I am sooo tired of seeing 12 year old screwed up out of their minds...

This may just be me and my 17 yr. old mentality speaking but when i first came to this board i came to it out of refuge. I came to it because everyone on here seemed to be sincere about what they said and offered great advice about anything. Now, i have a completely different view of a few of the well-known bluelighters, some of which who need to practice what they preach.
Dr. E-First off, the topic was about 12-13 yr. old girls who get fucked up. Never does the topic mention fucked up off any particular drug or substance. When i first replied to this topic i said that "I'm seeing more adults then adolscents" od'ing! The "relevance" is through my own personal experience. I have yet to come across a little fucked up girl, but when i do i'll let you know.
Daveka-who are you to say that no 16-19 yr. olds are mature? You are wrong, and if they act mature maybe it's possible that they just might be??!!
Paradox-Drug addiction? Not everyone is a drug addict, you maybe, but that only goes to show that YOU serve to prove the point.
Miss apple-when i was 1st introduced to e at the ripe 'ole age of 17, it was from several friends who ranged from 16-19. I don't know one single person personally who is older then 19, that i roll w/. maybe oneday i'll meet someone other then on this hypocritical board who is at the justifyingly right age to roll.
Also, what justifies the right of a person who pays their rent and is graduated from high school to do e, or any drug? Just because you said so? NO. There is a level of maturity, responsibility, experience and all those other things that make a person a smart drug user the right to do whatever harmful substance they want to do.
I agree, i don't want to see little girls all fucked up. I also don't want to see a grown man all strung out on k or coke or what the hell ever claiming that he is entitled to do these things just because he is old enough.
The very few times i have experienced the use of ecstacy are at the most once a month. I use this drug as a recreational use but then i'm not going to try and prove anything to any of you by proclaiming my maturity. many of you had may good points and then many of you showed a definite lack of maturity. I now know i should have stayed away from this thread but i also learned some of your true colors. no one has the right to size up anyone based on their age...
as for the ones who plan to reciprocate with the crude comments, don't bother. you can count on me not coming back, and if i do, it will surely be a cameo appearance to see that there have been a total of 167 replies all of which will be useless argument.
Ok....I never thought I'd say this, but we're acting like bullies!
Remember when you were a kid riding the bus. You wanted to sit in the back with all the big kids didn't you. But the big kids would drag your ass back to the front where they thought you belonged. It's the same thing with the Rave scene and young kids, they just want to be like us. We should be flattered, take them under our wing, and make sure they don't get hurt. We are all one big family. We need the support of the next generation or our scene may fade out and die.
"Look at the world with open eyes and you will see the world. Look at the world through my eyes and you can only imagine."
X-RaverQueen :)
Ok....I never thought I'd say this, but we're acting like bullies!
Remember when you were a kid riding the bus. You wanted to sit in the back with all the big kids didn't you. But the big kids would drag your ass back to the front where they thought you belonged. It's the same thing with the Rave scene and young kids, they just want to be like us. We should be flattered, take them under our wing, and make sure they don't get hurt. We are all one big family. We need the support of the next generation or our scene may fade out and die.
"Look at the world with open eyes and you will see the world. Look at the world through my eyes and you can only imagine."
X-RaverQueen :)
My 9 year old neice asked me what a rave was. 9 YEARS OLD!!! When i was her age, I was still playing with my voltron and transformers! The scene is just getting too ridiculous. We've had too many kids drive off cliffs or overdose already. something needs to be done.
Some fight'in words there.....
Hey people chill out, don't get all defensive.
Older people aren't saying that younger people don't deserve to have the ecstasy experience. They're saying that it's too hard on their developing bodies and minds. It's for your own good. When it's time, you'll know. If you have sex at too early a stage in your life, it's only gonna complicate things as well.
Childhood and adolescence are beautiful times. They are the last times of freedom and innocence. It's a sign of the end of the world when that gets taken away. Sweatshops in the 3rd world, drug problems and teenage pregnancy in the 1st. Enjoy your time, play baseball, sleep over at friends places, go to amusement parks, smoke pot if you feel like getting altered.
If you want to rush into powders and synthetic chemicals and powerful psychedelics go ahead. Your mama won't tell you because she's got no clue. We're telling you not to because we've been there and we're giving you some sound advice. You have all your life to get involved in this sort of stuff. It's going to be so much more useful if you let your brain develop till your body reaches maturity.
