MA Heroin V We Overdraft Our Shit 2

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^have you already seen them for physical,blood,urine,etc.? Are you sure you're getting dosed wed.? And I have a ? for whoever knows-- does bupe and/or naloxone come up pos. for opiates?

No buprenorphine has its own specific test and doesn't fall under the normal opiate category. I believe to fall under opiates the substance has to metabolize into morphine. And naloxone wouldn't either, but nobody tests for that. We're really not supposed to talk drug tests either, but I don't think it's a huge deal if I answered your hypothetical question.
^They're big on pulse rate too. IDK,maybe some jumping jacks,caffeine,diet pills....well you get the idea. Jus gotta up the pulse rate.
Don't take any bupe for 24 hours before going to the clinic. 12 hours if it's a very small dose. You don't have to be super dope sick going to the clinic, just a little out of it. Some clinics don't give a shit, but some are sticklers for you being in withdrawal before they dose you.

But, you can act it up pretty good.. ha. As long as you wait long enough after dosing so your eyes aren't pinned, cuz that's a dead giveaway, you could still be feeling fine, and just go in sniffling, shifting around, coughing, rubbing your eyes, holding your stomach like you got a cramp. It's not that hard to play sick. Ha.

thats what I figured but wanted to confirm. Thanks Homie! I might get some D this weekend for one last hurrah? i've been on 4mg for a few weeks now and only took 2 the last few days so I think if I skip my dose tonight and set up some shit for tomorrow afternoon i might be able to sneak one in. -been on bupe for 3 years straight pretty much, its been soooo long since i did a real opiate

Ha, Yeah "one last hurrah". I've had about 1000 last hurrahs that turned into years long benders. Hah.

Be careful, man.
I've always hates when detoxs and places try to say your not in withdrawal if your pulse and blood pressure isn't raised...

My pupils are as big as fucking saucers, my flesh is covered in goosebumps, I'm pale, my body aches and last but not least all I ate today was a piece of toast and you have the nerve to tell me I'm not in withdrawal because my blood pressure and pulse haven't risen in the 3 hours I've been here sitting in this chair wrapped in a blanket, you won't give me my 4 mg of buprenorphine?!

I've been lucky in that I've usually gotten really compassionate nurses, but I have had to deal with the scenario I described above before.

Yeah no detox should give medication base on solely one symptom, even BP. Some peoples blood pressure just doesn't get really high, but they have every other symptom in the book. It needs to be a general level of withdrawal, not just "oh you're BP isn't high enough so no meds for you". That is idiotic.
Yeah I understand what I the symptoms I described above aren't unbearable and I wasn't puking my brains out or anything, but there's no doubt in my mind I know when I'm in withdrawal enough to dose buprenorphine and if my insurance is paying for a medically supervised detox that's supposed to be as comfortable as possible then why should I be miserable for no reason?

I guess its because of people who come in only hours after their last shot and just want to get some kind of med in their body and we all know what can happen when you dose bupe too early.
Yeah almost every detox says that. "we're all about making you as comfortable as possible. We wont let you suffer" blah blah blah. Then you get there, and you have to beg them and be practically crying in pain for some measly fucking ibuprofen. Hah.

There are plenty of great detoxes though that actually do take care of you though.
Yeah I've had some good experiences. No hesitation to hook me up with some benzos as needed.
Where I'm from if you take drug court then give a bad urine you go to out-patient. If you give another bad urine its in-patient, then the third time you get violated and have to go in front of the judge. Depending on your relationship with the PO a recommendation to the judge can get you one more chance.
Well here you are usually in outpatient from the get go when you are in treatment court, so when you mess up you go impatient. For me my sentence was 28 day impatient followed by 12-18 months of outpatient and if I messed up during that time I would have been hit with the felony charges instead of the misdemeanor it was getting dropped to upon successful completion of treatment. I could have avoided inpatient if I hadn't given a dirty urine while I was in outpatient awaiting my court date though.

They have changed the rules since then though. I was able to be on suboxone but now they will let you be on it if you already were beforehand but you need to get off of it and stay off for 6 months in order to complete the program. Same goes for methadone. If you are already going to the clinic when you start they will let you continue but you must get off of it for 6 months to complete the program too, which must be the downfall for tons of people. I've heard of a therapeutic community that gives you methadone while staying there and they lower your dose 1mg a day until you get off (its called 'from methadone to abstinence') which is probably the best way to go if you are in that position.
Here is the place, but it's obviously in NY:

I've always hates when detoxs and places try to say your not in withdrawal if your pulse and blood pressure isn't raised...

My pupils are as big as fucking saucers, my flesh is covered in goosebumps, I'm pale, my body aches and last but not least all I ate today was a piece of toast and you have the nerve to tell me I'm not in withdrawal because my blood pressure and pulse haven't risen in the 3 hours I've been here sitting in this chair wrapped in a blanket, you won't give me my 4 mg of buprenorphine?!

I've been lucky in that I've usually gotten really compassionate nurses, but I have had to deal with the scenario I described above before.

Tell me about it. Last summer I drove 2 hours to a detox and got turned away for not being sick enough, so then I went back after 2 days of no dope and no benzos and still got turned away being told to come back the next day which I told them would be pointless since I would be half way through the opiate withdrawals and I still had my benzo script which I wasn't planning on stopping anyways.

