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How Often Do You Do The Do?

A lot of you guys are pretty new to taking drugs. If you've only been doing them this year, and theyre not a problem, dont think youre doing heaps well or anything.
In my experience, you dont really feel how E can scatter you for around the first 2 years. I used to munch every weekend for the first couple of years, i didnt feel any side-effects, i just luvd it!
Look out.
jesus! you guys are making me feel like a fucking drug pig! i just read this entire thread and the average was about 2-3 a night. i try to not go out but i usually end up indulging every weekend (cept exam period each semester) i have been doing it for about 4 years and each summer has been crazier than the last. i was on about 1-2 a night till last summer. this year i reached a whole new level. i discovered the concept of sitting around with friends and dropping the next day at about easter time - average crept up to 4 or 5 (with benders of up to 15 pills a weekend) and more recently i was introduced to the pleasure of double dropping which inevitably turned into MULTIPLE DOUBLE DROPPING-ie dropping in twos over the course of the evening and next day. last weekend i quadruple double dropped the buddhas (4 times lots of 2 in about 18hrs) but for some reason because it was at mate's house and not at a club/party i dont feel like it was a 'big' night. is that fucked up? are my friends and i abnormal? the thing is i go to uni, i have two jobs, my personal life is fine and i have heaps of different friends and acquaintances who go to uni or have fulltime and they do this as well. are we freaks? and don't say its simply a matter of tolerance, i have a month off and then i munch 8 pills easy - its a matter of REALLY knowing how trashed you can be bc you've been there before and just wanting to get there again. trust me, there are so many more levels and i only just started exploring them this year after 3 years of partying! and finally i think i have pushed the boundaries to their limit...where to from here? am i fucked up?
Sonic99...dont worry, your not alone! And I dont consider myself fucked up but i've the same many times.
You get over the point of going out and having 1 or 2 pills. Its only natural. Next thing to do is to double dump and shit.
Its pretty fucked way to go about having fun, can lead to bad comedowns, and is pretty expensive as well. Its not hard to eat 10 pills in a night (or day) if youve got them sitting there...you know what i mean?
I know that all too well.
I have tried toning down my intake, and having breaks.
But I usually come up with some lame arse excuse for breaking my 'break'.
So now I think, as TiggerChic has suggested. A few of us are going to make a pact for a few weeks.
I think if I have a few friends that I go out with a fair bit all try and have a break together it will make it alot easier.
Try and do something away from clubs and parties.
But that brings me to a new point. What do normal people do?
*** Will pay good money for witty comment!
I have been dropping 3-5 pills every second week now for the past 6 years(apart from a 3 month break * not my choice)where no drugs were taken at all)

At the present time my g/f and i are roughly consuming 2-3pills and always a couple of weights of speed just to give it more of a rush... In the last 2 years we seem to be taking more than usual due to the quality of the pills that are about...(shit and unacceptable)
*we do get good pills but they never last*
Of course the more we have the more tragic the come down but i find you just get used to it..

As it stands we have no health problems nor do we suffer any mental problems..We have a good solid relationship of 3 years and we have no problems with holding jobs.
To finish up we all know how far we can push our bodies and minds so it is always best not to take too much of these unknown substances ( is it really what you think it is!!!) I'll tell you straight i wish i could still peak as hard on 1 pill as i do on 3 it would be much healthier for my bank balance.
Always party safe and keep an eye on your friends
Pillgrim i hear ya mate
I have always found the biggest problem with trying to maintain a break is the friends around you who say, ahh bugger it lets have a pill. It's almost nigh on impossible to refuse, because how much fun will your night be if your the only one sobar? The key is to either do something away from clubs/raves or make sure you all agree to do the sobar thing together, otherwise a break just becomes impossible!
at my worst i was up at 4 pills and a few points of K in 1 nite. and going on for about 4 nites in a row, usually thursday, friday, saturday and sunday.
and im happy to report that my current dosage is back at where it started - half a pill. sometimes supplemented by a point of speed or meth throughout the nite. at the most, an additional half a pill later on.
its not that difficult. and i intend to keep it this way.

