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Injection; IV Complications and Information MEGATHREAD and FAQ II - show me the blood

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if he's skinny with big weins tourniquet shouldt be needed but it helps a bit just a little exstra hassle if your new to shooting.. try searching for the iv guide here on bl, ive learned it from that and allmost always hit ;)

all my junkie "friends" cook it and shit.. even tho i have explained its not needed and even maybe bad for you.. so my advice: tjek out this site for a guide
Injecting subcutaneously is still 100% B.A. It's just considered "wasting" the fix because you don't get the rush and it is a slow onset. I'm going to merge this into the Injection Megathread and if you do decide to give IVing another try in a few weeks that'll be the thread to look through and post questions in.

hi guys friend was injecting into his upper bicep likes to shoot here because sleeves cover this area of the arm. he Has found it very hard to inject here problems with either the needle being in&out and leaking into the muscle and just issues with shooting into a vein so close to the muscle

today another attempt to shoot was made, a very solid register and a bit of burning followed by also this


what is this?
what is this?
Bad taste in ink? (JK ;))

If he's shooting an opiate it looks like a histamine reaction. More common if part of the shot is missed... It should go away after a couple hours.
^yup looks like a miss for sure - should settle in a few hours. Missed shot increases risk of local infection - monitor for a few days for signs of abscess etc.
phrozen said:
amapola said:
Injecting subcutaneously is still 100% B.A.
Do you have a source for that?
Yeah I don't know if it was a typo or I edited half of it or what I was doing but I meant diamorphine S.C. isn't a waste in that you still get almost all of your drug. Thanks for the morphine source Pegs. It definitely isn't 100% for all drugs, though IM and SC is quite viable for others as well when IV isn't possible or desired.
^risk of abscess and other infection higher when drug sits in bolus (ie SC or IM) rather than disperse through blood stream (IV) - generally not a good idea to skin pop street drugs for that reason. I guess you could filter through a 0.22um filter to remove bacteria/fungi... or just find a vein (or don't shoot!)

you should probably stop shooting if you can't hit right. you'd be better off by snorting your product.

This is what I would do:

1) Keep snorting heroin for now.

2) While it's kicking in (snorted), get some IV supplies. This would entail...
* Alcohol wipes
* Insulin Syringes (31G, possibly 30G, is best for most people)
* Sterile/clean cotton/gauze/etc to prevent an excess of bleeding
* Sterile water

(NOTE: Do not inject bacteriostatic water by itself; this is dangerous and can lead to hemolysis)

With these supplies you are going to practice wiping the skin clean above a vein, puncturing the skin with an insulin syringe with sterile water in it, and pulling back. If you are seeing blood, you are already in a blood vessel. If air remains, you are not.

Most people are not lucky enough to be able to readily know if they are in the vein before they pull the plunger back; so this is why you do this. If you can readily know if you're in the vein it's not so much a requirement as it is a fun extra step that most people tend to fixate on.

Plunge slowly. When you finish, pause for a second, then pull out the needle slowly. It may seem smooth enough to do briskly/quickly, but you need not rush to get a rush. :)

Keep practicing about only one time per day (if you aren't used to IVing properly, your arms will start to look fucked if you do it with any higher frequency than 1-2 attempts per day), until you can reliably get it every time you try.

Before switching over to IV usage, make sure your veins are in good shape. If they aren't, do things (exercise, proper diet) to get them in that ideal state. Do these things to keep them there. Before switching over to IV usage - look up the duration of your desired-to-be-injected drug of choice, and find out how many times you'll be IVing per day. This is important. You do not want to be IVing cocaine all day every day. However, IVing methamphetamine once per day is a lot easier to pull off - however I am in no ways condoning this even; once a day IVing a drug can quickly become a once-every-2-to-4-hour habit which it may not have become with other routes of administration such as oral, or maybe snorting. Smoking methamphetamine can follow the same pattern because of the time until onset being very similar to IV usage.

Before switching over to IV usage, try to assess how many veins you have, which ones you can reliably hit, and which ones you cannot.

Before switching over to IV usage, ensure a proper funding for new IV supplies which will cover all injections you plan on doing. Do not put yourself into a position where you desire to IV but do not have a new needle. Do not put yourself into a position where you will be encouraged or desire to share ANY AND ALL IV supplies with ANYONE. This is important as the Hep C virus can be transmitted through contaminated cookers, spoons, insulin syringes, and other supplies. "Contaminated" meaning someone's blood has contaminated this given supply, and their blood already possessing the Hep C virus.

Many IV drug users are not aware of these things.
I'd like to ask this as both my partner and I are on bupe (Subutex) 8-12mg IV, mostly 8mg. 4mg in the morning and 4mg late afternoon. We use a fresh 0.22 micron wheel filter every time, without exception. Question is, I've recently been having to do my girl in the neck, probably for the last 7 days or so, and whilst she's had shots of meth and heroin there. I'm a bit concerned about using it every day, twice a day. I've been taking very good care of it. Making sure to put Hirudoid cream on it once or twice daily. I'm very anal about cleanliness when it comes to fiddling with needles. Also, when you inject into the neck vein what path does the blood and hence drugs travel? Does is still go through your body like a shot on in the arm for example? She says she doesn't get a taste after a shot of speed and this bugs her, she says she much prefers it when I can hit her elsewhere, on that rare occasion. With the bupe, as its for maintenance, it doesn't matter as you don't really get a taste anyway.
I'd like to ask this as both my partner and I are on bupe (Subutex) 8-12mg IV, mostly 8mg. 4mg in the morning and 4mg late afternoon. We use a fresh 0.22 micron wheel filter every time, without exception. Question is, I've recently been having to do my girl in the neck, probably for the last 7 days or so, and whilst she's had shots of meth and heroin there. I'm a bit concerned about using it every day, twice a day. I've been taking very good care of it. Making sure to put Hirudoid cream on it once or twice daily. I'm very anal about cleanliness when it comes to fiddling with needles. Also, when you inject into the neck vein what path does the blood and hence drugs travel? Does is still go through your body like a shot on in the arm for example? She says she doesn't get a taste after a shot of speed and this bugs her, she says she much prefers it when I can hit her elsewhere, on that rare occasion. With the bupe, as its for maintenance, it doesn't matter as you don't really get a taste anyway.

