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Dissociatives [Ketamine Subthread] Dangers & Risks

i love the Ket? how does the 2 isomers compare?
What are ways to reduce dangers and brain damage by ketamine?
What is a safe easy user guide how much per how long?
ways to reduce harm?
just did 300mg of K last night
i find i like some sort of acid/nitrous psychedelic heroin nang that lets me explore old memories, lets u explore death life and all part of brain god beta programming helpful pych tool
what are some of the signs of over K use? the UK took ages to ban it
Animal Mother said:
Whoa there guy.

Ketamine DOES NOT cure rabies.

It was used with midazolam and phenobarbital to put a girl that had symptomatic rabies into a fucking COMA.
I was actually refering to two studies, here is one, but I can't find the other.

The coma thing is disputed. There are a couple of new studies that show it to be ineffective. What I was refering to is Ketamine's antiviral mechanism.


theworldwithin: An anesthetic dose is not required, as far as I know. There are several studies that show NMDA-antagonists in general have neuroprotective properties, with the exception of PCP which is excitotoxic through a different mechanism (I believe it has to do with DA agonism, but I might be wrong).

I will dig out the papers for you when I have time.
^ Nice to see you back, my friend :). Indeed, I was stunned by it too, but the fact that other NMDA-antagonists (Amantadine and analogues) are specifically anti-viral makes it more believable...


Tadfish: Sorry, didn't mean to ignore your post. I think you'd be better off posting this in the Drug Basics forum.

For now, I'd recommend you read everything on Erowid regarding Ketamine, in case you haven't already. A lot of your questions are answered there. If you have any more, don't hesitate to ask them in the appropriate forums :)
Hmm, interesting. I was always under the impression that recreation (sub anesthetic) doses were highly excitotoxic untill the anesthetic dose was reached. The NMDA receptor activity grinds to a halt and you get the neuroprotective effects. I believe it is widely accepted that ketamine is excitotoxic depending on dosage and duration of admin, but the degree of cognitive impairment is still very much disputed. Although clearly there is some impairment in moderate to heavy users.
illusion25 said:
The only side effect (NEGATIVE) i seemed to notice was a strong belief in the subjective worls and slowly ignorging the presence of the objective.
I would use alot of keatime for weeks at a time and you do have trips where everything you expierence is a creation and manifestation of your self.
I always wonder why it is called an OBE when really you turn off OUTside sensory input and go into your thalmus and brain stem. You are in a type of waking dream. You can metaprogram and get/unlock deeply imbedded secrtes inside your cells/dna on ketamine/
I had had the sence of meeting"the man" the creator, which i believe is the universre, my expierence being myself/ I get to talk to another part of myslef and communicate. Some people see this as another entity or being but in a k hole you total expierence in not reall anything but you are just a being of thought existing in what first comes to mind....coming back to the danger of believeng we cintrol make eveything( not really true)

I would only find a impulse to re use because i would get to a place that was my world and my creation. It is such a powerful edpierence. i always meet entities or travel thru galaxies and dimensions that i feel like i was ALMOST there, somewher, so i would do K again to gp farther.
I would get a transmissions or a secret so prfound you cannot believe you expierence it, but you soon loose memory of most or all of whaT happened.

/percieve you will talk to God or meet some being and recievesomething so great that you feel a need a urge or even obligation to go there again or find that gain to finish off what was happeneing.
I felt like i was on to something great or bigso i would use more and more. I would go further and further out there because i got very good with it, but not being able to obtain and APPLY information from K makes it just a hair from perfecion.
It has taought me thru expierence that the universe is infinite and nothing.
\But nothing is something it is nothing.
Lol, telling the struction and spelling of your post you must have been K'd out writing it :D

+1. That's exactly how my trips have playied out through my ketamine use. I feel I have gained allot from it, but only if I quit much much sooner the positives would have highly outweighted the negatives.

I usually only have these kind of trips in a very dark room, laying down, with music of my choice on. This is how I've done a majority of my ketamine use. Or a few times on the beach at night...that was amazing. I notice with pot I can't usually abtain these kind of trips, more like flying through tunnels and great visuals but no profound experiances.

silentscience said:
around 1-2 grams (wasnt wieghing it out). I'm not kidding either. It was bad.