Develop a personality and consciousness, then, alter it. Open the beautiful gift that is the ecstasy experience on Christmas morning, don't tear up the package on Halloween, you're only going to be disappointed.
Ah, while you're at it, have your first kiss in a fucked up state. Why not have your first sexual experience messed up on E, K, C, and G by some guy 10 years older than you at a party where you'll never be able to track him again? How adult!
Sure i'm generalizing, but the point is that adolescence is trippy enough, there's no point in making it harder. If you think you're so mature, make the mature decision and abstain for a couple years.
And to those who try to unstabilize the community we have here by shouting hypocrisy, fuck off, leave, please. If you have an issue with someone, air it specifically.
When you talk about this conspiracy of bluelight gods, i take it personally, and so do a lot of people that have poured their hearts into here, and just because you're in a bad mood gives you no excuse to try to bring this all down. Not all of us believe in PLUR, honey, so that makes us just assholes, not hypocrites.
But it's all good, it's all about looking out for each other, was that the point, that's what i got out of every one's words, correct me if i'm wrong.
Alright Texass I usualy don't feel the need to defend myself from childish onslaughts, HOWEVER, This one hits a little too close to home. I am NOT a drug addict. Maybe at one point I was, to an extent, but I am NOT now. How DARE you incinuate that, you pretentious little pissant. Why don't you take your little fucking opinions, and swallow them with your next pill? I have LOST FRIENDS to drug addiction, and pardon the FUCK out of me for trying to save someone else. I suppose that you would much rather ALL of us to go arend NOT CARING what anyone else does... gee, that's what PLUR is all about right? I'm sorry, you are wrong. My anger, and frustration with the young ravers srpings LARGELY from CONCERN fo them. Yet, you can't see above the fact that the only way I have to classify them is by thier age. Why don't you take one giant step back, and take a look at YOURSELF before you start pointing your goddamned finger at me!
A bad thing about young kids and raving is if they happen to get caught all they get is a slap on the wrist. Then if I get caught I know the consiquences. When I was 17 I thought I could walk on water. Goin out gettin drunk and stoned and driving around. Then one night I get busted and spend two nights in the county jail. My parents said you go around doing stupid shit your gonna pay
"hell no we're not coming to get you out" and I now respect them for that, luckily I have good friends. My point is that was the best thing that could of happened to me. It was a big slap in the face saying straighten the fuck up. Sure I go to raves and party Im just smart about and young kids/teens simply arent. They might think they are I know I did. I dont really think there is any way to stop young kids from going to raves. I guess we'll just have to deal with it.
ok time to give props where props are due:
liquidocean, paradox...right on! thank you

and Texass....well...you said: "Also, what justifies the right of a person who pays their rent and is graduated from high school to do e, or any drug?"
ok then honestly? what's your definition of responsibility? what responsibility do you have at your age??? i wish i could go back to that age...things were SO much easier...but alas...hindsight is 20/20 as always
BRand X (i think you had the post about us all being drug users...if i'm wrong i'm sorry)
here's the thing... you're right. We all are drug users...children are vulnerable by nature...any kid who says they're not is full of shit. Most (and i repeat MOST) follow the latest trends...try to act older than they are, do what they're friends do...etc etc and then they deny it. This summer when the rave scene fucking EXPLODES... you are going to see a huge drop in test scores/attendance in school. we're going to have a nation of dead/cracked/fried kids...and this is our next generation!

and if you say that this isn't going to bother you (you in general, not you specifically)....then you are a heartless bastard. I thought raising, nurturing, and basically taking care of your kids meant protecting them...keeping them out of harm.
and i think drugs fit neatly into that "harmful" category...
Ok, I'm gonna have to go against the crowd on this one cus I think there are some serious issues of hyspocrisy, thoughtlessness, and naivity being spouted and supported on this post.
