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Life Means Nothing and is Going Nowhere. Somebody prove me wrong. Please.


I am going to try helping you, Snazzy_sn, but we need to go back to the beginning.

First, what do you want? What are your dreams? What do you desire most above all else?
try to approach an understanding from the between

pleasure - pain
love - breakup-suffering
health - sickness
desire - boredom
life - death
good - evil
a sunny day on which you go out for drinks with your friends - a depressive rainy day where you stay inside
spontaneous positive opportunities - sudden inexplicable tragic events
laughter - tears
enthousiasm - depression
a friendly face - someone who is hateful to you


Everything is meaningless, opposites and definitions are illusions.

And perhaps you'd be more motivated to help yourself if you acknowledged that you're responsible for your decisions and your great omnipotent imaginary buddy god is not going to offer you any help.
You're responsible for your condition; if you're unsatisfied with it, do something about it. enter a rehabilitation facility, join AA and follow their advice.
It is up to you to pull yourself out of this situation if you're unhappy with it.

I am going to try helping you, Snazzy_sn, but we need to go back to the beginning.

First, what do you want? What are your dreams? What do you desire most above all else?

It's probably going to sound like I'm being difficult, but there's nothing I want enough to be called a desire or a dream. At the very most there are things that might be nice to achieve or have but nothing that I feel especially strong about or that motivates me enough to put forth full application.

I'd like an education, I'd like to meet the perfect woman, there are a few things I'd like to write about and have published, self-awareness, adventure/experience, the ability to use drugs on a purely recreational basis, material wealth...
These are the first things that came to mind, but I don't feel passionate about any of them...


Everything is meaningless, opposites and definitions are illusions.

And perhaps you'd be more motivated to help yourself if you acknowledged that you're responsible for your decisions and your great omnipotent imaginary buddy god is not going to offer you any help.
You're responsible for your condition; if you're unsatisfied with it, do something about it. enter a rehabilitation facility, join AA and follow their advice.
It is up to you to pull yourself out of this situation if you're unhappy with it.

I am an atheist. If I took myself more seriously I'd probably resent even the implication that I believed in god ^_^
I've done the A.A. thing, in earnest, I've done well, I've quit the drugs, I've worked, gone to college, etc. etc. but ultimately none of these things satisfy me. They ultimately wind up feeling futile and meaningless.
I'm in a very poor state of mind right now, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if any of this makes sense or is even in the right forum. It's probably just my usual garbage tweaker writing that I'll erase when I wake up.
I was gonna post this in the dark side, but this isn't really about my problems. I just need somebody to tell me the answers or how to find them before I lose myself completely.
Coming off of drugs tends to amplify these thoughts and beliefs, but hey this is why I'm doing drugs in the first place.
I'm not gonna really go in to detail because in my current state I'm incapable. This is the short version of my philosophy. That of an athiest. Someone who tries to see everything objectively. That of a junkie and a thief.
I don't believe in god. I don't believe in anything spiritual, other than drug induced experiences.
From a purely objective standpoint, there is no right and wrong therefore these are empty too.
Doing what makes you happy is probably the closest thing to what's right but this doesn't make it any more meaningful.

We are all bags of blood and we will all die someday. The world will end one day. Everything is essentially futile.
Happiness and our emotions etc are merely a series of chemical reactions nothing more, which is how I justify my drug use. Shooting up meth and heroin cause a maximum release of happiness possible. Psychedelics are where I find my "spirituality" and this too is nothing more than chemical reactions.

I have my reasons for believing these things. It's been like that since god "abandoned" me eleven years ago.
I've made various attempts since then to seek him out but I feel foolish. Like I'm trying to fool myself.

I want something. I need to believe in something. Even if it weren't real, at least I could be happy. I've been mad for quite some time now, but the reckless abandon derived from trying to cope with leading a meaningless existence and living in a meaningless world have been getting progressively worse. I'm 21 years old, and at the rate I'm going I'll be dead within the two or three years from drug overdose or the violence associated with drug addiction, or suicide.