How did you OD? ...what do you consider over dosing as?

A few weeks ago I started using K for the first time in awhile. I went through about 600mg (excluding my last two doses) of K in the last 9 months. Most of that within the last day and a half of my use. One year ago I was using massive amounts of K via IM for about a year. In that year I went through 1-1.5#s, 2/3rds of that being in the last 4 months. Anyways, the last time I used I did 160mg (btw I'm 140#s) via IM after snorting about 60-80mg about 15mins earlyier. I blacked out through most of it, apprently walking through the house grasped to the wall and white as a ghost. 15-40mins into the IM dose I had a blood pressure of 165/110. It stayied right around that for 15 mins and slowly tapered off. I wasn't paniced or scared. I'm not a doctor but my friend that took my blood pressure is a nurse and said I could have died from this. I take 450mg of welbutrin daily which supposedly raises blood pressure. I'm in my low 20s and healthy. Oh also, this ketamine is from a new source and MUCH more potent than anything from veternarians in the US or Mexico.

I find Ketamine extreamly addicting. I've never struggled so much with an addiction and I'm not sure why. The whole "always feeling on the verge of breaking through" has contributed to it but I don't beleive it's a major factor. I used cocain and meth daily for 7 months, the last 3 months I used herion 2 days a week progressivly getting worst to 3-4days a week untill I stopped. This use is usually dosing hourly or so. Other than some withdraws, sleeping problems, and eating habbits screwed up I really did not have much of a problem quiting. Several months later I never craved them. After about a year I started craving opiates again but nothing major.

Ketamine on the other hand has had me by the balls and still does. Once I start I continue to do too much because I'm not always aware that I just redosed or don't realize I've had enough. Other times I'm totally aware, but for whatever reason can't stop myself from using even if I know I'll regret it.

On another note, I have personally seen several people IMing up to 650mg at a time and living. I've seen three people go through 112grams via IM in less than a week as well. They have noticable negative effects 6-8 months later but are functional. More so, in this time none of them ever OD'd which to me really shows how safe it is from ODing.

I know around 25 people who had bad ketamine addictions and at least 5 of which did insane amounts. Almost a year later most of those people have little to no side effects. All of the heavyier users had some sort of dillusion. My close friends dillusion being that our city was going to be bombed and we all had to get out of it. He moved to a smaller city on the other side of a mountain claiming he'd be safe from radiation. He would break down in tears trying to talk us into coming with him, affraid we would die. He was convinced of a certain month it would happen, with no reason or evidence as to why that month, just that "he knew". A little over a year later and his dillusion is gone and he moved back to the city. He studders allot but I can't remember if he did that before ketamine use.

Other than that most of them crave ketamine strongly and it's been a year since any kind of use above say 200mg in a night and weekly at most. Most of them have suffered from depression since as well. Myself, I had depression before hand but afterwards It was so unbearable I couldn't function and was very sucidal. I turned on all my loved ones and was a total dick to everyone during my use. I take welbutrin now which 95% of the time makes my mood how it should be...other 5% of the time I get horribly depressed for no apparent reason but can push through it knowing it'll go away even though it seams endless.

/rant. Sorry for the long post. 8o
Oh I forgot to mention, two of my friends that were heavy users did have some sort of urinary track infections, gull bladder problems, or something of that sort. I didn't get much info out of it because they were in allot of pain and kept themselfs very K'd out to rid the pain. Both of them were 30+ years old.

I don't think I ever experianced any problems of this sort. Maybe a little trouble urinating or a slight burning but I can't say for sure if it was linked to ketamine use.
/\ K most definitely produces very thick and acidic urine unless this is actively counterbalanced with heaps of water - most definitely not a kidney / urinary tract friendly substance
A foggy mind and some painful urination the morning after is about the extent I've noticed as far as negative effects go. Ketamine for me is just...Frustrating. I haven't overly abused it, but I just can't get the good effects from it I used to. It's like my body and mind is really against my K use and doesn't want me to get effects from it but it friggen pisses me off. In the past 19 months I've probably gone through about 1-2 ounces of the stuff...It's hard to determine but no more than 2 ounces for sure.