First, most of you are bashing these kids for being at raves under the premise that they are not resposible/mature enough to handle the drug scene. heres the problem with bashing them: ITS NOT THEIR FAULT. you're right, a 12 year old girl should not be doing this shit because they dont have resposibility required, but that is precisely why blowing up on this fucking kid is ridiculous. they have no CLUE what theyre getting into, and in an era where most parents are absolutely incompetent and where the next source of influence--pop culture (or counter-culture... the 2 are becoming more and more coincidental) and friends i.e. you and me and movies and the fucking music we listen to all tell them this is such a thrill and theres so much "love" in the scene, why should they not show up? yeah, lets all get hellapissed at these kids for searching out a place that they think is all about fun and for being so naive as to not understand the true ramifications of rave culture.... OH WAIT, thats EXACTLY what any intelligent person would expect of someone so young!!! what a fucking surprise. you want to blame someone, blame the parents, blame schools, hell blame yourselves for giving them this false (partially, at least) impression of our scene- after all isnt the fact that you dont want them there at least somewhat of an indication that the scene isnt as lovely as some make it out to be? anyways, this is really an instance where you cant blame the kids. im not one of these liberals who believes in complete unaccountability and holds a disdain for "judging" people, thats very necessary at times. i just think you all have made the wrong judgement here.
Second, how to keep them out? rely on promoters... wait, they only do this for money, its a business. who else... how about police... oh wait, the whole fucking things illegal anyway. ourselves? well, thats the only way to do it. if you truly believe that this is such a problem, remove your $$$ from the scene until promoters realize that kiddies are costing them money. im not saying you MUST do this, but its a choice... at any rate, lets not be so naive as to think we can just wish the problem away and rely on people who dont give a fuck about these kids.
Finally, and this is the one that got me the most-- "drug dealers shouldnt be selling to kids so young"-- WHAT THE FUCK? come on people, they are DRUGDEALERS, not pillars of the god damn community, and once again, dollars run things. its actually funny to me that people would even say this.
btw, one last quick thing, and this is something that bugs me every time theres an issue of "IM ok cus i know my shit, but 'this person' shouldnt be doing these things cus they dont"-- truth be told, using the same standards of judgement-- uncertain health effects and the potential for FUCKING your life-- jail, addiction, etc, none of us "should" be involved in the scene. im definitely NOT implying its ok for the kids to be there, quite the opposite, im simply saying that we shouldnt lie to ourselves? about the true effects of the scene on us... yes US, the oh so knowledgable and responsible "adults" personally i think this attitude may be part of the problem with people getting into the scene who probably should not be there.
~~the impressions, the green light, angel... *desiderata*
Ok, I'm gonna have to go against the crowd on this one cus I think there are some serious issues of hyspocrisy, thoughtlessness, and naivity being spouted and supported on this post.
First, most of you are bashing these kids for being at raves under the premise that they are not resposible/mature enough to handle the drug scene. heres the problem with bashing them: ITS NOT THEIR FAULT. you're right, a 12 year old girl should not be doing this shit because they dont have resposibility required, but that is precisely why blowing up on this fucking kid is ridiculous. they have no CLUE what theyre getting into, and in an era where most parents are absolutely incompetent and where the next source of influence--pop culture (or counter-culture... the 2 are becoming more and more coincidental) and friends i.e. you and me and movies and the fucking music we listen to all tell them this is such a thrill and theres so much "love" in the scene, why should they not show up? yeah, lets all get hellapissed at these kids for searching out a place that they think is all about fun and for being so naive as to not understand the true ramifications of rave culture.... OH WAIT, thats EXACTLY what any intelligent person would expect of someone so young!!! what a fucking surprise. you want to blame someone, blame the parents, blame schools, hell blame yourselves for giving them this false (partially, at least) impression of our scene- after all isnt the fact that you dont want them there at least somewhat of an indication that the scene isnt as lovely as some make it out to be? anyways, this is really an instance where you cant blame the kids. im not one of these liberals who believes in complete unaccountability and holds a disdain for "judging" people, thats very necessary at times. i just think you all have made the wrong judgement here.
Second, how to keep them out? rely on promoters... wait, they only do this for money, its a business. who else... how about police... oh wait, the whole fucking things illegal anyway. ourselves? well, thats the only way to do it. if you truly believe that this is such a problem, remove your $$$ from the scene until promoters realize that kiddies are costing them money. im not saying you MUST do this, but its a choice... at any rate, lets not be so naive as to think we can just wish the problem away and rely on people who dont give a fuck about these kids.
