• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How open are you on the internet?

User Name Here

Bluelight Crew
Mar 9, 2010
Alright, the main points of this thread are bolded so you don't have to wade through a wall of text should you not want to read everything (which is totally fine by me). Mods, if you feel this is better suited in another forum, please feel more than free to move it elsewhere!

So I just made a post in SLR that involved a mention of what kind of porn I enjoy only to second guess making the post at all. Why? Because I am not used to being entirely uncensored, even on the internet... ESPECIALLY when it comes to public forums such as this. I mean, anyone could wander onto this web site, recognize my photos and then start reading my posts. They would have access to some very intimate details about myself, especially in SLR and TDS. While I am not ashamed of myself in any way, I do find that I am tempted to retract a bunch of posts in which I have been really open as I am in a relationship with a person who is in the public eye and his reputation is almost everything. Right now this is not a problem but as he works his way up through the ranks later on (he is a Marine officer and more than on track to becoming a very high ranking person), I find myself thinking that I might need to start worrying about some of the stuff that's available to the public on the internet.

Once again, I'm not ashamed of myself in any way but I wouldn't want my past to tarnish his future in any way, and I know how people can be... Someone could bring up my history with opiates and the fact that I used to shoot up drugs or the fact that I've openly discussed my sex life with this man and unfortunately that could be held against one or both of us (because we all know people care way too much about that kind of thing and it's really a damn shame that any of it would get in the way of someone's career so long as they are fit for their field in every other way).

This all got me thinking. Do any of you find yourselves worrying about anything like this happening? Do any of you have any experiences with your openness being held against you at a later point? Have you ever used another person's openness against them? Do you think people should be more or less reserved on the internet?

I am only 22 (turning 23 in three weeks) but I am marrying this man within the next two years and we have already started planning every facet of our lives out accordingly. I feel we are being very realistic and mature (especially when it comes to the prenup we are going to create and sign because despite both of us being madly in love and insanely compatible--we never argue, have never raised our voices to one another, laugh nonstop, etc.--, we realize that people change and things can go south no matter how much of a fairy tale the relationship was at some point). We are literally discussing our possible future together twenty years from now in an effort to make everything as stable and enjoyable as possible, right down to putting away 1/4 of every paycheck into a savings account and establishing credit through buying property and such.

This discussion has obviously included the above sentiments so yeah, it just got me thinking and I was curious as to how you guys handle this kind of thing. A lot of BLers are extremely open and I want to know if anyone is ever worried about what that could mean should such information fall into the wrong hands.
The internet knows more about me than I do.
Oh and, I wanna make it clear that I personally think that none of this information should be anything I'm ashamed of sharing with anyone. I am proud of how far I've come and while I am not thrilled with my past, I AM thrilled with my present and future. I am not worried about my own reputation being tarnished but I am worried about those around me getting flak for being with someone who is a drug addict ("once an addict, always an addict" despite being sober for several years). Lastly, I have NEVER had a problem with being open about my past. I will tell anyone and their mom that I am a drug addict and that I have faced some very serious situations but with that being said, I came out on top and I'm only stronger because of it.

Part of me thinks that if any of these posts I've made are put in the spotlight in any way, I would only come out and say, "Yes, I did begin using drugs at the age of 16 and used them consistently until age 20. I was an IV drug user. I have made plenty of bad decisions in my past but I have learned a lot from my experiences and have used said knowledge to help others in their efforts to conquer their own issues."

The other part of me knows that even with something like that being said, people are fucking dumb and only hear what they want (i.e., if they want to hate someone, they'll use that kind of past against them in any way possible, even if that means ruining someone's career).

As of late I've taken on a VERY realistic outlook regarding life and it has led me to question lots of my more public goings-on. I am careful not to get drunk in public, I don't allow anyone who uses or possesses drugs even remotely close to me (I won't even answer their phone calls), etc. I do this because I want to protect myself and the ones I love from some stupid cow prattling on about my past and how I'm some kind of horrible person.
I definitely say more on the Internet than irl. The details on this site alone are...enough to get me disowned. Not that I would mind tbh.
I'm just counting on my family not finding this place.
Unfortunately, they would recognize my name...
I'm willing to discuss this seriously if you could clarify a little bit and make an abridged version.
Yeah, I wonder what my family would think of these posts, especially the ones in which I am open about my sex life :p I mean, they came from a generation in which such things weren't discussed, let alone in public where anyone could hear or read about it. They already have a hard time comprehending a person being this open to begin with, and then you compound that with the fact that the things I'm being open about are particularly troubling in certain posts... It just makes me nervous!

P.S.: My family knows EVERYTHING about my past and we are all very open with one another about my struggles (drug addiction and depression) but I still don't think they'd be comfortable with me sharing it all with a bunch of strangers :p
I think it really depends on the situation. I keep to myself regarding a lot of personal issues, and hell even simple things! There are times though when i'll get deep and let it all out. A lot of it has to do with the fact that its somewhat anonymous, and easily controled (i.e. you can edit what you say most of the time). This takes away the social anxiety and other factors which hinder us from actually letting out what is within.
I'm willing to discuss this seriously if you could clarify a little bit and make an abridged version.

Well, I bolded the bottom line but I'll clarify it a bit more if that helps. I just want to know how you guys feel about being really open with strangers on the internet and if you ARE open, do you ever worry about someone you know stumbling upon said information and using it against you in any way?

To abridge my personal response(s), I will stick with saying that I am indeed worried about whether or not I am being too open but I struggle with making a decision on whether or not I should remove certain posts because I find myself thinking, "Well, there's nothing I should be ashamed of and I'll be open and forthcoming with anyone who wants to know anything BUT there are so many unreasonable people out there and I wouldn't want my past to affect anyone else's future (i.e. my partner whose career definitely relies on having a good reputation)."
I think it really depends on the situation. I keep to myself regarding a lot of personal issues, and hell even simple things! There are times though when i'll get deep and let it all out. A lot of it has to do with the fact that its somewhat anonymous, and easily controled (i.e. you can edit what you say most of the time). This takes away the social anxiety and other factors which hinder us from actually letting out what is within.

The main thing I worry about is if I reach a day where I decide to edit posts and drop certain information but can't get rid of everything 100% because people have quoted a lot of what I've said and the only forum I can edit other peoples' posts in would be SLR (and even then I would feel bad editing posts that weren't made by me unless it's necessary to maintain BL's guidelines and that's another subject entirely) . This and I wouldn't want to burden another mod with having to clean up my 1,000+ posts :p
Since becoming a member of blue light, ive been extremely paranoid about my family possibly finding this.
They know that I've used drugs..but they also think I've been sober for the past...6 months.
They also don't know how much I've used. They think it's considerably less than what I've actually done. So I'd be screwed if they happened to find their way to things like ED, or Trip Reports...and god forbid they find pill reports...where I go by the same name.
Dont worry about that UNH, I can delete all of your info for you.
All you need to do is send me your full name, pin number, ss number, full address, and mothers maiden name.
if I wasn't open on the internet I wouldn't have an anime girl as my avatar and have a girls name when I'm a guy.
I would say I'm SLIGHTLY less open on Bluelight than I am in real life, but in many cases I am just as open...I don't care, really.
User Name Here, you are a hot chick, but no where near as hot enough to make me read your TL;DR posts in this thread.

summarize is the word
I'm way more open about drug related topics on here than IRL. I don't have a good reputation to worry about, and all my friends and relatives know about my past useage but I just don't talk about it as openly simply because IRL isn't the place to discuss the technical details of drug use imo. most people don't care that much.

Ps UNH you will make an excellent trophy wife if you already edit what you say for the sake of his career...