Finally I went to a detox close by and my vitals weren't bad enough but the nurse was cool and told my insurance that she felt that I would harm myself or others if I was turned away so the decided to let me in. I was in withdrawal then and hadn't taken my valium in 3 days after having taken 1 benzo or another prescribed for the past 8 years without missing a day, so a seizure would have been imminent if I was not properly detoxes off of it. I've managed to stay off of benzos since then (now over 9 months) but opiates have been harder for me to stay away from despite managing a week or so off here and there.
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^I can't believe they'd try to force longtime addicts off maintenance like that!
I wobeer how BBT is doing. Hopefully he didn't blow all of his savings and erase all of his progress because the way he was talking he went pretty hard on his runs and he had been using more and more frequently between his suboxone maintenance doses. That's why you can't get too cocky with this thing. I've said it a lot that suboxone can give you a false sense of security since a lot of people don't realize how strong it's effects are on them, with it being a very potent opioid, so when they are on it and don't have bad cravings they think that they have this thing beat when in reality it's just the suboxone working for them which is making them feel like it's easy for them to stay away from dope.

The truth is, once they stop the subs or even drop below a certain dosage those cravings come back with a vengeance and if they haven't made the proper changes in their lives to cope with the cravings coming back then they are doomed, and all that the suboxone did for them was hit the 'pause' button on their addiction / drug run.
Yeah sub lulls a lot of people into a false sense of security.. there's this pink cloud period with it, where you feel great and you're like "I'll never use again. I don't even crave it" blah blah. But, then that phase ends, the cravings start creeping back in, you think you can lower your dose or stop the sub, think you can get away with just using on the weekends on hopping right back on the bupe, etc, and sure enough pretty soon you're off the sub totally and using again full force.
Yeah sub lulls a lot of people into a false sense of security.. there's this pink cloud period with it, where you feel great and you're like "I'll never use again. I don't even crave it" blah blah. But, then that phase ends, the cravings start creeping back in, you think you can lower your dose or stop the sub, think you can get away with just using on the weekends on hopping right back on the bupe, etc, and sure enough pretty soon you're off the sub totally and using again full force.

How long does this honeymoon last,weeks/months? Do YOU think there's a honeymoon period with m-done too ? For me it kept the cravings away and not chasing dope but that never meant I lost my longing for the real deal. I think the majority of MMT peeps prolly feel the same way but like me realize it's a waste of time and money. Does the bupe/naloxone block the dope high too? I would think the naloxone would block H too,otherwise why add it in. That would explain why Suboxone is used 99% of the time vs. Subutex which is bupe only. Anyone feel free to hypothesize your 2 cents on the subject. I also wonder if you havta start straight bupe(Subutex) in WD's too since it's the naloxone that blocks opiates' as I understand it.Unless of course bupe itself is a partial agonist/antagonist.
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So I ended up in the hospital for an "overdose" yesterday. I did a shot, 1st of the day, I get a crazy rush and pins and needles all over my body. It was a bit scary but, I tell my girl and she said I was falling down while trying to hold onto the counter and I kept pulling myself back up. I have no recollection of this but she said it was scary so she called 911. I was so out of it that I knew what she was doing and I knew that I didn't want to go to the hospital but I couldn't really vocalize it. By the time they get there I'm totally awake and I'm like "fuuuuck!" Anyway, they insisted I had to go to hospital or cops would come and start asking questions. So I end up going to the fucking hospital and wasting the time I was high in the hospital and having 1st responders show up at my house brought me down quite a bit a anyway, they didn't need to narcan me luckily. Now my primary car doc and the local PD know I shoot dope and where I live and I'd been doing such a great job keeping it a secret. I'm fucking posed at my gf for calling 911 but I also know she loves me and meant well so wtf can I say...

Edit: I'd done 2 small ass bags, maybe .3 in total. I've done this much and more plenty of times so not sure what was up.
Well I can see why you'd be irritated but, it's better safe than sorry. If you couldn't even talk I think it's safe to say that you were right on the line from being fucked or OK. She definitely made the right call.
helllooo boyyyyyyyyyyyyz!

hope all is well, guys! same shiznit over here! using and using.. no more bupe. well, I still have bupe but no longer using it daily. I actually stopped seeing my the bupe Dr. because we could not agree on the schedule/meetings; I also failed a few drug tests which is why he wanted me to meet WEEKLY w/ him, which I just CANT do considering work and all. I'll never understand how half the peeps at clinic have they schedule to be there daily and meet w/ the Dr's the way they do. how the fuck did they afford drugs? no way they were working. and if they were using, they must not have been using heavy.. ha.

anyway, I went back to dope.. on and off every other day or so. but thinking of stopping since I am just blowing my cash. yes, I know. I said "thinking of stopping", which is RIDIC.. but oh well.

work also BLOCKED this site, which is why I am NOT on as much as I once was; HR picked up on me being on a daily DRUG site and are probably thinking of firing me, ha. nooo, def. not.. because I am the man there.. but still mad they blocked it. and of course I cannot argue the block, like I have in the past for other sites.. but not drug related sites.. would look weird if I requested they UN-BLOCK my DOPE site.

did you guys miss me capitalizing RANDOM words? I did, too!
^ Maybe methadone would work better for you man. Most clinics are open at 5am that gives plenty of time to get to work.
Did they tell you that they blocked this site specifically? It may be a blanket block on all kinds of shit. You'd have to know drugs to even know what bluelight is. It's not like the site is named or some shit.
^ Maybe methadone would work better for you man. Most clinics are open at 5am that gives plenty of time to get to work.
dont even want to head to the done clinic; wouldn't want to wake up extra early to head there.. pain in the ass! then again, it MAY be my only option to physically stop me, so we'll see. I did find a clinic which is relatively close by, so we'll see.

I really doubt they know what the site is about; it's not something I am worried about.. I was only joking when I said it. it's the least of my worries. but going back 2-3 months I was spending way too much time on this site at work which is why it probably got blocked. anytime someone is on a specific site 75% of the day and it's outside the "safe" zone when it comes to work, it gets blocked during the work day. no biggie!
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