I used to be anti-drugs.
I was the annoying straight person in a group always on everyones case about taking drugs.
So i was encouraged to try E because 'you shouldn't bag something you haven't tried'.
And curiousity got the better of me.
So i had a whole E one weekend, and then every weekend after that.
I never looked back.
I got in to acid and speed aswell.
At that point I was fulltime at uni, partime working, had a brand new house, a nice car, a big group of 90210 style friends, and a sweet boyfriend.
Within 6 months:
The house was gone.
The car was gone.
The job was gone.
The friends were gone.
The boyfriend was gone.
I dropped uni.
And I had $2000 worth of debts.
I was broke, sick and fucked.
Yet all i wanted was another pill.
But the i found the church . . .
nah fuck that.
I don't believe in religion.
I had one old good friend who helped me more than i deserved.
I moved away, left the scene and drugs behind.
For 2 whole months.
Then I ran in to an old friend, went out and had a pill.
It was as if i'd never stopped.
The whole business began again.
And i knew i was falling again.
I went to europe for a month.
In the country.
Thought for a month.
Decided i never wanted to sink so low again.
I came back with the intention to not take drugs.
But the windmills were out.
And my great friends were like:
'man you just gotta try these'
Always just one more good pill.
Some fucked up things happened then.
Which hit me hard.
Changed my attitude.
I only go out once a month or so now.
More often if there is a good event/ good pills.
Less often if there are no good events/ no good pills.
I still struggle to maintain this level.
But i do, somehow.
But still the damage is done.
I've changed dramatically in just a year.
People from school talk to me and and don't recognise me.
But i'm not so sure that's such a bad thing.
I say this every day:
"Wear the scars like badges"
Because you know what karl . . .
I've learnt something today:
*insert cheesey moral of the story*
Seriously though, i still wonder what the moral was.
And even worse if it's really the end of the story.
"I am getting so far out one day I won't come back at all"
(William Burroughs)
i guess the trick (for me at least) is to realise that it is NOT the end of the story. to admit that this will go on for awhile at least, and find the most sensible way to deal with it.
pills, caps, mdma, amphetamines, methamphetamines, K, cocaine, ice, marijuana etc. it will go on, but in moderation. use, not abuse.
Abby...how could you possibly lose a new house/car/friends/blah blah blah by taking pills. This is the saddest story i think i've read in a while. I cant understand it.
Did you eat like 100 pills a day for a couple of years?
Moral of the story?
Seems to me the only moral is: Know your limits.
Here was I thinking I was a total headcase (in 2 years of partying I've worked my way up to eating between 5 and 15 pills a weekend, almost every weekend) until Sonic99, rashen_dog and pillgrim's posts brought me to my senses.
For a long time I've been happy with my bickie consumption (except its effects on my bank balance) - I've gained friends rather than lost them, my relationship with my bf has strengthened through our mutual exploration of the party scene (sounds like something from a 70s marital manual, hehe) and I've been promoted twice. No problem.. until recently I started feeling hella jaded. Clubs? BORING. Raves? Can't be arsed. Pills? It's just not the same anymore..
So I'm having a break. It won't be a long one.. I'll be lucky if it's more than a week or two, it coming up to summer n all. But from now on, the big weekends will be fewer and further between.. because I know what I need to do. I need to chill out and re-assess.. so I can recapture that old feeling I got when I started.
I don't think anyone can say what your limit is, except you yourself. Some people freak out on one pill, others can gobble 8 and still come up trumps. Abby and Chupachup, I feel for you both - it sounds like you learned your limits the hard way. Best of luck to you both.
Best of luck to me too.. it ain't gonna be (e)asy, but I'll give it my best shot!
(with a pop-o-matic bubble)
Thats a really sad story Abby.
One question though: how the fuck could you possibly lose house/car/friends/uni/life in general with pills???? I mean, for starters, theyre not that great. And after youve eaten a few you get a little sick of them, especially when they dont work anymore.
Also, dont you live in Perth? No offense but i didnt think you guys could even get pills over there?
lost the house and car because I called in sick at work all the time, when I did turn up I was either wasted or coming down, hard to do a decent job in either state, eventualy got demoted, lost most hours, then I got so sick I couldn't work at all so I quit. No job meant couldn't pay for the house or car. The friends either couldn't handle being around me or fucked off when I fucked up. And yeah does seem strange pills mostly responsible for this, weed and speed also major contributor. Not so much the drugs to blame, more so my prioritising of them.
"I am getting so far out one day I won't come back at all"
(William Burroughs)
Actually Rashen_Kings I've heard a few stories of people going down the same path as Abby. It's not as uncommon as we may think. In fact I sense that there may be a few of us that need some serious reasessing, or this could happen to us as well.
I've only been in the scene for a little over a yr and for the first 8 months I was able to keep control of my partying and all that stuff. After I came back from Bali which was in July I pretty much started going out a lot more than I used to, and of course spending a lot more money than I used to.
However I have managed to keep saving a bit of money and still keep my job and my car and my other possesions (not that I have much).
When I do go out I usually take anything from 1 to 2 pills in a night (usually only 1 or 1 1/2), smoke some dope, maybe buy some speed, and on some occasions I've had half a trip. Now if I added all that up the average price for me would be about $150 which may not sound all that much but say for a big party like Earthcore you add the price of the ticket which is about $50 and then once you add all of that up it comes to the total of around $200 dollars a week. Sometimes less sometimes more.
Now I made a pact with myself a few months ago that the night I felt that I needed to take 3 pills was when I'd take a break, but I think that now is the time for me to start thinking about my sanity, rather than later.
I also know that if I keep on doing the same thing that I've been doing for months I'll have a nervous breakdown and just give up on it all.
I've decided that after Earthcore I'm not taking any more pills or any drugs (besides pot) until NYE. I don't know if I'll be able to do that or not, but I'm certainly going to give it my best shot. Just for the record I have gone out before without taking anything.
It's time I realised that life isn't all about going out every single weekend and that I started working towards my goals such as travelling overseas and going back to school and eventually getting a degree. Drugs has made me grown spiritually and it has taught me things about myself that I never knew, but I now realise that it's also burnt a little hole in my pocket and if I don't take a break soon that hole is going to get very big.
I have been liberated into the light
Number one lesson is to know your limits...
No offence abby but it seems like maybe the drugs were only part of a larger problem in your life...maybe there are other issues ?
From a somewhat successful long term party-goer, I still have trouble understanding how you could possibly let yourself become that trashed. Its just that, if you said herion or coke, I'd nod and understand. But with pills, the body really physically struggles with such a high level of abuse.
Good luck.
You're on Pillgrim - i didn't mean to sound so forceful the other night when i said we should take a break...
but even 3 weeks would be good. Me - i'm breaking after earthcore till NYE - but then there is fathom on the 2nd of Dec... still, the rest of december will be clean as a whistle!!! - and as to what entertainment is out there? Well, i am gong to make a special effort during my break to catch up with non-drug-taking friends - and go out and enjoy the summer...
it can be done - as long as we don't let each other fall to temptation