Finally, and this is the one that got me the most-- "drug dealers shouldnt be selling to kids so young"-- WHAT THE FUCK? come on people, they are DRUGDEALERS, not pillars of the god damn community, and once again, dollars run things. its actually funny to me that people would even say this.
btw, one last quick thing, and this is something that bugs me every time theres an issue of "IM ok cus i know my shit, but 'this person' shouldnt be doing these things cus they dont"-- truth be told, using the same standards of judgement-- uncertain health effects and the potential for FUCKING your life-- jail, addiction, etc, none of us "should" be involved in the scene. im definitely NOT implying its ok for the kids to be there, quite the opposite, im simply saying that we shouldnt lie to ourselves? about the true effects of the scene on us... yes US, the oh so knowledgable and responsible "adults" personally i think this attitude may be part of the problem with people getting into the scene who probably should not be there.
~~the impressions, the green light, angel... *desiderata*
*long, deep sigh* Gosh, look at what a simple post put out to protect young kids did to all of you. I never thought i would see this side of yall. Ive just spent the last 45 minutes reading every single reply to this post. I agreed with some, utterly shocked by others, and surprized that some of you could say these things to each other. I'm 17 and going on 18 very soon. My very FIRST rave was when i was 14. I had been into techno music since i was ten years old. Remember "front by front 242"?? That was my first techno/industryal music i owned. I heard that raves were a great place to hear that kind of music and watch i made right in front of you by the DJs. I was at first intimidated by the scene at first but i soon got used to it. I didn't even have a clue what E was until about 4 months ago. Since then i had rolled 4 times and after reading all of these replies, i have decided that after this huge party this weeked i will quit rolling for a long time. I not too sure how long but more than 4 months im sure. I know that i have a long life ahead of me anf that I shouldn't rush myself and try to grow up too fast.
As for my opinion about kids on drugs. I think its really worng for anyone under17-18 to do that stuff. I really support kids going to appreciate to music and the scene, but drugs, no. They have way too much to live for and should, by all means stay away from E or any sort of sevear mind altering drugs. Im out, keep the love people. love4ever.PLUR
why is it why always couch our pretentious moralizing in the language of "protecting 12 year old girls"??
i think my point about a lack of self-awareness shines through here even more than it did before.
wider society says we shouldn't be doing drugs because they are bad for our emotional and physical well-being.
we take a look around and, being damn near the bottom of the food chain, feel the need to moralize to a group below ourselves in the pecking-order. not much worse than a drug-user except maybe a child who uses drugs (and a vulnerable girl-child at that, how saddening that our precious little flower is being sullied), so hey "kids shouldn't do drugs 'cause it's bad for their emotional and physical well-being". we sound more like a senate sub-committee than a board of drug-users.
this king of paternalistic "just looking out for your best interests because i've been there and i know better" is the same horseshit that gets shovelled in our direction. unfortunately, instead of sending it back from whence it came, we swallow it whole and pass some more on down the line. but hey, it's all good because we bluelighters have REALLY DONE SOME SHIT and we REALLY DO KNOW BETTER
baaaaaaa baaaaa baaaaaaa!!!! mutton anyone?
and by the way, "western civilization" has been talking about "the decline of western civilization" since the begining of "western civilization". to think that "rave drugs" are going to finally bring about this this demise because "kids are going to go out and party and their grades are going to suffer" shows an ahistorical conceit that puts you right up there with some of history's great non-thinkers.
i re-iterate: baaaa BAAAAAA BAAAAA!!!!
brand-x (aka the heartless bastard
ps. "land of the free" is just the abridged version. the actual text should read "land-of-the-free-to-do-whatever-you-want-as-long-as-i-agree-with-what-you're-doing-because-i-know-better-than-you-what's-right-and-what's-moral"
i may be oversimplifying, but plainly- how i feel is that it is frightening, disconcerning, uncomforting, to see, or even think about a 12 year old strung up on substance that is 'technically' meant for an older, more developed and grown human being.
it would be the same feeling i'd get if i found out that my 52 some od year great aunt was still raving and wide eyed ooogling over the young bucks with a stream of drool hanging down her chin. of course, that's a fictional example..
yeah isn't it kinda NOT RIGHT? like.. ewww.. skeeved out at the thought alone.
kinda like the feeling you'd get from delivering a newborn then lighting a cigarette to it's mouth for its first breath...
something just not natural about it right?
i mean at an older age.. at the brink of individuality and self dependence, and expression... granted a 12 year old has two out of these three things... self dependence being the distinguishing factor..
