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How much weed do you smoke?

Felt like I should update on my thc intake. Have switched almost entirely over to smoking hash, usually in the form of shatter or crumble, sometimes just wax. Full time dabbing is not for the light of heart.

Thought this isnt fully by choice mind you, I still love my flower bud. We just get really great prices on quantity hash that is top notch, but the bud in our area fluctuates in prices and quality. So its actually cheaper to dab all day.

And i do.

Yep, where I'm from the oil and hash is cheaper than the flower is. I think most medicinal states are this way, as theres literally tons and tons of trim, and nothing to do with them but make hash with.

Back on topic, I probably smoke .2-.5 per day. In my twenties I probably smoked a minimum of a gram a day, an eighth if I had it. I remember one time going through an ounce of bud, and a half ounce of hash, to myself, in about 36 hours. It's odd because even though I smoke less now, I feel like I get higher than I did in my twenties too.
90% of weekdays I will smoke just a single spliff before bed, I usually roll between .7 and .8 of some good quality homegrown with a little bit of cigarette tobacco in a king sized OCB. On Friday and Saturday nights I have a tendency to smoke a few spliffs throughout the night, I guess my weekly intake of cannabis is probably around a quarter ounce or so.

It is pretty crazy there are places that hash works out cheaper than weed, I mean, I can understand the reason behind it when lots of growers are turning their trim into hash, but you would think that the cheap availability of high grade hash would drive the price of buds down a bit.
Somewhere between 0.1-0.2 a night daily. A gram usually lasts a week :)
Well the 7g I bought early on this year is still going strong. Ive given probly 2g or perhaps more to friends...so I really do go minimal dont I!!!

The thing is, I vape - so my efficiency is through the roof. I have probably 2 sessions a week on average. Usually just the weekends but sometimes I'll be like "fuck it" and have a vape after work and enjoy a weeknight relaxation session.

I really can't beleive that the quarter has lasted me so long. The guy really did hit me up though, perhaps it was more like 9g....and it was pretty expensive considering the source...!
I only recently started using marijuana again (3 months ish) and I find it depends alot on the quality I have.
I had 2 grams of decent buds that lasted me about 18 days and a 15 gram bag that lasted me only a month, maybe a bit longer. The 15g bag was complete shit compared to most of the weed ive smoked in my life. I was really annoyed... At least it was cheaper than it should have been for the weight.

The good stuff I could easily take around 50mg and be high for 3-4 hours before having any desire to re-dose, the bad stuff I had to take triple and it only seemed to last 2 hours before I had any desire to redose. and the redose sucked...
Near the tail end of that bag I decided it was best to get as much as I could into one single session and that would be it for the day.
Depends on the weed. I'm kind of a weed snob (I hate smoking mids) for example, got a really good deal on a pound of mids. I don't even bother to really smoke it a lot and I went like a week of smoking maybe 2 joints a day. Now 2 days ago I bought 5 grams(from my dispensary) of some bomb weed (24% thc) and its practically gone.
That's why I'll never understand how people like to smoke crappy weed. I highly disagree with the "if you smoke enough mids, it's the same as smoking a higher quality/thc strain." No matter how much I smoke (of mids) it's never the same to me as smoking a great strain of bud. I wish it was (would save a ton of money.)
If I'm smoking completely by myself, I can stretch a gram of BHO out for about a week. If I'm smoking socially, it goes a lot quicker because the goal is to get high and relax, so I'll take larger dabs more frequently. This doesn't account for what I smoke of other people's BHO while also chipping away at my personal stash though, so I'd say I smoke anywhere from 1-2 grams of BHO in a standard work/school week.

As for flower, my tolerance for it has gone down rather than up after switching to BHO full-time. It gets me high to the point where I feel stupid after taking just two or three hits, especially around people who I'm not too comfortable with. I used to smoke about one gram of flower per day before I switched.
I microdose...use something like 1/16 of a teaspoon once or twice in the evening. Gives me a nice buzz, and avoids any anxiety reaction.
It varies quite a lot by season since I'm medical, and the seasons affect how much I use.

Spring: 2 g a day, but declining
Summer: stable at about 0.5g per day
Fall: 1;5g a day and rising
Winter: up to 3.5g a day (and that is an absolute rarity)

I'm more likely to vaporize in the summer than winter. I can use small amounts every 90 minutes or so. DaVinci vaporizer or Magic Flight Launch Box does me ok

In the fall, I find myself switching from the 2 above vaporizers to the Silver Surfer

During the fall, I end up switching to bongs and my use slowly increases until some point in winter (usually January).

On particularly cold days is when my use is tops; much less when hot outside.


[edit; meant to say vaping and bong rips in the fall, but increasing bong use while decreasing vaporizer use]
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Somewhere between 0.1-0.2 a night daily. A gram usually lasts a week :)

This is basically where I am at these days, sometimes a bit more. I find cannabis to be more beneficial when used medicinally and responsibly, thus allowing for recreational use as well.
Just wondering how many of you are chronic marijuana smokers or how many of you are recreational marijuana smokers?
How Many times a day/week/month/ or year do you smoke weed and how much weed are you smoking?

I smoke every day, I go through an once a week by myself. More when freinds are around.

Once or twice a day, probably 1 or 2 bowls equivalent. Depending on how much pain I'm in, but generally 1 bowl is sufficient for numbness. This way I can avoid taking pain killers. I've been smoking 1-2 bowls for the last three years also, ever since I got my MMJ prescription.