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Lost novelty with psychedelics: take more or hang up the phone?

Reading a lot of good poetry and thinking deeply about various abstracts in life for a month while you meditate and fast will be extremely beneficial for your trip.

and between those trips, actively cultivate your mind.

Psychedelics won't magically make much happen. Intention, desire, longing, passion, anticipation... these things play a huge role in how your trip goes.

I actually strongly agree with this. When I want to have a "meaningful" trip I always read during the come-up. It always affects my trips very positively. You can't purely rely on the substance, you have to bring something with you to the psychedelic space. You don't need to read buddhist or new age stuff, either. Just read whatever fancies your mind, whatever you intend to fill your mind with, whatever thrills you and excites you. I read philosophy most of the times, or my "poet of the moment". You can read science, heck, whatever you want to be confronted with. Even reading something that makes you annoyed can be constructive.

I find that in my life when it hasn't changed in quite a while, if I'm remaining in the same "place", I tend to experience a relative lack of content in my trips. It's when there is something new and exciting in my life that I feel the magic (generally)..

This is also something I have noticed. That's why it is important to always keep reading and learning and wondering around. If there's always new ideas and pursuits in your life you can always take something new to your trips. If you keep reading the same things, listening to the same music, and staying with what you already now ... Your subconscious will be less likely to become an interesting place to be confronted with when the psychedelic drugs take action.
Then stop telling people what to do as a prescription rather than a recommendation.
I have had a few friends basically told not to come back / hang up the phone by the dmt entities. Most listened and have never gone back even though they loved the stuff. One didn't and had the psychic shit kicked out of him for ignoring them. Sometimes you do need to indeed hang up the phone
Says the person who just 'told' me what to do. Epic.

Anyway, 'then'?. So if your perception of the world tells you that someone is 'telling' someone something, you go on an ad hominem conversational terrorist attack? 'Then' if they don't want your conversational terrorism, insults and small mindedness, 'then' we should recommend instead of tell, and 'then' you won't attack them? So you ARE a conversational terrorist. Welp. That much was transparently obvious. Thanks for confirming.

It seems that you have some serious mental problems. :)

FYI: There is nothing wrong w/ giving someone a prescribed method that works. Pre... scribed. Do you understand language or do you just willy nilly use it in your daily life? Rhetorical query. You do NOT understand language. And you DO use it willy nilly in your daily life.

Prescribe: recommend (a substance or action) as something beneficial.
"marriage is often prescribed as a universal remedy"
synonyms: advise, recommend, advocate, suggest, endorse, champion, promote
"traditional values prescribe a life of domesticity"

Why are people who don't think and have little knowledge the most obnoxious and vehement? I'll have to ask the mushroom this question the next time I find myself in the position to.

(Mic dropped)
Calling FUG mentally ill because he disagrees with you? Sounds like to me it is you who needs to open their mind to the point of view of others.
To hell with "hanging up the phone"...if nothing else I will continue prank calling my subconscious ;)
Hey, OP, I'm just wondering if not feeling invigorated by your life could be affecting your trips rather than your trips failing to invigorate your life?

You have a secure life and I imagine that you worked very hard to create that. But if it is not a life that feeds your soul, you have to ask yourself what you need to do to make that so. The best gift any parent can give their child, next to unconditional love, is to model a creative life. By creative life I don't mean practicing an art (although it could be that); I mean shaping it every day into something that engages you and feels meaningful to you.

This speaks to me. Sage advice; thank you. I certainly need to find that something, but I don't think my trips will lead me to it.
...I find that if I lie with the windows blacked out, wearing an eye mask and ear plugs, it is easier for my ego to thin. The rhythmic sound of your heart beating, and the blood flowing around your body, builds to become trance-like and soon you won't associate it with anything corporeal, but part of something bigger and ethereal. It can be very cleansing and it doesn't require large doses, which often aren't as practical as normal doses.

This is how I, too, prefer to trip, especially when using dissociatives or DMT. I rarely listen to anything while tripping and also prefer the sensory deprivation type of trip.
I will lie back with a cloth over my eyes and just go....these types of trips are my favorite by far.
OP, it might be worth a try...no sound, nobody, no anything...
At the very least it's worth a try...a new perspective and all that.
Don Luigi, I thought that I was the only one who prefered to stay inside my own head while I tripping. Now I know I'm not.
I haven't practiced astral projection, per se, but I'm sure that is what happens may times when I use this method...it's like flying a million miles an hour.
Don't ever lay down while tripping. Never do that. Never assume the laying down position. Always sit up. You must alway give oxygen to the brain as much as possible and that happens through better flood flow to the brain which comes from sitting up and moving about.

