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Harm Reduction Injection; IV Complications and Info MEGATHREAD & FAQ III Vs I Want Blood

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I always inject into my arm and never get a difference between vein/spot. I do have a friend who has most of his veins shot and injects in his neck (DO NOT DO THIS), and he says it hits faster. I don't personally see a point in trying to find a spot this hits a few seconds faster, the rush happens so quick no matter where you inject it, even 10 seconds quicker to the rush seems like a stupid thing to try and achieve.
I've never felt this.. Reminds me of this friend who swore that if you used less water in a shot the rush was better

I always inject into my arm and never get a difference between vein/spot. I do have a friend who has most of his veins shot and injects in his neck (DO NOT DO THIS), and he says it hits faster. I don't personally see a point in trying to find a spot this hits a few seconds faster, the rush happens so quick no matter where you inject it, even 10 seconds quicker to the rush seems like a stupid thing to try and achieve.

The only spot I've noticed coming on any quicker.. besides arms vs. feet obviously.. is the neck. I will admit.. I have stupidly done this a few times when incredibly desperate.. I was taught by an old time junkie friend of mine who only had his neck veins left. It does hit quicker but... like you said, the rush happens so fast anyway that its absolutely not worth the added risks.
I recently injected a shot of meth into my cephalic vein just past my wrist. As soon as I injected and took the needle out the top of my hand started to itch very bad also it went numb and tingled and it still does. Any idea what happened? I didn't miss any of it either
you may have hit a tendon or pinched a nerve with the tip of your needle. we won't ever be sure, but the description you gave points to something like that.

near the wrist is a delicate area because of the lack of muscle and tissue in the surrounding area. instead you have a bony area with nerves, tendons and ligaments at the end of a limb which equals less/slower blood flow as well. for this reason it is more desirable to shoot closer up the arm on the forearm and between the crook of your elbow. there's much more muscle and tissue and less risk of hitting any nerves, etc. and especially for absorbing any misses/partial misses.
Ok, I have been a long-time follower of these forums, but have not posted until now - for two reasons: usually able to find info at least similar to what I want to know, and haven't wanted to risk posting in the wrong place. This, though, seems the perfect place for my input/questions.

Now, I know that injecting anything that comes in pill form is dangerous, and generally a bad idea w/o the use of micron filters. I've read, repeatedly, that shooting Meth or H. is safer than shooting Adderall IRs or single-ingredient, immediate release opioids (Oxycodone, Morphine Sulphate, etc.) [I know Dilaudid is supposed to be relatively safe due to how small the pills are (hence less binders & fillers,) but unfortunately the 'Dope Gods' are rarely that generous, lol!]

I haven't seen, nor heard of any H, since I moved from down in S. Florida, where I'm from; the only time I've possibly come into contact with Meth is perhaps in Rolls that weren't pure MDMA - which is how I'd like to keep it.

Any time anything is loaded into a syringe, it is done using all the proper hygienic procedures - the only improper injecting procedure that occurs is not being able to use a spike only once & discarding, due to the lack of exchanges, etc, in the South (needles & syringes are NEVER shared, and are cleaned w/ Isopropyl before & after each use; new spikes are used as often as possible, and abstinence is chosen over using dull or damaged spikes.) Alcohol swabs are always used to clean the injection site, as well as hands - already washed w/ soap & water - to ensure maximum sanitation. Everything is filtered, usually at least twice, through cotton from sterile q-tips. Also, I only use warm water, and never use a lighter to heat the water in my cooker, so as to not break down any fillers/binders.

I have read that a shot should not be taken if the solution is too cloudy to read the numbers through the syringe. I have never had that problem; in fact, I can not only see through the syringe quite clearly, but I will empty it & re-filter if I can see ANY particulate in the solution!!

I taught myself the process of injecting, using the Harm Reduction Coalition's 'Getting Off Right' injection guide - something I highly recommend against! Though it is a very valuable & informative manual, that every IV user should read, I advise against anyone turning to the needle, & highly recommend that anyone who does start shooting up should find an experienced mentor to show them how (or, optimally, take a class on safe injection procedure at your local Needle Exchange!)

