• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Maddog 20/20 love it or hate it

Anyone ever had this? lol

Well they don't make the 12%abv anymore and that's the one I mostly drank. The 8% or whatever it is now doesn't taste the same at all. But as far as the taste for the 12%... It was rated pretty much horrible on beeradvocate and the only reason I ever bought it was just on a whim to see how nasty it was. Thing was the first time I drank it I didn't find it that bad at all for a 12% CHEAP malt liquor and you could literally feel yourself starting to get drunk by about half the can lol. But unless you've ever had it, it's really hard to describe. I would say think cheap champagne, cider, and some other unidentifiable flavors and a bit of alcohol heat but not overwhelming surprisingly. It didn't even really taste like beer to me, but it's from the same folks that make 4 Loko so that might have something to do with it.
You can always count on md29/20 to retain it.s place in drinking history. Kids experimenting, bums getting drunk, and people lacking funds for a proper cocktail. It's been my experience that the wine snobs go with purple.
LMAO bums getting drunk of madog I can just picture that. I'm a twisted little fuck.8)
MadDog was great when I was 17 and the only thing that mattered was that it was alcohol regardless of how shit it tasted.
Couldn't drink it now though.