• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

I'ld like to hear from anyone who uses an opioid to fight depression.

No it's very unlikely there's anything permensnt done. Even ppl that have used their whole life can find a way to carry on. It's just the cravings can remain like forever. Some ppl even dream about it years later l
When u start to withdrawal u can swap over np. Like with all maintenance therapy and tapers start low allow that to leave system pretty much and titrate upwards till u find a happy spot . Don't rush it. U really need slow release stuff tho. Not just physically but so mentally u don't keep looking at clock etc. If u only have what u have find what u need to stay happy then maybe just get a pill cutter or something and after first week goto 3/4 a pill till u adjust and so on .maybe even every fortnight. U can use other things to take any edge off u feel. Gabapentine. SSRIs. Low dose of benzos when u get near finishing the tapers
i really appreciate the advice. i have benzos prozac and wellbutrin on hand. i take wellbutrin now but it honestly doesnt help. gabapentine i need to find.
last question. i have 40mg targa brand ox with nalaxone- they add the nalaxone to help with constipation and to prevent overdose
it is long lacting but i if i cut it - it would be short acting no?
or do i start with 40mg? but sounds a lot to start
its confusing lol
so sorry
not not necessarily, try 20 and see how u go, if its enough to stop the wds great if not raise it up to 40 etc , till u find ure sweet point. then like i said back down, use a pill cutter, 30-20 etc. u wont need any naloxone if reducing. u can always just use normal senna or stool softeners if u find it a problem, normally iun reduction ull go other way lol.

np stay in touch.. message me if u want anything else bud or continue on forum for others input.

not not necessarily, try 20 and see how u go, if its enough to stop the wds great if not raise it up to 40 etc , till u find ure sweet point. then like i said back down, use a pill cutter, 30-20 etc. u wont need any naloxone if reducing. u can always just use normal senna or stool softeners if u find it a problem, normally iun reduction ull go other way lol.

np stay in touch.. message me if u want anything else bud or continue on forum for others input.

man i really appreciate this. btw, the nalaxone is in the pills.
its 40mg ox and 20mg naloxone. its called Targa, a european brand of oxycodone.
thank you so much :)
Yes opioids can help with depression, but it's temporary and what I hate the most is that I have to deal with withdrawal because it's very potent for be no matter what I'm taking - pills, kratom, heroin, etc. It just sucks. Kratom is great for my depression and I even have a friend that told me she would rather die than not take her kratom.

I recently got off suboxone and in about 4 months and the depression honestly got worse over time. For me opioids give me energy, without them in a sack of potatoes. It would be nice if they would prescribe me a small truckload of morphine or oxies so I could not have to worry about getting stuff off the street or using kratom because the quality varies so much.

