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How to get rid of belly fat

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
No idea if this is the right forum or not but here goes.

I have usually been on the skinny side for most of my life except for when i got kind of puffy on amitriptyline and when i got fat and blew up to 225lbs because of invega and abilify. I dropped the weight however when i was switched to latuda and got down to 175lbs. Since i had to switch to zyprexa i have put back on 5lbs which is not to bad and i can deal with that. However my stomach is pretty goddamn flabby as i dnt really do any ab exercises or cardio because i suck at it. Are there any exercises besides situps that would help. I wanna get rid of this gut if i can
Also have your testosterone levels checked. These psychopharms can interfere with T production and in turn cause muscle wasting and increase in body fat. Be aware that the T scale goes further down than your value should, certainly if you're below 50 or so. My level was scraping at the bottom of the scale after years on venlafaxine and morphine, and I did grew a belly. Unfortunately I don't have access to testosterone replacement because in the country here one needs to pay for them oneself and the prices are in premium range. When you're living in the US or EU you should have your insurance paying for both the analysis and the replacements.

Can only second the walking. In my previous life, before I got lethargic due to medications, I was walking a lot, sometimes when I couldn't sleep for hours on end and I was always skinny and pretty fit for somebody not visiting a gym. Think I was definitely at 10k steps a day though.
Yeah i have a pair of nie's that are a year old but ive hardly worn them. I do have a tredmill that i think maybe my mom bought but ive not used the thing in about 15 years lol. probably still works though so i could try that. I find walking and running so fucking boring though goddamn

Does lifting weights help burn off any belly fat or no/ Ive only been liffting again after taking years off for about a month now so i really wouldnt expect to burn off much yet anyway. Also i have switched to drinking diet pepsi to cut out the sugar because i do tend to drink alot of pepsi and coke.
Also have your testosterone levels checked. These psychopharms can interfere with T production and in turn cause muscle wasting and increase in body fat. Be aware that the T scale goes further down than your value should, certainly if you're below 50 or so. My level was scraping at the bottom of the scale after years on venlafaxine and morphine, and I did grew a belly. Unfortunately I don't have access to testosterone replacement because in the country here one needs to pay for them oneself and the prices are in premium range. When you're living in the US or EU you should have your insurance paying for both the analysis and the replacements.

Can only second the walking. In my previous life, before I got lethargic due to medications, I was walking a lot, sometimes when I couldn't sleep for hours on end and I was always skinny and pretty fit for somebody not visiting a gym. Think I was definitely at 10k steps a day though.

Thanks i never actually thought of that. I am also on morphine which can lower testosterone as well however im only on 30mg's a day and am not dependant on it. I have a virtual doctor now who is willing to refill my morphine no problem and also give me zyprexa even though my shrink didnt script it so i dont think getting testosterone if i needed it would be that hard. However i dont think government insurance pays for it here either so that may be a barrier.

I dont really have any symptoms of low test though. my sex drive is basically at the same level it was when i was a teenager and i have noticed stregth increase by a good bit after only a month of working out. Id feel better if i just got the test done to and maybe one for prolactin levels as well as anti psychotics can raise that I dont now how bad zyprexa is for it specifically though

Cut the diet Pepsi/Coke out of your diet, imo

I don't think lifting weights would do much for belly fat, because a good way to burn belly fat is to burn as many calories as you can, and I don't think lifting burns that many calories. Basically walking a lot and intermittent fasting should work
Eat keto diet man, fastest way to lose fat

Less than 30-40 grams carbs daily here

Good results so far
I'm 63 and I've been relatively skinny my whole life. I've also been active-- not working out per se but hiking, biking, and jobs that require physical stamina. Yet I've ALWAYS had a bit of a gut. Yeah, I drink beer but not much. And this belly started in my early teens before I was drinking. Also, I never ate a lot of junk food.
Genetics maybe?
you should stop taking zyprexa

I can't because my shrink is currently on leave for some reason so i don't have him to work with right now. Im also not willing to risk another psychotic episode as i had the beginnings of 1 only a month ago as the latuda wasent working. Maybe if i go a few years without another episode but not right now as i dont wanna risk going inpatient fuck that shit
It's the fucking zyprexa which causes a lot of metabolic damage

I got it from invega and abilify actually thats when i first got a gut. When i switched to latuda i lost most of it but even though i was only 175lbs some remained and now that i put on 5lbs it sticks out more.

I dont know if the zyprexa is fucking me up to much though as my sex drive is still high and i seem to be getting stronger from working out
Cutting out all of that Coke/Pepsi definitely won't hurt. I stopped about 3 years ago and after a few months or so I didn't want any and don't even like it now
When I was a kid and into my teens/20s I did drink a lot of sodas. Nobody knew then just how harmful they were. For the last 30 yrs or so I've rarely consumed Cokes, etc...and I don't miss it at all. I might drink one soda in a 3-week period. Is it possible that the damage was done early and is irreversible? I dunno.
Also, get walking shoes like Brooks or Nike or something so you don't hurt your feet if you aren't used to walking a lot
I actually recommend barefoot walking. Feets get used to it. Except glass will fuck you up obviously.
I didn't really get running before I tried it barefoot, different dynamics.
I can't because my shrink is currently on leave for some reason so i don't have him to work with right now. Im also not willing to risk another psychotic episode as i had the beginnings of 1 only a month ago as the latuda wasent working. Maybe if i go a few years without another episode but not right now as i dont wanna risk going inpatient fuck that shit
Sounds like your shrink needs to re evaluate things because you have been on multiple antipsychotics and keep getting switched like a yo yo