So far, knock on wood, the only complications I have experienced is your occasional partial-miss of a hit, (whoever it was, on this thread who recommend a warm compress, for such an occasion, is right on. A warm/hot compress, or soak, is the best thing one can do for a missed hit. It opens up the capillaries both allowing a quicker absorption of the missed hit from the tissues; as well as allowing more white-cells to speed to the site, decreasing the risk of an abscess.) and a couple of mild cases of 'Cotton Fever' (which were totally my own fault: from either trying to extract any remnants from yard cottons, a giant no-no, or making too much solution than I could use at once & letting it sit for a few hours until I was ready for it - believe me, it is FAR better to either take the extra few mins, to 'cook' each time you are going to shoot, or to take two shots, rather than let your solution sit (unless you are using bacteriostatic water & refrigeration for your solution,) than to run the risk of any complications & re-using a cotton to try to get anything you missed does not yield enough, IN THE SLIGHTEST, to run the risk of infection. Take it from someone who's learned the hard way, it's not worth even the risk of getting Cotton Fever - and I was lucky that's all I got, it could have been much worse!!!

As for my questions:

#1.Using the preventative measures, that I use, how much more of a risk of complications is there from using pharmaceuticals over street drugs?

#2. Knowing how sketchy the making of Meth is - with the fact that Hazmat has to be called in to clean up a former Meth Lab, both due to how caustic the chemicals used are, and the risk of potential Hepatitis or HIV contamination - how (& why) does the risks of injecting Meth compare to someone injecting Adderall IRs while taking all the safety precautions you can w/o the use of a micron filter?

#3. Not nearly as important, but something I've been curious about - what is the danger, if any, of accidentally having a minute amount of perspiration, from already washed but sweaty hands, getting on your cotton or in your solution somehow (for someone who currently has no illnesses nor infections?)

I apologize for the length of post, and any possible redundancies, in advance. I sincerely hope that those less experienced than myself learn from my mistakes, and that they can help others avoid what I've been through. I thank you all for your information, and your patience.

Oh, just wanted to add, so no one got the wrong impression, the Adderall & Opiates are not used together. Also, injecting is something that I do occasional rather than habitually (most often chosen as my ROA when my IBS, and accompanying nausea, is acting up, as a means of bypassing the digestive tract and thus avoiding aggravating it further.)

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde
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I'm going to make a post in this thread just for the hell of it. I'm well aware that there's good information on first page the which everyone should read as it contains important information to IV drug users.

I figured I'd just share my personal IV technique I use. Following my method, in my experience, reduces damage to your veins and likelyhood of a missed shot making injecting your DOA a little safer.

First I'll start with prepping a shot. Personally I usually use the cap that is on the plunger end of most insulin syringes to mix up my shot. The reason being is that it's convienent(basically if you got the rig, you got something to prep your shot in) and clean considering it came off of a freshly opened sterile syringe. *this is only true with a brand new syringe, if you've used it once, it is no longer sterile* If you don't want to do it this way, you can use pretty much anything that can be used basically as a small container to mix your shit in, but regardless of what you use it is best to wash it thoroughly before putting your DOC or any water into it.

You're going to want to prep the shot with the cleanest water available to you. Bacteriostatic water is obviously your best bet, but most people don't usually have this. Using tap water or bottled water is still safe,and is what most drug users use. Don't use bottled water that you opened a week ago and has been sitting around (this should be obvious)

The place where you choose to break up your drugs should also be as clean as possible. Find a flat surface to break up your DOC on and clean it before breaking up your shit.

Once your stuff is broken up put it in your syringe cap(or whatever you are using to mix the drugs in) add water. The amount of water isn't really that important. Use enough to fully dissolve your DOC and you are good to go. I'd say use a minimum of 15 units to ensure your DOC is dissolved completely and easily. When you use your syringe to draw up water, make sure you recap it when you are done to avoid the tip of your syringe touching something, making it no longer sterile, and also dulling it. Be very careful while it is uncapped to not bump the tip into anything as it will dull the needle, causing it to do more damage to your veins and be contaminated with bacteria.

I myself generally use somewhere between 25-40 units to mix my shot. The less water you use, the more concentrated your shot is going to be. This can be beneficial in that it reduces the risk of your needle slipping out of the vein part-way through the shot, avoiding possible infection from a missed shot. On the other side, it can be bad in that if you do miss, the solution will be more concentrated, giving you a higher chance of actually getting an infection if you do miss. The more water, the less concentrated it will be, making it so if you do miss a little bit it will possibly be less likely that you will get an infection because of it.

Some people believe the less water you use the better your rush will be. This isn't true at all in my experience, so use whatever amount of water you are comfortable with. The 25-40 units i mentioned is a good range to be IME.

Use the plunger of your syringe to mix your drugs with the water. Obviously, you also want your plunger to be as clean as possible. Try not to touch anything with the tip of your plunger besides the solution you are mixing. If you have to put it down for some reason, what I do is place it down so that the end of the plunger isn't touching anything (like half way on your flat surface)

Once your DOC is done dissolving, use some cotton to filter the shot. You can get the cotton either from a Q-tip of a cotton ball. At times people use the cotton from a cigarette filter. This is not advised, always use actual cotton ball or Q-tip cotton. Only use a cigarette filter cotton if you really don't have access to anything else, basically as a last resort because it is still better than nothing.