It's hard to say what the solution is but i know the longer you live like this the harder it is if you do decide to stop. Eventually you will probably eat those pills up faster as they do less and less for you over time which means you'll look elsewhere for something or try to get multiple prescriptions. At least this seems to be what happens to a lot of people. My friend is fairly responsible with his ADHD meds but this is a different class of drugs and not the same, but at least he's able to manage it. Wishing you the best.
Thanks. I just got myself some Kratom from an online vendor. I'm new to this stuff. Last night I took 2 capsules, which had no effect. Hours later, I took another 5 capsules. (Each is supposed to be 1/2 gram.) Then I fell asleep. Can't say there was any euphoria. Mainly I want them on hand for the next time I have a depressive episode. The last episode was severe. I'm pretty disciplined about stretching out the Vicodins to last 30 days. Withdrawal is too uncomfortable. Restless leg syndrome makes me crazy. I would agree that the hydrocodone gives me some energy. Not as much as when the stuff was new to me.
Been there done that was prescribed percocets and methodone for pain, as i had a bullet stuck in my spine (L4) uhh 30 years went by and after realizing how bad these messed me up (and after about 5 years on these pills i started herion.. why take 100 pills a day whenni coukd do dope!, as i was literally taking 40 percs a day and 1000mg of methadone a day yes a day thats how bad it got, and then started mixing that with a bag of dope! Hard to believe but when your tolerance is thru the roof thats what happens plain and simple.. especially when you have the access to these drugs... and yes it 100% helped my depression well i thought anyway.. it actually sent me down a spiral of hell... needless to say i got on suboxone for a few years took a while.to get off but ibhave been clean since i think it was 6/29/2022, and holy f**K ive never felt better never ever ever felt better.. zero pain in my back now too.. those drugs we actually causi g me to have quadruple the pain i had especially on those days of have wd's cause ive had my sharen of those days and f that.. no way nonway in hell am i ever going back to that.. i dont gaf what pain i have it never helps.. and only made me even more depressed.. your mind shoukd not be thinking of taking that crap.. if it is your addiction is bad. So stop now when you can.... so trust me get off that crap its making you more depressed and causing you more physical pain.. 100% facts
Sure it helps for rhe moment but that moment is small and gos fast.. the moments of waiting and pain superceed those momemts of bliss... its all crap trust me i have the experience most dont and i am embarrassed to evwn say so.. good luck besafe and you already know what to do, so do it... dont let something like that control you and your life.. thats what it does.. get clean and "fly like an eagle baby!" You will NEVER regret that... peace..
I'm sorry you got that bullet and went thru so much trying to cope with the resultant pain. That's awesome that you actually got off everything and now have gotten past having pain. I'm amazed that anyone can accomplish that. Maybe a lot of my pains and aches are just from the Vicodin wearing off. Since my doses are spaced 12 hours apart, I think I spend a lot of time in what I would call a state of micro-withdrawal. I wake up slightly nauseated, which is relieved by taking a Vicodin. Opioids are supposed to cause nausea. They're not supposed to help nausea, unless the nausea is from withdrawal
desert, when i first tried kratom i was advised 3g, but if ure on vicodin, u can take 5g np. i use powder and actually made my own pills just for ease of getting the shit down lol. but a teaspoon is like 5g , either bomb it or mix into sweet tea etc.. ppl use 30-40g a day
desert, when i first tried kratom i was advised 3g, but if ure on vicodin, u can take 5g np. i use powder and actually made my own pills just for ease of getting the shit down lol. but a teaspoon is like 5g , either bomb it or mix into sweet tea etc.. ppl use 30-40g a day
Thanks a lot for those figures. I was googleing and youtubing and getting a lot of vague stuff. Yesterday I added on till I had taken about 5 gram. Then fell asleep. Today I took 6 grams. They're capsules, each containing 1/2 gram. So I took 12 caps all together. Nothing dramatic happened. Like u say, I already have some tolerance from taking Vicodin steadily for years. In 90 minutes I seemed extra relaxed, but it was subtle. No bad effect whatsoever. I followed the caps with Frapaccino and a small custard. Even the label advises against exceeding what I took. But I can see where experienced users might go way beyond that. I wouldn't venture into high doses. From what I read, the worst of overdoing it would likely be nausea and throwing up. There could be other risks. I looked for reviews on the companies selling it. "Happy Go Leaf" was the brand I got. It was mentioned in reviews as a known vendor and seemed respected.
desert, when i first tried kratom i was advised 3g, but if ure on vicodin, u can take 5g np. i use powder and actually made my own pills just for ease of getting the shit down lol. but a teaspoon is like 5g , either bomb it or mix into sweet tea etc.. ppl use 30-40g a day
Thanks a lot for those figures. I was googleing and youtubing and getting a lot of vague stuff. Yesterday I added on till I had taken about 5 gram. Then fell asleep. Today I took 6 grams. They're capsules, each containing 1/2 gram. So I took 12 caps all together. Nothing dramatic happened. Like u say, I already have some tolerance from taking Vicodin steadily for years. In 90 minutes I seemed extra relaxed, but it was subtle. No bad effect whatsoever. I followed the caps with Frapaccino and a small custard. Even the label advises against exceeding what I took. But I can see where experienced users might go way beyond that. I wouldn't venture into high doses. From what I read, the worst of overdoing it would likely be nausea and throwing up. There could be other risks. I looked for reviews on the companies selling it. "Happy Go Leaf" was the brand I got. It was mentioned in reviews as a known vendor and seemed respected.
Thanks a lot for those figures. I was googleing and youtubing and getting a lot of vague stuff. Yesterday I added on till I had taken about 5 gram. Then fell asleep. Today I took 6 grams. They're capsules, each containing 1/2 gram. So I took 12 caps all together. Nothing dramatic happened. Like u say, I already have some tolerance from taking Vicodin steadily for years. In 90 minutes I seemed extra relaxed, but it was subtle. No bad effect whatsoever. I followed the caps with Frapaccino and a small custard. Even the label advises against exceeding what I took. But I can see where experienced users might go way beyond that. I wouldn't venture into high doses. From what I read, the worst of overdoing it would likely be nausea and throwing up. There could be other risks. I looked for reviews on the companies selling it. "Happy Go Leaf" was the brand I got. It was mentioned in reviews as a known vendor and seemed respected.
Please let me know your thoughts on "happy go leafy" as I was just using that brand last. Grabbed 500 capsules and I felt it was pleasant and reliable. I've recently switched to another brand but only because I was searching for a whole other product. You might not notice Kratom like you do your daily prescribed opioid but that doesn't mean it's not working! :)
Please let me know your thoughts on "happy go leafy" as I was just using that brand last. Grabbed 500 capsules and I felt it was pleasant and reliable. I've recently switched to another brand but only because I was searching for a whole other product. You might not notice Kratom like you do your daily prescribed opioid but that doesn't mean it's not working! :)
I ordered online. The website was okay. I got a first time discount. My order came in about a week. I got 150 capsules. Each was 2.5 grams. They were easy to swallow. The stuff was red maeng da. Next time I might try 14 caps. This company seemed professional. The website offers guidance on how different strains of the kratom plant have different effects.