I think my tolerance is so high because I BINGE Ketamine. The first time I had it, I did it all night, and I went the next two weeks using it about 3-5 times a day. But then, I DID NOT USE KETAMINE FOR 5 MONTHS. I then used it ONCE and did not use it for another 3-4 months. I then binged heavily for a week. My pattern of use pretty much followed this, I had a 2 week binge at the start of last December and then I used it a fair bit but more spread out from December to April. I used about 3g between April 18th and this present moment. So there's my Ketamine use summed up but guess what? After a month break I get ONE good use, one time where I can K-Hole off not an insane amount (150-200mg) but after that I can not achieve almost ANY noticeable effects. I hoovered up 500mg on Saturday night within 10 minutes and I really was walking around and just felt hazy and numb. This was after a 4 week break and only using K 3 times on the day before for the first time.

Anyone know why I'm not achieving the effects I want? OBVIOUSLY it's tolerance, but why has mine grown, why does it last so long, and when it's finally lowered to where I like it, why does it shoot up literally after just one dose. It pisses me off, really, K was like my DoC, it still is when I get effects from it, but damn...I wish I could go back to December 2006 and change how I used it to just once a week. That would have been ideal...
vortex30 said:
Anyone know why I'm not achieving the effects I want? OBVIOUSLY it's tolerance, but why has mine grown, why does it last so long, and when it's finally lowered to where I like it, why does it shoot up literally after just one dose. It pisses me off, really, K was like my DoC, it still is when I get effects from it, but damn...I wish I could go back to December 2006 and change how I used it to just once a week. That would have been ideal...
With your past experience with it you should be able to get insight trips, or whatever it is you're looking for without using large amounts.

With my experience, a dark room, and a little bit of music I can manipulate my trip pretty well and experience the full trip with doses as low as maybe 25mg IM, though probably more like 35mg IM. I usually play with the shape, angle, and size of the room untill a bit before I'm peaking where I (my consciousness) drop below my physical body into whichever sort of ketamine trip I'm seaking. I don't always leave my body though, I used to explore my mind allot more. I don't know if I just lost the ability to do that or if it was connected with smoking pot since I smoked pot when I started ketamine but quit sometime before I quit using ketamine.

Where abouts are you from? For me blue label ketamine from mexican veterinarians makes it much harder to trip and I'm in little control...I feel as though there is some sort of evil presence with me that I have to fight against to control my trip. In larger amounts the fight is useless and I'm completly controlled by it. I've used different kinds of ketamine back to bacc, day from day or hour from hour, and it's only blue that does this for me. Red, green (not sure if it was really green but wasn't red or blue), yellow, and one from my online supplyier doesn't give me this presence.
i figure this thread is a suitable location to ask this...

is there anything that can be taken with/before/after ketamine for harm reduction?

quoth wikipedia:
Serotonergic drugs

Serotonergic psychedelics such as psilocybin and LSD activate 5-HT (serotonin) receptors. Studies have shown that the serotonin systems affected by such serotonergic drugs are linked to the NMDA/glutamate systems.[12] Tests on rats indicate that 5-HT agonists like LSD and psilocybin prevent the neurotoxicity caused by NMDA receptor antagonists.[13]

thoughts on this?
i've only come across this on the 'ever reliable' wikipedia...

does anyone have any further information?
and on that note - stupid question, but i was unable to find a clear answer through the search engine -
is 5htp a 5-ht antagonist? i don't know near enough about this.
no, 5-htp is a precursor for your bodies synthesis of 5-HT. Only strong agonists will have the neuroprotective effect. Although I don't know if frying balls on acid/shrooms is really a viable harm reduction strategy for some minor ketamine excitotoxicity. You are probably going to get so twisted that a little neurotoxicity is the last of your worries.
KinkyKetter said:
With your past experience with it you should be able to get insight trips, or whatever it is you're looking for without using large amounts.

With my experience, a dark room, and a little bit of music I can manipulate my trip pretty well and experience the full trip with doses as low as maybe 25mg IM, though probably more like 35mg IM. I usually play with the shape, angle, and size of the room untill a bit before I'm peaking where I (my consciousness) drop below my physical body into whichever sort of ketamine trip I'm seaking. I don't always leave my body though, I used to explore my mind allot more. I don't know if I just lost the ability to do that or if it was connected with smoking pot since I smoked pot when I started ketamine but quit sometime before I quit using ketamine.

