their are a ton of not very expensive wines that really aren't bad. Charles Shaw, Inglenook, whatever happens to be in the bargain bin cart, even Carlo Rossi Paisano is far superior to the bum wines. My bias in this is that even though I do consume mass quantities at times my tummy can not handle much of higher percentage stuff. No shots for me.
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................... Mad Dog 20/20 is EVIL! I made the mistake of being a major dumbass as a youngin'. My friends and I thought it'd be just a great idea to get some MD 20/20 and chug it. That was the one and only time I've ever been to the point of possible alcohol poisoning. My friend and I had to be dragged into the house and I was pouring sweat. Not fun. Totally my own fault, and good god did I learn my lesson. The next morning when we left you see these two huge puddles of pink puke on either side of a parking spot. To this day I can't look at a bottle of that shit without feeling queasy. Ah, those were the days.
I used to drink it all the time when i was a kid.

I found myself a few weekends back, broke, in need of some alcohol. I stood there trying to decide which flavor of mad dog to get...needless to say i turned around and walked away...so i have to say hate it! Just smelling the shit gives me heart burn.
Wow, it sounds like people really do either love or hate this stuff!! (more so the latter :D)