Let me guess, you wrote this while you werelying down, right?
Says the person who just 'told' me what to do. Epic.

Yes stop harassing people with these 'necessities'.

Anyway, 'then'?. So if your perception of the world tells you that someone is 'telling' someone something, you go on an ad hominem conversational terrorist attack? 'Then' if they don't want your conversational terrorism, insults and small mindedness, 'then' we should recommend instead of tell, and 'then' you won't attack them? So you ARE a conversational terrorist. Welp. That much was transparently obvious. Thanks for confirming.

Sure i'm a terrorist.

It seems that you have some serious mental problems. :)

You and me both - and probably the rest of the world.

FYI: There is nothing wrong w/ giving someone a prescribed method that works. Pre... scribed. Do you understand language or do you just willy nilly use it in your daily life? Rhetorical query. You do NOT understand language. And you DO use it willy nilly in your daily life.

I used it context, here's a couple definitions for you.

Why are people who don't think and have little knowledge the most obnoxious and vehement? I'll have to ask the mushroom this question the next time I find myself in the position to.

Try asking yourself.

(Mic picked up and put away nicely)
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StonedApe, you're being totally unnecessarily confrontational and many of your posts contain personal insults which you seem to claim are not. I'm going to start warning you soon, you're disrupting multiple threads. I don't understand why you have to talk down to everyone. If you're really only interested in communicating your recommendations, and you think everyone should make up their own minds, well, you've already accomplished that.

Everyone else, if you keep responding it will just keep going on.
Just because you hang up the phone doesnt mean youll never make another call again?
Just because you hang up the phone doesnt mean youll never make another call again?

In this analogy, it does... otherwise it would mean everyone was permatripping ;p It regarded the message you got from tripping in general [like: lessons learned >> moving on then], not messages you are currently receiving from a trip hehehe
Well, like everything you learn, use it or lose it. Even if you retain, sometimes there is more to learn and build on.

In either case an eventual relearning/newlearning may be in order.
I'm sorry everybody. I am. I am sorry. I believe I have finally gone insane
Bout time I suppose. I have no idea who I am I have no idea what I believe
I know nothing. I know nothing
I wish I could be as wise and knowledgeable as Xorkoth
I think we are the same age about
But I am just so stupid.
Feeling very angry at myself
Y'all be brutal and honest. You don't know me. But I deserve no compassion
I love my cats and my daughter.
I have hated humans for so long.
Maybe i just hate me
I have tried to be everyone but who the fuck I am.
Don't even want to accept that I am a human on earth.
I have gone insane guys.
Again I am so sorry for whatever the fuck
Oh please let Xanax put me to sleep and let me wake up - NOT COMPLWLTY
My fucking mind is gone.
Have I learnt my lesson with 4-aco-dmt
Fuck j hope so! If I don't then I really must be a soulless fuck
Ok I have taken a bar and 1/2 of Xanax
Have a massive tolerance. So taking 1 more bar and 3 of the Etizest pill...
I have to chill out
Fucking losing my mind
If it was every really "there" to start with??? Just recently put a pet I loved so much to sleep he was old and seizures
But I don't think he wanted to go.
I saw his eyes he cried , I wanted the veternarian to stop
But it was too late
I let him down he is just an innocent animal who last seconds on earth saw his mom and dad not help him, when he cried. I'm broken omg
I can't let it go. His face and cries they are there when I close my eyes.
I know just an animal. But was more than that
Wow, that sounds very humbling, confronting at least... what are you so angry about? None of us are perfect, maybe this is a good time to forgive and let go?

It's very sad to have to let a dearly beloved pet go, but I think it's actually good care to not let him suffer. It's okay to hurt about losing him! But it's not your fault, part of life man..
Thanks so much for that reply. Right now it means so much. I may pass out soon -
And shit I need to. I am ok
I will post when I wake up. I'm cool y'all

Dude, thank you so much for responding with such compassion