My beliefs and my philosophy are strong, but I'm not strong enough to live with them.
Somebody tell me what to do, what to think, tell me I'm wrong, but most importantly tell me why I'm wrong. If you argue that life has meaning tell me why. I need a reason. I've been searching so hard this last month and found nothing other than things that have reinforced my beliefs.

Like I said, this post is probably garbage and I'll probably erase it tomorrow, but hey. Who knows? Couldn't hurt to ask.

Man, I feel you there. You sound exactly like me. I don't take any amphetamines at all, even though they make opiates/opioids so much better, because the comedown really intensifies the dread that comes with these thoughts too much for it to be worth it, at least for me. I tried taking 5mg of methylphenidate a little while ago and regretted it that whole night and next day (intensifies my insomnia and I'm very skinny). Before I get yelled at, I know methylphenidate isn't an amphetamine, but the comedown feels the same to me. snazzy, you should try getting off the amphetamines if you can. Opiate comedown is NOTHING compared to this comedown, at least for me. Message me if you want to talk about it, it can get tough, I feel like I'm going a little crazy sometimes.

PS. I just read you're going to rehab, I really hope things work out, good luck.
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Stop being so negative. If it's so meaningless then it's futile to think so morbidly.

No wonder you're such a troubled individual. No sympathy


lol x2

You get what you give. What have you to contribute besides your pessimism nobody cares for. You give pessimism, you'll get it back.

How about instead of showering the world with your cynicism you recognize that everyone else is equally scared, apprehensive and doesn't want to hear it, and then cheer them up by letting them know you're going to do everything in your power to help take care of them.

It can be difficult to just stop thinking negatively all the time when it is something that runs so deep into your understanding of reality. I'm sure telling him you have no sympathy for him and laughing at him probably isn't helping. If you really don't want to hear it I don't understand why you read the whole thing and took the time to comment. "Stop being so negative" is seeming a little hypocritical.
It just seems pretty offensive =(.
You're right. I'm not the best motivational speaker. Usually when I try to cheer others up it usually backfires and makes the situation worse. I should just stop. I'm in no position to help because I too don't have any answers. Maybe I will say this though:

Once, a man down on his luck visited a Guru who claimed he could teach people how to be successful. He said, "Guru, I'm failing. Can you show me how to be successful?" The Guru said, "Certainly, but all I ask is that you meet me on the beach at 4am sharp tomorrow morning." The man agrees. The next morning sure enough he sees the Guru standing alone on the beach looking out into the surf. The man walks up and asks the Guru why he has brought him here. The Guru ignores his question and instructs the man to wade out into the surf. The man walks out into the surf up to his ankles and turns around for guidance from the Guru. The Guru says, "Keep going," so the man continues wading out to his waist and turns around seeking further instructions. The Guru says, "Keep going," so the man wades out to his neck, but then questions the Guru as to why he has him wading out. The Guru once again says, "Keep going," so the man begins complaining, "But Guru, I cannot go any further." Just then the Guru thrusts the man's head underwater and begins to drown him. The man claws and fights his way back above the surface but in vain. Just as the man is about to drown the Guru pulls his head above the water's surface and asks, "What did you want more than anything?" "To breath!" the man gasps. The Guru says, "If you want to be successful, you must desire success just as badly as you desire to breath."
I'm in a very poor state of mind right now, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if any of this makes sense or is even in the right forum. It's probably just my usual garbage tweaker writing that I'll erase when I wake up.
I was gonna post this in the dark side, but this isn't really about my problems. I just need somebody to tell me the answers or how to find them before I lose myself completely.
Coming off of drugs tends to amplify these thoughts and beliefs, but hey this is why I'm doing drugs in the first place.
I'm not gonna really go in to detail because in my current state I'm incapable. This is the short version of my philosophy. That of an athiest. Someone who tries to see everything objectively. That of a junkie and a thief.
I don't believe in god. I don't believe in anything spiritual, other than drug induced experiences.
From a purely objective standpoint, there is no right and wrong therefore these are empty too.
Doing what makes you happy is probably the closest thing to what's right but this doesn't make it any more meaningful.