12 year old: answers to mommy and daddy who provides a roof over their head and may possibly still be breastfeeding.
20 year old: lot's more independence, on the border of moving out on their own, if not already done so, and may wish they were still breastfeeding on occasion.
the exeption: now these people are too unique for me to comment on.
basically, in a nutshell.. it's not something that i could easily stomach, seeing a twelve year old girl with eyes wider than mine, attempting to feel up a 23 year old just for more beans.
just my .000002 cents.. i suppose.
I'm sorry, i tried my hardest to stray from this subject but your ignorance cannot keep me from it and neither can yours. It's sad that some of you chose to have an objection. if i hit a sore spot with paradox, then i'm truely sorry. if you believed i incinuated that you were in fact a drug addict, then maybe i did. you know what?? i have lost friends to drug addiction too!!!!!!!! and if i ever thought you were actually genuine about "saving someone else" then i wouldn't have been so defensive. i've given up on plur in this case because you and some others refuse to express it. if you don't believe in it fine, then i don't either w/any of you.
also, i don't remember specifically pointing anyone out who had replied to this topic who had objected to anyone specifically about their age besides miss apple and her opinion about 16-19 yr. olds not being mature, probably a personal attack i'm sure. never did i say you were to blame! and believe me paradox, i have taken a good look at myself and proved to myself that i'm wise and a smart user........you need to point the finger at yourself...
I'm sorry that many of you thought you were gods at 17! perhaps i am....but believe me i am living it up and being smart in the meantime. the fact that none of you are as young as you used to be, and didn't use at an early age surely doesn't prove that you don't know what the hell you are talking about if you didn't drop your first pill until 19 or up. how are any of you to judge??
I understand all of your concerns, but, if you are going to cut anyone down then you are surely expecting a reply in defense. i am defending myself and everyone my age. i'm defending lilrollingrl and pixiloca because none of you know what the hell it is like raving and doing the things we do at our age! the fact that all of you think y'all are so wise and so responsible proves nothing to us. it all makes us madder because you don't know anything.
None of you are experts and none of you know what it does to anyones body to take x at any age. you think it's bad for 15 yr. olds? well guess again....it's bad for anyone. it may alter someones perception on life and love but none of you know what it actually does to your body being that you are only in your 20's...not a big difference. y'all get off of your high horse and recognize the changes in everyone.
this is a drug that everyone loves but don't restrict anyone because you want the rave scene to be strictly 18 yr. olds up.
Perhaps childhood and adolscence aren't in fact our last chances at freedom and innocence. perhaps they were pure hell for us! no one has the right to critisize anyone until you know their story. who says that taking e is going to make anything harder?? i have found it to be pure bliss until i ran across a few of you who are a rude to prove their beliefs.
And if you don't believe in plur, sweetie, then why the hell are you a bluelighter? if you don't believe and the nice things in life then a grand 'ole FUCKYOU to you asshole.
My main point coming here was not to prove myself, it was to show you that you, the representives of the older generation aren't good examples. you aren't people that represent the bluelight community. the fact that us bluelighters of all ages are people who don't want to be offended by such comments as, "statuatory rape dance" just goes to show that people like you aren't REAL people. GROW UP and prove to us that you aren't as irresponsible as some of you morons seem to be. YOU all are the people that go to show that there is no right age for x, because you act immature beyond your years and the preaching about being concerned for kids is just a put on.
Show some real evidence to prove your opinions that offend the ones your critisizing.
if you were in fact a drug addict in your time, then i congratulate you for not being one at the present time.
Soulfly-the responsibility that i have at my age is being caught in the rave scene at this age. to many of you it is young, but to me it is a challenge. many of you don't have to hide from your parents what in fact your true passion is, what in fact your desire to do is ecstacy! You have it easy! "mom, i'm going to a friends house!" so what if i'm lying, so what if i look like i'm 22 but am really 17! it doesn't matter because my friends consider me a good friend and my fellow ravers love my company. i enjoy what i do and neither what you or what any of you say can change that.
it's sad that y'all have to stereo-type every single teenager! Why is it that just because the way you acted as a teenager justifies how every single teenager acts??!!
I 'm truly offended that some of you think that just because we're teenagers we try to follow the crowd and be like everyone else.
OH, i do believe i have aired every single issue with the people i have an issue with.
