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Life Means Nothing and is Going Nowhere. Somebody prove me wrong. Please.

Sorry I can't hear your existential crisis over my hedonism!
I am perfectly content being a mass of organic matter who's only purpose is to make more organic matter with my characteristics and ensure it makes more organic matter with said characteristics. So long as this organic logic engine I call a brain keeps telling me that its good to do so and I can do so.

I fuck therefore I am.
how could anyone possibly know if there is no meaning in life? there may be and there may not be. There is no true answer that us humans know.

There are people who would beg to differ, people who've had realizations.
There are people who would beg to differ, people who've had realizations.

and how could you ever know that was true? Im not saying you are wrong.

What if those things were meant to happen to trick us or it was some type of dream?

for all we know we could die and then heaven could be just one huge candy land. Do i think that? lol no. But nobody knows anything for sure. nothing.

and when i say nobody knows ANYTHING for sure i mean ANYTHING.
and how could you ever know that was true? Im not saying you are wrong.

I can't prove my position, and I am taking the word of someone else, i'll admit that. But this particular persons philosophy came about through direct realization and everything that he has written/said makes more sense to me than anything i've heard from anyone else (with the exception of one other realized person from the East).
But nobody knows anything for sure. nothing.

Well, consider if life means nothing.. then your not bound to an ideal of what life should be; your free to define it in whatever way you choose, no matter what you do or where you go, ultimately it doesn't matter.. your free to take risks, experience new adventures, and live as fully as possible. Most people spend there entire lives waiting around to be told how to live, waiting for everything to come together.. im guilty as sin of this.. problem is all the cards are in your hands; it's upto you to choose how your going to play them.
Yeah, life sucks and God doesn't exist. Why worry about it when there are so many ways to keep busy? Challenge yourself and develop yourself, you only get this one life and there are so many opportunities to make a good deal out of it.
I always wonder what the point of worrying about this is. You will most likely never know what the point or meaning to life is, in your lifetime, so worrying is beyond pointless. Besides the more important question is this, since you have no clue what or whether there even is a meaning to life, how does this even affect you? Only by how you think about it, would be my answer. IDK if i'm just one strange mother fucker, but to me, whats the difference if there is no point? I'll still live the same life I was going to regardless so I suppose thats a reason I could care less but.......

The only thing futile is the mind and its sad thoughts IMO. Just because there isn't some sign in space thats numbered 1. 2. 3. and lists things for us to do doesn't make life any more or less pointless in my mind. In fact, I believe I would find the giant numbered sign life more futile as I would have to do what some dumbass sign says instead of what I really want to(pointless's meaning pretty much to me! wasting time doing things you don't want to or in other words pointless activities....). A word like pointless will always come down to your interpretation as only things you find worthwhile, contain a point where as things that aren't are pointless.....

Thanks for putting into words so succinctly such a life affirming truth as I see it as well.
and how could you ever know that was true? Im not saying you are wrong.

What if those things were meant to happen to trick us or it was some type of dream?

for all we know we could die and then heaven could be just one huge candy land. Do i think that? lol no. But nobody knows anything for sure. nothing.

and when i say nobody knows ANYTHING for sure i mean ANYTHING.

How about KNOWING, anything, about a previous experience? I KNOW I had an experience a few mins ago where I was having fun playing a game. It was my reality at that moment because I was perceiving it and it was happening and it was true to the best of my abilities and knowledge to be a TRUE EXPERIENCE I HAD, I'm re-stating my own truth about my own previous perception/experience/feelings, even if they were all "made up/faked" by some machine or some other entity/person/power/god/trick/dream, I just believe it was myself who experienced it. But I also am a master of Lucid dreams...

So if anyone can know or believe in anything at all, they should know and believe in the right and wrong feelings that they have and experience by all their past memories. Learn from them or not that is up to you to decide, but at least think about if you are controlling your actions with your own willpower/spirit or if you are simply letting outside forces control you.
Sorry I can't hear your existential crisis over my hedonism!
I am perfectly content being a mass of organic matter who's only purpose is to make more organic matter with my characteristics and ensure it makes more organic matter with said characteristics. So long as this organic logic engine I call a brain keeps telling me that its good to do so and I can do so.

I fuck therefore I am.