We are all bags of blood and we will all die someday. The world will end one day. Everything is essentially futile.
Happiness and our emotions etc are merely a series of chemical reactions nothing more, which is how I justify my drug use. Shooting up meth and heroin cause a maximum release of happiness possible. Psychedelics are where I find my "spirituality" and this too is nothing more than chemical reactions.

I have my reasons for believing these things. It's been like that since god "abandoned" me eleven years ago.
I've made various attempts since then to seek him out but I feel foolish. Like I'm trying to fool myself.

I want something. I need to believe in something. Even if it weren't real, at least I could be happy. I've been mad for quite some time now, but the reckless abandon derived from trying to cope with leading a meaningless existence and living in a meaningless world have been getting progressively worse. I'm 21 years old, and at the rate I'm going I'll be dead within the two or three years from drug overdose or the violence associated with drug addiction, or suicide.

My beliefs and my philosophy are strong, but I'm not strong enough to live with them.
Somebody tell me what to do, what to think, tell me I'm wrong, but most importantly tell me why I'm wrong. If you argue that life has meaning tell me why. I need a reason. I've been searching so hard this last month and found nothing other than things that have reinforced my beliefs.

Like I said, this post is probably garbage and I'll probably erase it tomorrow, but hey. Who knows? Couldn't hurt to ask.

LOL it just shows what drugs can do to some people. reading ur post i can say ive felt the same in many ways. Drugs pretty much made me who I am today, all the fucked up bad trips, cocaine/speed hell comedowns and depressions. Afetr going through all that here I am still completely normal but also changed and different views on life. Life is just a big mystery, it is given to you, enjoy it, dont complain about it. One thing is certain, it goes on and always will, and everything changes, dont every try to hold on to things just live and enjoy the present. there is nothing else lol and u know it.
Yeah, life sucks and God doesn't exist. Why worry about it when there are so many ways to keep busy? Challenge yourself and develop yourself, you only get this one life and there are so many opportunities to make a good deal out of it.

You dont only get this one life, you get this one body...there is something deeper and biger than the body something that never dies.
no matter what anybody tries to argue nobody knows if life means anything or not. How could anyone possibly ever know???

there isnt no meaning to life, and the more you try to look the more frustrated and mad and depressed you will get. just enjoy life and do what you really want to do. Just live, stop asking so many questions and looking for answers, there is enough to experience, chill out and live lol
there isnt no meaning to life, and the more you try to look the more frustrated and mad and depressed you will get. just enjoy life and do what you really want to do. Just live, stop asking so many questions and looking for answers, there is enough to experience, chill out and live lol
I don't understand why some people just assume that because they can somehow turn a switch in their brain to make them stop thinking, questioning, and worrying about certain things, everybody can. "Bro, just STOP being sad all the time" "Dude, just sleep more." .....
Life needing to have meaning is such a futile, left-brained exercise. The right-brain resolves this problem. It relates to oneness, unity, and higher consciousness. The left brain is constantly trying to divide and categorize things in quantifiable ways, but that is now how life works.

The best thing you can do to free your mind and emotions is to let go of this "meaning of life" crap. It will just send the hamster wheel in your brain into burn-out mode and yield no results. Be practical. Whether or not there is a meaning to life, you are alive, so what do you want to do with that? Be present and grounded about it.