Veins travel to the heart, and after passing through the heart is pumped out the arteries.

You definitely want to know the difference between vein and artery blood.

I wouldn't use the neck vein. It's a nice sized vein but this one is really necessary.

Micron filtered buprenorphine is safe, I am glad to hear you are micron filtering.

I would lower your dosage though; I believe you were the same person to post about benzos possibly agitating you.

Well, if I was IVing as much buprenorphine as you were, I would be equally as agitated if not completely aggravated.

Buprenorphine is a very potent drug, so I would suggest to swiftly taper down how much you are using per dosage.

I wouldn't use the neck vein. It's a nice sized vein but this one is really necessary.

Micron filtered buprenorphine is safe, I am glad to hear you are micron filtering.

I would lower your dosage though; I believe you were the same person to post about benzos possibly agitating you.

Well, if I was IVing as much buprenorphine as you were, I would be equally as agitated if not completely aggravated.

Buprenorphine is a very potent drug, so I would suggest to swiftly taper down how much you are using per dosage.

Thanks for the post Captain. Unfortunately after many years of drug abuse I have to use her neck. Though, I often inject into her hands, we're just giving them a break for a week or two. By necessary, you mean the neck vein is very important in bodily function? It isn't the bupe that is causing the agitation, I'm chalking that up to being unsatisfied with the result we got off the benzos. All I cop is flak for the high dosages of benzos we take in the aforementioned thread. Also, we have already dropped from 32mg/daily each down to 8mg per day, over the past year or so. So we're getting there. :) We both just want to be rid of this wretched shit. Though, I must admit I feel much better on a lower dose of 8mg versus 32mg, and with far fewer side effects; profuse sweating, oversleeping, lack of energy, disconnected from each other and a general bogged down sorta feeling.
Heroin Injection Missed Vein

Hey All,

Sorry my first post can't be more helpful and informative to the community, but I have an issue of concern that I would like to address.

About 20 minutes ago I shot heroin in a very sterile manner, but I missed the vein. My arm proceed to become itchy and rash like on a large part of my bicep. I also developed 2 distinct red lines going up my arm about 3-4 inches long and very skinny. They were not in the vein that I shot in though. The lines were outlining much smaller veins just in the general area.

I ran hot water over my arm and just about all of the redness has disappeared as well as the red lines. I only have a small red bump at the site of injection now. What scares me is that the red lines formed at all. I have heard that red lines going up your arm is very dangerous and indicative of blood poisoning and other stuff.

However, like I said, all the redness is gone now only 20 minutes later except for the small red bump at the injection site. Do you think I'm ok? I figured better safe than sorry and I know this is a knowledgable community to ask.

Thank you very much!!
Did it look kind-of like you had hives or was there any itching? It may have been a histamine reaction which is common. Even if you don't miss it sometimes happens especially i have noticed if you have a drop or so on the tip of the needle and it gets between layers of skin at the puncture site.
Yes, there was definitely itching. The redness was not really raised like hives, but more just flat and rash like. Even the red bump at my injection site has almost totally disappeared at this point.

The red lines outlining a couple smaller veins was my main concern. I had never seen that before and I know it is indicative of dangerous potentialities. They were only present for 10 minutes at the max though, with very little redness left anywhere now I am starting to feel very optimistic.

I just wanted to post and have some opinions coming in so that if they stayed or came back I would have the info I needed.

I think you are dead on with the histamine diagnosis. The hot water probably flooded all of my histamines out and helped it clear out the redness quickly. Still wonder why those red lines formed for 5-10 minutes, but its all looking good.

Thanks for response.
glad everything seemed to work out ok. missed shots can be scary at times.
you had a histamine reaction which can happen even if you dont miss the shot.

watch it carefully over the next couple days, if it gets bigger, go to doctor immediately. if it stays the same size or shrinks you should be okay. it will probably stay a little painful for a few days and a very small bump might stay there for a good while
Yeah should be fine. A histamine reaction plus the usual swelling from a missed shot. The heat likely help the drugs absorb and now just monitor the site for infection or abscess and let it rest.

I'm going to merge this in with the IV complications megathread and make sure that you check out the first post for proper injection technique as well as the micron filter threads found in the OD Directory in my signature.
missed vein!

Messed up 3 veins 2 days ago. both elbows, and inner corner of wrist. both elbows are still swollen and theres like a hard ball inside. My left elbow still hurts, even when i`m not moving it. Rubbed a huge bump that had formed on my wrist, and it disappeared. My wrist doesn`t hurt as much, its starting to bruise.
What should I do?! I`ve never had a hard lump before, and also pain lasting longer than a day
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