This is a decent description of where my head is right now, although I'll word it my own way, too:

Personally, I don't think there has to be anything called "meaning" attached to material existence. The purely physical, mechanistic, material world is already so colorful and complex and multidimensional that it's mindblowing enough as it is! Why should I demand that it's "going anywhere", or that it has any "meaning", for it to satisfy me?! Just the fact that it EXISTS at all is plenty!
I can't prove my position, and I am taking the word of someone else, i'll admit that. But this particular persons philosophy came about through direct realization and everything that he has written/said makes more sense to me than anything i've heard from anyone else (with the exception of one other realized person from the East).

If it's possible, could you post some writings or the name of some writings by these two people? I'd love to hear their explanations.
just remember that going up & down on dope will really fuck with ur emotions and can make u feel depressed. i get wanting to get high, but being less compulsive about using and giving urself time to enjoy other things, no matter how little, without drugs will help u feel better over all. it also makes the times when u do get high a whole lot more fun :)
To be honest, i live for the interactions of life. To me, its so damn fucking entertaining. You know when your drunk and your social restrictions are limited, and you can just talk to anyone? Im like that but sober, so lifes a blast! When im drunk its even crazier, so i try not to drink much. Im constantly talking to people i dont know, seeing crazy shit, invoking crazy shit, just generally using the world around me to entertain myself. I cause massive scenes almost every day, whether at a pizzahut because im unsatisfied with the quality of my pizza, or on the bus while trying to get out the back door using the emergency door open.. its fucked up, crazy shit just happens to me, but i like it.

If i see jesus people i start screaming satanic shit. I dont care, what have i got to lose? I think with the mindset that 'just do it', and ultimately its up to you whats right and wrong(and the justice system, heh), so make the most of it. If you arent happy with the service, make a big scene. If you wanna tell someone they are beautiful, do it. If you wanna sit on top of some statue, do it. Smoke a joint while your up there too, or slam some crack, whatever.

If it wasnt for the crazy id probably just kill myself.
If I put forth the effort and do the right thing I may not get what I want but I find it inspiring I get what I need.

We are all bags of blood and we will all die someday. The world will end one day. Everything is essentially futile.

Stop being so negative. If it's so meaningless then it's futile to think so morbidly.

Happiness and our emotions etc are merely a series of chemical reactions nothing more

Oh, so you're now the bearer of truth ushered here to share your great wealth of knowledge with the rest of us. Saying such a vague statement with that amount of conviction is abusive to the real essence of what you're attempting to explain. Sounds like you took a some class and now you're preaching the things you learned as gospel. You, I and the rest of us don't know anything for certain. It's all an unfinished model.

I'm in a very poor state of mind right now

Yes, you are.

I justify my drug use. Shooting up meth and heroin cause a maximum release of happiness possible. Psychedelics are where I find my "spirituality" and this too is nothing more than chemical reactions.

I've found your issue. There your chemicals are all happy and in balance and then BAM! you kick your scale and throw the whole system out of synch, and what's more is before your scale has a chance to reach an equilibrium you go and do it again. That delicate balance of chemicals is there to keep you safe and in check. No wonder you're such a troubled individual. No sympathy.

I have my reasons for believing these things. It's been like that since god "abandoned" me eleven years ago.

God didn't abandon you, you gave up on yourself. Grow a pair and stop blaming all your problems on some abstract concept.

I've made various attempts since then to seek him out but I feel foolish. Like I'm trying to fool myself.


I just need somebody to tell me the answers or how to find them

lol x2

I'm in a very poor state of mind right now,

No, you're just terribly misguided. I'm sorry your heart was broken.

I want something.
You get what you give. What have you to contribute besides your pessimism nobody cares for. You give pessimism, you'll get it back.

I've been mad for quite some time now, but the reckless abandon derived from trying to cope with leading a meaningless existence and living in a meaningless world have been getting progressively worse.

How about instead of showering the world with your cynicism you recognize that everyone else is equally scared, apprehensive and doesn't want to hear it, and then cheer them up by letting them know you're going to do everything in your power to help take care of them.

I'm 21 years old, and at the rate I'm going I'll be dead within the two or three years from drug overdose or the violence associated with drug addiction, or suicide.

It's not just you, pal. The world isn't singling you out. How about instead of complaining about the the problems you start looking into creative solutions to fix them. The Buddha taught that we have made the world a painful place but it does not have to be a painful place.

I'm in a very poor state of mind right now,
Yes, you are.

I need a reason.