I never meant to be rude as you can see in my first reply, but when i see a need, i go at it. Representing the people of my age is what i intend to do. Why don't y'all proceed and represent the issue of ignorance in your ages??!! The only bluelighters that i have tried to prove a point to are the ones i have already listed and a few others....i see the true PLUReality of the ones who have chosen not to reply to this topic no matter what their beliefs are.
I'm sorry, i tried my hardest to stray from this subject but your ignorance cannot keep me from it and neither can yours. It's sad that some of you chose to have an objection. if i hit a sore spot with paradox, then i'm truely sorry. if you believed i incinuated that you were in fact a drug addict, then maybe i did. you know what?? i have lost friends to drug addiction too!!!!!!!! and if i ever thought you were actually genuine about "saving someone else" then i wouldn't have been so defensive. i've given up on plur in this case because you and some others refuse to express it. if you don't believe in it fine, then i don't either w/any of you.
also, i don't remember specifically pointing anyone out who had replied to this topic who had objected to anyone specifically about their age besides miss apple and her opinion about 16-19 yr. olds not being mature, probably a personal attack i'm sure. never did i say you were to blame! and believe me paradox, i have taken a good look at myself and proved to myself that i'm wise and a smart user........you need to point the finger at yourself...
I'm sorry that many of you thought you were gods at 17! perhaps i am....but believe me i am living it up and being smart in the meantime. the fact that none of you are as young as you used to be, and didn't use at an early age surely doesn't prove that you don't know what the hell you are talking about if you didn't drop your first pill until 19 or up. how are any of you to judge??
I understand all of your concerns, but, if you are going to cut anyone down then you are surely expecting a reply in defense. i am defending myself and everyone my age. i'm defending lilrollingrl and pixiloca because none of you know what the hell it is like raving and doing the things we do at our age! the fact that all of you think y'all are so wise and so responsible proves nothing to us. it all makes us madder because you don't know anything.
None of you are experts and none of you know what it does to anyones body to take x at any age. you think it's bad for 15 yr. olds? well guess again....it's bad for anyone. it may alter someones perception on life and love but none of you know what it actually does to your body being that you are only in your 20's...not a big difference. y'all get off of your high horse and recognize the changes in everyone.
this is a drug that everyone loves but don't restrict anyone because you want the rave scene to be strictly 18 yr. olds up.
Perhaps childhood and adolscence aren't in fact our last chances at freedom and innocence. perhaps they were pure hell for us! no one has the right to critisize anyone until you know their story. who says that taking e is going to make anything harder?? i have found it to be pure bliss until i ran across a few of you who are a rude to prove their beliefs.
And if you don't believe in plur, sweetie, then why the hell are you a bluelighter? if you don't believe and the nice things in life then a grand 'ole FUCKYOU to you asshole.
My main point coming here was not to prove myself, it was to show you that you, the representives of the older generation aren't good examples. you aren't people that represent the bluelight community. the fact that us bluelighters of all ages are people who don't want to be offended by such comments as, "statuatory rape dance" just goes to show that people like you aren't REAL people. GROW UP and prove to us that you aren't as irresponsible as some of you morons seem to be. YOU all are the people that go to show that there is no right age for x, because you act immature beyond your years and the preaching about being concerned for kids is just a put on.
Show some real evidence to prove your opinions that offend the ones your critisizing.
if you were in fact a drug addict in your time, then i congratulate you for not being one at the present time.
Soulfly-the responsibility that i have at my age is being caught in the rave scene at this age. to many of you it is young, but to me it is a challenge. many of you don't have to hide from your parents what in fact your true passion is, what in fact your desire to do is ecstacy! You have it easy! "mom, i'm going to a friends house!" so what if i'm lying, so what if i look like i'm 22 but am really 17! it doesn't matter because my friends consider me a good friend and my fellow ravers love my company. i enjoy what i do and neither what you or what any of you say can change that.
it's sad that y'all have to stereo-type every single teenager! Why is it that just because the way you acted as a teenager justifies how every single teenager acts??!!
I 'm truly offended that some of you think that just because we're teenagers we try to follow the crowd and be like everyone else.
OH, i do believe i have aired every single issue with the people i have an issue with.