Anyway, take your piece of cotton and ball it up as tightly as possible. The size of the cotton should be around the size of a pea, though more cotton wont hurt. Once your cotton is balled up nice and tight drop it into your cap containing DOC/water solution. After this, uncap your syringe and poke the needle tip into the cotton. Be careful not to push it all the way through and touch the bottom of your cap, as it will dull the needle, and make the cotton filtering less effective.

Depending on what you are shooting, you may want to cotton filter more than once. If it is heroin or cocaine, once should be enough, but if it is a pill such as suboxone filter it with a cotton a few times before injecting as you want to get out as much of the binders/fillers as possible.The best way to filter is with a micron filter, and these are especially important when shooting pills, but I'm writing this guide assuming you don't have them, as most IV drug users do not.

Once you've drawn your solution into the syringe, try to get most/all of the air out. There is a myth that if you shoot even a small air bubble it will kill you, but it's false. It would take more than an entire syringe full of air to kill you. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get as much as possible out though. Flicking the syringe is one way people try to draw air bubbles to the top. Another way is to hold the syringe and raise your arm the quickly throw it down (your arm, not the syringe) and stop. this will draw most of the air to the top of the syringe. (this is hard to explain in words so i can only hope you know what i mean, lol) Anyway shooting a small amount of air from a bubble isn't going to seriously damage you so don't stress about it too much.

Find a good vein that you can shoot into easily. the best place is usually the crook of your arm, in the classic spot a person normally gets an IV. I recommend you use either that vein, or one of the other veins that run down your forearm as they are usually big, easy to hit, and in a safer spot to hit. If you really can't find one in your arm, you can use pretty much any vein in your body, but keep in mind the further away from your heart the more dangerous it is to inject into.

Most people have visible veins in their hands, but its going to hurt more shooting into your hand and will be less safe than using your arm. Many people also have good veins in their feet, but i strongly advise against shooting into your foot, is it usually has a lot of bacteria on it. I had a friend who shot into his foot the first time he shot up and he missed and got an infection, first time! It can happen to you too so don't shoot into your feet.

Once you find a suitable vein, clean the spot you plan on sticking the needle. You can use an alcohol swab, a cotton with hydrogen peroxide on it, or simply wash the spot well with soap and water. All of these will reduce the risk of infection.

You can use a tourniquet to help make your veins more visible. If you don't have an actual tourniquet, you can use basically anything you can wrap around your arm to constrict it. Many people use belts, i usually use either a belt or a guitar cord. Wrap it around your arm so that it makes your veins more visible, but don't wrap it around too tightly.

Now it's time to actually inject. Inject it into your vein with the needle facing towards you, as this is the direction the blood flows. You don't want to shoot up in the opposite direction of the blood flow. Try to keep your hand as steady as possible. Once you push the needle all the way in, you're going to want to pull back the plunger a little bit to confirm you are in your vein. If you are, a dark red cloud of venous blood should flow into the syringe. A lot of the time when you push the needle all the way in a vein, you will see a very small amount of blood enter the syringe. Always pull back the plunger regardless to confirm you are actually in the vein. If blood comes back into the syringe, you should be in the vein and ready to press the plunger down.

Once you start pressing the plunger down, you are going to want to loosen the tourniquet on your arm. Injecting the entire shot without loosening the tourniquet can cause extra damage to your veins, making them unusable over time. I have a way i do this. I usually hold the tourniquet tight with my mouth. As i start pressing the plunger down, i slowly begin loosening my tourniquet to prevent damage to the vein. In do this simultaneously as I slowly press the plunger down, and by time the shot is about half way through I have loosened the tourniquet completely, minimizing damage to my veins.

It's not uncommon for someone to be in a vein when they begin injecting and accidentally slip the needle out part way through. Hold the syringe as steady as possible so as to not have this happen to you. Always inject slowly, so that if the needle does slip out, you can stop as soon as you realize it. If you are missing your vein, its usually pretty easy to tell as it will be painful as you inject. If you feel pain while injecting stop immediately. If you are taking it slow and paying close attention you should be able to stop injecting before more than 1-3 units of the shot are missed. If you think you may have slipped the needle out of the vein, you can stop and pull the plunger back a small amount. If no blood comes in you are no longer in the vein.

Don't make it a habit of pulling back the plunger more than once though. Some people think if you pull the plunger back at the end of your shot it will increase your rush and get any leftover drugs left in the needle. In realty it does nothing but harm your veins more.