Aren't you even a little mystified by the absurdity of life? I mean here I am typing to a stranger I don't even know. That's pretty cussing spectacular. Enjoy the simple pleasures and phenomena. Instead of wasting your life away and killing yourself, why not take some stock in your species and contribute to our accumulating knowledge and go explore something. There's still so much we don't know about our reality. And I don't mean some frivolous armchair expedition exploring this so called "spirituality" by way of drugs, I mean collecting raw facts and data that the rest of us, or even you, can use to develop new ideas and working hypothesis about the nature of our place in the cosmos. Don't just give up. Observe. Learn. Be mesmerized by how grand and unknown everything really is. Don't be a loudmouth and assume you have it all figured out and know better.
@moonyham, lol.
No wonder you're such a troubled individual. No sympathy.
if you have no sympathy for him, i would say you're also a "troubled individual."
I'm sorry your heart was broken.
i'm sorry that your heart is incapable of universal empathy. ;)
It seems to me as though you're simply attacking me intellect when I stated at the beginning my I was in no state to even attempt to sound intelligent. My views were dumbed down. Congratulations, you're smarter than an uneducated, mentally ill, drug addict.

In my defense, I was hoping to be proven wrong.
In all reality, I'm a very optimistic person. I can't stand negativity and pessimism. What you're referring to as cynicism I see as simple logic.

My statement about emotions being nothing more than a series of chemical reactions was vague. I'm uneducated and ignorant but this belief makes sense to me. I've put a lot of thought in to it over the years and it seems more logical than trying to explain certain emotions as magical or sacred or evil. Instead of attacking my, perhaps you could explain why you feel it is incorrect (after all, wanting to be proven wrong and find a new view was my intent in writing this post), or tell me how I could better explain myself. I never did anything to imply that this was an absolute truth. In fact, I'm rather humble in my thought processes as I'm fully aware of my ignorance.

My remark about god abandoning me was undoubtedly foolish. I don't believe in god, I did at one point and lost my faith because of my own realizations and conclusions. My loss of faith just happened to come about at a particularly painful period in my life. I don't blame anything.

My heart wasn't broken. I've been injecting myself with copious amounts of methamphetamine. Tell me I'm not in a poor state of mind again. LAWL.

I am in fact completely mystified by the absurdity of life, for the most part I spend every waking moment marveling at it's beauty and it's complexity and trying to learn everything I can. However I can't grow or experience a whole lot as these bouts of how was it put earlier... Existential depression? Keep causing me to self-destruct and I want to put an end to this cycle and progress in life.

I never claimed or even did anything to imply I had everything figured out, in fact I am completely aware of how little I know and would like to change my ideas because they're destroying me.

I probably should have organized my response in such a way that made it clear how each part corresponded to each thing you said but seeing as a I'm a loudmouth, self pitying, know it all (who hasn't slept in three or four days due to methamphetamine consumption) I didn't.

I really wish everything I just said was actually as cool as it sounded in my head.

Going to rehab tomorrow. Hopefully I can make a change.

Thank you for giving me something to tweak out on. There's now a pool of sweat under my keyboard. Also you hurt my feelings by being so mean. Probably wanna end thissss.... NOW. Lawl...
I am in fact completely mystified by the absurdity of life, for the most part I spend every waking moment marveling at it's beauty and it's complexity and trying to learn everything I can. However I can't grow or experience a whole lot as these bouts of how was it put earlier... Existential depression? Keep causing me to self-destruct and I want to put an end to this cycle and progress in life.
drugs are excellent "deprogrammers" of the mind, and certainly have their uses. but over-daily-use can prevent some growth by "deprogramming" what you've "programmed" into yourself.

make no mistake: if you want to quit daily drug use, it involves a lot of pain, and you won't see true results for many months. but the mind always finds a way to bring back equilibrium...

people without three factors to help with this process (financial safety and a relatively flexible schedule, emotional semi-understanding of those close to the person that he needs time to heal, and the right personality shifting chemicals at the right times) don't fare well, at all, as far as i can see.
What you interpreted to be savage I thought sobering. It appears I cannot be of any assistance. Good luck.
What you interpreted to be savage I thought sobering. It appears I cannot be of any assistance. Good luck.

I feel like a jerk now, in my defense I was consuming massive amounts of meth and was rather paranoid.

If you genuinely were trying to be helpful or sobering as you put it, I apologize for my hostility.