Where abouts are you from? For me blue label ketamine from mexican veterinarians makes it much harder to trip and I'm in little control...I feel as though there is some sort of evil presence with me that I have to fight against to control my trip. In larger amounts the fight is useless and I'm completly controlled by it. I've used different kinds of ketamine back to bacc, day from day or hour from hour, and it's only blue that does this for me. Red, green (not sure if it was really green but wasn't red or blue), yellow, and one from my online supplyier doesn't give me this presence.

Yeah I know, I really should be able to experience a good K buzz still. I'm from Southern Ontario (Oakville, town near Toronto, to be exact) and I think half of the problem is inconsistent quality. My dealer has told me a lot of the K around my area is cut with speed. But I have had really good K recently but still I could not achieve very great effects.

Do you think trying IM administration might be a viable option? I mean, I'm not all that into injecting drugs, I've certainly never done it before, but I would consider it in the case of Ketamine. What about IV? I've heard it's too intense, but what's your experience with IV, if you've tried it. If you can achieve good effects off only 35mg, that's amazing compared to me snorting 400mg on Saturday and actually feeling just about fuck all. Like, I don't even know what happened for sure, I think I just fell asleep, lol.


Another possibility is that I'm over doing it, but I don't think so. I do remember back in the day I took 500mg one night when I still had a low tolerance and the effects weren't great, nothing like 150mg which was sending me to outer space in those days, so this COULD be an issue here. I haven't done any little bumps in a long time because I just think my tolerance is really high, lol, I may just try it but I really don't know what's going on.
Bro if you think putting almost a 1/2 gram of some random psychedelic powerder in your nose is not overdoing it then there is something very wrong. K is fun and all but its at this point that you need to quit before a more serious addiction takes hold, clearly you are well on your way psychologically. And if you have admitted to having self controll issue with K in the past then I would highly discourage picking up the needle, it all starts with one shot. Not trying to talk down or be a cunt but sometimes its hard to see whats happening because you love of the drug distorts your otherwise sensible self.

Also I am no expert but cutting ketamine with amphetamine seems highly unlikely, they have nothing in common effects wise and speed does not potentiate any aspect of K. However some memebers of BL claim that co-administration of K and amphetamine allow a greater lucidity and easier recall of the K-hole. Fastandbulbous can speak more on this subject, send him a message if you are interested.
Hmm, thanks for the advice man. I've only done a half gram twice though. Usually my dose range is 200-250mg, over 2 bumps, with a 3rd 50mg bump sometimes.
vortex30 said:
Yeah I know, I really should be able to experience a good K buzz still. I'm from Southern Ontario (Oakville, town near Toronto, to be exact) and I think half of the problem is inconsistent quality. My dealer has told me a lot of the K around my area is cut with speed. But I have had really good K recently but still I could not achieve very great effects.

Do you think trying IM administration might be a viable option? I mean, I'm not all that into injecting drugs, I've certainly never done it before, but I would consider it in the case of Ketamine. What about IV? I've heard it's too intense, but what's your experience with IV, if you've tried it. If you can achieve good effects off only 35mg, that's amazing compared to me snorting 400mg on Saturday and actually feeling just about fuck all. Like, I don't even know what happened for sure, I think I just fell asleep, lol.


Another possibility is that I'm over doing it, but I don't think so. I do remember back in the day I took 500mg one night when I still had a low tolerance and the effects weren't great, nothing like 150mg which was sending me to outer space in those days, so this COULD be an issue here. I haven't done any little bumps in a long time because I just think my tolerance is really high, lol, I may just try it but I really don't know what's going on.
I've only IV'ed once, great rush but def not where you want to go if you're looking for the trip and have any sort of problem with the drug.

I don't think IM is bad... I do it more for health reasons and to save money. I don't think the effects are any different unless you're doing massive amounts. When I was doing K daily, very large IM doses would have an amazing come on that reminded me of opiates in a way...but only very large doses. Otherwise it feels the same as snorting to me. One of my friends says IMing it eventually made him start feeling dirty about it and made him feel worst---but he had a problem so I think his body was just trying to tell him something.

