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I quit smoking by switching to snus (Swedish snuff, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snus). It's moist tobacco, used either as loose snus or in packed pouches which look like small tea bags. You place it under your upper lip and don't spit. It comes in zillions of different tastes and is available in some places in the US too.

While still addicted to nicotine, it has helped me in a lot of ways. First of all my lungs feel much better now after 3 years of not smoking. Exercise feels good when it doesn't feel like I have needles in my lungs, no cough etc. No increased risk of lung cancer and I don't smell like sh!t anymore. Also it's very discrete, the downside being that I have snus under my lip almost 24/7, sometimes even when I eat (but mostly not), the only excpeption being when I sleep and brush my teeth.

But if you like nicotine and want to switch to a much, much less harmful alternative Snus is a good choice. There has been countless of studies that have shown that there is no connection between snus and (pancreatic) cancer. No conclusice study has shown otherwise, although anti-tobacco groups do claim otherwise. It mostly harms your gums, since it is has a quite high pH level and is absorbed through the gum. I try to avoid this by switching side every 6 months so the upper gum can recover.

Wikipedia says:
Since snus is not intended nor recommended for inhalation, it does not affect the lungs as cigarettes do. Because it is steam-cured, rather than fire-cured like smoking tobacco or other chewing tobacco, it contains lower concentrations of nitrosamines and other carcinogens that form from the partially anaerobic heating of proteins; 2.8 parts per mil for Ettan brand compared to as high as 127.9 parts per mil in some American brands, according to a study by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health.

It is very addictive though, as it has much more nicotine than cigarrettes, and you can put new snus under your lip anywhere, anytime which makes it more addictive. Obviously nicotine isn't beneficial for your health either, so if you want to quit nicotine completely, forget it.

A good article: Pluses and Minuses to Snus, Sweden's Cigarette Alternative.
Best option: Cold turkey. You feel an urge, workout. Pushups on the spot, whatever.
Snus: Not nearly as bad as tobacco. Make sure not to smoke.
Aniracetam: Not well known. Works for me.
Chantix/Bropropion: PHARM DRUGS. I hate pharm drugs. If they work, then they work.
Time: Necessary with all of the above. The more you take the better it gets.

Quitting is about....fuck tobacco. Get mad at it motherfucker.
Hi BL. I quit about 200 days ago. In the meantime I quit opiates about 100 days ago. I picked up a small benzo problem while kicking opiates, but it is very small now. I started opiate kick w/1mg. sub a day. I have cut that down by half. Here's the problem: I have recently started sneaking a smoke here n there. Maddening!!! I will sart again tomorrow 1 day at a time. Still I am so disappointed, I have COPD n have just been recently breathing so well. Here's to tomorrow! CS
Smoking can't be smoking by any treatment unless we have the strong commitment to quit the smoking. we should change our daily life and specially company to drop smoking.
Los Angeles Fitness Trainer
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Quitting tobacco substitutes - nicotine spray

I just wanted to see if anyone else has tried this. I used chewing tobacco on and off since I was in my late teens, for the last 3 years or so pretty much daily. I think just plain nicotine-wise it's giving you way more than smoking on a dose level. I tried stopping so many times and didn't stay off, I tried nicotine gum and didn't find it very helpful. But now I've gone an entire month without using it and the thing I found that helped me so much is this nicotine spray. It's just like a breath spray kind of thing minty and it gives 1mg of nicotine per spray. I've found it is so much more effective than the gum or anything, it actually gives you a little bit of a nicotine kick like you'd get from tobacco and really really satisfies the craving when it shows up, which is something I found the gum never did.

Though I think it's definitely something a person could get addicted to and into the habit of using just like tobacco - but harm reduction for sure, not ruining my gums and working towards cancer. And the way it works, if you're a heavy smoker or dipper, you're probably starting out with quite a few sprays each day, they say don't exceed 64 in a day - that seems extreme though I'm probably doing somwhere around 20-30. So it is easy enough to ramp down slowly.

I was just curious if anyone else has given this a shot, and if not, if you're trying to kick your habit I'd definitely give it a reccomendation.
Using Snuff to Quit Cigarettes

So I've been a heavy smoker since I was 14, which makes six years now. I used to roll my own and smoke with my dad on the porch, have a big tolerance, all that.

