• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How open are you on the internet?

If you look back at my earlier posts I'm a completely different person

It's true.

Most stuff I discuss on the internet, I would or already have discussed in person. I try to keep personally identifiable information to a minimum though.

I have wondered if the authorities have backdoor access to different forum software, and can see my IP. If they could, then they probably already have a database on all of us. Corporations whose job it is to track and database private citizens are a multi-billion dollar industry now. See: facebook.
I am famous on BL for being 100% open, my real name, my real adress, etc. It has caused problems in the past, including a police raid, but I made a conscious decision long ago that if I were to begin inteacting online in any meaningful way, I would not hide behind anonymity. I find that far too often people engage in immature and obnoxious behavior simply because hiding behind that cloak of anonymity emboldens them. I understand that most cannot afford to be AS open but IF they could, BL and the net at large would be a much more civil place.
No full name, no address, no social media profiles

anything else is whatever really
Foreigner: If you mean American authorities, they phish here but I dont believe they waste their time and energy worrying about the flotsam and jetsam talking about CWE and insufflation of Adderall. I do know though, for a fact, that authorities in other nations do use BL. We have a member from Malaysia who lost two years of his life for simply discussing recreational use.
I use a pseudonym for almost everything. Even my email has a fake last name just in case you know? I'm ok with people knowing my first name though. Fred isn't that rare a name. When I am really concerned about privacy I use my Chinese name, again with the last name changed. Having a nom de guerre in this day and age is a pretty good idea IMO.
Pretty much of an open book on and off the internet. Let the chips fall where they may. I'm not young so maybe I have a different outlook on it?
I used to keep a pretty good watch on what I posted online back when I wanted to become a teacher. However now that all that has changed, I post personal stuff pretty liberally.
I ain't puttin' sharpies up my pooper, I'll tell you that much.