To me... life has no discernable meaning, and I find this fact wonderful, not depressing. It means I am free to do what I want, whatever my heart truly desires, and create a meaning for myself. I can choose love and connection, and try to better my human condition. Sitting around trying to figure out the ultimate meaning that can apply to everyone is a waste of time. Just my $0.02
I'm sure it's already been said, but life has no absolute meaning. If it did, people would all strive for the same thing, and people wouldn't still be asking this question. Think of life like a work of art; I heard a great quote from my sixth grade teacher in art class "a painting is never ruined." Look at that from a philosophical perspective. Even though it may seem like life is shit and devoid of all meaning, but as you progress, you may end up realizing that what you thought ruined your life, actually made it the masterpiece it really is; you follow me? It's limitless what you can do, what you can create. You could write a beautiful novel or poem with a pencil and some paper.

Don't think so hard on what has meaning for the whole, but give the moment meaning, and you'll find something magnificent at the end. Don't give up!
Psychedelics can give you insight or new perspective but it isn't something to be doing again and again.

I disagree, phycedelics are underused in my experience, I hate saying never but one sentence I can confidently stick it to is, I never enough psychedelics, mushrooms, weed, ayahuasca.

fundementaly as far as egos concerned this is your life, make of it what you want.
i think it's a depletion of mental energy reserves. intermittent withdrawals from opiates combined with crashes from stimulants.

then the use of a psychedelic, and he realizes exactly where he is.
Try looking more into the eastern religions. The fact that life is meaningless and we are all going to die is ultimately a very freeing thing. This does not mean you should just indulge in mindless hedonism and commit suicide by proxy until it is over. Unless that is what you really want. To discover what you really want you must first discover what this thing called "I" and "reality" exactly is.

Try looking into Alan Watts. The south park guys did some cartoons of his speeches, they are on you tube. They are a good place to start. Buddhism for the layman/dummies.
for snazzy_sn

Snazzy_sn, your are right, life does seem to have no meaning at times. I have never done drugs but got into trouble a long time ago as a 15 year...sexually abused. I have been through everything possible to find a "anchor" over the last 50 years. No matter how many times you get up something comes along when you least expect and knocks you. I get into meditation 15 years ago and ended up seeing a "guru" in Thailand for some years. Before he died he introduced me to Ajhan Jayasaro, a monk you can see on utube. For some reason, everytime I say his name I feel a "thread" of comforting and peaceful energy. This may sound a bit odd but the Guru taught me to say "I ask the Lord Buddha to give the Dharma to the air between every partical, molecule and cell and to top up what needs topping up and reduce what needs reducing". The main thing is to stay connected to Ajahan Jayasaro to "ease the pain". There is a monastary in Thailand that specialises in helping people who have drug problems. Apparently they have had a lot of succes. If you came to Thailand where I live you would also see Ajhan Jayasaro and attend if you decided attend the monastary I mentioned. I have found via the Guru that Ajhan Jayasaro is the best connection for westerners. He was born in the Isle of Wight and speaks fluent Thai as well.
I wish you all the best with your efforts and my email is listed if you want any other info.
The name of the Thai monastary is Thamkrabok. Just google it and there is info about it.
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I am Catholic.... However, as far as the afterlife and all that "stuff." i live my life for what I have now. And you know what, my life aint that great right now. Im a single mom with an asshole baby daddy. Im not working at the moment. Blah blah blah, plenty-o-other things that could drag me down. but..... I dunno. THIS life is the only one each of us is ever gonna get. Instead of looking at things negatively, half empty kind of bullshit.... which is hard sometimes when I look at my friends who are married and you know doing well or whatever. But what makes other people happy, doesnt necessarily make me happy. Im happy to be me and live to please myself. Its important to find something to do that makes YOU happy. That YOU want. Even if everything in this life is meaningless (which lets be realistic out of all the planets and galaxies and whatnot, it probably is) you have THIS life to make yourself happy and make the most of. It is on you. I used to hella stress out that my life didn't go the way I thought it would when i was like 16 years old you know, like "fuck, im such a loser." But that doesn't help. Negativity and stress and worry, doesn't change anything. It's all about switching your own mindset. It took me a long time to figure that out. But I've been much happier since then. Maybe a little TOO carefree even lololol