I never meant to be rude as you can see in my first reply, but when i see a need, i go at it. Representing the people of my age is what i intend to do. Why don't y'all proceed and represent the issue of ignorance in your ages??!! The only bluelighters that i have tried to prove a point to are the ones i have already listed and a few others....i see the true PLUReality of the ones who have chosen not to reply to this topic no matter what their beliefs are.
I'm sorry, i tried my hardest to stray from this subject but your ignorance cannot keep me from it and neither can yours. It's sad that some of you chose to have an objection. if i hit a sore spot with paradox, then i'm truely sorry. if you believed i incinuated that you were in fact a drug addict, then maybe i did. you know what?? i have lost friends to drug addiction too!!!!!!!! and if i ever thought you were actually genuine about "saving someone else" then i wouldn't have been so defensive. i've given up on plur in this case because you and some others refuse to express it. if you don't believe in it fine, then i don't either w/any of you.
also, i don't remember specifically pointing anyone out who had replied to this topic who had objected to anyone specifically about their age besides miss apple and her opinion about 16-19 yr. olds not being mature, probably a personal attack i'm sure. never did i say you were to blame! and believe me paradox, i have taken a good look at myself and proved to myself that i'm wise and a smart user........you need to point the finger at yourself...
I'm sorry that many of you thought you were gods at 17! perhaps i am....but believe me i am living it up and being smart in the meantime. the fact that none of you are as young as you used to be, and didn't use at an early age surely doesn't prove that you don't know what the hell you are talking about if you didn't drop your first pill until 19 or up. how are any of you to judge??
I understand all of your concerns, but, if you are going to cut anyone down then you are surely expecting a reply in defense. i am defending myself and everyone my age. i'm defending lilrollingrl and pixiloca because none of you know what the hell it is like raving and doing the things we do at our age! the fact that all of you think y'all are so wise and so responsible proves nothing to us. it all makes us madder because you don't know anything.
None of you are experts and none of you know what it does to anyones body to take x at any age. you think it's bad for 15 yr. olds? well guess again....it's bad for anyone. it may alter someones perception on life and love but none of you know what it actually does to your body being that you are only in your 20's...not a big difference. y'all get off of your high horse and recognize the changes in everyone.
this is a drug that everyone loves but don't restrict anyone because you want the rave scene to be strictly 18 yr. olds up.
Perhaps childhood and adolscence aren't in fact our last chances at freedom and innocence. perhaps they were pure hell for us! no one has the right to critisize anyone until you know their story. who says that taking e is going to make anything harder?? i have found it to be pure bliss until i ran across a few of you who are a rude to prove their beliefs.
And if you don't believe in plur, sweetie, then why the hell are you a bluelighter? if you don't believe and the nice things in life then a grand 'ole FUCKYOU to you asshole.
My main point coming here was not to prove myself, it was to show you that you, the representives of the older generation aren't good examples. you aren't people that represent the bluelight community. the fact that us bluelighters of all ages are people who don't want to be offended by such comments as, "statuatory rape dance" just goes to show that people like you aren't REAL people. GROW UP and prove to us that you aren't as irresponsible as some of you morons seem to be. YOU all are the people that go to show that there is no right age for x, because you act immature beyond your years and the preaching about being concerned for kids is just a put on.
Show some real evidence to prove your opinions that offend the ones your critisizing.
if you were in fact a drug addict in your time, then i congratulate you for not being one at the present time.
Soulfly-the responsibility that i have at my age is being caught in the rave scene at this age. to many of you it is young, but to me it is a challenge. many of you don't have to hide from your parents what in fact your true passion is, what in fact your desire to do is ecstacy! You have it easy! "mom, i'm going to a friends house!" so what if i'm lying, so what if i look like i'm 22 but am really 17! it doesn't matter because my friends consider me a good friend and my fellow ravers love my company. i enjoy what i do and neither what you or what any of you say can change that.
it's sad that y'all have to stereo-type every single teenager! Why is it that just because the way you acted as a teenager justifies how every single teenager acts??!!
I 'm truly offended that some of you think that just because we're teenagers we try to follow the crowd and be like everyone else.
OH, i do believe i have aired every single issue with the people i have an issue with.
I never meant to be rude as you can see in my first reply, but when i see a need, i go at it. Representing the people of my age is what i intend to do. Why don't y'all proceed and represent the issue of ignorance in your ages??!! The only bluelighters that i have tried to prove a point to are the ones i have already listed and a few others....i see the true PLUReality of the ones who have chosen not to reply to this topic no matter what their beliefs are.