I really want to quit though, I am sick of having a congested chest. So I got into nasal snuff. It's like a whole new world of tobacco. It has a pleasant stimulating/lifting effect and there are hundreds of different kinds and they are SO cheap, you could get a year's supply for well under a hundred dollars including shipping from England. I'm still smoking about 3-5 cigarettes a day but before this I was smoking over a pack a day. I'm trying to get my cigarettes down to 0.

Is anybody else into this? It's not as gross a habit as you would think once you have your technique down. It takes a while to learn how to sniff it right (you're not trying to snort it and some snuffs are so fine and dry that it's hard to avoid sniffing too hard but you get used to it).

I REALLY like Fribourg & Teyer's High Dry Toast. It's a pure toasted tobacco snuff with these delicious nutty buttery notes to it. I also really like Wilsons of Sharrow's Grand Cairo (reminds me of old spice), their Royal George (sort of vaguely reminiscent of Dr. Pepper), their Rose (just good as hell, a little sneezy but very good), and I haven't tried a French snuff I haven't liked. F&T's Bordeaux is especially nice, it's very musky.

The only snuff I have tried that I did not like much was Samuel Gawith's Original Kendal Brown. It's just not exciting to me.
My suggestion for you, is to purchase a Vaporizer to vape your cannabis, and also to purchase some different herbs such as Camomile and Raspberry leaf to smoke with instead of tobacco. I use an Arizer V tower myself,

I don't smoke, and to me i find that tobacco can worsen my depression, that is of course because I want more of it afterwards but i never smoke cigs or anything like that.

Also, taking L-Tyrosine whilst quitting may also help you quit, its something ive read a few places.

Good luck :)
i realy like some of the swedish snuff brands, though not many stores carry it once you find it it its alot cheaper than buying cigs. at one store near my house you can get 1.5 ounces for 3.20 - 5.00 for the american brands. Have you tried any of the flavored stuff, i think my favorite so far is orange.
it helped me on more than one occasion to go through a night of drinks without smoking. but for that it works for me really good. a few bumps and restisting the temptation for a while, then when the nicotine builds up, it's all good. i did not even smoke one after i blacked out once ^^
but i couldn't do it daily/on a regular basis. it's only good for once in a while imo. most of the time, i deal with the cravings otherwise, when not in a social situation, they've dissapeared for me (thank god).
There was a German brand of snuff i had a few times with some caffeine and menthol in it, thinking about doing it now does not sound appealing but i remember liking that a lot then.

id pass
I used to smoke and dip, both not good habits. Honestly the best thing I've found is this nicotine spray. 1 mg nicotine per spray you just shoot it once or twice in the back of your mouth. Unlike the gum, lozenges, etc. It I guess is absorbed quite quickly which gives you a little kick like you'd get from smoking or chewing and that takes the craving away more.

I remember once trying snuff tobacco, it gave me a huge buzz, but I dunno I wouldn't choose it, inhaling some irritating substance up into your nostrils, blowing brown shit out of your nose, probably not a super attractive habit.
I think it's more of a 'not wanting to smoke anymore' thing rather than 'wanting to quit smoking'.
is there a blood test to test how much nicotine is in your system?

Why would you want to test this?

Also, IAB (it's a baby), you're basically going from the risk of one type of cancer to another. If you're doing it for addiction's sake, your ability to enjoy it is very much diminished over time.
Went cold turkey yesterday morning from a 25 a day habit. 30 hours later and the concept of punching someone to death seems a whole lot funnier than usual. :/
Whole thing's given me an overpowering compassion for everyone in a similar situation right now though, be it smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.

Keep it up, you persevering motherfuckers! :)
I am back to being a quitter. Day 3. Cold turkey. Shouldn't be a problem. Most of my friends don't smoke and the ones who do go outside so I don't have to follow them. I smoked 2-3/day weekdays and 5-10/day weekends. Weekends depend on the alcohol consumption. My husband quit for 6-8 months in the 8 years we have been together. He said his 35th year of life was the year. I figure I would get a headstart and I will hold him to that commitment.