Once the syringe is empty carefully remove then needle and apply pressure to the injection site with some cotton for 10-15 seconds. Wala, you're done.

*Remember to always use a clean, brand new point EVERY time you shoot up. I can't stress how important this is. Do yourself a favor and buy a surplus of needles so you always have a new one handy. This will greatly reduce the damage you do to your veins as well as the chance you will get an infection. Don't share your needles or any of your injection equipment with anyone else, even your best friend. This includes the water. You'll be amazed at the difference using a clean needle contributes to the health of your veins.

Anyway, that's my little guide I did just because. Hopefully someone will read this wall of text and find it useful. It turned out a lot longer than i thought it would be. I'll probably go through this one day properly organizing it, making it more useful.

Using these tips works well in my experience. I've been using drugs IV on and off for close to 5 years now and have never once had any serious IV complications *fingers crossed* so its tried and true. Be safe people!
Concerta (Methylphenidate Extended Release) Extraction

:? Soo.. I extracted the methylphenidate from a couple 54mg Concerta ("alza 54") using 91% IPA, but the final solution is still gooey/ viscous. Even if I Do get it to become completely anhydrous, once I add (close to a whole CC/mL of) water to IV, I still end up with a thick solution, that I'm Not gonna put in my veins. It seems everyone on here that has used IPA on concerta, has ended up with a solution that is not thick, I even read that people have ended up with white crystals (vs my "film") after evaporating the IPA, some even mentioned a "clear" solution (vs my milky/ cloudy liquid). If anyone has any personal experience & can give me pointers, I'd really appretiate it. And mods- please consider this as Harm Reduction since this should help me & other people (who are searching without getting answers) from deciding to IV this snot. I'm sure anyone who does this would agree that we'd go through extra steps shoot up a cleaner solution if we had the info on how to.
I just don't understand why my final solution still gels up still after the extraction. Thank You.-
And I'm told that the outer layer contains about 10mg... That should be pretty water soluble. How bad would that be to IV, do you think.?
And I thought I was desperate when I shot up crushed ritalin pills...

I've also actually tried to dissolve concerta, and ended up with the same problem as you so I gave up. Methylphenidate IV isn't that great anyway.
Ive IV'd the coatings before lol. It's lame, IV methylphenidate doesn't really anything that oral doens't do honestly. As for a gooey mixture, i would stay away from IVing that. Just eat it.

But if youre going to anyway, its best to make a filter - take like a 3ML syringe with no needle, pack it half way with cotton, put the mixture of 91% iso alcohol and methylphenidate through that filter and squeeze super good to get it all through into the spoon. That should be a mixture that you can then evaporate to get crystals or film, then to be mixed with water and shot.

Now assuming you already did that, the final mixture will always be somewhat gooey! I used to shoot opanas like that all the time and it was scary, i would highly advise against this practice.
strange missed shot H.

I just missed a shot of some very good Heroin i got high as all hell last night off of, the strange thing is when i missed this shot i registered and everything but i felt slight discomfort about half the shot through indicating i probably slipped out but it didn't hurt, and its very itchy. Normally when i have missed in the past it has hurt like a bitch, anyone ever not been in pain from a missed shot? Im sure my vein is gonna be hard for like 2 weeks now, it is some creeper though.

Also i just noticed by looking at my arm i have a swollen ball about the size of a watch face right where i missed.
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this has happened to me in the past. I concluded that some h leaked out causing a histamine release. this occurred when I used larger gauge, longer needles. if you use longer, thicker pins then you have the risk of grazing the edge of your vein (small but still significant) causing some of your IV solution to leak into surrounding tissue. this is speculation but comes from my experience.
A full or partial miss of H will always cause a dramatic allergic reaction for me. I will break out in hives along the vein which vary in severity but can be pretty nasty. Very itchy too.
A full or partial miss of H will always cause a dramatic allergic reaction for me. I will break out in hives along the vein which vary in severity but can be pretty nasty. Very itchy too.
everytime I had reaction along the length of the vein it was from an overly hot shot. as in I cooked, poked, plunged, in a matter of seconds and was in blissful agony for about five minutes lol.
^you shouldn't be adding heat to your shots.

or are you from europe using #3 where a little heat is to help ascorbic/citric acid break down the base heroin enabling you to inject it?
Are you sure it was actually the shot that was hot? If you miss and have a histamine release, or especially if you inject around a nerve, it can feel like you've injected fire.
My shot wasn't hot. I just missed it all, even though it registered fine. I dont get it. Now it hurts worse more than ANY other shot I've missed. But it didn't hurt until after. Weird.
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