Use your setting best you can to help induce it and cut back on how often you use it. Try to make each time count and do it best you can. I've K'holed I think only 3-4 nights in the last year and I don't beleive my tolerance has made an effect on my trip as long as I use my setting to my advantage. If I'm using it while around friends, or doing stuff around the house then I can withstand a shit load untill it just totally takes me over.
Very good advice. Also it will vary depending on personal preference but K seems rather mild until combined with cannabis. YMMV.
You are a good soul....

But remember that there are so many narrow minded people who think they arer better than al of us and their mission is to forbid us of what they don't understand. Keep your pearls of wiwdom - as pigs will only crap on them.


While it may slightly raise blood pressure, it is still not as bad as coffee. So there is no need for an "alert" here.

As for the renal failure, this is indeed an issue. HOWEVER, it seems to be an issue with very specific populations.

I am willing to bet that the renal problems associated with Ketamine use have more to do with additives to certain brands than the Ketamine itself. It is true that heavy (and by heavy I mean IVing a bottle/day) Ketamine use does correlate with a high incidence of renal problems (specifically urinary tract infection, at least in the Toronto area), but there seems to be no pharmacological correlation between ketamine itself and such problems as far as I know. Furthermore, amongst K users in my area, since I live 2 hours away from this group of friends, my source of Ketamine is different and more consistent. I use Neon-brand Ketamine (which is about 90% S-ketamine and 10% R-Ketamine) for the most part, have used it for 4 years (responsibly) and have never, ever had any problems from it.

From what I hear and read, the urinary problems seem to be highest in Ontario and Louisiana, although my information is probably incomplete.

This leads me to believe that such problems have more to do with either additives to other brands (I believe Ketalar is the most popular brand), or due to R-ketamine (which is highly unlikely), but not due to the direct actions of the drug. Keep in mind, of course, that rediculous abuse of any substance, even lettuce, can lead to negative effects.

As for the liver thing, my friends report this every now and then, I have only experienced it once after a long binge and then a heavy fatty meal. F&B mentioned that it is due to spasm of gall bladder than the liver itself which makes sense, especially in the case I experienced.

I am not saying that these risks should be trivialized, but what I AM saying is that they are not as bad as this article makes them sound.

Then again, there are people whose use of ketamine puts us all to shame. I have personally known someone who injected hundreds on mgs every few hours. This is very irrisponsible IMO, but even then the fact that he's alive and functional shows just how safe of a drug K really is.

I honestly believe Ketamine is the safest recreational drug out there, and that responsible use of it is not only safe, but beneficial to health. I am currently trying to compile a database of all the health benifits that research has found for Ketamine.


I just noticed this. Apparently I've been missing out on something since I've never, ever come across this "common" drug called "benzodiazepam". Yep, leave it to the media to make potential medicines into monsters 8)

I will list the health problems i have encountered during the last 3 years that i have been insufflating Ketamine, i have never jacked it up, and i no longer use due to health deteriorisation. First of all lets have the facts ey ? Since i was 12 i have had an unhealthy obsession with the veternary anasthetic K, it was always readily available to me as a lot of my older mates sold it. It was always my favourite psychoactive until i had tried LSD, and i sniffed atleast 3gs every week, at one point i used 3g every day for a month, i was even shoplifting for it!

Numerous bladder and water infections.
Cystitis (Never actually got diagnosed.)
GERD (Gastro Esophogal Reflux Disease.)
"K Cramp" (Worst pain i have ever been through.)]
Anxiety/ Paranoia to an extent, especially whilst 'coming down.'
Muscle twitches, aching joints.
Inability to sleep when not under the influence !?
The return of my childhood IBS.
And last of all i swear down i have Ketamine in my lungs from doing gram lies ?

There have been stages in my life i have considered suicide because the pain was unbearable, i have smashed up my house numerous times, and also hurt myself to try and distract myself from the feeling of the ordeal. TRUST ME, i was willing to put up with pain, but this was a stabbing burning corroding flesh sensation i could not rid myself of apart from sniffing more Ket, i went to the doctors after i had smashed up the squat i was living at and was simply told to stop doing it !!! In conclusion wasting my life was'nt worth it, I had some of the best times, but only to be forgotten...