I'm sorry, i tried my hardest to stray from this subject but your ignorance cannot keep me from it and neither can yours. It's sad that some of you chose to have an objection. if i hit a sore spot with paradox, then i'm truely sorry. if you believed i incinuated that you were in fact a drug addict, then maybe i did. you know what?? i have lost friends to drug addiction too!!!!!!!! and if i ever thought you were actually genuine about "saving someone else" then i wouldn't have been so defensive. i've given up on plur in this case because you and some others refuse to express it. if you don't believe in it fine, then i don't either w/any of you.
also, i don't remember specifically pointing anyone out who had replied to this topic who had objected to anyone specifically about their age besides miss apple and her opinion about 16-19 yr. olds not being mature, probably a personal attack i'm sure. never did i say you were to blame! and believe me paradox, i have taken a good look at myself and proved to myself that i'm wise and a smart user........you need to point the finger at yourself...
I'm sorry that many of you thought you were gods at 17! perhaps i am....but believe me i am living it up and being smart in the meantime. the fact that none of you are as young as you used to be, and didn't use at an early age surely doesn't prove that you don't know what the hell you are talking about if you didn't drop your first pill until 19 or up. how are any of you to judge??
I understand all of your concerns, but, if you are going to cut anyone down then you are surely expecting a reply in defense. i am defending myself and everyone my age. i'm defending lilrollingrl and pixiloca because none of you know what the hell it is like raving and doing the things we do at our age! the fact that all of you think y'all are so wise and so responsible proves nothing to us. it all makes us madder because you don't know anything.
None of you are experts and none of you know what it does to anyones body to take x at any age. you think it's bad for 15 yr. olds? well guess again....it's bad for anyone. it may alter someones perception on life and love but none of you know what it actually does to your body being that you are only in your 20's...not a big difference. y'all get off of your high horse and recognize the changes in everyone.
this is a drug that everyone loves but don't restrict anyone because you want the rave scene to be strictly 18 yr. olds up.
Perhaps childhood and adolscence aren't in fact our last chances at freedom and innocence. perhaps they were pure hell for us! no one has the right to critisize anyone until you know their story. who says that taking e is going to make anything harder?? i have found it to be pure bliss until i ran across a few of you who are a rude to prove their beliefs.
And if you don't believe in plur, sweetie, then why the hell are you a bluelighter? if you don't believe and the nice things in life then a grand 'ole FUCKYOU to you asshole.
My main point coming here was not to prove myself, it was to show you that you, the representives of the older generation aren't good examples. you aren't people that represent the bluelight community. the fact that us bluelighters of all ages are people who don't want to be offended by such comments as, "statuatory rape dance" just goes to show that people like you aren't REAL people. GROW UP and prove to us that you aren't as irresponsible as some of you morons seem to be. YOU all are the people that go to show that there is no right age for x, because you act immature beyond your years and the preaching about being concerned for kids is just a put on.
Show some real evidence to prove your opinions that offend the ones your critisizing.
if you were in fact a drug addict in your time, then i congratulate you for not being one at the present time.
Soulfly-the responsibility that i have at my age is being caught in the rave scene at this age. to many of you it is young, but to me it is a challenge. many of you don't have to hide from your parents what in fact your true passion is, what in fact your desire to do is ecstacy! You have it easy! "mom, i'm going to a friends house!" so what if i'm lying, so what if i look like i'm 22 but am really 17! it doesn't matter because my friends consider me a good friend and my fellow ravers love my company. i enjoy what i do and neither what you or what any of you say can change that.
it's sad that y'all have to stereo-type every single teenager! Why is it that just because the way you acted as a teenager justifies how every single teenager acts??!!
I 'm truly offended that some of you think that just because we're teenagers we try to follow the crowd and be like everyone else.
OH, i do believe i have aired every single issue with the people i have an issue with.
I never meant to be rude as you can see in my first reply, but when i see a need, i go at it. Representing the people of my age is what i intend to do. Why don't y'all proceed and represent the issue of ignorance in your ages??!! The only bluelighters that i have tried to prove a point to are the ones i have already listed and a few others....i see the true PLUReality of the ones who have chosen not to reply to this topic no matter what their beliefs are.