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Ideas for telepathy

I have a lot of experience bringing memories up from early life. At first I blew a few threads by getting excited I had remembered something and leaving the remembering part too soon.

Now I sit and reach a calm point in meditation first. Then I remember either a specific place of item from early childhood and I sit in that place and remember all the times I visited there, or relive the life of an item like my first wagon. When I reach the memory of seeing it for the first time, I carefully replay everything I have remembered back, sometimes a dozen or so times. This brings other memories around the place or wagon to mind and I can choose to follow those.

Eventually, before I stop remembering, I place markers on the memories I just u covered and return another day to see if there is more. Family have been great for this, I have two older brothers who have clear memories from the day I came home from the hospital. So early incidents where no one was watching the baby can be verified.
One time on a high dose DXM trip...

Me and my mom decided to go to a gas station at midnight to get some more cigs. She drove, I rode passenger.

Typical horror movie type setting. Furious winds, very dark. Greyish purple clouded skies.

On the way home I was glancing out the window when we passed a side street just before some train tracks by our house.
I swear I thought I saw a giant, round object like a boulder just sitting in the middle of the side street.
I chalked it up to me trippin'.

Until my mom turned to me and said "did you see that?". I asked her what she saw & she said "I dunno, it looked like some kind of boulder".
I was like no way & told her I thought I saw it too.
So we quick did a U-turn and went back passed this side street, but now there was nothing there.

My mom some times also used DXM for her COPD, (not enough to trip tho).
But I've wondered since that night (and several other strange events on DXM shared with friends) if some how me & my mom shared a hallucination or something thanks to the DXM.

Anyone else have paranormal/strange events take place while on DXM?
Not on DXM, but I had a friend who used to say he felt like he was tripping while talking to me. Apparently I make people trip, being in communication with them.
One time on a high dose DXM trip...

Me and my mom decided to go to a gas station at midnight to get some more cigs. She drove, I rode passenger.

Typical horror movie type setting. Furious winds, very dark. Greyish purple clouded skies.

On the way home I was glancing out the window when we passed a side street just before some train tracks by our house.
I swear I thought I saw a giant, round object like a boulder just sitting in the middle of the side street.
I chalked it up to me trippin'.

Until my mom turned to me and said "did you see that?". I asked her what she saw & she said "I dunno, it looked like some kind of boulder".
I was like no way & told her I thought I saw it too.
So we quick did a U-turn and went back passed this side street, but now there was nothing there.

My mom some times also used DXM for her COPD, (not enough to trip tho).
But I've wondered since that night (and several other strange events on DXM shared with friends) if some how me & my mom shared a hallucination or something thanks to the DXM.

Anyone else have paranormal/strange events take place while on DXM?

Whoa that's pretty crazy. I love stories like that.

Not on DXM, but I had a friend who used to say he felt like he was tripping while talking to me. Apparently I make people trip, being in communication with them.

The contact high. I historically give contact highs quite strongly, my friends can attest to that. I once did an experiment because I noticed it and wanted to see if I was just imagining it, especially after I took 2C-I (the drug that describes a contact high with visuals in PIHKAL). I took DOC (one of the drugs that seems to produce the strongest contact highs in my experience), and was doing a day of chilling and bike riding with a friend, who tripped occasionally but not very often, but was experienced. I specifically did not tell him I was tripping, we did smoke weed, but my friend had no idea. He kept remarking on how way more high than he should be that he was. The clincher came when we stopped our bikes to rest and we were looking at the sky. I was seeing a majestic view of morphing clouds that I was really enjoying. My friend, beside me, suddenly looked at me and asked me to tell him the truth, did I slip him some acid? Because the clouds were morphing and he felt like he was tripping and it was freaking him out. I told him no, I definitely didn't do that. But it was a pretty undeniable piece of evidence for me that a contact high is possible, even when it was not created by the power of suggestion due to someone knowing you're tripping and getting on your wavelength on purpose.