The one thing that disappointed me a little was how much of this powder you have to get down to get any kind of a significant dose. I would never want the loose powder. Ick. I would like if they had a distilled version that was more concentrated, like maybe a liquid. I forget if that was offered. Some users have posted on line that they think kratom tea is the way to go.
I ordered online. The website was okay. I got a first time discount. My order came in about a week. I got 150 capsules. Each was 2.5 grams. They were easy to swallow. The stuff was red maeng da. Next time I might try 14 caps. This company seemed professional. The website offers guidance on how different strains of the kratom plant have different effects.

The one thing that disappointed me a little was how much of this powder you have to get down to get any kind of a significant dose. I would never want the loose powder. Ick. I would like if they had a distilled version that was more concentrated, like maybe a liquid. I forget if that was offered. Some users have posted on line that they think kratom tea is the way to go.
How was your last experience with kratom? what was it like? I've been using kratom off and on for years now and it's been a relief.
have u ever tried Kratom? as I ve said it s nothing like the "real thing" but it really helps with w-d and depression.At least it worked for me (along with the odd benzo and loperamide) when I was really in a bad shape

I now have a jar of kratom capsules that I bought legally online. The other day I took about a dozen capsules. I think it made me feel kind of spaced out.

Another depressive episode started last evening. This morning it's really bad. I took my morning dose of hydrocodone. That helped a little. I'm thinking of adding some kratom, maybe later. Yesterday I took some THC gummies. That didn't help much.

I am so desperate to escape being dragged down again.
I only have a few Vicodin left. I'm hoping I'll get a new 30-day supply on Friday. I also have kratom and edible THC on hand.

I am really depressed. I often take a Vicodin tablet to try and ease depression. Often it helps. I'm new to kratom. I'm hoping it might help me with depression. Also, I'm hoping kratom will ease withdrawal, when I use up my Vicodin ahead of schedule. Vicodin contains hydrocodone and tylenol.

I'm having a bad time trying to get this depression to ease up.
I got my refill of Vicodin today. I want to dive into it and slam down enough tablets to ease this depression. Past few days have been bad.

I've tried adding kraton, THC, beer and margaritas. Not helping much.

I wish I could believe that I could get legitimate help that would make a difference. I hate going through this all alone. I had years of doctors throwing all kinds of pills at me. Mostly they were useless. I've got one med that helps a little.

So, a little while ago, I took 2 Vicodin tablets. (I'm only supposed to take one.) The stuff is starting to kick in. If I could just get enough relief to be able to hope that I will get through this.

I can put up with an episode of depression. I've been doing that for years. Episodes come and they go. What's awful is the fear that I won't get better and stay better for a decent length of time. I've had too many episodes recently that came too close together. I feel like, if this keeps up, any escape is better than staying trapped in this.

I don't usually get this despairing. I need to talk to someone who understands what depression is. Just to have someone believe me.
Of course what u are going thru is real.

Did u want me to try and find that episode i mentioned. U may know it all already but it may help.

Could u not use the kratom to drag out the meds u already use whilst feeling a bit better?.

Like i say thc just numbs it doesn't improve but seems to work for anxiety and does help wds.

I'll reply some more later harp.

Chin up xx

Of course what u are going thru is real.

Did u want me to try and find that episode i mentioned. U may know it all already but it may help.

Could u not use the kratom to drag out the meds u already use whilst feeling a bit better?.

Like i say thc just numbs it doesn't improve but seems to work for anxiety and does help wds.

I'll reply some more later harp.

Chin up xx

Give me a link and I'll view that episode. TY
Welcome to BL

What you are describing is opioid dependence and addiction, not necessarily depression.

Opioids are indeed an amazing antidepressant, but they are also causing your depression. Using opioids to fight depression is an uphill losing battle.

When you stop taking opioids while dependent you will become very, very depressed within <8-12 hours. But this is not the same thing as clinical depression.

You are probably depressed and opioid dependent, just need to recognize the two as different and how the latter makes it infinitely worse.
I had to learn this the hard way and it took YEARS. I ignored so many people trying to tell me this because I truly wanted to believe opiods were a magic solution. The relief was so intense I couldn't believe that opiods were also the cause of the intense discomfort. I never had a massive habit and generally abstained from anything too strong for too long but man did I find any excuse to end up on some form of pharma opiod, kratom, poppy pods/seeds/tinctures, occasional heroin dabbling that usually wrapped itself up for fear of the impending fentanyl apocalypse lol. Basically anything though that tickled those receptors was sought after and repeatedly justified until I just accepted that it was a problem, it was the cause of the pain, not the thing that would end it.

I feel better now. I still occasionally relapse but I know it's not the way. I am able to quit pretty quickly again these days and stay clean for prolonged periods of time.