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Life Means Nothing and is Going Nowhere. Somebody prove me wrong. Please.

Based on the reflection of light and its depth of meaning..

In fact a color can be assigned to any amount of depth and meaning.


The life Watts led outside his lectures was often removed from the enlightened one he preached. He was an alcoholic, a failed father and husband and a rampant philanderer — one who often took a different woman home after every lecture.

By the time of his death, at age 58, Watts was drinking a bottle of vodka a day, and much of his lecturing income went to paying alimony and child support for his two ex-wives and seven children.

Still, he was generous and widely loved. “He was a kind man, flawed, but he knew his own flaws,” says Evans. “He just couldn’t change them.”

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Based on the reflection of light and its depth of meaning..

In fact a color can be assigned to any amount of depth and meaning.
You might find Goethe's theory on colour interesting. It gave me another way of thinking about light and perception, contrasting with Newton's very atomistic line of thought.

We should always be open to the possibility that our models and perspectives are incomplete, especially those of which form the backbone of our cosmology in the 21st century. Newton's theory on light for example.. we've all held the prism in school and take its beautiful spectrum rainbow for granted, but are we still open to the possibility that this model may be an incomplete interpretation?

It's easy to take our models and perspectives, which we take for granted, project them back on to reality and find a morose conclusion. Whether this is because of an archetype of hopelessness originating from atomistic Greek philosophical thinking, or because of unintentional and/or intentional obfuscation along the way, it's easy to get locked into a certain phase of perception and belief about what life is about when in actuality these are all just human interpretations. Those interpretations of the past couple hundred years of science I find to be particularly narrow and confining, cold and heartless, again because of that Greek school of thought of being able to divide something up in order to ascertain its overall meaning.

Goethe's theory on light in contrast to Newton's is a great example of how you can arrive at radically different philosophy from scientific experimentation. I really do think sometimes people forget how much of an impact science has on their overall philosophy, on what is possible, on what is permissible.

Put down the books and step outside. Or inside.

"Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the Source from which they all rise." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
But I willl give this..

I am actually curious about nihilism..

It is just one of the philosophies that seems interesting..

Try Absurdism.. It's considered part of Existentialism I think (though Camus differed), but I think it's like a combination of Existentialism and Nihilism.

I love it because the only thing to do at the end of the day is laugh really.. Camus was a bit of a comedian himself 😀

the only truth is non-duality.

Life has no point. This gives us freedom. Stop giving a fuck what people think. Keep it real.

Never shun a gem fallen in a impure place. Keep your light bright.

The world has always been dark the last few decades was a pause to the bullshit for the west. Now the realities are dawning on the new generations.

Find your own purpose. Its hard, but once you do you will find something to live for once again.


The life Watts led outside his lectures was often removed from the enlightened one he preached. He was an alcoholic, a failed father and husband and a rampant philanderer — one who often took a different woman home after every lecture.

By the time of his death, at age 58, Watts was drinking a bottle of vodka a day, and much of his lecturing income went to paying alimony and child support for his two ex-wives and seven children.

Still, he was generous and widely loved. “He was a kind man, flawed, but he knew his own flaws,” says Evans. “He just couldn’t change them.”

FFS I was JUST about to say The Tao too!!!!!!
the only truth is non-duality.
Jai Jai Aghora ;)

I'm in a very poor state of mind right now, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if any of this makes sense or is even in the right forum. It's probably just my usual garbage tweaker writing that I'll erase when I wake up.
I was gonna post this in the dark side, but this isn't really about my problems. I just need somebody to tell me the answers or how to find them before I lose myself completely.
Coming off of drugs tends to amplify these thoughts and beliefs, but hey this is why I'm doing drugs in the first place.
I'm not gonna really go in to detail because in my current state I'm incapable. This is the short version of my philosophy. That of an athiest. Someone who tries to see everything objectively. That of a junkie and a thief.
I don't believe in god. I don't believe in anything spiritual, other than drug induced experiences.
From a purely objective standpoint, there is no right and wrong therefore these are empty too.
Doing what makes you happy is probably the closest thing to what's right but this doesn't make it any more meaningful.

We are all bags of blood and we will all die someday. The world will end one day. Everything is essentially futile.
Happiness and our emotions etc are merely a series of chemical reactions nothing more, which is how I justify my drug use. Shooting up meth and heroin cause a maximum release of happiness possible. Psychedelics are where I find my "spirituality" and this too is nothing more than chemical reactions.

I have my reasons for believing these things. It's been like that since god "abandoned" me eleven years ago.
I've made various attempts since then to seek him out but I feel foolish. Like I'm trying to fool myself.

I want something. I need to believe in something. Even if it weren't real, at least I could be happy. I've been mad for quite some time now, but the reckless abandon derived from trying to cope with leading a meaningless existence and living in a meaningless world have been getting progressively worse. I'm 21 years old, and at the rate I'm going I'll be dead within the two or three years from drug overdose or the violence associated with drug addiction, or suicide.

My beliefs and my philosophy are strong, but I'm not strong enough to live with them.
Somebody tell me what to do, what to think, tell me I'm wrong, but most importantly tell me why I'm wrong. If you argue that life has meaning tell me why. I need a reason. I've been searching so hard this last month and found nothing other than things that have reinforced my beliefs.

Like I said, this post is probably garbage and I'll probably erase it tomorrow, but hey. Who knows? Couldn't hurt to ask.
Last seen Apr 17, 2017

I was just about to lay down a post with Aghora logic to the points raised in this but is it worth it now I've seen the poster won't ever see it? I think not sadly.

Oh well, we all end up at the Cremation ground one day folks, you cannot outrun death.
i disagree.. even if you go further back u can't see'em all, that's what the Luna says and we say back

Nearly as bad as Reza Aslan when he did a piece on them, total bullshit & it gives this Sect a bad name.

You really wanna understand this path? Check this out.

I'm in touch with a Nath, though that isn't Aghora it's my first step towards it.

Nearly as bad as Reza Aslan when he did a piece on them, total bullshit & it gives this Sect a bad name.

You really wanna understand this path? Check this out.

I'm in touch with a Nath, though that isn't Aghora it's my first step towards it.

Well I've read a lot about Eastern religion/philosophy eg. Taoism, and although I admire it greatly, it's not something I want to pursue because you really have to live it. I mean Zen monks meditate for something like 17 hours a day, for years or decades.

Alan Watts is who I've read and listened to the most because he was a brilliant translator.. Philosophically East --> West is very complex. Watts died at 58 because of alcoholism. He was also a serious womaniser while married. So even though he knew the Eastern religions inside and out, learnt from Zen masters.. He was a Westerner and was unable to achieve enlightenment.

Wild Boyz is actually part of my "religion" 😊 Comedy/humour.. Watts had things in common with Camus in that he viewed taking life too seriously as a big mistake. He had a great sense of humour. I actually saw the Dalai Lama in the 90s when he was able to speak at big venues for free. What struck me most about him was how much he laughed 😁

Thanks, I'll take a look.

Here's one for you. I'm only half serious.. I think I made it through maybe 1.5 hours. The deities in this are worth hearing about though!!
